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Greetings, fellow KSP 1 enthusiasts. This forum post is a fun one. A "give a little, get a lot" type of post. After much thought and excitement, I’ve decided to make the leap and become a KSP YouTuber! I used to deem myself too shy and reserved for that, but I decided to make the leap as you can tell. That’s one small step for a Kerbal, but one giant leap for Kerbalkind! Basically, long story short, I gave making a Kerbal Space Program video a try the day before I wrote this post (July 4th, 2024!!!!) and found that it actually felt quite natural. There I was thinking that my voice might have been a bit too grating or whatever-you-want-to-call-it for that, but upon listening back to it that day, I realized it was the contrary. So, that being said, my request is simple: send me whatever KSP video idea you have, as long as it's actually feasible, which is much different from practical, so that I can try it out! I feel like, in doing that with all of you, that might serve to be one of the best parts, if not the. Whether it’s challenges, mission concepts, or spacecraft designs, I want to hear it all. I’m ready to take on ambitious, daring, and out-of-the-box ideas that do things like play around with the boundaries of what can be done in Kerbal Space Program and such. It’s like taking a piece of your imagination and beaming it up by broadcasting it to the entire community. How legendary is that? It's a win-win: you get the perks that come with being the one who gave me my video idea, and I get the fun challenge. And, well, people need things to help them stay sane, right? Well, KSP is one of those things for sure, and I feel like what I have described would and will be a welcome supplementary addition. Got things too adventurous, crazy, simply plain dumb, or maybe even merely too involved to try out, but still want to see? I got you covered. Keep those Kerbals safe and sound. I'll do it. This is about unity... Unity Engine unity, even — coming together as a fandom and showing what happens when you pool collective genius. It’s about creating something epic together, turning the spotlight on each and every one of you who wants it, whilst giving credit where it’s due. As of writing this post, I was ready to start making KSP videos for all of you to watch short of having the channel for it created yet. But that is precisely the plan, and, as much skill as I may have with making KSP videos, I want and even need your ideas, which is why I wrote this post. So... go ahead! Type out what you want to see, and I will talk to you about it ASAP. What are you waiting for?! I'd count "Make it rain Kerbals on the KSC!!!" as a valid request and do it if that's what you asked. Your idea, my execution! Minimal effort, maximum reward! Get a shoutout! Be a part of something fun!
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Going Orbital! IVA mission to orbit and back. A mission where we finally make orbit. The second flight in the series, all in IVA view. The rocket is also fully automated, running a custom KoS script that controls the entire flight.
A video showcasing the KoS script I have to orbit the shuttle. It takes it from the pad all the way to circular orbit. Then we fly it back to the island runway!
Just a silly video of a rocket… with rocket intentions.
The youtuber VAOS recently made a video about his experience building (and launching) a moon base in KSP 2, with many bugs he found and improvements he thought could be made included. I thought the devs might want to see this video because it includes many very valid criticisms of the game that many on this forum appear to also express.
