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Official 1.0 MEGA Hype Thread!


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  UpsilonAerospace said:
I'm not going to be on this HypeTrain, I'm afraid.

I have two reasons for this. One is that the only thing happening within these HypeTrains is people expressing their excitement, mostly with either very large images or with spam-like posts. Most of the reason the KSP forums are so great is precisely because so few people normally leave spam-like posts, gratuitous large images, or other wastes of bandwidth. Thus, the HypeTrain is both worrisome and a bit unwholesome for the Forum as a whole. (Not even to mention the many, many times that the Forums have crashed as a result of this behavior.)

The second reason is that I'm not very happy about this next release being called '1.0.' I personally am of the opinion that another beta version would have been extremely nice, and that 1.0 will be unpleasantly buggy. This will not only be negative for long-time KSP players, but it will also be downright painful for new players who are unaccustomed to the bugs and who want a better game. I kinda wanted this update to be a sort of 0.99 update that allowed the community to iron out bugs, but alas, it was not to be. So that takes a lot of the excitement (and adds a lot of worry) to the coming update. I really can't get hyped about 1.0.

So this HypeTrain isn't for me. Sorry, guys.

(Because this post will probably be buried after a couple of minutes, and because spam is already rampant in these parts, requoting this when you get the chance would be much appreciated. I'm not going to post on this thread anymore. I've had my say.)


will happily repost this later for you.

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  UpsilonAerospace said:
I'm not going to be on this HypeTrain, I'm afraid.

I have two reasons for this. One is that the only thing happening within these HypeTrains is people expressing their excitement, mostly with either very large images or with spam-like posts. Most of the reason the KSP forums are so great is precisely because so few people normally leave spam-like posts, gratuitous large images, or other wastes of bandwidth. Thus, the HypeTrain is both worrisome and a bit unwholesome for the Forum as a whole. (Not even to mention the many, many times that the Forums have crashed as a result of this behavior.)

The second reason is that I'm not very happy about this next release being called '1.0.' I personally am of the opinion that another beta version would have been extremely nice, and that 1.0 will be unpleasantly buggy. This will not only be negative for long-time KSP players, but it will also be downright painful for new players who are unaccustomed to the bugs and who want a better game. I kinda wanted this update to be a sort of 0.99 update that allowed the community to iron out bugs, but alas, it was not to be. So that takes a lot of the excitement (and adds a lot of worry) to the coming update. I really can't get hyped about 1.0.

So this HypeTrain isn't for me. Sorry, guys.

(Because this post will probably be buried after a couple of minutes, and because spam is already rampant in these parts, requoting this when you get the chance would be much appreciated. I'm not going to post on this thread anymore. I've had my say.)


I agree %100!! The update will be 1-3 weeks away i ask them not to rush this in any way and to prolong release as much as possible.

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  UpsilonAerospace said:
I'm not going to be on this HypeTrain, I'm afraid.

I have two reasons for this. One is that the only thing happening within these HypeTrains is people expressing their excitement, mostly with either very large images or with spam-like posts. Most of the reason the KSP forums are so great is precisely because so few people normally leave spam-like posts, gratuitous large images, or other wastes of bandwidth. Thus, the HypeTrain is both worrisome and a bit unwholesome for the Forum as a whole. (Not even to mention the many, many times that the Forums have crashed as a result of this behavior.)

The second reason is that I'm not very happy about this next release being called '1.0.' I personally am of the opinion that another beta version would have been extremely nice, and that 1.0 will be unpleasantly buggy. This will not only be negative for long-time KSP players, but it will also be downright painful for new players who are unaccustomed to the bugs and who want a better game. I kinda wanted this update to be a sort of 0.99 update that allowed the community to iron out bugs, but alas, it was not to be. So that takes a lot of the excitement (and adds a lot of worry) to the coming update. I really can't get hyped about 1.0.

So this HypeTrain isn't for me. Sorry, guys.

(Because this post will probably be buried after a couple of minutes, and because spam is already rampant in these parts, requoting this when you get the chance would be much appreciated. I'm not going to post on this thread anymore. I've had my say.)


While I am really eager to get my hands on 1.0, I also cannot totally agree with Squad's decision, and I'm not even as excited for 1.0 as I was with 0.90, or even 0.22. I do think 1.0 should be 0.99, and then shortly after 1.0.

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  UpsilonAerospace said:
I'm not going to be on this HypeTrain, I'm afraid.

I have two reasons for this. One is that the only thing happening within these HypeTrains is people expressing their excitement, mostly with either very large images or with spam-like posts. Most of the reason the KSP forums are so great is precisely because so few people normally leave spam-like posts, gratuitous large images, or other wastes of bandwidth. Thus, the HypeTrain is both worrisome and a bit unwholesome for the Forum as a whole. (Not even to mention the many, many times that the Forums have crashed as a result of this behavior.)

