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Introducing... (Source code is included in the download) License: Code and Configs are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Author: TheShaddow1138 Tester(s): @Puggonaut Here's a spacedock by @StinkyAce that @Puggonaut has been featuring in his videos: Nimitz and Drydock A scaleFactor of 0.6 makes the best fit for the NX. A compatibility config is included that creates a copy of the drydock and modifies the included resources to include the resources needed by the NX. StinkyAce's mod must be installed for this config to work. Dependencies: (bundled with the Spacedock download) ModuleManager 4.1.4 B9PartSwitch Community Resource Pack Waterfall Small Trailer for TrekDrive made by Puggonaut This fantastic video was made by @Puggonaut, and you should definitely give it a watch. If you like what you see, and would like to support development you can make a donation. One-time Donation through PayPal Mod(s) that Expand or Supplement TrekDrive: @Shammyofwar Is updating the Old SciFi Shipyards mod by implementing TrekDrive modules on that mod's USS Voyager and USS Stargazer, among others. The TrekDrive plugin will be bundled with their mod upon release. Change Log: v.1.0.4 - The Refit Cometh * Updated TrekDrive.dll * Adds speed multipliers for Physical Time-Warp. 2x Physical Time-Warp give s 100x multiplier to speed, 3x Physical Time-Warp gives a 1000x speed multiplier, and 4x Physical Time-Warp gives a 10,000x speed multiplier. This is a work-around for not being able to use the warp drive in Non-Physical Time Warp, giving effectively up to a 10,000x Time-Warp using Physical Time-Warp. No more forced real-time warp travel for interstellar distances! * Fixed an issue introduced with a previous update that didn't allow a ship to go to warp if more than the minimum number of nacelles were present and charged. The 4-nacelle NX-class variant will work as expected again. * Added Constitution-class Refit * Saucer * Bridge Module * Impulse Engine * Engineering Section * Warp Nacelle Pylons * Warp Nacelles (Port and Starboard) * Texture switches for the Constitution Refit for an overall gray and Kerbban Empire * Multiple registry switches * USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) - Default * USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) * USS Ahwahnee (NCC-2048) * USS Bonhomme Richard (NCC-1731) * USS Cassie (NCC-1711) * USS Cayuga (NCC-1721) * USS Constellation (NCC-1789) * USS Constitution (NCC-1021) * USS Defiant (NCC-1804) * USS Eagle (NCC-956) * USS Emden (NCC-1856) * USS Endeavour (NCC-1895) * USS Essex (NCC-1697) * USS Excalibur (NCC-1664) * USS Exeter (NCC-1672) * USS Hood (NCC-1703) * USS Hornet (NCC-1708) * USS Intrepid (NCC-1631) * USS Kearsarge (NCC-1733) * USS Kongo (NCC-1710) * USS Korolev (NCC-2014) * USS Kurosawa (NCC-1963) * USS Lexington (NCC-1709) * USS Merrimac (NCC-1715) * USS Olympia (NCC-1771) * USS Porthos (NCC-1712) * USS Potemkin (NCC-1657) * USS Ticonderoga (NCC-1714) * USS Yamato (NCC-1716) * USS Yorktown (NCC-1717) * Registry fix for the Constitution-class (non-Refit) for USS Essex to change the registry number from NCC-1709, that for the USS Lexington, to NCC-1697 to avoid having two NCC-1709s and to use the registry that has been attributed to the Constitution-class USS Essex. * Added TMP Era Inspection pod (as seen in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and other TOS films) Can be docked to any external docking ports on the Constitution-class Refit, Constitution-class, or NX-class vessels, as well as any other 1.25m/size1 docking port. * Inspection pod does allow use of the JSI Advanced Transparent Pod mod to have a visible interior in external camera views. This is not a new dependency, it's there for those who want the functionality. * Added TMP drydock (from the Enterprise reveal/fly-around scene). * No engines, just RCS, so it will need to be cheated into orbit, or attach and Inspection pod, or other craft to tow it to orbit. * 6x dorsal docking ports. These are size1/1.25 m ports. Inspection pods can dock using their ventral docking port (built into the pod not a separate piece), or the aft docking port (a separate piece). * Forward and Aft hangars with pads for Inspection pods in a sectioned off area, and pads for shuttlecraft (Type-F, and future types). This allows for crews to disembark from docked starships and use shuttlecraft to go to the surface, or new crew to be flown to the drydock to embark on a starship. * Airlocks are located in each main hangar to allow Kerbal EVA from the drydock. * Two extendable docking arms to allow docking from either end. The arm must be extended before docking. To undock, bring up the saucer's PAW and select "Undock". * Due to the way it's set up, after switching vessels, or loading, extended and/or docked arms will appear partially retracted. This is visual only, and can be resolved by retracting and then extending the arm. * Possesses generators to generate starship resources (LqdDeuterium and Antimatter). This can be used to resupply docked starships. * Possesses a "fusion reactor" (a generator module that consumes LqdDeuterium to generate ElectricCharge). * Implements ExtraPlanetary Launchpad orbital construction to allow for construction of starships in orbit. * Once the ship is built and released you will need to dock the station to the ship. When the ship is released it becomes the focused craft. Simply switch focus to the drydock (extend the docking arm if it isn't already) then use the "J" or "L" keys to gently translate the drydock docking arm towards the ship. The drydock docking arms are set to have 200% acquireForce by default, which makes it much easier. Once the drydock and ship are docked you can easily transfer crew from the station to the ship. You can then undock the ship and fly it out of spacedock. Just remember, "thrusters only while in spacedock Captain." v1.0.3b - Log Spam Hotfix * Updated TrekDrive.dll to remove spamming the debug log with the number of warp coils that are charged. v1.0.3a - Warp Drive Hotfix * Updated TrekDrive.dll * Updated the CheckStatus function to check if the minimum number of nacelles have been charged instead of all nacelles on the ship. Fixes an issue where embarked warp-capable shuttles prevents the mothership from going to warp. * Updated the warp coil code so that coils that are not charged will not try to drain themselves and prevent the ship from going to warp if the minimum number of nacelles are in fact charged. v1.0.3 - The Galileo Seven * Added Type F Shuttlecraft (all parts have two texture variants) * Main Hull (crew capacity of 7) * Impulse Engine * Warp Core * Type F Warp Nacelles (Port & Starboard) * Added (an empty transform model) This model is in "TrekDrive/Generic" along with usage instructions * Added a WaterfallFX template for the TrekDrive warp stars effect to make it easier for others to add the effect to non-TrekDrive parts. * Added Mirror Universe texture variants and registry/name variants for the Type F Shuttlecraft. * Updated all parts with the SW_ModuleWarpGenertor module to have a warpEffectParent transform to standardize the transform to which the warp stars effect is parented. (Doesn't affect anything, all effects are intact and the same as before.) * Updated all parts with RCS thrusters to use LqdDeuterium, removing MonoPropellant entirely from the parts. To maintain propellant consumption rates all RCS thrusters' ISP were increased by a factor of 25. * Updated surface attach node on NX-class warp nacelles allowing for sane surface attachment. * Updated TrekDrive.dll to apply forward and reverse impulse thrust per-part instead of to the vessel as a whole (thrust vectoring still works). v.1.0.2 - The Original Reborn * Added Constitution-class Starship (all parts have two texture variants) * Bridge Module (crew capacity of 6) * Saucer (crew capacity of 30) * Impulse Engines (includes a docking port) * Engineering Hull (crew capacity of 20) * Navigational Deflector * Nacelle Pylons (two variants: flared and straight) * Warp Nacelles (Port and Starboard) * Starship Registry Variants (present on Saucer, Engineering Hull, and Nacelles [port & starboard] * USS Bonhomme Richard (NCC-1731) * USS Cassie (NCC-1711) * USS Constellation (NCC-1017) * USS Constitution (NCC-1021) * USS Defiant (NCC-1764) * USS Eagle (NCC-956) * USS Emden (NCC-1856) * USS Endeavour (NCC-1895) * USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) - The Default * USS Essex (NCC-1709) * USS Excalibur (NCC-1664) * USS Exeter (NCC-1672) * USS Hood (NCC-1703) * USS Hornet (NCC-1708) * USS Intrepid (NCC-1631) * USS Kearsarge (NCC-1733) * USS Lexington (NCC-1709) * USS Porthos (NCC-1712) * USS Potemkin (NCC-1657) * USS Ticonderoga (NCC-1714) * USS Yamato (NCC-1716) * USS Yorktown (NCC-1717) * Added two (2) new registries for the NX-class and NX-class * Cassie (NX-11) * S.S. Cassie (NX-11) * Porthos (NX-12) * S.S. Porthos (NX-12) * Added Mirror Universe Kerbban Empire Content