I wanted to say THANK YOU (and congratulations!) to KSP2's musical and sound design team. I now get to feel like I am IN this fantastic Apollo 17 documentary that I saw years ago. I very much like to believe this geat "re-documentary" by Todd Douglas Miller was the inspiration for the soundtrack that starts playing when getting close to the Mun on a descent trajectory. (the pertinent part starts at 7:00 minutes, there's also a section at 1:00 minutes)
Introduction I have owned KSP since v0.18 but never really sent crew past Minmus. I am not a fan of "tin can exploration" where the crew stays in a command capsule for months on end. So when Kerbalism came out it ticked off many boxes for game features the stock did not have, including life support, part failures, and crew stress. Coupled with Nertea's suite of Mods, it is a lot easier to make aesthetically pleasing crewed crafts. The JNSQ system's scale also feels a bit better for me, as the rockets are better proportioned and the increased challenge for reaching planets. I originally cut my teeth on Kerbalism and JNSQ on an earlier playthrough with BDB exploring some of the inner system (Duna, Ike, Dres, Gilly), but I wanted to try a fresh restart and attempt to design unique launch vehicles using restock/restock plus This mission report will solely focus on the crewed exploration aspect with detailing on the design approach for the mission architectures. The first few posts will be a bit retrospective as I have already completed the missions for the inner system. Career Goals and Mission Parameters This mission report begins after the Mun and Minmus have been mostly explored, and the tech tree has been unlocked enough to commit to a Duna/Ike mission Primary goal is to land a team of Kerbals on every body in the solar system and return to Kerbin. Science collection is factored into mission architecture for the inner system to maximize return and tech tree unlock, but will likely scale back for the outer system as the tech tree becomes complete Missions will be structured to explore all moons within the respective sphere of influence during the trip. Minimum crew of 3 for ground operations on planets/moons Jool and Lindor missions will be crewed by 6, and Nara will be a crew of 12 Cinematics are filmed from my career save without the use of quick save, so there will be bad landings and screwed up burns that require intervention to save the crew/mission. Game Settings and Self-Imposed Rules "Revert Flight" is disabled. Quicksave limited use for kraken attacks and "final descent simulation" for atmospheric bodies. Difficulty is a blend of Medium, Kerbalism obviously, and a modified Probes Before Crew install that scales back science returns. Pre-requisite of probe missions to all bodies to unlock K.R.A.S.H simulation tool for designing landers. Eve, Duna, Laythe, and Nara will require a pre-requisite probe to land on the surface and collect atmospheric Science. Mod List Full List in the spoiler but I am highlighting a few for major features that drive the mission designs: Kerbalism: Radiation, Life Support, Part Reliability, etc. Cryo Engines/Tanks: Cryogenic fuel and engines. Boil-off needs to be factored into designs Mandatory RCS: no more overpowered reaction wheels, RCS now a bit more important for maneuvering Prologue: Minmus Editing of the videos improves as the series will progress, but here the first video of a Minmus mission. The video gives a brief glimpse of how kerbalism changes the gameplay. Future videos will have more of a cinematic feel with less of the HUD in many of the clips.
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Screenshots: It looks beautiful! And the music.. out of this world, very-very good soundtrack! The lighting and reflections are amazing. The jaggies, clouds and trees... they're beta. Would have liked to see how Kerbol reflects in the ocean. A few similar KSP1 images for comparison:
Just finished my video for the world's fist KSC tower gap. If someone has done this before I am sorry for claiming this title and will edit it. Would love if people in the community took a peak. Take Care -Paelu {video snipped pending editing}
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KSP HORIZON es una serie sobre la exploración espacial, basada en el juego Kerbal Space Program; los kerbonautas del KSP, a las órdenes de Jebediah Kerman, buscarán nuevos horizontes mientras exploran el sistema de Kerbol. Más información en Universo Horizon TEMPORADA 1 - APRENDER A VOLAR KSP Horizon - Episodio 1 - Test de vuelo: En el primer episodio de KSP Horizon, Jebediah y su hermano Aaron ponen en marcha el Kerbal Space Center, y comienzan las pruebas con aviones, mientras se preparan para ir al espacio. KSP Horizon - Episodio 2 - Cita bajo el cielo: Continúan las pruebas con aviones, y se realizan los primeros lanzamientos suborbitales, al mismo tiempo que comienza una historia de amor. KSP Horizon - Episodio 3 - Ella es especial: El KSC decide colocar una estación de comunicaciones en lo alto de las montañas del oeste. Jeb es el encargado de llevarla