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[1.10.1+] Contract Pack: Field Research [v1.2.2] [2020-09-20]


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so, i'm having a bit of an issue in using Field Research with the Galileo planet pack. Specificallly, a couple of the contracts seem to choke when they can't find Eve, as well as a few that expect Kerbol to go by its vanilla name.

Contracts that expect Eve: FS_ClimateStudy, FS_HardScience

Contracts that expect the star to be called Sun instead of Ciro or we name GPP has for it internally: FS_Experiment, FS_Scraps, FS_KSC .

Also, i'm not exactly certain that FS_BiomeStudy is working, as i've yet to see any of those pop up despite orbitting Gael.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/8/2017 at 2:11 PM, ussdefiant said:

so, i'm having a bit of an issue in using Field Research with the Galileo planet pack. Specificallly, a couple of the contracts seem to choke when they can't find Eve, as well as a few that expect Kerbol to go by its vanilla name.

Contracts that expect Eve: FS_ClimateStudy, FS_HardScience

Contracts that expect the star to be called Sun instead of Ciro or we name GPP has for it internally: FS_Experiment, FS_Scraps, FS_KSC .

Also, i'm not exactly certain that FS_BiomeStudy is working, as i've yet to see any of those pop up despite orbitting Gael.

I see this same behivor on my GPP install.  The OP says it works with planet packs, but I think it means packs that add to the stock system.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, All!

I have got two contracts:
Perform Research cube experiments on the Mun
Perform Research weather experiments on the Mun

What kind of device I should attach to vehicle?

I've tried:
MT1 Weather core with module types 1, 2, 3 and 4
RCM-55 Research core with module types 1, 2, 3 and 4

Edited by gal20040
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a problem with the Ferry Scientist contract--once I complete the contract by recovering the scientist, the scientist disappears. I tried using the debug menu to complete the contract while the ship with the scientist is still active in space, and once I pressed the complete button, the scientist just disappears immediately from the vessel. I've looked at the debug logs and there are no errors I could see. Any ideas why this could be happening?

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 08/03/2017 at 8:11 PM, ussdefiant said:

so, i'm having a bit of an issue in using Field Research with the Galileo planet pack. Specificallly, a couple of the contracts seem to choke when they can't find Eve, as well as a few that expect Kerbol to go by its vanilla name.

Contracts that expect Eve: FS_ClimateStudy, FS_HardScience

Contracts that expect the star to be called Sun instead of Ciro or we name GPP has for it internally: FS_Experiment, FS_Scraps, FS_KSC .

Also, i'm not exactly certain that FS_BiomeStudy is working, as i've yet to see any of those pop up despite orbitting Gael.


On 16/03/2017 at 8:38 PM, eberkain said:

I see this same behivor on my GPP install.  The OP says it works with planet packs, but I think it means packs that add to the stock system.  

I've created a pull request on GitHub with fixes for these issues. I've only did limited play testing but seems to work fine in my GPP career game.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I had a strange issue with Field Research. I had a contract "Help a scientist perform experiments on Minmus". I did all the contract required, but it wasn't marked as complete (as if I didn't run the experiments, which I'm sure I did). I then used Alt-F12 menu to do it manually. Some time later, I took a similar contract, but I never got the scientist mentioned in it (so I can't complete it "legally" either).

Edited by garwel
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On 2/4/2017 at 2:14 PM, MartinLyne said:

Anyone having trouble with experiments not being picked up?

I have 2 science contracts, 1 was to go to station, do any experiment and return it. The other is do a temp scan in space high above Kerbin. I got locations both ticked, but neither detected the experiment being done. 

I tried using both default sci items and also universal storage versions. No joy. 

I have same issue. Collect rear science from Water Landed and I cannot get it to register that I have collected science data.

Originally it was three peace: collect laser data, Hydromomenter (both DMagicSci mod) and Magnetometer. On that mission I was able to collect first two but the magnetometer would not collect. The one difference with that experiment was that it was already completed, which is strange in the first place, since mod was smart enough not to include completed experiments up until that point. I eventually completed that mission from the ALT+F12 console, but mission came back, but only had magnetometer scan. I assume that is because i have completed all experiments (including the magnetometer one), but the magnetometer one does not get registered as completed. So what is going on?

Update: After some digging, I found what the issue is: it is does not actually looks like the problem is this mod, but some other mod (probobly community science.) Magnetometer is registered as one name,  but when the game is saved completed science for this experiment gets recorded as another, so contract parser thinks that magnetometer experiment is not complete. I worked around this by adding completed experiment with correct name to my save file.

Edited by Senaurus
Found a work around
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  • 1 month later...

Hello all!
I have the mode [1.3.x] Contract Pack: Field Research [v1.2.1] [2017-06-04].
And I can get such a contract (see screenshot).

Question - how can you create a situation on the water "landed"?
When I take this contract, I can not get the right situation.

P.S. Oh, I already understand what's wrong!

Edited by elite72
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Can anyone help me with this one? Wish I'd looked at it more closely, but it said 30 science and 196 reputation for completion and my greedy index finger clicked before I could stop him.

It says it is a WBIResearchContract and it is called Research Materials Exposure Space Study at Gael (running GPP). It says to refer to experiment details but none are listed, so have no idea what to do, tempted to fly a materials bay into orbit and then land it, but that seems not much effort for the reward. And I have to find a solution now as the penalty for failure is -90 reputation, stupid greedy index finger.


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21 minutes ago, vossiewulf said:

Can anyone help me with this one? Wish I'd looked at it more closely, but it said 30 science and 196 reputation for completion and my greedy index finger clicked before I could stop him.