in "Extras" (content is encapsulated and may be easily removed by deleting either the "Extras" folder, or the "MirrorUniverse" folder inside "Extras") * Kerbban Empire Texture Variants to the following parts * NX-class Saucer * NX-class Engineering Section Refit * NX-class Warp Nacelle Refit (Warp 7 Nacelles) Port and Starboard * Enterprise-era Shuttlepod fuselage * Constitution-class Saucer * Constitution-class Engineering Section * Constitution-class Warp Nacelles Port and Starboard * Kerbban Empire Registry variants for all currently available registry variants on the NX-class and Constitution-class ships * Flag of the Kerbban Empire * Added Textures Unlimited patch - authored by Puggonaut with "excludeMesh" statements provided by TheShadow1138 so that registries appear correctly with this config. v1.0.1 - Thrust Vectoring * Updated plugin to add thrust vectoring to impulse engines. Thrust vectoring is toggleable in the PAW and by Action Group * Added a new parameter to impulse engine CFGs, "maxVectorAngle" a value in degrees to control the amount of vectoring. Default value is 15º. v1.0 - Initial Full Release * Includes: * Phoenix Warpship * Phoenix Warpship launcher * Enterprise-era Shuttlepod (can be docked in the aft bays of the NX) * NX-class starship (has two aft shuttle bays for the shuttlepod) * Added A User's Manual * Added NX-class Bridge IVA and Props * Updated warp stars configs so that they are visible in the Bridge IVA * Updated the plugin to add an ambient rumble sound for the warp core. The sound is customizable by simply editing the CFGs with SW_ModuleWarpCore to give the path to your desired sound. * Added ENT-era Shuttlepod IVA (Stock and MAS versions) * Updated Shuttlepod Impulse engines to have a hover altitude of 1000m * Added ModuleLiftingBody to the Shuttlepod fuselage improving flight characteristics * Balanced the RCS and COM of the Shuttlepod removing most if not all unwanted movement during docking or other maneuvers. * Updated SW_ModuleImpulseEngine to apply Takeoff/Landing forces to every part to provide even acceleration to the entire vessel almost entirely removing the need for RCS or SAS to keep the vessel level during takeoff/landing in atmosphere. Below are the previous WIP Change Logs: v0.99.1w - Spacedock * Added a ModuleManager patch for StinkyAce's Spacedock, available at this link: Nimitz and Drydock The patch scales the dock down to 0.6, a near perfect fit for the NX-class, and instead of modifying the drydock that comes with StinkyAce's mod, it creates a new part with the aforementioned scale, an impulse engine (no part, just the module), and produces the resources used by TrekDrive ships. This will be a good refueling station for the NX. * Updated the plugin * Fixed an NRE spam in the impulse engine code while in the editor * Added the ability to select a "forward" or "reverse" mode for the impulse engines. Toggleable in the PAW, and can be set as an action group. * Cleaned up the Waterfall patch by splitting the warp effects into their own patch. * Tweaked the texture tiling on the NX warp effects (both the Warp 5 and Warp 7 versions). v0.99w - NX-class Release * B9PartSwitch is now a hard dependency. (Included in download) * Updated the TrekDrive.dll * Warp speed formula changed to allow faster interstellar travel * OnLoad function updated to not automatically set the warp drive to "Not Ready" if it was in a "Ready" state at the last save. This allows the player to immediately engage the drive after the vessel loads, if the drive is in a Ready state upon loading. * Added NX-class Starship Parts * Bridge module (Crew capacity of 6) * Saucer section (Crew capacity of 20) * Engineering section * Nacelle Pylons (B9PartSwitch variants) * Upper variant (2 upper pylons) * Lower variant (2 lower pylons) * Four variant (2 upper & 2 lower pylons) * Warp Nacelles (Port & Stbd) * Main Impulse Engines (Port & Stbd) * Secondary Impulse Engines (Port & Stbd) * Navigational Deflector (2 variants) - Serves as a transmitter * NX-01 Oval "Mark I" Deflector * NX-02 Rectangular "Mark II" Deflector * Added NX-class Refit Starship Parts * Engineering Section Refit (Includes warp 7 warp core and warp drive, Crew capacity of 10) * Refit Warp Nacelles (Port & Stbd) * Added Custom Waterfall FX model and texture for streaking stars at warp effect. * Updated the warp stars effect on the Phoenix * Added six (6) craft files for the NX-class and NX-class Refit * NXClass_A: Standard NX-class starship (as seen in Star Trek: Enterprise) * NXClass_B: NX-class starship with two (2) ventrally (lower) mounted nacelles * NXClass_C: NX-class with four (4) nacelles * NXClass_Refit_A: Standard NX-class starship Refit * NXClass_Refit_B: NX-class Refit with two (2) ventrally (lower) mounted nacelles * NXClass_Refit_C: NX-class Refit with four (4) nacelles v0.9w - Shuttlepod & Impulse Engine Release * Updated the TrekDrive.dll * All TrekDrive buttons/toggles can now be set as Action Groups * SW_ModuleImpulseEngine Added - automatic takeoff and landing modes when sub-orbital, it will not automatically land from orbit. * SW_ModuleBussardCollector Added - When the collector is activated it will collect at a random rate for a random period of time before choosing another random rate and period of time. Collects LqdDeuterium and Antimatter with LqdDeuterium collecting at a higher rate. Collection will only occur at sub-light velocities. * Updated Waterfall version. * Updated Waterfall effect on the Phoenix Launcher Main Engine to correct a position issue. * Added a Waterfall effect to the Phoenix - visible when traveling at warp; the effect is based on the streaking stars warp effect from TNG - VOY and ENT. * Added Enterprise-era Shuttlepod * Shuttlepod main body - holds 5 kerbals with airlocks on both sides (No IVA) * Shuttlepod Impulse Engine v0.7.5w - OnLoad Hotfix: * Corrected an issue that prevented engaging the warp drive after switching to another vessel, after reloading the game, or any other loading action. Upon switching back to the warp ship, or loading the save, the warp drive will be automatically disengaged and set to "Not Ready" status. Simply clicking "Check Ready Status" and then engaging the warp drive will get you ready to go. Thanks to @Tanner Rawlings for finding this issue and bringing it to my attention. v0.7w - Phoenix IVA release: * Added Phoenix IVA (Stock and MOARdV's Avionics System) * The MAS version replaces some of the central props with MAS props, and replaces the Main Display with a functional MFD * MAS version of the IVA will only be available with MAS is installed. v0.6w - Phoenix Initial release: -------------------------------- * Updated Code: * Added nacelle glow animation capability, giving a visual indicator of coil charge. * Fixed coil charge logic to allow charging a partially discharged coil * Fixed a logic issue with the Warp Field Generator code. Now the "not enough charge" warning will only occur if the warp drive is active. * Moved to LqdDeuterium and Antimatter from Community Resource Pack * Added Phoenix Parts: * Phoenix Crew Cabin (no IVA currently, built-in RCS, no effects yet) * Phoenix SAS (contains Monopropellant and Electric Charge) * Phoenix Fuselage (contains LqdDeuterium and Antimatter) * Phoenix Nacelle (deployable warp nacelle) * Phoenix Warp Core/Warp Field Generator * Phoenix Main Thruster (matter-antimatter rocket engine) * Phoenix Vernier Thruster (matter-antimatter rocket engine) * Phoenix Fairing (to conceal the warp nacelles during launch) * Phoenix Interstage Decoupler * Phoenix Launcher First Stage * Phoenix Launcher Main Engine (Liquid Fuel Oxidizer engine) * Added Phoenix Warp Ship Test craft. * Added Community Resource Pack and Waterfall as hard dependencies (bundled) Inspired by RoverDude's Standalone Alcubierre Warp Drive, this warp drive aspires to operate in a Star Trek-like manner requiring at least two types of parts to operate: warp coils/nacelles and the heart of the drive, the warp core and warp field generator. I have seen in other threads here where people were trying to figure out how to require the use of warp nacelles to get that Star Trek feel to their KSP warp drives, and that's what I set out to do with this, my first plugin mod. Maybe a bit ambitious, but I think it turned out well. Now, on to the details. Technical Aspects: The plugin includes three Part Modules: SW_ModuleWarpCoil, SW_ModuleWarpCore, and SW_ModuleWarpGenerator. SW_ModuleWarpCoil: This module would typically be attached to a warp nacelle part, but could be added to any part for a design that perhaps doesn't use a nacelle, or similar structure. Requires: Warp plasma, which is generated by a warp core part using SW_ModuleWarpCore. Restrictions: Cannot be added to the same part as the SW_ModuleWarpGenerator. This is the restriction that requires at least two types of parts. Example Config: MODULE { name = SW_ModuleWarpCoil warpPlasmaConsumed = 5 // Amount of warp plasma consumed per second during charging and operation warpPlasmaNeeded = 250 // Amount of warp plasma needed to fully charge the warp coil cutoffThreshold = 2.000 // When the charge percentage drops below this percentage, the coil and drive cut off (1 - 100) coilEfficiency = 0.01 // Thermal efficiency of the coil (0 - 1) maxWarp = 2 // Maximum warp factor this coil can safely achieve } SW_ModuleWarpCore: A simple generator module that takes in deuterium (matter) and anti-deuterium (antimatter) to generate warp plasma and electric charge. (Could be replaced with a stock ModuleGenerator I suppose, but it's included all the same). Requires: Deuterium and Anti-Deuterium. Restrictions: None hardcoded. Example Config: MODULE { name = SW_ModuleWarpCore minAntimatter = 0.05 // Minimum amount of anti-deuterium required to operate minMatter = 0.05 // Minimum amount of deuterium required to operate warpPlasmaProdRate = 10 // Amount of warp plasma generated per second ecProdRate = 100 // Amount of electric charge generated per second } SW_ModuleWarpGenerator: The heart of the warp drive that actually moves the ship at warp speeds. Just like RoverDude's Standalone Alcubierre Warp Drive, the drive uses translation, not acceleration, to move the ship through space. Also, like RoverDude's drive, I used a slightly modified version of his gravity braking code (RoverDude's source code including the GravityBrakes() function) so that ships will slow down when they near gravitational bodies. Requires: At least one part implementing SW_ModuleWarpCoil that cannot be the same part implementing SW_ModuleWarpGenerator. This is what forces the requirement of multiple parts. Restrictions: All warp coils must be charged before the drive can be activated, and enough electric charge to run the drive is also necessary. If either of these is not true the drive cannot activate, or will automatically disengage. Example Config: MODULE { name = SW_ModuleWarpGenerator maxWarp = 2 // Maximum warp factor this drive can attain minNacelles = 2 // Minimum number of nacelles required by the drive to operate (must be at least 1) electricityReq = 50.000 // Amount of electric charge that is required per second of warp operation } NOTE: Some part on the vessel should have a container for warp plasma. In the included test parts the nacelles have their own warp plasma containers, but it can be on any part of the vessel. Warp Speed: The ship's warp velocity is computed using a simple cubic function, which was used for the original series and in Star Trek: Enterprise. So, velocity = (warp factor^3) * c In my initial testing, I find that Warp 2 is a good speed for traveling to the edge of the Kerbol System in a comfortable amount of time. I haven't tested higher warp factors, but will install appropriate mods on my end to further test travel times with increasing warp factors before final release. How to Use: I have kept the operation of the drive entirely within the Part Action Windows (PAW) of each part. Follow these steps to activate the drive. All of these actions can be set as Action Groups to somewhat simplify the process. Step 1: Activate the Warp Core by clicking the "Warp Core Status" toggle. Step 2: Charge the Warp Coil(s) by clicking "Charge Warp Coils" in the coil PAW Step 3: Once the coils are charged click "Check Ready Status" on the Warp Generator (combined with the Warp Core Test Article here). The drive will not enter the "Ready" status until all the coils are charged, and will not do so if there are any other active Warp Generators. Step 4: Once the "Ready Status" reads "Ready", click "Engage Warp Drive" on the Warp Generator. This will change from "Drive Inactive" to "Drive Engaged" Once the drive is engaged, any throttle input will move the ship at warp speeds. To return to non-warp operation, simply click the "Engage Warp Drive" toggle in the PAW to disengage the drive, or use an Action Group. Current warp factor is determined as a percentage of the drive's maximum warp rating, based on the amount of throttle: 50% throttle is half of the maximum warp, 100% throttle is maximum warp. E.g. for a drive with a maximum warp of 2, 50% throttle will be Warp 1, and 100% throttle will be Warp 2. The warp factor can also be selected using a slider in the PAW. The slider moves in 0.25 increments from Warp 0.25 to the maximum warp of the drive. The slider defaults to Warp 1. Increasing the slider scales the throttle so that your warp speed does not increase until you manually increase the throttle. The current warp factor is displayed in the Warp Generator's PAW Step 5: Once you have reached your target destination simply throttle to 0%, or use "x" to cut the throttle. There is an "Orbit Mode" option in the Warp Generator PAW that defaults to "Easy", this places the vessel in as close to a circular orbit as possible when the throttle hits 0 after having been non-zero. That is, it doesn't continually change the orbit while the drive is active, only if it had been moving the ship and then stopped. If the Orbit Mode is toggled to "Realistic", it will simply use the vessel's velocity vector to determine the current orbit, in the same manner as RoverDude's Alcubierre drive. Limitations: I tried to implement some limitations to make the drive less "cheaty". I took cues from Star Trek, particularly Star Trek: Enterprise, which dealt repeatedly with the limitations of the ship's warp drive. In the show, most problems occurred with the plasma injectors, but I though trying to code some kind of simulation of the injectors would be cumbersome and place unnecessary computational overhead. Other limitations that come to mind are the stability of the warp field, and the warp coil temperature. I opted for warp coil temperature to place a limitation on time at maximum warp. Warp Coil Temperature: While the drive is active, and moving at warp speeds, to emulate the warp plasma cycling through the coils I have implemented an exponential function that increases the temperature of the warp coil part. The smallest amount of heating occurs at low warp, while the maximum heating occurs at maximum warp. There is a built-in warp coil efficiency that can be used to aid in cooling. The value in the config file is between 0 and 1, and the upper limit is enforced in the code to prevent config editing to make the coils cool themselves at high warp. If a value greater than 1 is used in the config, the plugin randomly chooses an efficiency in the correct range. So, you may get a decently efficient coil, or a really inefficient one. This is also done per coil, so you could have one coil that is really efficient and one that is terrible, which could hamper your warp travel to keep one coil from overheating and exploding (the stock behavior). The maxWarp parameter of the warp coil also plays a role in temperature calculation. A ratio is taken of the active drive's maxWarp to the warp coil's maxWarp to further scale the exponential function. If the warp coil's maxWarp is equal to the drive's, there is not scaling, if it is less, there is more heating, if it is greater it is less. The reasoning is that if you have a warp coil rated for Warp 1, and try to push it to Warp 2, it would burn out much faster, but if it's the other way around, it would be able to handle the temperature better. Warp Coil Discharged: If the source of warp plasma runs out, or is shut off, the coils may completely discharge, if the user doesn't notice that warp plasma production has stopped. If the coils completely discharge (or their charge goes below the threshold set in their config) the drive will automatically disengage and either be automatically placed in a nearly circular orbit (Easy orbit mode), or be in a realistic orbit based on the vessel velocity vector. Running out of Electricity: If there is not enough electric charge to run the Warp Field Generator, the drive will automatically disengage and enter an orbit based on the selected orbit mode. Multiple Warp Generators?: If there are multiple parts on the vessel that implement SW_ModuleWarpGenerator, only one may be active at a time. If you try to activate a second warp generator when one is already active, it will not activate. If you disengage the active drive, you may then activate another. Screenshots Phoenix Warpship: NX-class: NX-Refit NX-class Bridge IVA Custom Registries There are ten (10) different names and registries in two variants each, so 20 textures in all giving you NX-01 through NX-10 and names with and without the "S.S." prefix. The registries are B9PartSwitch selectable on the saucer part and the refit engineering hull part. I have included instructions on how to make custom names/registries in the config file that sets up the variants under "TrekDrive/Parts/NXClass/Registries/Registries.cfg". The instructions are at the bottom of the file. There are also two (2) template images, one in PNG format and another in PSD. To use the PSD file you will need to have the font "Airborne", or one that looks close enough to it, if you want show-accuracy, or any font of your choosing will work.
