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  On 8/17/2016 at 10:18 PM, Sahadara said:

I can't remember the exact distance, though I could check back in with you after I have a chance to test, and see at exactly what distance it starts giving the message, but it's a good distance before leaving the SOI of a given star, as well as while in interstellar space. Note: I'm no game or mod dev, but this just occurred to me. I am running the game in 64-bit mode, but might the part of the game that calculates distance from stars be 32-bit? If so, my distance from the star is probably higher than the 32-bit memory limit. Could that be an issue? That it sees the number as higher than the limit and so considers it infinite?


That's more or less what's happening yes. it's not the distance tho, it must be something else that comes from some calculations.

it's odd that you see that while inside the SOI of a star tho. SOIs are pretty small in GN.

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  On 8/17/2016 at 10:42 PM, Sigma88 said:

That's more or less what's happening yes. it's not the distance tho, it must be something else that comes from some calculations.

it's odd that you see that while inside the SOI of a star tho. SOIs are pretty small in GN.


I just ran a test and found that the distance at which the issue emerges seems random. I was on an escape trajectory and found it begin at roughly 500,000,496,127 meters, give or take a couple hundred meters from the Sun. However when I tried using HyperEdit to try it again by just warping to above that height, no message appeared. 

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  On 8/13/2016 at 5:35 PM, Sigma88 said:

People following my mods probably have noticed that I haven't been very active lately. This is because I am seriously burned out of modding KSP.

The whole process feels more like a chore than an hobby and it's definitely something not worth wasting my limited free time at the moment.

This is expecially true for GN, since it seems like I cannot get any kind of useful feedback about the mod, making the process of sharing it basically pointless.

This is why I have not been very active lately and won't be very active in the nearest future as well.

It is most likely a temporary phase, motivation will probably come back in some weeks or months. I have also arranged for other people to take over in the very unlikely scenario I decide to abandon the mods, so don't worry, nothing will be lost.

I will also keep reading the threads of my mods and reply to people, the only thing I won't do is add stuff to the mods themselves.

Have a nice summer everybody :wink:


I can very much understand your frustation about the lack of feedback. In my experience, only 1 in 1000 people that use your mod, actualy gives any usefull feedback at all (if your lucky). Player often do not understand that feedback is the fuel that keeps modders spend time creating new content/ fixing problems. You might have hoped that many players to jump on the opertunity to play  grand tours though your expanded universe, but the cold truth is that only a very small fraction of all KSP players ever get futher than Jool, let alone travel to extraterestial solar systems.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Damn, wish I had found this thread a lot earlier . . .

ADDIT: so reading through the first 15 pages or so of this thread, it seems the way it works is: you install this mod _along with_ planet packs, and the mod assigns the planet packs it can recognize to specific star systems. Sounds simple!

. . . . off to break my install!

This summer I've played a lot with a bloated mod-list, and have finally, reluctantly decided to archive the career save that I've been playing with that mod set (year 3, Kerbal Space Station setup, first missions outside Kerbal SOI underway) because of performance issues.

So I'm hoping to setup a more reasonable mod set, and now that I've found GN, it would seem that replacing my existing couple "extrasolar" planet packs with this mod would be wise. How would this mod work with something like this:


Here is the previous version

  Reveal hidden contents

Course the number of sub-directories can be a bit misleading, but it looks like I've reduced from the 110 ballpark to the 80 ballpark. I think some of the ones I had installed might have been outdated/redundant with other mods and/or unnecessary, so hopefully I'll see better performance.

So two specific questions:

1. What sort of expectations should I have if I install GN into the shorter set (the one not in a spoiler)

2. Should I uninstall Valentine System and Kumar's Dwarfs? (I think those might be included in GN, but have not explored the documentation yet)

Edited by Diche Bach
wrong pic
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  On 7/12/2016 at 8:02 AM, Sigma88 said:

Honestly I would not advise playing with ksp 1.1.3 and GN

The orbit bug is just to painful to deal with from a player perspective, you may end up ruining your save


So is this still the status?

