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[1.0.2][May12] NoOffsetLimits: Removes limits for part offset in editor

FW Industries

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NoOffsetLimits removes all limits from the offset gizmo in the editor. Drag it all the way to the Mun! Harpoon not included ;)


I found the limits particularly annoying in cargo bays. But there are probably all kinds of uses for this. Share your whackiness :)

Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7121093/ksp-mods/KSP%5B1.0.2%5DNoOffsetLimits%5BMay12%5D.zip

Tested in 1.0.2

Usage: Nothing special, just use the offset gizmo.


- 2015 May 12 Initial release

Source and MIT License included in download.

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Not accusing you of stealing, but I think I saw another thing with something similar? Maybe it was discussion rather than a mod. Definetly sure there isn't a standalone mod for this kind of thing, which is what yours is.

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I love it. I HATE that if you even look at the big decouplers with the slide tool enabled, they snap halfway into the stack and refuse to come out. I'll use it for that alone.

Nothing should ever snap with the offset tool (that I've seen) unless you're forgetting to disable the angle snap first

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Nothing should ever snap with the offset tool (that I've seen) unless you're forgetting to disable the angle snap first

Nothing should, but many things do. Radial-mount parts and cargo bays are particularly problematic.

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Nothing should ever snap with the offset tool (that I've seen) unless you're forgetting to disable the angle snap first

It's not snap. It's a limit. I can smoothly drag the radial decouplers in and out of the stack as far as I choose... so long as I only choose to have them halfway out.

Seriously you don't have this problem? Put an orange tank down. Put a radial decoupler (the one that sticks way out) onto it. Hit '2', and offset it. It snaps nicely into the stack and is forever stuck there until I use normal mode to move it the old fashioned way.

Until this mod, of course :)

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It's not snap. It's a limit. I can smoothly drag the radial decouplers in and out of the stack as far as I choose... so long as I only choose to have them halfway out.

Seriously you don't have this problem? Put an orange tank down. Put a radial decoupler (the one that sticks way out) onto it. Hit '2', and offset it. It snaps nicely into the stack and is forever stuck there until I use normal mode to move it the old fashioned way.

Until this mod, of course :)

The "limits" when placing parts in cargo bays are seriously borked. Node-attach a docking port to the end of a Mk2 cargo bay. Try to translate it up or down a smidgeon. It will leap sideways and lock there.

Similarly, try to attach a docking port to the floor of a Mk2 bay, then move it a bit. It will jump downwards so that it clips through the outer skin. Ditto for, say, a basic jet mounted on a cubic strut inside a cargo bay (standard VTOL usage). You can place it without without it clipping through the underside, but the second you try to translate it will leap irreversibly downwards.

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Seriously you don't have this problem? Put an orange tank down. Put a radial decoupler (the one that sticks way out) onto it. Hit '2', and offset it. It snaps nicely into the stack and is forever stuck there until I use normal mode to move it the old fashioned way.

I've just been fortunate to not have to deal with this I guess with the parts I've chosen to use. Although I do recall re-loading a ship file when I had boosters radially attached to an NRAP and finding the radial decouplers inside the NRAP weight. No offset used, they just reloaded that way. So yea, I can believe the funkiness exists

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks alot, this NEEDS to be added stock in debug menu option. it is technically "cheaty", but heck, its not like sci-fi ships are suppose to be realistic, maglev armor FTW (ive already been abusing offset bugs to move stuff out way farther then its suppost to be). This just makes me not have to resort to rotating then translating then rotating to face how i want, now i just bloody rotate how i want, and get the part working. Ohh, and carriers just got a WHOLE lot easier to make, armored spine down middle, and offset the external plating as desired, no more supports that block real estate needed for the interceptors/fighters/bombers.

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  • 4 weeks later...
What issues? I'm using it with no problems that I know of.

Was getting some NREs when manipulating certain parts in SPH. I will get logs if I run into it again.

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I've already made a mission pack with the help of this mod.

I could have made every craft without it but it allows me to make nice shapes and forms using a fraction of the number of parts. (I will remake my X-37b soon. The orbiter is over 500 parts now, I can half that building with this mod)

There are going to be some very interesting craft on the exchange when more people adopt this. I wont make a single thing without it again.

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