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Introducing... (Source code is included in the download) License: Code and Configs are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Author: TheShaddow1138 Tester(s): @Puggonaut Here's a spacedock by @StinkyAce that @Puggonaut has been featuring in his videos: Nimitz and Drydock A scaleFactor of 0.6 makes the best fit for the NX. Small Trailer for TrekDrive made by Puggonaut This fantastic video was made by @Puggonaut, and you should definitely give it a watch. If you like what you see, and would like to support development you can make a donation. One-time Donation through PayPal Change Log: v0.99.1w - Spacedock * Added a ModuleManager patch for StinkyAce's Spacedock, available at this link: Nimitz and Drydock The patch scales the dock down to 0.6, a near perfect fit for the NX-class, and instead of modifying the drydock that comes with StinkyAce's mod, it creates a new part with the aforementioned scale, an impulse engine (no part, just the module), and produces the resources used by TrekDrive ships. This will be a good refueling station for the NX. * Updated the plugin * Fixed an NRE spam in the impulse engine code while in the editor * Added the ability to select a "forward" or "reverse" mode for the impulse engines. Toggleable in the PAW, and can be set as an action group. * Cleaned up the Waterfall patch by splitting the warp effects into their own patch. * Tweaked the texture tiling on the NX warp effects (both the Warp 5 and Warp 7 versions). v0.99w - NX-class Release * B9PartSwitch is now a hard dependency. (Included in download) * Updated the TrekDrive.dll * Warp speed formula changed to allow faster interstellar travel * OnLoad function updated to not automatically set the warp drive to "Not Ready" if it was in a "Ready" state at the last save. This allows the player to immediately engage the drive after the vessel loads, if the drive is in a Ready state upon loading. * Added NX-class Starship Parts * Bridge module (Crew capacity of 6) * Saucer section (Crew capacity of 20) * Engineering section * Nacelle Pylons (B9PartSwitch variants) * Upper variant (2 upper pylons) * Lower variant (2 lower pylons) * Four variant (2 upper & 2 lower pylons) * Warp Nacelles (Port & Stbd) * Main Impulse Engines (Port & Stbd) * Secondary Impulse Engines (Port & Stbd) * Navigational Deflector (2 variants) - Serves as a transmitter * NX-01 Oval "Mark I" Deflector * NX-02 Rectangular "Mark II" Deflector * Added NX-class Refit Starship Parts * Engineering Section Refit (Includes warp 7 warp core and warp drive, Crew capacity of 10) * Refit Warp Nacelles (Port & Stbd) * Added Custom Waterfall FX model and texture for streaking stars at warp effect. * Updated the warp stars effect on the Phoenix * Added six (6) craft files for the NX-class and NX-class Refit * NXClass_A: Standard NX-class starship (as seen in Star Trek: Enterprise) * NXClass_B: NX-class starship with two (2) ventrally (lower) mounted nacelles * NXClass_C: NX-class with four (4) nacelles * NXClass_Refit_A: Standard NX-class starship Refit * NXClass_Refit_B: NX-class Refit with two (2) ventrally (lower) mounted nacelles * NXClass_Refit_C: NX-class Refit with four (4) nacelles v0.9w - Shuttlepod & Impulse Engine Release * Updated the TrekDrive.dll * All TrekDrive buttons/toggles can now be set as Action Groups * SW_ModuleImpulseEngine Added - automatic takeoff and landing modes when sub-orbital, it will not automatically land from orbit. * SW_ModuleBussardCollector Added - When the collector is activated it will collect at a random rate for a random period of time before choosing another random rate and period of time. Collects LqdDeuterium and Antimatter with LqdDeuterium collecting at a higher rate. Collection will only occur at sub-light velocities. * Updated Waterfall version. * Updated Waterfall effect on the Phoenix Launcher Main Engine to correct a position issue. * Added a Waterfall effect to the Phoenix - visible when traveling at warp; the effect is based on the streaking stars warp effect from TNG - VOY and ENT. * Added Enterprise-era Shuttlepod * Shuttlepod main body - holds 5 kerbals with airlocks on both sides (No IVA) * Shuttlepod Impulse Engine v0.7.5w - OnLoad Hotfix: * Corrected an issue that prevented engaging the warp drive after switching to another vessel, after reloading the game, or any other loading action. Upon switching back to the warp ship, or loading the save, the warp drive will be automatically disengaged and set to "Not Ready" status. Simply clicking "Check Ready Status" and then engaging the warp drive will get you ready to go. Thanks to @Tanner Rawlings for finding this issue and bringing it to my attention. v0.7w - Phoenix IVA release: * Added Phoenix IVA (Stock and MOARdV's Avionics System) * The MAS version replaces some of the central props with MAS props, and replaces the Main Display with a functional MFD * MAS version of the IVA will only be available with MAS is installed. v0.6w - Phoenix Initial release: -------------------------------- * Updated Code: * Added nacelle glow animation capability, giving a visual indicator of coil charge. * Fixed coil charge logic to allow charging a partially discharged coil * Fixed a logic issue with the Warp Field Generator code. Now the "not enough charge" warning will only occur if the warp drive is active. * Moved to LqdDeuterium and Antimatter from Community Resource Pack * Added Phoenix Parts: * Phoenix Crew Cabin (no IVA currently, built-in RCS, no effects yet) * Phoenix SAS (contains Monopropellant and Electric Charge) * Phoenix Fuselage (contains LqdDeuterium and Antimatter) * Phoenix Nacelle (deployable warp nacelle) * Phoenix Warp Core/Warp Field Generator * Phoenix Main Thruster (matter-antimatter rocket engine) * Phoenix Vernier Thruster (matter-antimatter rocket engine) * Phoenix Fairing (to conceal the warp nacelles during launch) * Phoenix Interstage Decoupler * Phoenix Launcher First Stage * Phoenix Launcher Main Engine (Liquid Fuel Oxidizer engine) * Added Phoenix Warp Ship Test craft. * Added Community Resource Pack and Waterfall as hard dependencies (bundled) Inspired by RoverDude's Standalone Alcubierre Warp Drive, this warp drive aspires to operate in a Star Trek-like manner requiring at least two types of parts to operate: warp coils/nacelles and the heart of the drive, the warp core and warp field generator. I have seen in other threads here where people were trying to figure out how to require the use of warp nacelles to get that Star Trek feel to their KSP warp drives, and that's what I set out to do with this, my first plugin mod. Maybe a bit ambitious, but I think it turned out well. Now, on to the details. Technical Aspects: The plugin includes three Part Modules: SW_ModuleWarpCoil, SW_ModuleWarpCore, and SW_ModuleWarpGenerator. SW_ModuleWarpCoil: This module would typically be attached to a warp nacelle part, but could be added to any part for a design that perhaps doesn't use a nacelle, or similar structure. Requires: Warp plasma, which is generated by a warp core part using SW_ModuleWarpCore. Restrictions: Cannot be added to the same part as the SW_ModuleWarpGenerator. This is the restriction that requires at least two types of parts. Example Config: MODULE { name = SW_ModuleWarpCoil minWarpPlasma = 400 // Not used warpPlasmaConsumed = 5 // Amount of warp plasma consumed per second during charging and operation warpPlasmaNeeded = 250 // Amount of warp plasma needed to fully charge the warp coil cutoffThreshold = 2.000 // When the charge percentage drops below this percentage, the coil and drive cut off (1 - 100) coilEfficiency = 0.01 // Thermal efficiency of the coil (0 - 1) maxWarp = 2 // Maximum warp factor this coil can safely achieve } SW_ModuleWarpCore: A simple generator module that takes in deuterium (matter) and anti-deuterium (antimatter) to generate warp plasma and electric charge. (Could be replaced with a stock ModuleGenerator I suppose, but it's included all the same). Requires: Deuterium and Anti-Deuterium. Restrictions: None hardcoded. Example Config: MODULE { name = SW_ModuleWarpCore