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What will YOU carry over to V1.0?

Mister Dilsby

What will you carry over to your V1.0 Career save?  

216 members have voted

  1. 1. What will you carry over to your V1.0 Career save?

    • Nothing--Starting fresh!
    • Everything--I worked too hard to lose it!
    • Partial--Just a few favorite bits of awesome.

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I want to bring a few select pure stock craft over so I can compare how they work (fail) with the new changes. This fleet of mini SSTO's will be quite a good test as they range from just being able to make orbit to some with longer range so I'm interested to see if they can still work or if I have to completely scrap that approach. And I've brought this stunt aircraft (or slight variations on it) along with me for the last few versions, so I'll have to try it out. Rocket wise I think I'll be starting from scratch again as I don't currently have any designs that I'm really attached to.

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Is the update too close to start a Jool mission? I probably will have to restart as well, learning how the new aero is going to affect everything and all. I probably am going to delete everything that is landed on something and leave the things that are flying alone.

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I'm hoping to bring everything over. It shouldn't be too hard to start a new save, and edit the ships and kerbals into it by hand. I've already identified a few potential pitfalls in doing so and thought of solutions.

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  Dawnstar said:
You might instead try starting up a V1.0 game, making a copy of the savefile, adding your little green dudes and asteroids, and seeing if the result works. This is likely to be easier to debug.
Good idea!

- - - Updated - - -

  Draconiator said:
Is the update too close to start a Jool mission? I probably will have to restart as well, learning how the new aero is going to affect everything and all. I probably am going to delete everything that is landed on something and leave the things that are flying alone.
I hear that. Just now trying to squeeze in an Eve landing/return.

- - - Updated - - -

  5thHorseman said:
I expect everything I build to be different, what with the changes to aero and part balancing that (I hope) will include Isp, TWR, masses, and costs.
Can't wait to see how the new aero model affects flying asteroids...
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Satellites, tugs, possibly some rockets although I think I only have two since 0.25, depending on how & when the completely new FAR appears will depend whether I take fuselages or entire planes over. Certainly not taking a savegame. Actually all that depends on my current modset still working, if it doesn't then I'm not taking myself to 1.0 :P

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I will carry very little over. The last couple of weeks as 1.0 has been ramping up I have been designing rovers that will easily fit in payloads and whatnot but they will be the only things carried over.


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naming conventions and ideas. That's about it. I haven't done much in 0.90, so I haven't got much to lose and with the massive amount of changes (the new aero being one of them) I'll have to re-learn a lot of stuff. No point in trying to hang on to things that likely would require either a lot of revision or wouldn't work properly under the new version anyway.

Can't wait for 1.0 to hit, it sounds like it's going to be pretty great :)

P.S.: oh, and a couple mods of course. though I think 1.0 has effectively reduced my mod list to EVE, RCS build aid and maybe KER. And if I recall correctly 1.0 will feature a delta-V readout so I'm not even sure about KER anymore...

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I will be terminating my career with extreme prejudice, give that:

* I have six or so contracts that I really shouldn't have agreed to, but which would be too expensive to cancel

* The current contract I'm working on - a Minimus Surface Facility - is ridiculously complex, involving four separate modules which (it turns out) don't connect together very neatly in orbit (I shudder to think what'd happen if I were trying to actually LAND this thing!).

* Jeb is currently occupying said Surface facility; he snuck into the cupola when I wasn't looking, and I have no way to get the grinning idiot out of there (If I were a REAL KSP player, It'd be childsplay to send up an empty spacecraft for him, but frankly I'm not. :) ).

* I have selected the wrong strategies.

So even if there was not a new version coming soon, I think I'd be replacing my career pretty soon anyway.

Plus there's the new aerodynamics model to smack me up the side of the head and remind me what a lousy pilot I am. :)

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