It says it is a WBIResearchContract and it is called Research Materials Exposure Space Study at Gael (running GPP). It says to refer to experiment details but none are listed, so have no idea what to do, tempted to fly a materials bay into orbit and then land it, but that seems not much effort for the reward. And I have to find a solution now as the penalty for failure is -90 reputation, stupid greedy index finger.

I think that's one of the experiments from the MOLE mod. The materials bay is useless for this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@nightingale Uhm, I seem to have found two annoying bugs:

1. I keep getting a mission to get sysmic (the shaky earth thing) data while landed in the waters of kerbin. Meaning, bottom of the ocean. Not quite feasible at the point of my career game.

2. When I decline this mission (regardless of whether I've accepted it, happened twice now, once after accepting, and once before accepting) I lose 100% of my funds. Literally all of it goes *poof*.

Is this a known bug for this contract pack? Is it a conflict with another mod? How would I go about to find out?

Here's my mod list if it helps:


KSP: 1.3.1 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit

AllYAllContinued -
AtmosphereAutopilot - 1.5.10
BetterTimeWarpContinued - 2.3.9
Chatterer -
CommunityTechTree - 3.2.1
Contract Configurator - 1.23.3
Contract Pack: Clever Sats - 1.4
Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2.1
Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy - 1.1.7
Contract Pack: Bases and Stations -
Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.5.2
CustomBarnKit - 1.1.16
Easy Vessel Switch - 1.5.6471.31118
FMRS (Flight Manager For Reusable Stages) - 1.2.6
HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 1.0.1
Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.3
Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.3
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.3
KerbNet Controller -
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.7.6468.41490
KSP-AVC Plugin -
NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE - 1.0.3
NRAP - 1.5.7
Precise Maneuver - 2.3.1
RCS Build Aid - 0.9.3
Recovery Controller - 0.0.2
Science Relay -
Store My Reports - 1.1
Strategia - 1.6
Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights for Self-Illumination - 1.6.6484.37549
TAC Fuel Balancer - 2.14
TakeCommandContinued -
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.5
TweakScale - 2.3.7
Unmanned before Manned -
Waypoint Manager - 2.7
[x] Science! - 5.11

Edited by Jognt
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On 23/10/2017 at 2:42 PM, Jognt said:

I keep getting a mission to get sysmic (the shaky earth thing) data while landed in the waters of kerbin. Meaning, bottom of the ocean. Not quite feasible at the point of my career game.

Stock ksp has trained you not to read the contract descriptions.

it is possible to get "landed at water" in certain places. You should have a few example way points when you accept the contract.

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I did one of the "rare science" contracts (splashed down at grasslands).  But when I completed the contract, the waypoints didn't disappear until  restarted KSP.  Even reloading a save (from after completing the contract, just to try to reinitialize things) didn't get rid of them — they stayed until I quit the game last night, but after starting the game again today, they're gone (as they should be).

Not really a problem, but just wanted to mention it as an apparent bug.

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6 hours ago, Electrocutor said:

What determines if a science experiment is seen by these contracts or not?

ModuleManager patches with CC_EXPERIMENT_DEFINITIONS blocks contain rules for how Contract Configurator treats various experiments. Several such files are contained in the GameData/ContractConfigurator/science folder. Field research or other mods may also define their own CC_EXPERIMENT_DEFINITIONS blocks. (searching ModuleManager.ConfigCache for CC_EXPERIMENT_DEFINITIONS will show you all of them)

6 hours ago, Electrocutor said:

For example, RoverDude's PackRat Camera is seen and used in the science contracts, but the 4 Sounding Rockets experiments are not.

The USI.cfg file in the aforementioned folder has sections for the pack rat camera and each of the SR experiments. The latter have "ignored = true" in their definitions which is why they are not seen by FR contracts. 

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19 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

ModuleManager patches with CC_EXPERIMENT_DEFINITIONS blocks contain rules for how Contract Configurator treats various experiments. Several such files are contained in the GameData/ContractConfigurator/science folder. Field research or other mods may also define their own CC_EXPERIMENT_DEFINITIONS blocks. (searching ModuleManager.ConfigCache for CC_EXPERIMENT_DEFINITIONS will show you all of them)

The USI.cfg file in the aforementioned folder has sections for the pack rat camera and each of the SR experiments. The latter have "ignored = true" in their definitions which is why they are not seen by FR contracts. 

Thank you very much for this. I've got it fixed now to include them.

Out of curiosity, do you know how I could add the other KSC biome locations to CC such as the flagpole, builds, etc?

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40 minutes ago, Electrocutor said:

Out of curiosity, do you know how I could add the other KSC biome locations to CC such as the flagpole, builds, etc?

The list of KSC "mini-biomes" recognised by CC is hard-coded (here). To add missing biomes (e.g. flagpole, tracking station dishes, R&D sub-buildings etc.) would require a code change and the CC DLL to be re-compiled. That would probably be up to @nightingale

Edit: If you have the coding skills it could also be done by writing a CC extension and then modifying contracts to use that.

Edited by Aelfhe1m
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I'm seeing a bug with this, sadly nothing seems to show up in the console about it:

Field Research contracts, if Offered, are sometimes oscillating every second between visible and not visible (probably because of meeting and then unmeeting requirements somehow). Sometimes, they change between Agencies, too, which looks super weird (similar contract, agency icon and text changes every second).

It's best visible in the all contracts tab.


This is with about a score of -50 negative reputation; I think most of it is related to me sucking at the game - maybe you can test this case?

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