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The K Prize - 100% reusable spaceplane to orbit and back

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On 7/13/2017 at 2:23 AM, boolybooly said:

Looks great but you know the K-Prize has a no refuelling clause? See page 1 for rules.

Shame on me for not reading everything and thinking I could just claim a badge :)  I humbly submit my redesigned craft affectionately dubbed Klementine. Here is my imgur album of a mission launching from Kerbin to Gilly, filling the ore tanks (600), and returning to Kerbin fully intact!

KSP 1.3 mods:

  • [X] Science
  • BetterBurnTime
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock
  • Kerbal Engineer Redux
  • MechJeb2
  • Precise Node
  • Transfer Window Planner


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11 minutes ago, icantmakemodels said:

Is this an acceptable landing?

There's only one way to find out: Set the parking brake. Have the pilot go EVA, then press [SPACE] to let them fall to the ground. Use arrow keys to orient the camera to face the pilot and parked craft. Zoom out, then press "S" and hold. If you observe the pilot "walking away" from the craft, your landing was "a good one".

Edited by Kuzzter
using [S] formatted the rest as strikethrough...weird
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@icantmakemodels thats a fine landing but its not on the runway so it gets a pilot proficiency medal and not an advanced pilot precision award. All you have to do to get the latter is maneuver onto the runway, though its better if you land on it in the first place :wink: plus a mission report of a K-Prize mission accomplishments would be needed for awarding the prize fyi. That can be any medium you prefer, text, stills, video, possibly mime, depends on how good the make up is! jk


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1 minute ago, boolybooly said:

@icantmakemodels thats a fine landing but its not on the runway so it gets a pilot proficiency medal and not an advanced pilot precision award. All you have to do to get the latter is maneuver onto the runway, though its better if you land on it in the first place :wink: plus a mission report of a K-Prize mission accomplishments would be needed for awarding the prize fyi. That can be any format you prefer, text, stills, video, possibly mime, depends on how good the make up is! jk


Yep, I know. Just checking if i needed to not explode those bits.

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19 hours ago, zanie420 said:

@boolybooly Maybe I misunderstood the Utilitarial Distiction definition. Was I suppose to take ore with me to Gilly as well as return with the load I mined while there? At the very least I should get the Astrokerbal Distinction, right?

No you read it right, no worries.

I was just waiting for a good time to read through the screenies. So congratulations on a successful mission earning the accolades as follows...

zanie420 Exploratory Astrokerbal Distinction, Utilitarial  Distinction (Gilly) with Klementine.

Thanks for your report and welcome to the roll of honour aka the K-Prize party guest list.


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Okay, I'm mad.


I decided to build a brand new, SSTO using stock mk2 parts, and instead of filming the footage, I decided to test it first and then shoot the video.


I ended up getting into orbit


And I landed





So now I need to relaunch it, and hope to Jeb I recreate the mission :mad:

Okay, I'm happy, I just did it again, and took video.

But I'm mostly upset now, because the wifi got really slow for some reason, so it might not come out until tomorrow, but I have proof!


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I just submitted this for the KSP Weekly challenge to land on Duna without using oxidizer, but since it's an SSTO and I landed it back on the KSC runway, I guess it makes a pretty decent K-prize entry as well!


Album /a/PuVuE will appear when post is submitted
The plane uses 2 RAPIER + 2 nuke engines, took off horizontally from the KSC runway, landed horizontally on Duna, and made it back to the KSC in one piece, of course without refueling. Many more details are included in the album. Based on its wing profile and large wing area, I guess I'll call it the Duna Butterfly Moth!  Although it still looks a bit slapped-together, it flew really well during all phases of the mission, so I'm quite pleased with this design. I'll maybe clean up the lines in the SPH later.


Edited by herbal space program
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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations to...

Spaceception Advanced Pilot Precision Award with SSTO. @Spaceception

herbal space program Advanced Pilot Precision Award, Expeditionary Astrokerbal Distinction (Duna) with Duna Moth. @herbal space program


Thanks for your mission reports, text only is sufficient evidence btw as we are on the honour system but its always interesting to watch a mission play out.  Welcome to the guest list for the K-Prize party, aka the roll of honour.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm here!

Indubitable congratulations to @Skystorm for...

Skystorm Advanced Pilot Precision Award, Utilitarial Commendation with the spaceplane with no name.

... completing the K-Prize successfully. If you would like to supply a name for the craft I can update the link accordingly. Otherwise thanks for your mission report on a professional looking satellite launch and welcome to the party guest list aka roll of honour for the K-Prize.


@icantmakemodels I hope you will let us know when Jebediah stops screaming !



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Yes it does @paneledberry 

So assuming you made a full orbit with PE>70km, lost no parts on the way and made a landing intact, congratulations on completing the K-Prize.

paneledberry with Dove.

Thanks for your report and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour.


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  • 4 weeks later...

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