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[Released] Free IVA Alpha v0.2.1 [1.12.x] (2022-11-24)


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5 hours ago, pizzaoverhead said:

Still alive, still slowly moving forwards. I no longer have the same amount of free time as when I started this project, but I progress it when I can.

Thats awesome! i am really impressed with your work. i'm surprised no one has at least tried this before.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I adore this mod.  But I noticed when I press Y, I'm stuck looking around in free IVA, I cannot exit out of it.   That means I can't click anything on mechjeb or use space bar to stage.  I can still do that out of IVA but the IVA is stuck in free cam.  The only work around is to go to space center and go back.

It would just be nice if you toggle it on and off.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Squad/T2 I wish they would make this a goal for KSP v1.5. Something meaningful and usable that everybody would like

(it starts at internal space. Watch the whole video from the start. It is pretty interesting how they made KSP)

Edited by Redneck
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I think you guys have to realize this mod really isn't gonna be brought back since with some recent game changes Squad has made this is a whole other ballpark to get working again. For now I think it's best to stop pestering the guy with asking if it's still alive, of course don't get me  wrong I want this mod to be resurrected as well but sometimes mods gotta go into stasis, and sometimes in  that state of stasis they pass on.

Or until a penguin finds this digging through the junkyard then hey who knows

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It's been a few years since I've had the time to look at this in detail. Let's see if I can change that this time around. The first step is to get this building in the latest version of KSP, so here we are: Download link

Not much has changed here since ~2015, but it's still cool to explore the inside of the new parts. Back up your save, as things may explode. This is very buggy, and will silently crash often.


To use the mod, after installing it and ModuleManager, enter IVA, and press the Y key to leave your seat. You can then move around using WASDQE/Shift/Ctrl. You may even be able to get into a different seat by looking at it and pressing Y. By default, the mouse controls are styled for zero-gravity movement. You can toggle to standard FPS mouse look by using the gravity button, but you need to be inside a solid part, otherwise you'll quickly travel through Kerbin. If you want to click the menus while in this mode, Alt+Y will release the mouse.

The part that's closest to working is the Hitchiker, followed by the science lab. You may need to disable collisions using the NoClip button to move into it if you've left a different part. Be sure to re-enable collisions (disable NoClip) once you're inside, then you can try out gravity. Hatches (where set up) can be opened and closed by using the F key. If there is a hatch beyond the current one that you want to open or close, Alt+F will reach through the current hatch to that one.

Leaving IVA mode while not in a seat will slightly break everything: On returning to IVA, you'll be unbuckled from your seat and in free mode, but trapped above the seat. Look down and press Y to get back into the seat before leaving it again.

Next steps: clean up the bugs and crashes, add colliders and controllable hatches to each part.

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The cupola is fully contained in colliders, bringing the total number of parts it's safe to walk around inside without falling into the void to two. Next up is finishing off the science lab.

Newly (re)discovered bugs:

  • Only the first instance of each part gets colliders at the minute, so you'll fall through your second cupola.
  • Currently hatch doors for the space plane parts always spawn in the root part.


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8 hours ago, SlamduncAZ said:

What kind of bugs are we talking about? Will it mess anything up downloading it mid-game?

Mostly "crash your game" or "make your game run slowly because the mod is crashing". There's a small risk of vessels exploding, but I haven't seen it happen yet.

It's still in its early phase, but I wanted to release it in case I disappear again. Source code is included.


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