hasta la cima. KSP Horizon - Episodio 4 - Volando sin S.A.S.: Es el momento de establecer una red de satélites de comunicaciones alrededor de Kerbin: la red KSAT. Mientras se lleva a cabo el lanzamiento de los satélites SAT-K, Val es enviada en secreto a una importante misión. KSP Horizon - Episodio 5 - Fuego Purificador: En el centro de investigación, Halberry hace un importante descubrimiento, mientras Jeb se enfrenta por fin al GPK. KSP Horizon - Episodio 6 - Orbiter 1: Mientras el KSC trabaja en el despliegue de una nueva estación de comunicaciones en el sur de Nora, un evento inesperado podría causar el fin de la carrera espacial. KSP Horizon - Episodio 7 - Nortika: La Señal de Halberry guiará a Jeb hacia un gran descubrimiento. KSP Horizon - Episodio 8 - Las Pirámides: Un descubrimiento llevado a cabo por Bob hará que Jeb envíe una expedición al desierto de Antika. KSP Horizon - Episodio 9 - Puesta en marcha: Parece que existe relación entre el artefacto encontrado por Jeb en Nortika y las pirámides de Antika, así que Jeb se une a la expedición en el desierto para descubrir qué secreto esconde la Gran Pirámide. KSP Horizon - Episodio 10 - El primer kerbonauta: A Jebediah se le acumulan los problemas: Alguien está filtrando información desde el KSC, el presidente de Nora está enfadado, y el enigma de las pirámides cada vez tiene más interrogantes, pero nada impedirá al KSC poner un kerbal en órbita. Lista de reproducción - Temporada 1 - Aprender a volar (Episodios 1-10) TEMPORADA 2 - SEGUIREMOS SUBIENDO KSP Horizon - Episodio 11 - El Show Debe Continuar: A pesar de lo ocurrido, la exploración especial es una prioridad. El KSC debe seguir investigando el monolito y luchando por seguir llegando cada vez más alto. KSP Horizon - Episodio 12 - El Monolito: Tras un tiempo retirado en su isla, Jeb se verá obligado a volver al KSC debido a un evento inesperado. KSP Horizon - Episodio 13 - Debo reunir a mi equipo: Para resolver el problema de Valentina, Jeb necesitará toda la ayuda posible, así que intenta reunir de nuevo a su equipo de confianza. KSP Horizon - Episodio 14 - Kosmos I: Los ússaros sospechan que la desaparición de la Kosmos I no fue un accidente, mientras Jeb intenta rescatar a Valentina.
(I've performed the obligatory 10-minute search using KSP Forum Search... ) If anyone has made a tutorial on video capture for KSP, I'd surely love a pointer to it. I generally operate on Linux but I've switched for the moment because I don't think VLC captures audio on Linux (very easily). I'm actually quite close now to Total Success (and have the bruises on my forehead to show), but reading a tute by an expert would be great. (I've seen so many magnificent KSP videos!) And a very specific question: didn't we use to be able to switch in and out of full-screen mode in KSP in a (much) earlier version? I could be wrong about that. In order to get VLC to lock on to KSP, KSP needs to be already up and running and NOT minimized. That means it can't be full screen at the point you wish to trigger VLC. That means you have to go right out to the first menu Settings to fool with it. I can live with this but not if everyone else is using a better way and I can hear the snickering... Is there anyway to unbind the F11 key? (Edit a config file?) I'll listen to other suggestions but I prefer VLC because it seems to produce the smallest video output (file size), although I recall that was as an AVI and I'm not having luck with that at the moment. Any assistance will be wildly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Tell me some music that would be good for being in KSP videos. It can be cinematic, space-themed, or anything else that suits being in a video. Make sure to say the artist along with the title.
the story starts yesterday, when one @AccidentalColonies told me to make an interplanetary missile on discord since I just got a new computer. This video is the end result. I didn’t think I was going to make it into a forum thread then so unfortunately it’s just the crash, but I was hoping people would like it if I posted it here. I also guess it’s a rocket SSTO now. wowowow
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- colonies thank you for this amazing idea
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Please, leave the like and commentaries on YouTube. Thank you. Download in description
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I've recently posted two videos to YouTube now. I think they're pretty good myself, but they're not without flaws. For one thing, twenty to thirty minutes long. I think the problem is that I want to add all the shots into the video that I've made. In the second one, I condensed each shot in an effort to try to shorten the video, though the problem is that I repeatedly put very similar scenes (e.g. the space tug reentering the atmosphere and landing) into it, still making it too long for a normal video. You can watch the videos here and give me some constructive criticism and advice so I can note it down for future videos.
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