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The Highly Educated KSP Player - legends in our own minds? (Updated OP 16 January 2018)


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Will be updating this thread by the end of the week.

@SaturnianBlue: Yes, that can be done. I'll figure out something.

@AngrybobH: Welcome to the thread. If you care to share, I can add you to the legends of Kerbin!


@Dman979 or @Vanamonde, I'm not getting the updates for this page as I once did - even though I am still following it. I've tried unfollowing and then refollowing it. Any suggestions?

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2 minutes ago, Earthlinger said:

How many books have you read in total?

I'm not sure, I don't think that total amount of books ever read can be considered as a measure of somebody's personal education.


Edited by kerbiloid
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1 minute ago, kerbiloid said:

I'm not sure, I don;t think that total amount of books ever read can be considered as a measure of somebody's personal education.

I'm not trying to measure your education level, I'm simply curious  :)

Edited by Earthlinger
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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh, I did my bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, focusing on Computational Fluid Dynamics. i graduated in 2016 from Kalinga Institute Of Industrial Technology, India. I got a job in a software consultancy, but resigned since academics were my true calling~ Corporate life isn't for me! :)


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  • 6 months later...

I'm in high school, junior year currently. Optimistically I want to be an astronaut. Who doesn't? The odds of that are extremely low unless Starship or something similar manages to work, and works well at a low cost. A while back I decided to shrink my expectations (but not my aspirations) and I'm currently looking at becoming an aerospace engineer.

There are three problems with that. One, I'm not fully sure I would enjoy it. Two, I have almost no clue where I'm going to go to college for that, and three, I have almost no idea how I'm going to pay for that. I'm looking into scholarships, but the whole college and scholarship rabbit hole is so deep that I get lost very quickly. I exit even more confused than when I entered. And I really don't want to brag, but most of my peers see me as the smartest person in the entire school. If I feel this stressed and confused, I can only imagine what the average person of my generation feels...

One of the reasons I'm questioning my job decision is that my hobby work style is "Be extremely interested in one thing for two weeks then lose interest and do something else, abandoning the first thing for a few months, repeat for several hobbies." I'm worried that the same thing would happen for my actual job, and I want my work to be enjoyable.

The thing is, I don't want to just be a rocket scientist or astronaut. I also want to be a(n):

  • Artist
  • Writer
  • Tinker/Craftsman/Builder thing
  • Musician
  • Composer
  • Actor
  • Pilot
  • Traveler
  • Gamer
  • Probably several other things I've forgotten about

But most of all, I want to be happy, and I'm not sure if doing just one thing over and over again without pause will get me that, but I'm not sure that doing everything will be financially sustainable.

So put me down as "Status: Stressed and confused" I guess, or something like it.

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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  • 2 months later...

Interesting thread.

I dropped out of a university Comp Sci course to make games. 17 years later I'm still doing it (currently principle graphics programmer). So I'd say my gamble paid off.

I also did a part time degree a few years back, so I have a BS in Chemistry now. Not sure if I'll ever get round to using it much, going into chem would mean taking a massive pay cut and career reset.

Edited by Flibble
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  • 4 weeks later...

Could you include me over here please?

I'm currently in highschool in Australia(But middle school in America), working hard to go to Sydeny university or above and get a degree on aerospace engineering, orbital science or chemistry.

I'm studying maths, science and technology more than others. And reading heck a lot of books.....

Edited by Yeet_TheDinosaur
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10 hours ago, Yeet_TheDinosaur said:

Could you include me over here please?

Sure, I will be updating the OP tomorrow. I am working on another project right now that requires my full attention. :)

If anyone else has updates, please let me know!

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Oh hey update from me: Graduated high school, conditionally accepted a place to TU Delft to major in Nanobiology (BSc). Still want to learn to fly recreationally eventually.

Conditions should be met. Hopefully they are. Wont know for a couple weeks....

Edited by qzgy
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