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[1.8.1] ETT - Engineering Tech Tree - May 4, 2020


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Sounds cool! I've just discovered SEP and am excited that it's now supported by ETT.

Also, reporting a misplaced part: USI Kontainer Tank (05m) is placed in Advanced Rocketry 0.625 when it should go into 5 meter stuff. Ain't sure what its id is or which mod it comes from (but I guess it's USI Core).

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4 minutes ago, Probus said:

Nope.  Let me take a look at it.

Thanks! I hate to be a bother about it, but since we tend to have big releases that add lots of new parts, I'd like to be able to confidently answer that we are supported by ETT when questions about tech tree compatibility come up. :)

If it gets to be too much, I understand - it's not as if I'm helping by providing suggested placement.

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On 11/30/2016 at 0:32 PM, garwel said:

Another suggestion: KW's SA-4 LFT tank (5.33 tons) should probably go into Advanced Rocketry 1.25 (where a similarly sized stock FL-T800 is located) instead of Improved Rocketry.

Will check that @garwel.

Verified working in 1.2.2.  Updated SpaceDock.

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 I notice a few unbalances in the ETT regarding KSPI part

The Pebbe Bed reactor should come available with High Energy Nuclear power, not exotic nuclear propulsion.

Microwave Transmission is way too early, in CTT it is only accessible with a 1500 sci cost node, which gives access to most powerful transmitter and receivers., 50 is way to low. I suggest you move it to the end somewhere and increase the cost

The new CTT high tech electric nodes are completely missing, they are used by KSPI to unlock the highest electric technologies



Edited by FreeThinker
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21 minutes ago, Probus said:

Thanks @FreeThinker.  Will do. 

Perhaps it would be best if you do not mention KSPI parts n your tech tree, that allows me to configure every in the most fitting location in the tree.

I tried to override your  part distribution (for KSPI parts) but it doesn't appear to work always, like KSPIE-VASIMR insists in saying in the Electro Magnetic Systems

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16 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Perhaps it would be best if you do not mention KSPI parts n your tech tree, that allows me to configure every in the most fitting location in the tree.

I tried to override your  part distribution (for KSPI parts) but it doesn't appear to work always, like KSPIE-VASIMR insists in saying in the Electro Magnetic Systems

I wish you could override the parts placement of Yonge's Tech Tree Editor with Module Manager, but currently, you can't.  A short coming of the editor.

I originally made this tree to support Interstellar, but Interstellar has grown so much since inception.  To help combat this, I have laid out the Nuclear/Exotic tree almost identical to CTT's branch.  I think what you ask is very possible for most of your parts.  If you can just keep me informed of new CTT nodes you have put your parts in, I will add them to the tree as they are created.

I love Interstellar and want to see it integrated to your liking @FreeThinker.

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58 minutes ago, nascarlaser1 said:

I got the tech tree, and there are a bunch of empty nodes. Is this supposed to happen?

Yes.  The tech tree covers many, many part packs.  If you don't have some of them loaded, you will get empty nodes.  Consider researching them as an intermediate step to the next node's parts.

17 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Perhaps it would be best if you do not mention KSPI parts n your tech tree, that allows me to configure every in the most fitting location in the tree.

Dang @FreeThinker, you have added a ton of parts since I last went over Interstellar!


I have been playing through the ETT several times for balance.  I have decided to make many nodes more expensive as I consider the ETT in its current form to be too easy if you have DMagic's science mod installed.  The next rev of the ETT (which I hope to get out today) may mess with saves as I have re-arranged a couple nodes to accommodate Interstellar's new parts.  You can use Alt-F12 to fix for your current campaign saves.

I can say one thing for certain.  The microwave power transmission problem is fixed!

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41 minutes ago, Probus said:

I have been playing through the ETT several times for balance.  I have decided to make many nodes more expensive as I consider the ETT in its current form to be too easy if you have DMagic's science mod installed.  The next rev of the ETT (which I hope to get out today) may mess with saves as I have re-arranged a couple nodes to accommodate Interstellar's new parts.  You can use Alt-F12 to fix for your current campaign saves.

Good to hear that. If I may make a suggestion, every high tech node should be at least twice the cost of it predecessor, this should making adoption of highly advanced technology more chalanging The Engenering techtree allows a lot of freedom, but if you don't balance it with steep cost of the best technologies, the game, becomes highly unbalanced as it gives access to very powerful parts with much lower investment than the stock tech tree. This is especially true for any part that can make or break missions, which without a doubt the high Isp nuclear/electric engines. In real life it only very resent that we starting to use this engines, that should tell you something.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Oh, cool!  Hadn't seen this mod before.  So, I gather that it not only provides the updated tech tree, but includes lots of patches for various part packs to distribute their parts within the modded tree?

If so, here's a very engineering-discipline-related mod that recently came out which may fit in (I happened to notice people referring to "long range antennas", though I haven't had a chance to play with ETT myself yet):

Just has one part in it, a very long-range antenna.  In the stock tech tree, it lives on largeUnmanned.

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5 hours ago, Bob810 said:

Hi , sorry for my english.I have a problem with long range antenna.I have purchase it , today long range antenna is not purchase, i click purchase and exit RD and i come back to RD and is not purchase ...

pls help

Sorry for the campaign game problem.  You can fix it in 5 steps.

Here is the fix for ongoing campaigns:

1.  Get out of KSP and make a copy of your persistent.sfs file.  Name it persistent.ett

2. Open your persistent.sfs file in a text editor.

3. Search for "antennas1".  You should find a section that looks similar to this:

            id = antennas1
            state = Available
            cost = 15
            part = SEP.MAG
            part = SurfAntenna

4. Right below the above section add:

            id = antennas1
            state = Available
            cost = 15            

So your save game should look something like this when you are done:

            id = antennas1
            state = Available
            cost = 15
            part = SEP.MAG
            part = SurfAntenna

            id = antennas1
            state = Available
            cost = 15            

5. Save your persistent file and you will be good to go.

2 hours ago, Snark said:

If so, here's a very engineering-discipline-related mod that recently came out which may fit in (I happened to notice people referring to "long range antennas", though I haven't had a chance to play with ETT myself yet):

Just has one part in it, a very long-range antenna.  In the stock tech tree, it lives on largeUnmanned.

I've added it.  It will be in the next release.

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I followed your steps to try and fix the noted issue with the Antennas. It did not work.

It may be an issue where the unlocked node before the update(in my case anyway) was named Microwave Transmission and after the update it is named High Gain Antennas.

All of the antennas that were in Microwave Transmission are unavailable. After the update it looks like Microwave Transmission is on a different tree.

I rolled back to the previous ETT until a fix.


Thanks for your work.

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13 hours ago, KaoticKat said:

I followed your steps to try and fix the noted issue with the Antennas. It did not work.

It may be an issue where the unlocked node before the update(in my case anyway) was named Microwave Transmission and after the update it is named High Gain Antennas.

All of the antennas that were in Microwave Transmission are unavailable. After the update it looks like Microwave Transmission is on a different tree.

I rolled back to the previous ETT until a fix.


Thanks for your work.

@KaoticKat, I think I know what is broke. If you will send me your persistent file, I will fix it and send it back along with what I did to fix it.

11 hours ago, spacebaby said:

And it appeared to work once I purchased the antenna in R&D

Awesome @spacebaby!

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