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[1.12.5] Cormorant Aeronology - Mk3 Space Shuttle


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Yep. Already planned for

I have it set up so the nose can have fuel added, but starts empty. An average shuttle doesn't need much if any extra fuel up there, so I can add more options like the cargo later without messing up the craft balance.


Edited by Pak
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Hey guys. Little update as I plug along on the stack

Shuttle Lifting Body v1.2.1 on Spacedock



- Added fuel to the nosecone and OMS pods 

- Added heat tile texture switching to the stock landing gear


New Parts:

- Modified Big-S Elevons based on Porkjet's stock parts. Mesh switching heat tiles work the same as the wings.





@awsumindyman, Thanks. Other mod? Not sure what you mean.

I'm planning on making them animated petal fairings, so stock cargo bay modules most likely. Like this guy


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Most of stuff isn't really in final tech tree positions right now and some of the newer stuff isn't balanced at all yet for career.

I'm getting things moved around for the stack/1.0 release. It'll generally stay that way though. Since the shuttle is so far into the tree, I prefer to keep a lot of the 'doodads' earlier in the tree so you can pick them up along the way, instead of having the majority of it in the high tiers and cost way too much science.

All the current stuff that's mk3 shuttle related will be pushed up a bit higher to fit in with future plans though. T5 will probably be where it'll start

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5 hours ago, Spike88 said:

I think he is saying he doesn't want to use another mod to get fairing bases.


Also the new parts look great.

@PakExactly. I don't want to have to download SpaceY just to have 5m fairing bases when im already running a bunch of big mods.

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I thought these things were later down your roadmap, so I'm pleasantly surprised and these are very nice touches!

Hopefully all work is going well on the ET and SRBs, and (if you're in America), do enjoy your holiday too.

As for what Cobalt said, I for one would like if you adopted SPT's cargo bay and resizes. The Spacelab stuff MrMeeb should keep as his own. Talk to him, though.

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1 hour ago, Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:

I thought these things were later down your roadmap, so I'm pleasantly surprised and these are very nice touches!

Hopefully all work is going well on the ET and SRBs, and (if you're in America), do enjoy your holiday too.

As for what Cobalt said, I for one would like if you adopted SPT's cargo bay and resizes. The Spacelab stuff MrMeeb should keep as his own. Talk to him, though.

Well, going to be hard to talk to him now... Someone has to carry on the late Meeb's work... :(

Edited by CobaltWolf
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Anyone had any luck with successfully launching a shuttle stack with TCA? I just started experimenting with it and haven't been able to get it to do a proper heads-down launch profile, and when I tried MJ and Gravity Turn, my STS went crazy and I had to bail my crew out. (Thank God for EVA Chutes) Btw, I did try the tips listed earlier in the thread, and my STS didn't properly pitch over like it was supposed to.

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@DJ Reonic

The stock SAS updates had some bad side effects on offset thrust craft. I haven't seen any of the auto pilot mods be able to stabilize it yet.

I haven't looked into it too much, but it seems like the best way to do it is fly it yourself. Once the aero thins out and the SRBs are gone you just have to ride the bucking bronco into LKO.

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@Pak Progress looks absolutely amazing! I made my Saturn Shuttle a sane vehicle that works nicely, here are some pics!

unknown.png In the VAB

unknown.png On the pad at midday.

unknown.png Liftoff!

unknown.png Stage separation, sorry about the Skype notification.

unknown.png Roll went out of control and I had to abort.

unknown.png Flatspinning at 11 km.

unknown.png Safe splashdown!


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7 hours ago, DJ Reonic said:

Anyone had any luck with successfully launching a shuttle stack with TCA? I just started experimenting with it and haven't been able to get it to do a proper heads-down launch profile, and when I tried MJ and Gravity Turn, my STS went crazy and I had to bail my crew out. (Thank God for EVA Chutes) Btw, I did try the tips listed earlier in the thread, and my STS didn't properly pitch over like it was supposed to.

Try out the fly-by-wire option as a SAS replacement from Atmospheric Autopilot mod. it's what I use for my shuttles and it flies like butter.

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Hi Folks,

This is an excellent mod, thanks for making it.

Just wanted to let you know I had to delete the "GameData/Cormorant Aeronology/Patches/CASnacks.cfg" file as it was causing a problem with TAC Life Support.  I don't use Snacks, but I do use TAC and that file would over-write certain TAC configs like for instance when used with Universal Storage the Food Bag "wedge" would convert into a Snacks bag without any snacks in it (because I don't have that mod installed).  This prevented my wedge from having food.

Deleting the file is obviously not a permanent solution but it was a quick fix for me.  I believe a better fix would be to change FOR into NEEDS in your MM patch?  I'm no Module Manager expert, so I'll let you guys figure this one out.  Just reporting it.

Thanks again!

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