minAntimatter = 0.05 // Minimum amount of anti-deuterium required to operate minMatter = 0.05 // Minimum amount of deuterium required to operate warpPlasmaProdRate = 10 // Amount of warp plasma generated per second ecProdRate = 100 // Amount of electric charge generated per second } SW_ModuleWarpGenerator: The heart of the warp drive that actually moves the ship at warp speeds. Just like RoverDude's Standalone Alcubierre Warp Drive, the drive uses translation, not acceleration, to move the ship through space. Also, like RoverDude's drive, I used a slightly modified version of his gravity braking code (RoverDude's source code including the GravityBrakes() function) so that ships will slow down when they near gravitational bodies. Requires: At least one part implementing SW_ModuleWarpCoil that cannot be the same part implementing SW_ModuleWarpGenerator. This is what forces the requirement of multiple parts. Restrictions: All warp coils must be charged before the drive can be activated, and enough electric charge to run the drive is also necessary. If either of these is not true the drive cannot activate, or will automatically disengage. Example Config: MODULE { name = SW_ModuleWarpGenerator maxWarp = 2 // Maximum warp factor this drive can attain minNacelles = 2 // Minimum number of nacelles required by the drive to operate (must be at least 1) electricityReq = 50.000 // Amount of electric charge that is required per second of warp operation } NOTE: Some part on the vessel should have a container for warp plasma. In the included test parts the nacelles have their own warp plasma containers, but it can be on any part of the vessel. Warp Speed: The ship's warp velocity is computed using a simple cubic function, which was used for the original series and in Star Trek: Enterprise. So, velocity = (warp factor^3) * c In my initial testing, I find that Warp 2 is a good speed for traveling to the edge of the Kerbol System in a comfortable amount of time. I haven't tested higher warp factors, but will install appropriate mods on my end to further test travel times with increasing warp factors before final release. How to Use: I have kept the operation of the drive entirely within the Part Action Windows (PAW) of each part. Follow these steps to activate the drive. Step 1: Activate the Warp Core by clicking the "Warp Core Status" toggle Step 2: Charge the Warp Coil(s) by clicking "Charge Warp Coils" in the coil PAW Step 3: Once the coils are charged click "Check Ready Status" on the Warp Generator (combined with the Warp Core Test Article here). The drive will not enter the "Ready" status until all the coils are charged, and will not do so if there are any other active Warp Generators. Step 4: Once the "Ready Status" reads "Ready", click "Engage Warp Drive" on the Warp Generator. This will change from "Drive Inactive" to "Drive Engaged" Once the drive is engaged, any throttle input will move the ship at warp speeds. To return to non-warp operation, simply click the "Engage Warp Drive" toggle in the PAW to disengage the drive. Current warp factor is determined as a percentage of the drive's maximum warp rating, based on the amount of throttle: 50% throttle is half of the maximum warp, 100% throttle is maximum warp. E.g. for a drive with a maximum warp of 2, 50% throttle will be Warp 1, and 100% throttle will be Warp 2. The current warp factor is displayed in the Warp Generator's PAW Step 5: Once you have reached your target destination simply throttle to 0%, or use "x" to cut the throttle. There is an "Orbit Mode" option in the Warp Generator PAW that defaults to "Easy", this places the vessel in as close to a circular orbit as possible when the throttle hits 0 after having been non-zero. That is, it doesn't continually change the orbit while the drive is active, only if it had been moving the ship and then stopped. If the Orbit Mode is toggled to "Realistic", it will simply use the vessel's velocity vector to determine the current orbit, in the same manner as RoverDude's Alcubierre drive. Limitations: I tried to implement some limitations to make the drive less "cheaty". I took cues from Star Trek, particularly Star Trek: Enterprise, which dealt repeatedly with the limitations of the ship's warp drive. In the show, most problems occurred with the plasma injectors, but I though trying to code some kind of simulation of the injectors would be cumbersome and place unnecessary computational overhead. Other limitations that come to mind are the stability of the warp field, and the warp coil temperature. I opted for warp coil temperature to place a limitation on time at maximum warp. Warp Coil Temperature: While the drive is active, and moving at warp speeds, to emulate the warp plasma cycling through the coils I have implemented an exponential function that increases the temperature of the warp coil part. The smallest amount of heating occurs at low warp, while the maximum heating occurs at maximum warp. There is a built-in warp coil efficiency that can be used to aid in cooling. The value in the config file is between 0 and 1, and the upper limit is enforced in the code to prevent config editing to make the coils cool themselves at high warp. If a value greater than 1 is used in the config, the plugin randomly chooses an efficiency in the correct range. So, you may get a decently efficient coil, or a really inefficient one. This is also done per coil, so you could have one coil that is really efficient and one that is terrible, which could hamper your warp travel to keep one coil from overheating and exploding (the stock behavior). The maxWarp parameter of the warp coil also plays a role in temperature calculation. A ratio is taken of the active drive's maxWarp to the warp coil's maxWarp to further scale the exponential function. If the warp coil's maxWarp is equal to the drive's, there is not scaling, if it is less, there is more heating, if it is greater it is less. The reasoning is that if you have a warp coil rated for Warp 1, and try to push it to Warp 2, it would burn out much faster, but if it's the other way around, it would be able to handle the temperature better. Warp Coil Discharged: If the source of warp plasma runs out, or is shut off, the coils may completely discharge, if the user doesn't notice that warp plasma production has stopped. If the coils completely discharge (or their charge goes below the threshold set in their config) the drive will automatically disengage and either be automatically placed in a nearly circular orbit (Easy orbit mode), or be in a realistic orbit based on the vessel velocity vector. Running out of Electricity: If there is not enough electric charge to run the Warp Field Generator, the drive will automatically disengage and enter an orbit based on the selected orbit mode. Multiple Warp Generators?: If there are multiple parts on the vessel that implement SW_ModuleWarpGenerator, only one may be active at a time. If you try to activate a second warp generator when one is already active, it will not activate. If you disengage the active drive, you may then activate another. Current State: The Phoenix warp ship is now playable (complete with stock and MAS IVA). The launcher is included. The balance may not be the greatest, but it's playable. Community Resource Pack and Waterfall are now hard dependencies. Warp Coil charge animation is now implemented.
- 259 replies
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- warp drive
- phoenix
(and 3 more)
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In my latest video for the week 3 challenge, I suddenly had my WASD controls locked out and I couldn't move after planting a flag. This wasn't the first time this happened. As someone pointed out in the YouTube comments, I was in time warp but didn't realize it. Watching the video more closely (at 15:30) it appears as soon as I used a period in the text description, that key also triggered the time warp change. Version: Date discovered: 3/12/2023 OS: Windows Input: Keyboard and Mouse Expected result: Text editing in flag descriptions and other similar UX/UI should not pass forward to game controls.
