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[1.12.5] Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Space Shuttle


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I'm having way too much fun with this. What exactly is that deployable surface on the back of the LES cockpit supposed to do? It looks like it doesn't deploy with the abort action group, nor moves for control, is it a flap instead of an elevon?

And one thing I just thought about, is there a way to make the white tank variants have just a bit more mass, like real life? Even as an optional config it would be great, but I don't know how to edit firespitter configs (I can't find any good documentation on it).

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@Z3R0_0NL1N3 Ah I forgot to set up default action groups. I'll add those at some point. It's just a visual thing right now to represent additional wing surface for the cockpit and should normally be set in the abort action group. There's some limitations with stock there and while I'd like to make it a control surface it may just end up staying as is.

For the tanks FS doesn't allow for changing properties like that. 


Thanks for the screenshots so far everybody. It's good seeing the Block II flying around


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First all up test.  Handled like a dream.

Here's the craft file.  Hopefully I didn't attach anything else from a different mod!  I did attach a Hex core in the cargo bay.  Control from that for a little bit better orbital manuevers.  Action groups are different from Pak's.

1. Turn off main engines.

2. Turn off orbital engines

3. Switch afterburners on the jet engines

4. Open/close the cargo bay doors, HAL.

8.  Open skids and the flap on the escape pod.


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18 hours ago, DJ Reonic said:

Just out of curiosity, has anyone managed to set up the shuttle with jet engines to use after reentry to help those of us with horrendous piloting skills, or just for flight testing like the Buran?

I'd recommend using the trajectories mod, it lets you set a maneuver node with a predicted re-entry path: 

I've been able to reliably land shuttles on the runway by setting the predicted landing 10km West past the runway target, then you can use S-turns and flaps to slow down enough as you go. You can play around with it to get a lot of different results, I typically use a descent profile of 24 degrees against AoA for Entry, High, Low and 15 degrees for Ground. You can tweak the descent profile depending on the weight if the shuttle had a return payload.


Otherwise just bolt some jets to the side above the wings like the post above me.

Edited by frencrs
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19 hours ago, DJ Reonic said:

Anyone have a workaround for the thrust offset causing issues when using the OMS? My maneuver node target goes froggy as i progress through a burn.

I place an octo2 on a cubic strut between the two OMS engines, and I angle it to 15 degrees. I also have an action group set up to control from this point. The goal is to have it thrust through the CoM, and have the probe lined up with the CoT.

This goes roughly where the drogue is on the Mk2 orbiter, so I place said 'chute on probe to help hide it.

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Hi! I'm really new to this whole, "Forum" thing but I hope my question comes to someone who knows better than me. I have been having  A L O T  trouble while installing this mod. I don't directly see where the installation instructions are and there isn't a "README" in the mod folder. I really want to play the Shuttle in ksp because its one of my favorite games of all time and this mod seems to be one of the best so I wanted to see if I could get help with this issue.

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Hi @GrowingNebula Welcome to the forums

I'm guessing you downloaded from Spacedock or Curse so all you have to do is grab the entire "Cormorant Aeronology" folder from the zip and drop it into your Game Data folder in KSP.

If you're looking to use the extra stuff like Block II you can add that into the Cormorant folder once that's properly installed. 


Good luck and happy Shuttle-ing




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Thanks for an awesome mod and your continued work @Pak

It's been a cornerstone in my modded playthroughs since you published it and will be for a long time yet :cool: The following wouldn't have been possible without it!

Energia II Test Launch:




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48 minutes ago, Bamse said:

Thanks for an awesome mod and your continued work @Pak

It's been a cornerstone in my modded playthroughs since you published it and will be for a long time yet :cool: The following wouldn't have been possible without it!

Energia II Test Launch:

  Reveal hidden contents




Good work, I also have my GK-175. :D



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