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[1.12.5] Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Space Shuttle


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1 hour ago, Bob Jub said:

Well.. I made it fly, but it wasn't very graceful


Flys like a “pig”

i was gonna say that i had to modify the SRB’s to get the darn thing into orbit, even then it was only by the skin of its teeth...I followed the payload profile the shuttle uses and the station core weighed in at a measly 15 tons... @Pak am i doing something wrong?

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20 hours ago, Pak said:

Maybe? First I would check if you have multiple versions of Firespitter (multiple dlls or a dll and a Firespitter folder). That's usually the cause. If that isn't it I'm not really sure of anything that is incompatible with FS.


Added the Block II Shuttle to my craft files for anyone interested


sry i figured it out, also firespitter works?

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On 3/17/2018 at 7:48 AM, Pak said:

1.4 updates for Mk3 and Block II are both available on Spacedock now.


CA - Mk3 Shuttle Pack v1.4.1

  • MMU Construction port added
  • Engine effects fixed for 1.4.1
  • RCS plumes fixed for OMS Pods and MMU



And the Block II orbiter has been added to Spacedock along with fixes for 1.4

CA - Mk3 Shuttle Pack v0.2




Good luck! I'll update craft files tomorrow


Space truck brought to you by Blackheart's Grounded (Link)


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31 minutes ago, MHgamer1107 said:

Ckan when?

I also want to know this, because block 2 is on there, but it can't be installed because block 1 can't be installed as firespitter isn't updated for 1.4.1. on CKAN.


Edited by NoShotz
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2 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

There was an issue, it's up now, go check. :)

I still can't install them


Installation of block 2 fails because it can't install the shuttle lifting body.

Edited by NoShotz
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i was gonna say that i had to modify the SRB’s to get the darn thing into orbit, even then it was only by the skin of its teeth...I followed the payload profile the shuttle uses and the station core weighed in at a measly 15 tons... @Pak am i doing something wrong?

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@Abpilot You don't need to mess with cfgs I promise.


If you have Making History you could try this little launch tutorial I'm working on. I don't know if it's done yet, but it gives prompts on what you should be doing at certain points along the way. Also take a look at the little guides in the OP if you haven't. Generally people that are running out of fuel aren't flying a shallow enough launch. You need a relatively smooth curve ending at 0 degrees around 50k. Going 'up' too much on a launch is a waste of energy

Shuttle Flight Test Mission (drop it in your Missions folder)


I'm also working on updating the booster's thrust curve to make them a bit more forgiving when you're outside of a good flight profile. I'll link that below if you'd like to try that too.

SRB4 thrustCurve changes



As for the CKAN stuff I have no idea. I don't deal with that at all outside of posting on Spacedock. If there's something I can do on my end like packaging things differently I will, but if it's just that FS isn't updated yet there's nothing I can do about that.

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49 minutes ago, Pak said:

@Abpilot You don't need to mess with cfgs I promise.


If you have Making History you could try this little launch tutorial I'm working on. I don't know if it's done yet, but it gives prompts on what you should be doing at certain points along the way. Also take a look at the little guides in the OP if you haven't. Generally people that are running out of fuel aren't flying a shallow enough launch. You need a relatively smooth curve ending at 0 degrees around 50k. Going 'up' too much on a launch is a waste of energy

Shuttle Flight Test Mission (drop it in your Missions folder)


I'm also working on updating the booster's thrust curve to make them a bit more forgiving when you're outside of a good flight profile. I'll link that below if you'd like to try that too.

SRB4 thrustCurve changes



As for the CKAN stuff I have no idea. I don't deal with that at all outside of posting on Spacedock. If there's something I can do on my end like packaging things differently I will, but if it's just that FS isn't updated yet there's nothing I can do about that.

Thanks heaps @Pak keep up this mod please I absolutely love it.

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24 minutes ago, Bob Jub said:

Can someone help me with setting up RCS? I end up spinning around on yaw when I use it

Usually its with SAS...i would use more powiful reaction wheels and-or turn SAS off all together in upper atmosphere

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Could Kerbalism or other types of life-support mods potentially make the Block II unable to reach orbit? I have Kerbalism installed and even with the Gravity Turn mod as soon as the boosters detach the whole stack loses enough thrust that it can't reach orbit. I also have UPFM installed which makes parts heavier when you set them to high-quality. If this mod isn't compatible with either of these mods then I'm more than happy to uninstall them in favor of this mod.

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It really shouldn’t because @Pakhas even made a part (extended mission supplies) to help extend your flight time with said life support...I think you should look at paks flight profile mission in cooperation with the DLC making history expansion...there are also plenty of mod reviews for this mod that include a stable orbit launch so you should follow those and how they build the craft...it all comes down to the payload usally, there’s a payload launch chart out there somewhere for it i just don’t know where.

2 hours ago, AlternNocturn said:

Could Kerbalism or other types of life-support mods potentially make the Block II unable to reach orbit? I have Kerbalism installed and even with the Gravity Turn mod as soon as the boosters detach the whole stack loses enough thrust that it can't reach orbit. I also have UPFM installed which makes parts heavier when you set them to high-quality. If this mod isn't compatible with either of these mods then I'm more than happy to uninstall them in favor of this mod.


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@AlternNocturn Could be UPFM if it's adding a lot of mass. Kerbalism life support masses should be very small compared to the mass of the craft so I wouldn't expect that to be a problem.

Block II can handle about 25 tons and right at booster sep the shuttle can be very close to 1.0 TWR. If you have KER or something similar you could check out your booster sep TWR in the VAB by taking off the boosters and draining the ET fuel a bit. Then you can change your UPFM settings to see if that's effecting your TWR much.


Otherwise compare your flight profile to the guide in the OP or try the mission builder tutorial.

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2 hours ago, Barzon Kerman said:

 @Pak  Which folder do I install? CA_Block2_0.2 , or the Cormorant Aeronology folder and merge that with the other Cormorant Aeronology folder with the main mod?


You must have a Cormorant Aeronology folder in GameData and merge.

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The Shuttle-C is sort of crying out for a probe core to better support unmanned launches... luckily that's easily remedied.


  %cost = 7500
  %category = Pods
  %vesselType = Probe
  %description = A simple nosecone fit to the Mk3 profile. Includes integrated avionics to support unmanned launches and autonomous maneuvers.
    name = ModuleDataTransmitter
    antennaType = INTERNAL
    packetInterval = 1.0
    packetSize = 2
    packetResourceCost = 12.0
    requiredResource = ElectricCharge
    antennaPower = 5000
    optimumRange = 2500
    packetFloor = .1
    packetCeiling = 5
		name = ModuleCommand
		minimumCrew = 0
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 0.05
		hasHibernation = True
    hibernateOnWarp = true
		hibernationMultiplier = 0.002
		name = ElectricCharge
		amount = 1000
		maxAmount = 1000
		name = ModuleReactionWheel
		PitchTorque = 10
		YawTorque = 10
		RollTorque = 10
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 0.5
		name = ModuleSAS
		SASServiceLevel = 3


P.S. Congrats on the release of Block II!

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