Hi, i hope your having a wonderful day today! I would like to show you the updated version of the not so well known mod which is called.... Randomized systems! this updated version is for 1.12.3, and is working now! ok but here is how it works, you need one thing to warp. you need : - a warp drive on a working ship Instructions: so first you press seed up until you have the desired alternate universe you want, and then you press warp. to get back to the original system, you press the "return to kerbol" button. here's a showcase video: and here is the github: license: GNU General public license v2 ^ found at LICENSE file in source
Generally there are two ways to play KSP. 1. Sequential missions - completing a mission from start to finish, thus focusing their attention. The downside of this is warping through time and pushing the clock years in the future. This is especially bad for multiplayer and space races. 2. Parallel missions - launching, setting up maneuver nodes and alarms but not time warping. This maximizes the amount of missions you can do with a particular tech level in a certain time window. I propose a third: 3. Parallel-sequential missions. A good way to play I think would be to finish a whole mission then go back in time and continue with other missions from the moment you launched. Recorded mission milestones would be added to the main timeline. And the science points would come in the future, thus respecting the timeline. I think this would be useful for space races also, because I'm that case the timeline is very important and you can't really time warp because you're losing opportunities to launch more missions. So there's a lot of freedom to be gained by being able to go back in time. But from a gameplay perspective it's also very useful for the flow of the game to be able to focus on a single mission and finish it. This system allows for massive gameplay expansion.. like stage recovery, having single player space races against an AI controlled agency and rocket construction time passing in the stock game. Not to mention multiplayer (see multiplayer thread)! Later edit: Interaction with the craft could be feasable without resetting the recorded events timeline from that point onward if we have mechjeb-like automated control using milestones. The craft (or capable subassembly in case of separation) would just try to adapt and continue with the mission even if crippled or modified. If the physics simulation doesn't allow it to be successful (not enough Delta V for example of broken solar panels) then.. yes it would fail.
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I've been thinking about it and I think this subject needs to have it's own thread. Nate said that time warp will be using a "non-eliptical solver" - I think he's referring to the on-rails warp. But remember that in KSP1 we can physics warp under acceleration. So what about the new physics warp? Will it still be a separate thing? Is it still going to be buggy? Will on-rails warp and time warp be merged? Will non-eliptical solver warp be allowed in atmosphere? Will we still have speed limits depending on altitude? Any theories or evidence?
Interstellar is cool, but pretty complex mod. USI Warp Drive is pretty cool, but does not allow you to time warp. Here's the intermediate solution: ISWD standalone - almost the same mechanics as in Interstellar, but in vanilla KSP. Space Dock Source Code Know how: The idea is that EM decays. So you need "Containment Field" to accumulate and store it. To activate containment field you need current power production 100 EC/s. Once activated containment field consumes 100EC/s and generates 0.01 EM/s. 100EC/s is not big deal if you use something like NFE, but really hard to achieve in stock, so I think it's a good value. If you initiate warp containment field becomes self sufficient, so no EC will be consumed, but EM won't be produced either. Such mechanics makes using warp drive not a piece of cake, but who said that travelling to the stars will be easy? Next, stats: Current Gravity Force - shows how deep you're in gravity well, the stronger the force, the lesser the speed you can warp with. Speed Restricted by G - ultimate speed limit of your warp, your warp speed will be dropped automatically as soon as you go deeper into gravity well, so beware, especially when approaching gas giants, as you may end up in sub orbital trajectory without enough EM to initiate escape jump. Current Speed Factor - currently selected warp speed, measured in fractions of C. !!!ACHTUNG!!! - C is "kerbalized" and equals to 29 979 245.8 m/s. Maximum Speed Factor - max allowed warp speed according to gravity well restriction. Minimal Required EM - minimal amount of EM required to initiate warp for the current vessel. Current Requred EM - amount of EM required to initiate warp with the current warp factor (see below) Maximum Required EM - amount of EM required to warp with maximum allowed factor. Current Drives Power - abstract value that affects EM requirements. Can be improved by unlocking new technologies (this part needs to be reviewed as current release may have bugs). Can also be improved with installing more than one WD on your vessel. The higher the factor the lesser EM requirements. Vessel Total Mass - no need to explain. The lesser the mass, the less EM is required to warp. Drives Efficiency - anothe abstract value that shows overall warp efficiency of your vessel. WARP FACTORS: You may think about warp factors as electron energy levels in atom, the "lowest" energy level is ONE C, that level requires minimal EM to initiate warp, all other factors will cost more and more. Here's how it looks like: 0.01 > 0.016 > 0.025 > 0.04 > 0.063 > 0.1 > 0.16 > 0.25 > 0.40 > 0.63 > 1.0 < 1.6 < 2.5 < 4.0 < 6.3 < 10 < 16 < 25 < 40 < 63 < 100 < 160 < 250 < 400 < 630 < 1000 So YES, warping lower than C requires more EM. That's current Interstellar mechanics that I kept with this mod. Increase Factor and Decrease Factor buttons increase and decrease warp factor. Reduce Warp Factor changes warp factor so that you go to lower "energy level". EM accumulation is done in background, so you can leave you warp ship on the orbit and continue building base on the Mun. Actually no background processing is done at all, instead you get "compensation" of EM according to time you've been away from warp ship, so this process does not eat your CPU time. Once in warp ship goes on "rails", that means your ship movement is processed by KSP itself and not by this mod, so you can go to tracking station and observe how you warp ship spikes trough time/space. WARNING!!! High speed warp (especially far away from Kerbol) is better observed from tracking station, otherwise you may wake up Kraken and your ship will be desintegrated. That's sometimes true while ship changes SOI, so quicksave is your good friend. If you loose your EC production containment field will continue to operate until EC is depleted. So you won't loose all your EM once you accidentally retract all your solar panels. EM decays with the rate of 100/s, be carefull. Launch scenario: Deliver your ship to the orbit, the higher orbit is better as G effect of Kerbin will be minimal, so you can warp with the lowest EM requirements possible. 10 megameters is a good start. Make sure your EC production is sufficient, otherwise you'll have really expensive satellite Activate containment field, you'll start getting EM immediately. Go and do something interesting like launching tourists to the orbit. EM is produced slowly. Come back to your ship after a little bit and see if you have enough EM. Pick your target and desired warp factor and initiate warp. Side note: I recommend using MJ Smart A.S.S to hold your ship orientation as stock SAS still not that "Smart". You can increase and decrease your warp speed while in warp, but that requires additional EM, so be carefull. If you go too deep into the gravity well, your warp factor will be reduced automatically until to 1 C and then you'll be dropped out of warp as moving slower than C requires more EM, so beware. Once you reached destination deactivate warp drive, but beware that containment field will start sucking up your EC immediately. I recommend using this mod for travelling to distant stars, for tactial "inside system" jumps USI Warp Drive is much better. License: KSPI-E Licensce TODO: Delay before warp, like you know: whoooooooo...booooom Integration with CTT Morph with USI Warp Drive Integrate with RSS, so that C becomes 299 792 458 m/s once it installed.