The second reason is that I'm not very happy about this next release being called '1.0.' I personally am of the opinion that another beta version would have been extremely nice, and that 1.0 will be unpleasantly buggy. This will not only be negative for long-time KSP players, but it will also be downright painful for new players who are unaccustomed to the bugs and who want a better game. I kinda wanted this update to be a sort of 0.99 update that allowed the community to iron out bugs, but alas, it was not to be. So that takes a lot of the excitement (and adds a lot of worry) to the coming update. I really can't get hyped about 1.0.

So this HypeTrain isn't for me. Sorry, guys.

(Because this post will probably be buried after a couple of minutes, and because spam is already rampant in these parts, requoting this when you get the chance would be much appreciated. I'm not going to post on this thread anymore. I've had my say.)


Burn the non hyper!!!!

Seriously though, I agree with your second point however the hypetrain is just a bit of fun. Maybe a compromise would be to move this to the forum games section.

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  Thomas988 said:
While I am really eager to get my hands on 1.0, I also cannot totally agree with Squad's decision, and I'm not even as excited for 1.0 as I was with 0.90, or even 0.22. I do think 1.0 should be 0.99, and then shortly after 1.0.

I have to agree. There will be cool stuff here, but really it's just another update.

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I... I just want it now.

Good things take time, and served like this it might be very buggy, but I don't run into bugs a lot.

Therefore... even though I want to hate this decision, I love it in my heart. It's just hard.

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I already was having issues waiting for 1.0, I pretty much stopped playing as soon as I found out.

I was already riding my own hype train just waiting for any sort of news as to when they would reach experimentals.

Then I heard the good news, and found This Page and I freaked.

Hype train, here we go!!!

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  UpsilonAerospace said:
I'm not going to be on this HypeTrain, I'm afraid.

I have two reasons for this. One is that the only thing happening within these HypeTrains is people expressing their excitement, mostly with either very large images or with spam-like posts. Most of the reason the KSP forums are so great is precisely because so few people normally leave spam-like posts, gratuitous large images, or other wastes of bandwidth. Thus, the HypeTrain is both worrisome and a bit unwholesome for the Forum as a whole. (Not even to mention the many, many times that the Forums have crashed as a result of this behavior.)

I actually think it's nice to have a stupid thread every now and again, so I'm fine with it. Especially considering how cool the forum is the rest of the time.

  UpsilonAerospace said:
The second reason is that I'm not very happy about this next release being called '1.0.' I personally am of the opinion that another beta version would have been extremely nice, and that 1.0 will be unpleasantly buggy. This will not only be negative for long-time KSP players, but it will also be downright painful for new players who are unaccustomed to the bugs and who want a better game. I kinda wanted this update to be a sort of 0.99 update that allowed the community to iron out bugs, but alas, it was not to be. So that takes a lot of the excitement (and adds a lot of worry) to the coming update. I really can't get hyped about 1.0.

So this HypeTrain isn't for me. Sorry, guys.

(Because this post will probably be buried after a couple of minutes, and because spam is already rampant in these parts, requoting this when you get the chance would be much appreciated. I'm not going to post on this thread anymore. I've had my say.)


Completely agree with this, but them business deals keeping that 1.0 train moving.

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The point of a hype train is for those people who are excited, and anxious, to share that with like-minded folks in lieu of being excited about PLAYING KSP. If being happy Christmas is coming isn't your thing that's totally cool. For those who are it can be fun to vent that now and again. Nobody is 'spamming' anything. Almost all the posts are from different people just venting out that they're excited for the 1.0 update. Not everyone wants to do that via a long, involved armchair discussion of hypothetical impacts of changes we haven't seen yet and detailed theorycrafted analysis of as-yet unexperienced experiences.

Instead we go 'HYPETRAIN! WHEEE! I CAN'T WAIT!' because that is 100% every bit as useful, relevant and applicable right now as debates over how the as yet unplayed changes to aerodynamics will affect our favorite creations that were made using mods that will be changed or depreciated when 1.0 is released.

Get a ticket. It's a fun ride focused on.... being a fun ride. Not up for a fun ride? Stay in Apathy Station, the ennui train shows up sooner or later :P

- - - Updated - - -



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  Mischief said:
The point of a hype train is for those people who are excited, and anxious, to share that with like-minded folks in lieu of being excited about PLAYING KSP. If being happy Christmas is coming isn't your thing that's totally cool. For those who are it can be fun to vent that now and again. Nobody is 'spamming' anything. Almost all the posts are from different people just venting out that they're excited for the 1.0 update. Not everyone wants to do that via a long, involved armchair discussion of hypothetical impacts of changes we haven't seen yet and detailed theorycrafted analysis of as-yet unexperienced experiences.

