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[1.12.x] Docking Sounds!! v2.1.13 (1/30/2023)


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Simple as the name, it adds the sorely missing sounds of collisions docking in orbit!


Simply put, I wanted to hear something when 2 ships docked. I was so used to it in Orbiter (an open source space simulator) that I sorely missed it. So much so that I jumped into coding (again) to make it happen.

My effects are based on my perception that Jeb wouldn't dock so much as "participate in a controlled collision"


Be sure to have the latest version of ModuleManger installed!

Upzip it into your GameData folder, as with most other mods.

API Reference

Using a ModuleManager config, like below, you can specify your own sounds for any docking port in the game.

        name = DPSoundFX
        sound_docking = CustomExample/crash
        sound_undocking = CustomExample/radio
        internalSoundsOnly = false      


Just listen, when docking or un-docking of course!! (Now also when decoupling!)


Guru's who answered my questions:

  • Snjo
  • CrzyRndm

Authors whose plugins were studied for clues and code:

  • Pizzaoverhead



Download / Source

Edited by tg626
Minor feature update
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Loved it also.... BUT, it seems a bit loud from the demo. Haven't tried it in game yet, but would it be possible to lower the volume of this sound by 1/3rd or 1/2? Or also include a quieter version and the user can select between them?

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  AngelLestat said:
I dont understand the 4 knocking sounds after the main sound..

That's the docking probe retracting and the docking latches engaging.

And thanks to the mod author for this! I'd forgotten how much I missed the docking sounds from Orbiter.

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  AngelLestat said:
I dont understand the 4 knocking sounds after the main sound..

As noted, it's the "Hard Dock Clamps" slamming home.

  SemiaCloud said:
Evil! There is no sound in space, and there are no docking sounds in space either!

Yes, like Joss Weadon, I know this, but the game (for that matter most games, and SciFi) doesn't... :sticktongue:

  SmallFatFetus said:
I whipped together a quick sound for you, hope you like it.


More realistic then mine! I added it as an alternate download on the OP. Mine was deliberately over the top, since I see Jeb as the sort to more or less crash into another ship as much as gently dock!

  Beetlecat said:
Wouldn't it actually be louder (or only audible in) in IVA?

Should be, the code is set to "roll off" with distance so IVA and closeup External (as I was in the video) should be loud and it should get softer if you are zoomed out more.

A couple planned but not promised updates in my head are:

  • Option for IVA only sound (like RCSsounds has now)
  • Particle effects when undocking making a small cloud of "ice" that dissipates.

We'll see. Believe it or not, I'm really grouping in the dark here - my only formal programming training was in AppleBASIC on an Apple IIe back in the 1980s. I've dabbled since then, most notably in C++ (Quake 2 modding) and PHP scripting for web sites, but this is the first code I've released in decades... :D

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I should point out that the stock docking ports are apparently soft-dock ports, since they have no latches or probe/drogue hookup, so technically they shouldn't make this much noise, but I like it anyway, I think it's more realistic and it'll add a lot to the act of docking. What sound does it make on undocking?

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Awesome, these little mods are what make KSP a fantastic game rather than just a cool game.

Oh, happy 666th, tg626 ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Damn, you should have had your 666th post below this one, but I left the tab open too long and you ninja'd me. Oh well, good bye joke.

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amaizing, i like the 5 sounds at the end, who is the guy with a hammer destroying my ship? :P

do you know what part/mechanism produce it IRL?

and yes there is sound in spaceship, there is air inside the ship, sound can be also tranmitted by the structure vibrations(yeah man). if you said because the camera is outside, what a pretty sad ambience it will do.

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  Jack Wolfe said:
That's the docking probe retracting and the docking latches engaging.
  tg626 said:
As noted, it's the "Hard Dock Clamps" slamming home.


More realistic then mine! I added it as an alternate download on the OP. Mine was deliberately over the top, since I see Jeb as the sort to more or less crash into another ship as much as gently dock!

Yeah I like it

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noticed a small bug. When equipping a tool or a backpack with KIS it plays the docking sound.

It was kinda funny, Bob equipped a backpack and BOOM...CLANG...CLANG...CLANG...CLANG, but I suspect it'll get old real fast. Maybe you could add a module that looks for any KIS modules and disables the sound FX.

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Alright, I,ll look into that. Did your nearby craft have docking ports? I suspect the backpack is triggering the docking event and I,ll have to find a way to verify what triggered the event. Right now the code will (I believe) assume that the trigger was a docking port docking to another and not a backpack "docking" to a kerbal. :) I bet the claw does it to an asteroid too...

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