INTRODUCTION I'm been always an HUGE fan of the NASA concept design of the IXS-Enterprise since its conception. Now, after a long hiatus from the KSP scene, I started back to play and sorting out all the mods that I could like to use, I found myself very involved adopting a lot of @Angel-125 mods for my personal install, and it was a bit of let down to find that the "IXS Warpship" mod, that brought the NASA's concept ship inside Kerbal Space Program, was not adapted also to "Blueshift", Angel-125's warping mod. So, I'm right here to bridge finally this gap! MOD DESCRIPTION As the "IXS Warpship" mod is currently mantained by @linuxgurugamer and @Denko666, this is NOT another release of the mod itself, but just a series of Module Manager patches that update it to work properly with Angel-125's "Blueshift", "Kerbal Flying Saucers" and related functions. It fully uses the assets provided by the "IXS Warpship" mod, but, in a lot of case, VASTLY modifing their function (and in some cases tweaking them to be more in line with the latest KSP releases and two functionally parent mods) to fully use all the game mechanics provided by Angel-125. WARNIGS AND DISCLAIMERS!!! I HIGHLY RECCOMEND TO USE THESE PATCHES ONLY IN A NEW SAVE, OR AFTER RECOVERING ALL THE CRAFTS USING PARTS FROM THE ORIGINAL "IXS WARSHIP" MOD!!! None of the craft eventually deployed should break, but upon istallation of these patches, a lot of parts could behave differently from what originally they could do! (No guarantees are provided for stranded Ships and Kerbals, not caring of this advice) Additionally, it is HIGHLY possible that other warp mods, beside "Blueshift" installed, aiming eventually to patch themselves the "IXS Warpships", would create conflicts and unwanted result, so the BEST results could only be achieved if "Blueshift" is THE ONLY warp mod in your game, as my patches for "IXS Warship" are envisioned for an install with ONLY IT AS FTL PROPULSION!!! DEPENDENCIES My patches will not work correctly if the following mods are not installed: IXS Warpship: "IXS Warpship" Forum Thread (obviously, as needed for the parts and related assets) - download ONLY the mod itself, not OTHER suggested warp mods, to avoid problems as stated in the above "WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMERS"!!! Blueshift: "Blushift" Forum Thread Kerbal Flying Saucers: "Kerbal Flying Saucers" Forum Thread (both needed to have the fully functional mechanics included in my patches) Waterfall: "Waterfall" Forum Thread (not "functionally needed", but HIGHLY recommended to have all the warping FXs) Community Resource Pack: "Community Resource Pack" Forum Thread (for the resources' definitions used) Module Manager: "Module Manager" Forum Thread (to obviously apply the patches: without it nothing is working) SUPPORTS: My patches support (but are not needed for correct work of the main functionalities): Space Dust: "Space Dust" Forum Thread (for atmospheric and exospheric resource prospecting and harvesting, very useful for some of the -rare- resources needed for warp propulsion) Community Tech Tree: "Community Tech Tree" Forum Thread (for a more balanced tech tree for career and science gameplay) Far Future Technologies: "Far Future Technologies" Forum Thread (for additional and challenging game mechanics) Outer Planet Mod: "Outer Planets Mod" Forum Thread (if you like, like me, to explore past Jool, with stock-alike similar planets of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and using "Spacedust", I added the needed Graviolium resources) Download: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? Get your copy of "IXS Warpship for Blueshift" subscribing it from CKAN Or manual download it just right down here: Spacedock: "IXS Warship for Blueshift" on Spacedock HERE!!! Github: "IXS Warship for Blueshift" Github release page HERE!!! (latest actually: v. - 04/09/2021) Manual Installation Guide: follow the above link select the needed version click on related "Assets" menu click on "Source" link download the .zip file once promped to do so go to your "GameData" folder inside your KSP installation delete (if present) older "IXSWarshipsBlueshift" folder, to avoid old file eventually not needed to be persistent AND/OR possible errors add, in the same KSP's "GameData" folder (where you should be already) the new "IXSWarshipsBlueshift" folder present inside the .zip file downloaded (inside its own "GameData" folder) OR go back to your KSP installation folder and merge the .zip file's "GameData" folder to KSP's "GameData" folder Changelog: (Sources and Licensing; here ) Some good pictures as eyecandy:
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Hi, I have a modded career and just got started with Kerbalism and other mods. I'm early on and wanting to launch a ScanSat satellite that operates all the time without running out of charge (e.g. Not running out of charge while being on the dark side of the Mun). I'm planning to do this via a fuel cell. Some quick reading up online uncovered that (in stock at least) that fuel cells will only operate when the (presumably combined total?) battery charge is less than 95%. So my queries are as follows, in Kerbalism: 1) Does it work the same way with the 95% threshold? 2) if you start the fuel cell when you have more than 95% charge then put the satellite on rails by doing other launches/active vessels or space centre timewarp, will the fuel cell kick in correctly when inevitably the charge drops below 95%? Or do you need the fuel cell to be actively generating (battery charge <95%) before putting the satellite on rails? 3) Say the satellite had solar panels for perpetual charge. The satellite emerges from the darkside of the Mun with the fuel cell generating, but this is still on rails (not the active vessel). While on rails would the solar panels charge and the fuel cell stop generating as it would if it were the active vessel? Any help or additional info you think would be topical is greatly appreciated :)
RELEASE Translators Wanted specific question - does it work with 1.12.3? Download on Curseforge, Github or SpaceDock. Available on CKAN. Biomatic This is the new thread. Original thread here. A utility to allow easier science gathering in orbit, by automatically de-warping when entering a biome which hasn't been listed. . Simple biome identification, notification, tracking, and warp stopping. adopted by @zer0Kerbal — originally by @Biff Space The Biomatic sensor identifies the biome that the ship is in / above, and shows the information in a small text window. Optionally the ship's situation (high / low space, high / low flight, landed, splashed) can be shown as well. Biomes where science has been done can be added to a list, which is used together with a kill warp option to de-warp the ship when entering an un-listed biome. The list of biomes can be per-vessel, or global. It is integrated with the stock toolbar by default, but can be configured to use blizzy's. (Change 'stock' to 'blizzy' in the config file). The Biomatic Part The Biomatic part is found under the science tab. In career or science mode, it is found in the 'Space Exploration' node of the tech tree - this must be researched before Biomatic will work, either as a part or as a Module Manager add-on to command pods. Module Manager Patch(es) adds Biomatic to any command module or probe core [OPTIONAL] makes Start the techRequired for the Biomatic part Dependencies Kerbal Space Program Module Manager ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker Suggests Toolbar (Blizzy's) Installation The Biomatic folder needs to be unzipped and put in your KSP\GameData folder: Feedback Any comments and suggestions for improvements are welcome, as are reports of bugs / problems - please let me know what you think. Licence Biomatic, its associated files and the source code are all released under the GPLv3 license, text here: Original: Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Thank you to @tinygrox for pushing the localization code! v1.3.2.0 original: 11 Aug 2018 0K updated: 02 Feb 2020 zed'K Source: GitHub License:
WarpEverywhere This is a very simple mod that removes time warp restrictions and adds 2 more levels of time warp, 1,000,000x and 10,000,000x. A Kerbin year is almost 10 million seconds long (9203328), so this new maximum time warp will go forward about a year every second! DOWNLOAD: Spacedock GitHub SOURCE: LICENSE: GNU GPLv3 ATTRIBUTION: This project uses code and ideas from WarpUnlocker and TimeControl. CHANGELOG: 1.0: (Current) Declared Done - NOTE still works in 1.6 No bugs for a year Recompile for 1.4.3. No code changes. 0.1: Initial build. 2 extra warp levels. Removal of altitude limits on all worlds. COMPATIBILITY: I expect WarpEverywhere to work with most all other mods, with the exception of course of mods that change warp rates. I suggest only using one of those at a time in general. In particular, WarpEverywhere should work just fine with any mods that add or change planets; This should remove the warp restrictions from all of them. Note: This doesn't work all that great with Kerbal Alarm Clock at the top 2 levels. At full warp (1 year per second) the game just warps too fast for KAC to slow it down fast enough for your alerts. If you manually slow down about a year before the window, though, everything works fine. If you find a mod that this conflicts with, let me know. I can't make promises, except that I'll look into it. TO DO: Nothing! WON'T DO: Add a config so you can set your own warp rates. I think it's better to have this mod as a stalwart, simple addition to the game and if you want more control, use one of the other warp configuring mods instead. Modify physics warp. It's just too squirrely even at 4x to justify the work. The 2 extra time warp levels don't have their own triangles in the UI. I'm not a UI guy so I have no idea how to make that happen. I control time warp with my keyboard so I don't even really pay that much attention to that part of the UI anyway. So, I won't be "fixing" this. DONATIONS I do not need donations, but if you want to contribute, please donate to SpaceDock:
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Okay, here's the story. I'm thinking about timing how fast I can send a plane all the way around Laythe, but I don't want to rely on the MET timer because it also adds the amount of time it takes to: Get off Kerbin Fly to Laythe Including making refueling stops Land Get in position I also don't want to rely on my computer's built-in stopwatch flying because it doesn't account for when I use the warp. Is there a "Kerbal Stopwatch" I can use? More specifically, I need to: Start at 00:00:00 when I want it to, which would be the moment of takeoff Speed up or slow down along with the warp And stop whenever I hit the "Pause" button --> and resume when I leave the pause menu. End at (TIME TO BE DETERMINED) when I want it too, which would be when I land. Be in plain sight the whole time while I'm flying. In case you're wondering, I have MJ and Kerbal Alarm Clock. If no such stopwatches exist (either in-game or mod), then how can I still time my run while accounting for the warp? For the Alarm Clock, I would have to start my engines immediately after the alarm went off. Is there any way I can display a straight-up stopwatch that can go along with the pause menu AND warp? Thank you.