Instead we go 'HYPETRAIN! WHEEE! I CAN'T WAIT!' because that is 100% every bit as useful, relevant and applicable right now as debates over how the as yet unplayed changes to aerodynamics will affect our favorite creations that were made using mods that will be changed or depreciated when 1.0 is released.

Get a ticket. It's a fun ride focused on.... being a fun ride. Not up for a fun ride? Stay in Apathy Station, the ennui train shows up sooner or later :P

- - - Updated - - -



There will always be people who are not satisfied with simply not participating in the excitement if they are grumpy about it. In short, misery loves company.

And on that note, there are some basketball fans outside my office who I need to go chastise. How dare they enjoy an activity that I don't!

Wait, actually, I think I'll just HYPE ABOUT 1.0 INSTEAD!


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"I am the liaison from the mountain homes, I am here to discuss the SteamDB situation."

"24 hours ago PC Scratchpad was updated."

"20 hours ago PC Scratchpad was updated."

"18 hours ago OS X Scratchpad was updated."

"18 hours ago Linux Scratchpad was updated."

"Press a to finish the conversation."

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  UpsilonAerospace said:
I'm not going to be on this HypeTrain, I'm afraid.

I have two reasons for this. One is that the only thing happening within these HypeTrains is people expressing their excitement, mostly with either very large images or with spam-like posts. Most of the reason the KSP forums are so great is precisely because so few people normally leave spam-like posts, gratuitous large images, or other wastes of bandwidth. Thus, the HypeTrain is both worrisome and a bit unwholesome for the Forum as a whole. (Not even to mention the many, many times that the Forums have crashed as a result of this behavior.)

The second reason is that I'm not very happy about this next release being called '1.0.' I personally am of the opinion that another beta version would have been extremely nice, and that 1.0 will be unpleasantly buggy. This will not only be negative for long-time KSP players, but it will also be downright painful for new players who are unaccustomed to the bugs and who want a better game. I kinda wanted this update to be a sort of 0.99 update that allowed the community to iron out bugs, but alas, it was not to be. So that takes a lot of the excitement (and adds a lot of worry) to the coming update. I really can't get hyped about 1.0.

So this HypeTrain isn't for me. Sorry, guys.

(Because this post will probably be buried after a couple of minutes, and because spam is already rampant in these parts, requoting this when you get the chance would be much appreciated. I'm not going to post on this thread anymore. I've had my say.)


Agreed! What will a new player think when he/she uses the ARM part decoupler..?

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  Robotengineer said:
"I am the liaison from the mountain homes, I am here to discuss the SteamDB situation."

"24 hours ago PC Scratchpad was updated."

"20 hours ago PC Scratchpad was updated."

"18 hours ago OS X Scratchpad was updated."

"18 hours ago Linux Scratchpad was updated."

"Press a to finish the conversation."

Definitely no experientials... Squad what have you done.

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Two points:

1) I completely agree with those who don't feel the hype this time around. Mine is tempered, for sure. I will never understand though the need to post on this thread that you don't want to post on this thread. There are THOUSANDS of threads in this forum (Some of them very popular) that I will never post on. Guess what I do? I DON'T POST ON THEM. It's shockingly effective in reaching my goal of not posting on them.


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"Hyper's Delight"

I said a hype hype,

hype-ey to the hyper,

The hype, hype a hop, and you don't stop, a rocket

To the blast off boogie, say, up jump the boogie,

To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.

Now, what you hear is not a test - I'm rappin' to the beat,

And me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet.

See, I am Valentina, and I'd like to say hello,

To the black, to the white, the red and the yellow.

But first, I gotta Bang bang, the boogie to the boogie,

Say up jump the boogie to the big bang boogie,

Let's rocket, you don't stop,

Rocket the rhythm that'll make you blast off.


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So I asked myself where one might be in regard to the Hypetrain and thought of the following possible conditions:

you could be...

1) in the cabin hanging with the hype train crew

2) the conductor

3) an excited passenger

4) a sleeping passenger

5) a passenger who can't wait to just get off at the next station

6) Running along side the train trying to jump on

7) Running behind trying to catch up

8) Running ahead trying not to get run over

9) Asleep on the tracks a few hundred meters ahead of the speeding Hypetrain.

10) in a taxi going somewhere else


where might you be? Maybe this should be a poll. ha! I don't know how to do it... its late...

Edited by Wallygator
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I'm sorry. I feel as if I have to post again, just to clarify a few little things.

  Mischief said:
...If being Happy Christmas is Coming isn't your thing that's totally cool... Almost all the posts are from people just venting out that they're excited for the 1.0 update.
  Xavven said:
There will always be people who are not satisfied with simply not participating in the excitement if they are grumpy about it. In short, misery loves company.

And on that note, there are some basketball fans outside my office who I need to go chastise. How dare they enjoy an activity that I don't!