If so, it sounds like NOT installing GN at this time and just playing with the couple extrasolar mods I have installed (Valentine system and Kumar's Dwarfs) is in fact the smart way to go for now?

Of course reverting to 1.12 might also be an option. What are the tradeoffs there?

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  On 8/23/2016 at 12:26 PM, Diche Bach said:

So is this still the status?

If so, it sounds like NOT installing GN at this time and just playing with the couple extrasolar mods I have installed (Valentine system and Kumar's Dwarfs) is in fact the smart way to go for now?

Of course reverting to 1.12 might also be an option. What are the tradeoffs there?


Yes this is still the situation sadly

If you can manage to play ignoring the kerbin bug then you can install GN

Otherwise I would just wait for the bug to be fixed in kopernicus


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Thank you Sigma. I'll come back to GN when the Kopernicus bug is fixed. In truth, I'm just being a "glutton" as I have yet to even explore all of Kerbol solar system or to finish career playthrough once :sticktongue:

ADDIT: and enjoy your "vacation" from KSP modding! We all need to step back from projects from time to time, particular when ones we do for fun start to become unfun.

Edited by Diche Bach
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Hey  was building a carefully constructed microwave power beamed network in GN when after a reload , all orbits were suddenly shifted as if Kerbin itself moved resulting in all my low orbit satellites on a collision cource into Kerbin. Is this a know bug?

Edited by FreeThinker
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  On 8/28/2016 at 10:08 AM, FreeThinker said:

Hey  was building a carefully constructed microwave power beamed network in GN when after a reload , all orbits were suddenly shifted as if Kerbin itself moved resulting in all my low orbit satellites on a collision cource into Kerbin. Is this a know bug?


If they were orbiting kerbin yes, it's a known kopernicus bug. Nothing that I can do about it sadly

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There is this sneaky fix from the new-horizons thread, that makes a barycenter orbit inside kerbin; so your stuff orbits that instead...

I haven't tested it myself yet, as I am just now assembling a new dream mod install. Also it requires a new save.

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  On 8/31/2016 at 8:10 PM, bagelsmith said:

There is this sneaky fix from the new-horizons thread, that makes a barycenter orbit inside kerbin; so your stuff orbits that instead...

I haven't tested it myself yet, as I am just now assembling a new dream mod install. Also it requires a new save.


I'm curious, why does an artificial point inside kerbin solve the problem? Does the stock game work based on a point on the surface of Kerbin?

I'm sure the physics will go right over my head, but still curious nonetheless . . . I still marvel like a chimpanzee throwing feces when I use an elementary school kid gravity assist and save myself hundreds of delta's Vs.

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  On 8/31/2016 at 10:23 PM, Diche Bach said:

I'm curious, why does an artificial point inside kerbin solve the problem? Does the stock game work based on a point on the surface of Kerbin?

I'm sure the physics will go right over my head, but still curious nonetheless . . . I still marvel like a chimpanzee throwing feces when I use an elementary school kid gravity assist and save myself hundreds of delta's Vs.


I highly doubt that config will work on GN. But I haven't tested it.

The idea is that somewhere in ksp there is  piece of code that works on the assumption that the homeplanet orbits the center of the universe.

Since this is not the case in GN, stuff parked in orbit around the home planet is affected by some error in calculation and end up either falling inside it or escaping it at the speed of light

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I guess they had to start somewhere eh? Probably occurred to them briefly that "long-term this will not work if we try to build additional solar systems into the game . . . ah to hell with it. We don't even know if people will buy and play this thing. We need a game, pronto!"

Taken from another perspective: even the Milky Way orbits "something" (some barycenter out there somewhere in the Universe) so if you try to solve the problem going in the other direction, where do you draw the line?

I suppose a base game that included a barycenter for the galaxy Kerbol is presumably a part of somewhere way out there (just in the math) would have been better, but I can only imagine how that would screw with the rest of their game, given it only models "two body" systems instead of "N-body" systems or whatever?

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Alrighty. I seem to have an issue with this mod. All the stars seem to be shining all the time. Is this scatterer?


Here's a list of mods

  Reveal hidden contents

Too many mods, perhaps?

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