- 19 replies
- stopwatch
- chronometer
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Video link: (pay attention to the Apoapsis marker position and altitude) I have no idea of what's causing this. It's happening to every craft I have in orbit, although not with the same intensity (smaller crafts seem to be affected less) This issue is really messing up my game though. Not only Rendezvous/SOI Interceptions can be lost because the plotted course simply changes after the time warp; but in this specific example in the video, I need the AP/PE markers to stay in the same place as I'm deploying a satellite every time the main ship passed through it's AP, this way ensuring proper separation between each satellite. Anyone has any idea on what's causing this? God, every day KSP has a new different bug that will probably take ages to be fixed... Edit 1.: I'm not entirely sure, but I'm pretty confident I know what might be causing this issue, although I have no idea how it could be fixed. The ship I'm using is quite tall as it has on the top 2 fairings with interstage nodes so I could fit 3 small satellites on top of each other. Now, I'm not sure how the game takes into account where the "center" of the ship actually is during map view (if it's either the Center of Mass, the most central point regardless of the mass, the active "control from here" module or even something else entirely), but it seems like this center point is not really aligned with the orbit line center (let's say it's 10m below the orbit point for example). This 10m offset therefore becomes the new center of the orbit when I switch from real time into warp mode. Therefore, as I switch, the game recalculates my orbit 10m below from where it actually was, causing bigger changes far away on my orbit. Maybe if the Devs had/could implement a system in which the game takes my orbital values (AP / PE values) before I start the Warp and put them back in after the warp is done this problem would be fixed; instead of recalculating it as the warp is finished.
so i'm only really making a return because i have an ion-powered craft with burn times ~1 hour, but i can't enable physics warp for some reason. everyone says to do alt + . but it doesn't work for me for some reason. maybe because i'm on linux? i really don't know. (sorry if this is in the wrong place, only ~85% sure it should go here but i'm kinda desperate so :/)
I want to do a zoom through space. Basically: I want a hyper-drive-type mod for 1.6.1, the latest version. What do you suggest? (P.S. "easy" meaning no dependencies or complicated setup, not meaning just easy to use in-game)
Hi, i have a problem, i tried to install few mods just for better atmospheres (didnt worked for me) and when i started game and i try to warp, it says this. I tried using physwarp, but it isnt working either, so i unnistalled all mods, everything, then reinstalled game, and it still does this. The fun fact is, that when im actually playing some scenarios, i can warp. I cant use warp in every single game i create, doesnt matter if it is sandbox or career. Another fact is i can warp if i click on thst blue orbit line, but i cant use that warp in left upper corner. Help please i just want to play Btw i downloaded some hyperwarp mode, but as i said, everything except squad folder is deleted in gamedata
i can't find a way to use phiscal warp (1x,2x,3x,4x,) after i escaped the atmosveer. this on the xbox one (X)
The invention of Debug Drive (pioneered by one Cheiter "Alt-F12" Kerman) has rendered the complexities of orbital mechanics virtually obsolete. Now, spaceships can simply turn on their Debug Drive and zip almost instantly from any orbit to any other celestial orbit, without consuming a single drop of propellant. Some have decried the use of this technology as "too easy", but most have embraced it with enthusiasm. The new tech has only one limitation: it can only be used once a stable orbit has been established, as the Tunnelizer Particles used by the drive will rip the ship apart if exposed to too much gravitational imbalance. So while orbital mechanics is no longer a concern, rocket science remains alive and well. THE CHALLENGE: Build a ship capable of deorbiting and orbiting at many worlds as possible, without refueling, staging, or docking. Your ship is only responsible for the deorbit and orbit; it does NOT have to perform transfer or capture burns. You may use the Debug Menu to "jump" from any stable orbit to any other stable orbit, but you cannot jump from the surface (or from a suborbital trajectory) to orbit. Your vehicle must be manned. At no point can any parts explode, break off, or otherwise leave your ship. Absolutely no part mods. This challenge is about design, so you do not have to fly your ship into orbit; you start the challenge in LKO, fully-fueled. You decide what order to visit worlds in. SCORING: You gain points each time you land and reorbit from a given world. Each world is worth a certain number of points as shown below. Gilly: 6 Pol: 26 Minmus: 36 Bop: 46 Ike: 78 Dres: 86 Mun: 116 Eeloo: 124 Duna: 145 Vall: 172 Moho: 174 Laythe: 290 Tylo: 454 Eve: 800 (if anyone can pull it off) Good so far? Don't get started just yet. You can earn bonuses based on vehicle design and mission parameters. Each bonus is a 10% increase to your final score, and they multiply, so two bonuses means a 21% increase, three bonuses means a 33.1% increase, and so forth. OP reserves the right to add new bonuses in the future. Homeward Bound: Return to the surface of Kerbin from LKO at the end of your mission. Infinity and Beyond: Your vessel consumes neither xenon nor ablator, meaning it could conceivably refuel at any ISRU station and continue its mission indefinitely. In the Neighborhood: Visit each planetary system only once. In other words, you complete all landings within a given system before moving on to the next one. Baby Grand: Visit every world but Eve. Kerbin's Sweet Caress: Land within visual range of the KSC at the end of your mission. No Surly Bonds: Your vessel is capable of SSTO from Kerbin, independent of your main mission. Rocket Scientist: Be the first person to post, in this thread, an accurate explanation for how I arrived at the scoring for each world. Hera, Wife of Zeus: Land on all the moons of Jool. Powerhouse: Your vessel carries no solar panels. Disembark: Your Kerbals can leave the vessel and plant flags on every world without needing their jetpacks. Regular Ace: Fly the entire mission without relying on informational or piloting mods. Pickup Artist: Your vessel is capable of EDL at Eve and re-ascent to orbit if Infinite Fuel is enabled after landing, independent of your main mission. One Stop Shop: Your vessel consumes only a single type of propellant (e.g., xenon only, LF only, monoprop only, or LFO only). Killing Me Smalls: Your vessel has the lowest dry mass of any submission. To qualify, you must land on either Laythe or Tylo. Rule of Cool: You have a dual-thrust-axis lander, capable of vertical takeoff and landing perpendicular to your main engine thrust vector using dedicated engines. Good luck, everyone! LEADERBOARD: @Wanderfound Touches down on Laythe and the Mun before coming home to Kerbin for a pinpoint KSC landing. For now, the smallest submission capable of Laythe, so 791 points!
I need to know how to properly manage timing during physics warp and high-speed warp (the non-physics variety). Timing is required for my animations. I can use Time.time under normal scale and it works ok, but i need a timing variable / method that reads game time and is affected by both warp types. Note that MET is not acceptable since it does not run while vessel is landed.
Can we get a higher warp factor?
zarakon posted a topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
When waiting for planetary alignments or going to Jool/Eeloo, even 100000x warp feels too slow, and can require waiting 10+ minutes doing nothing. Can we get a higher speed of 500000x or 1000000x? -
Yay! the IXS Enterprise is a reality! I made this from scratch. I am pretty sure people have made this already, but I wanted to make my own. mods: Mechjeb 2.0 and KSPI-E. Any questions? Just ask. You may need to add a few fuel canisters. I left them out so you could do a little Work for yourself. You can use my craft however you like, just credit me. Any questions? just ask! Craft File