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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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Oh wow.....   The crazies are forming alliances, slaying their demons, and yet are still crazy :)  And there's still the question of who gets the one seat in the return rocket.  Which I figure will be decided by Jeb, the master of all things mechanical.  Quite good!

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1 hour ago, Deddly said:

So Fabien has both an EVA and an IVA suit?

All kerbals have both suits. It's a bit hard to tell the common IVA suit from the stock EVA one, but if you have texture replacer you can switch between them and clearly see the differences. 

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To be honest, it could be physically possible to cram more Kerbals into the capsule, at least if these two don't mind getting a bit close together (you know, Soyuz descent module isn't much larger than the early 1-man capsules). Or if Sterline even has the desire to get up there to the people who would accuse her of destruction of Kerbin.

These two may be each others' worst nightmares, but looks like they are finally learning to live with that. It would be a pity if one of them has to leave the other one alone down there on this hell of a planet.

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6 minutes ago, Alchemist said:

These two may be each others' worst nightmares, but looks like they are finally learning to live with that. It would be a pity if one of them has to leave the other one alone down there on this hell of a planet.

No, it would be totally fitting if one betrayed/stranded/killed the other.  This whole tale is a tragedy.  Billions have already died.  There can be no happy endings, which is the whole point of telling a tragedy.,  As the audience, we are left to put ourselves in the shoes of the actors and judge whether we'd act as nobly in the face of certain disaster.  And if not, then we need to change our lives.  That's why tragedies exist as an art form, to induce soul-searching in the audience.

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1 hour ago, Geschosskopf said:

No, it would be totally fitting if one betrayed/stranded/killed the other.  This whole tale is a tragedy.  Billions have already died.  

In some sense they are perfect for each other, broken things that they are, but there's still the notion that killing Stelrines is what Fabian does. I agree with you, this is destined to end badly, and that gives Parka a lot of ways to play this (including subversion of that destiny).

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9 hours ago, Deddly said:

@Sharkman Briton, I think @Commander Zoom was suggesting Damien could be Stelrine's imagination. Not sure I agree, since Fabien and Damien were conversing out of earshot from Stelrine, but it is an interesting theory.

More that I was commenting on the "what if this is all fiction?" direction of the recent questions.  Because, well, it is. :)

Great chapter, @Parkaboy.  And a fascinating... resolution?  For now, at least.

Edited by Commander Zoom
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28 minutes ago, FyunchClick said:

In some sense they are perfect for each other, broken things that they are, but there's still the notion that killing Stelrines is what Fabian does. I agree with you, this is destined to end badly, and that gives Parka a lot of ways to play this (including subversion of that destiny).

Co-dependents they are, Fabian and Streline, (and Damien, too, because "die Todten reiten schnell" so he'll catch up with them shortly),  But if Sartre is any PVBLIVS VERGILIVS MARO to our own modern, internal Dante Alighieris, co-dependency persists even in Hell and is one of its harsher punishments.  Which, I admit, tends to blur the line between life and Hell, but that's why this is a tragedy :)

Edited by Geschosskopf
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2 hours ago, SaturnianBlue said:

That bit with Fabien and Damien fighting each other with Sterline coming back to get Fabien has an uncanny similarity to Interstellar... Especially when Damien seems to have gone crazy...

Yeah, I was going to have a bit where they bumped helmets to crack each other's faceplates, but thought it would be too much.

1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

Really like how the story is going. And those attachment ports! Looks like you used the Buffalo's crew door. Brilliant! I'm so changing the ports to look like that! :)

I tweaked the textures a little bit to make them more "stockish", hope you don't mind.

1 hour ago, RocketSquid said:

I'm imagining them modifying the return rocket...

It's the same except for a single external command seat strapped to the side.

Unfortunately none of them is an engineer and they don't have an OSE Workshop on Eve, so that option is off the table. Maybe one of them could hold onto the capsule's hatch? Sounds totally doable. :D

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Just now, Parkaboy said:

I tweaked the textures a little bit to make them more "stockish", hope you don't mind.

Not at all, if you have suggestions I'll be happy to consider them. I'm definitely going to change the texture on the connector ports, it looks great. :)

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1 minute ago, Parkaboy said:

Unfortunately none of them is an engineer and they don't have an OSE Workshop on Eve, so that option is off the table. Maybe one of them could hold onto the capsule's hatch? Sounds totally doable. :D

Where is the hatch positioned, exactly? If it's on the side, they'll be much more limited in their top speed than if it's on the top.

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On 4/17/2016 at 6:43 PM, Parkaboy said:

Yeah, I was going to have a bit where they bumped helmets to crack each other's faceplates, but thought it would be too much.

I tweaked the textures a little bit to make them more "stockish", hope you don't mind.

Unfortunately none of them is an engineer and they don't have an OSE Workshop on Eve, so that option is off the table. Maybe one of them could hold onto the capsule's hatch? Sounds totally doable. :D

Nah, Stelrine just has to Science! the mulch out of it.

Edited by Andem
Fine, Red Iron Crown. Mulch it is.
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12 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Not at all, if you have suggestions I'll be happy to consider them. I'm definitely going to change the texture on the connector ports, it looks great. :)

That's the only aesthetic change I did, actually. I also erased all the logos and model markings, but that was for story reasons. I thought it was weird having them on stuff built on site...

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Really loved Fabien literally wrestling with his alter-ego. Wow. That was definitely not on my list of foreseen outcomes--I did entertain the possibility the suit was empty, but quite never saw that coming. :)

So, is Fabien truly the master of his mind now? Will he be desperate enough to  recall Dark Fabien if and when things go south with Stelrine? And will MechRealJeb occupy/animate the suit somehow because he misses having arms and legs? Am reminded of the Iron Man sentient armor story, among other things :) 

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