There is a distinct difference between 'being excited' and 'leaving spam.' If I was very excited about a new update, I would write something along the lines of:

  Me, hopefully said:
Wow. This new update is sounding incredible, especially the new aerodynamics. I really hope it comes out soon!

...if someone else was really, really excited, they may write:

  Someone else said:
Yay! This is really cool! I hope the update comes out soon. Your [sic] awesome SQUAD!

I'm perfectly fine with both of these posts. What I'm not fine with, however, is:

  Too many people on this forum said:

[image of the HypeTrain]

Personally, I think that no matter how excited someone is, there are far, far better ways of expressing excitement than this. If it was done on any other thread, it would be removed by a moderator. It really shouldn't be tolerated here, either. And while I know that a fair fraction of the posts here aren't this way, there are also an embarrassing number of them that look exactly like this.

So, to re-iterate:

I'm not grumpy that you guys are excited. I do want to see 1.0 come out too, and I'll probably be up late into the night trying to download it when it first comes out.

I'm grumpy because I feel like this thread is the Forum equivalent of a lot of graffiti sprayed near my house. It's not actually dangerous and it doesn't do much harm, but it's unpleasant to be around for all of the people who don't want to spread graffiti. Which, in this case, is actually a surprising amount of people! You just don't hear from them as much, because they're not posting once every thirty seconds to 'spread Hype.'


...oh, and in case you're saying, "Well, then just don't look at it! The Forum is a big place, and there are many other threads to look at."

I would like to remind people that for up to a week before the update comes out, the HypeTrain has caused the Forum to overload and stopped anyone from viewing or posting anything, in all parts of the Forum. Sure, these outages haven't been so bad, but it does annoy me that they are more-or-less entirely pointless, and could easily be avoided if people were even slightly more restrained. And I know for a fact that it's possible to breathe in and out a few times and control your excitement (or other emotions) before posting. This is a far better way to 'vent your excitement' than creating a Hype Train, both for yourself and for the KSP community.

Again, this is just my two cents. If you're wondering why I'm posting this here, it's because I'm hoping that people actually read it and maybe even approach this thread in a slightly different way.

Thanks for reading through this. I really will stop posting on this thread now. I promise.


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  UpsilonAerospace said:
I'm sorry. I feel as if I have to post again, just to clarify a few little things.

There is a distinct difference between 'being excited' and 'leaving spam.' If I was very excited about a new update, I would write something along the lines of:

...if someone else was really, really excited, they may write:

I'm perfectly fine with both of these posts. What I'm not fine with, however, is:

Personally, I think that no matter how excited someone is, there are far, far better ways of expressing excitement than this. If it was done on any other thread, it would be removed by a moderator. It really shouldn't be tolerated here, either. And while I know that a fair fraction of the posts here aren't this way, there are also an embarrassing number of them that look exactly like this.

So, to re-iterate:

I'm not grumpy that you guys are excited. I do want to see 1.0 come out too, and I'll probably be up late into the night trying to download it when it first comes out.

I'm grumpy because I feel like this thread is the Forum equivalent of a lot of graffiti sprayed near my house. It's not actually dangerous and it doesn't do much harm, but it's unpleasant to be around for all of the people who don't want to spread graffiti. Which, in this case, is actually a surprising amount of people! You just don't hear from them as much, because they're not posting once every thirty seconds to 'spread Hype.'


...oh, and in case you're saying, "Well, then just don't look at it! The Forum is a big place, and there are many other threads to look at."

I would like to remind people that for up to a week before the update comes out, the HypeTrain has caused the Forum to overload and stopped anyone from viewing or posting anything, in all parts of the Forum. Sure, these outages haven't been so bad, but it does annoy me that they are more-or-less entirely pointless, and could easily be avoided if people were even slightly more restrained. And I know for a fact that it's possible to breathe in and out a few times and control your excitement (or other emotions) before posting. This is a far better way to 'vent your excitement' than creating a Hype Train, both for yourself and for the KSP community.

Again, this is just my two cents. If you're wondering why I'm posting this here, it's because I'm hoping that people actually read it and maybe even approach this thread in a slightly different way.

Thanks for reading through this. I really will stop posting on this thread now. I promise.


Unhyped Person Alert!

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*gasp* How dare you insult ME with accusations of Graffiti!

But seriously though, I do see your point. I'll try and take this into consideration.

Annoucing to all Hype Passengers: Stop painting graffiti on the forums. Also, please talk about the thing we're actually hyped about, the update!



An early windsplitting locomotive, designed to try to understand aerodynamics and fight it's draglike forces. I suspect many noobs will attempt to streamline their rockets in much the same way as this, before starting to understand what the most efficient aerodynamics are. And no, that's not a linear aerospike on the front (though that would be really cool)

- - - Updated - - -

  Owen5595 said:
Unhyped Person Alert!

This is not a good way to deal with the unhyped people. It makes the Hype side look bad.

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