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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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RIP KSS hardihood lander legs 1-3 chapter ??? To chapter 47. ;.; 

You will be missed. Mostly because you are needed for a proper landing. 

Bob will probibly do what Kerbfleet Bill did. Only edit the file if it is "right." Meaning stuff like transfer science NOT on Eva, but not just teleport Fabin back from eve.

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Maybe some kind of persistance based hyper drive to another star? Although if he thinks he can bring back jeb, why not kerbin? Probably take a lot of energy though... might have to sacrifice a celestial body or two in exchange? Dres?

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YAY! New Chapter :D

3 hours ago, SinBad said:

Maybe some kind of persistance based hyper drive to another star? Although if he thinks he can bring back jeb, why not kerbin? Probably take a lot of energy though... might have to sacrifice a celestial body or two in exchange? Dres?

Moho. I hate Moho. Unless you plan to visit the Mohole, Moho.

Well, actually, you could bring back the *Magic Boulder* and delete Moho and Dres in return. Then see millions of kerbals starting to pour out of the MB monolith.

Yeah... I guess I'm a bit stuck on that theory...

P.S. Someone needs to make a mod that brings back the magic boulder...

WAIT! Maybe it is back, but nobody has checked for several versions! *runs off to start game and hopes it doesn't crash every five minutes*


EDIT: The game did crash every five minutes until the 8th time I loaded it. But, no magic boulder, unfortunately. But there is hope for a mod!

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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7 hours ago, Parkaboy said:

Not sure what happened. I trusted the transfer window calculator on KAC, and it totally failed me. Maybe there was something wrong with it at the time I set up that alarm, or maybe it's just the kind of thing that happens when your save is old and has survived many updates. Point is: from now on, I'll always check the transfer windows with mechjeb first.

KAC should not be used going to or from Moho.  This is because it cares nothing about the dV cost of the burn, only that the 2 planets are at the proper phase angle for a Hohmann transfer.  Because Moho orbits the sun so quickly, such alignments happen quite frequently.  But due to Moho's eccentricity and inclination, some of these are way cheaper than others.  KAC doesn't care, however, and just keys off the phase angle.

As to KAC transfer window alarms in general, KAC has several methods of calculating them.  All of them differ in timing from what you can find for yourself with MJ's porkchop plot, but some of KAC's methods are closer to MJ's than others.  IIRC, when you go to set up transfer window alarms, there's a row of 3 different calculation methods across the top above the names of the planets.  KAC starts by default with the right-hand method selected.  I've found it's more in agreement with MJ if you instead use the middle method.

I use KAC's transfer alarms as a reminder I need to hurry up and get something ready.  But I never fly on them.  I usually set them (using the center method) to go off about 1-2 weeks ahead of time.  Once I've got the ship built or whatever, I get it in orbit, delete the transfer window alarm, and create a node from MJ's porkchop.  Then I create a new maneuver alarm for that.

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Pilots make charismatic leaders, maybe a bit straightforward, but not afraid of making quick decisions in the extreme circumstances. Engineers are the ones who set things up for the people, be it deploying habitation modules or making rules and assigning duties.

As for scientists... sometimes we make great plans and invent useful things (still usually takes an engineer to make any of this usable by other people. In fact, scientists rarely bother making their inventions people-proof), but most of the time we research things and concepts not directly applicable to anything people would use right away. So yes, scientists are poorly understood by general public.

Also a little warning: if a scientist is really managing people outside the lab, there's a great chance it's a social experiment. Be careful, but better not try metagaming it from the inside - that's the surest way to make it backfire on everybody.

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9 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

As to KAC transfer window alarms in general, KAC has several methods of calculating them.  All of them differ in timing from what you can find for yourself with MJ's porkchop plot, but some of KAC's methods are closer to MJ's than others.  IIRC, when you go to set up transfer window alarms, there's a row of 3 different calculation methods across the top above the names of the planets.  KAC starts by default with the right-hand method selected.  I've found it's more in agreement with MJ if you instead use the middle method.

Thanks, I'll try that!

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Thank you for the latest installment.  So glad to see this story continue...& very much worth the wait!

As an aside, Moho exploration by anything short of a tiny probe & satellite pair atop a huge rocket continues to frustrate me.  Kudos for the successful expedition!

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4 hours ago, Cherubiel said:

There you go, you made me do it. I just registered to tell you how great that story is and how much I like it. Thanks for pouring your time and creativity into it and keep on beeing awesome!

Thanks! Your comment just made my day! Thanks for reading the comic and I hope you'll stick around! 

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Here, have another one.

When you


actually didn't off the Big Three,

you made me ... ahem, briefly lose contenance over the cliffhanger's resolution. And you sincerely had me in a tear or two with Chapter 40's "This is Jeb Kerman, transmitting on all known frequencies."

Best hours of procrastination I've spent in a long time. Would love a printed edition.

Thank you very much.


Best regards


Edited by Andersenman
Let's say I lost a bit more than just contenance.
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It seems that most of the time, "::" is a replacement for a single letter. That being the case, I offer the following attempt to decrypt what "Jeb" said:

Bill! You must listen! Don't have much time!

No, Bill! It's me: Jebediah! I came to warn you!

They're coming! You need to prepare!


Oh and can it really be Jebediah? He's not grinning :wink:

Edited by Deddly
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I don't think it's Jeb:


::o, Bill! It's me: :::::::::!

I guess that's "No, Bill!" and the blank after is too long for Jeb.

@Parkaboy: Love how you use the new cutaway feature. And it definitely looks like Olivia hasn't been hibernating but taking some stuff better not mentioned here... :wink:

but maybe if you google this...

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3 minutes ago, Chemp said:

I don't think it's Jeb:

I guess that's "No, Bill!" and the blank after is too long for Jeb.

...and it's not long enough for "Jebediah". Also, the voice is wrong (black speech bubble)

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1 hour ago, Chemp said:

And it definitely looks like Olivia hasn't been hibernating but taking some stuff better not mentioned here... :wink:

but maybe if you google this...

oh, that's just the pattern on her homemade blindfold!

As for the theories, I'm not going to comment on them. You guys are too smart and don't need any more clues... :-P

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