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Just wondering how many different versions of KSP are on your computer?


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I’m just wondering how many different versions of KSP other users have on their computers. I have 4 different versions of KSP (.25, .90, 1.0, 1.0.4). I’m thinking about deleting some of the older versions in time but I wanted see what other users do first. I just have been playing 1.0.4.


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Release versions? They are all on 1.0.4.

But I have several different installs. One for my heavily modded career which is interstellar, kw, kolonization, eve, all the near future mods, far, tac life support, and like 10 others. Then a completely stock install for challenges, a stock install with eve for checking out new mods, a realism overhaul install, and an interstellar only install. And I'm sure there are others that have more.

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I have two: 0.90 and 1.0.4.

The 0.90 version has a huge pile of mods and tweaks designed to get everything to work together (i.e. full SETI Balance Mod) and 1.0.4 is a stock+ with a lot less mods and is in a state of flux as I randomly try out new mods while waiting until after 1.1 to attempt another epic mod setup.

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On this computer?

0.90, 1.0, 1.0.2, and 1.0.4

0.90 and 1.0 are in a zipped archive. 1.0.2 and 1.0.4 are in playable form right now.

On my other computer, I've got zipped archives back to 0.13.3 and 0.15 onward. Basically, if I've installed it, it's been archived. I think I missed a couple of version over the years. When a new version <x> is released, I install <x>, move <x-2> into the archive and delete the desktop shortcuts, move the <x-1> desktop shortcuts to the side, and create new shortcuts for <x>.

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I thought maybe I was the only one with several KSP installs... Right now, I have 0.90 & 1.0.2 heavily modded, and a lightly modded 1.0.4 right now on Windows that I can play either on Win7 or Win8.1, with a heavily modded 1.0.2 and lightly modded 1.0.4 on 64bit Linux, all on the same computer. But it varies...Sometimes I run more or less...

I usually run a heavily modded version, one or two versions back from whatever current version of KSP is out... I do this to give mod devs time to catch up with new KSP versions...Problem is, I spend a couple months getting a nice heavily modded install going, and BAM!...A new release of KSP drops every 3-5 months... LOL ... I almost wish KSP didnt update so quick...lol

I was keeping all the install packages from 0.18 when I 1st started playing, but lost everything from 0.24.5 back, except for 0.22 in a HDD crash... :(

Luckily, I still have copies of HUNDREDS of mods, from 0.18 up to 1.04... :D

My overall KSP folder is just over 28 GB... :D

Edited by Stone Blue
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I only keep the most recent version, sometimes lagging a little after a new release. But I do have five separate installations across three computers (two dual-booting), covering Windows, OS X and Linux. CKAN to manage mods and git to back up and keep save files synced.

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I currently have 4 installs of KSP 1.0.4 (stock, modded, modded + RSS, RSS with even more mods) but didn't keep any previous versions though.

EDIT: 6 now as I forgot one (French), and just created a new one to test new mods

Edited by Gaarst
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I've got multiple copies of each KSP version since 0.23 when I bought it, as well as the 0.18.3 and 1.0 demos. All apart from the latest got put in a zip to save some space though.

On my computer? One (1.04)

On my external HDD? Every release from 0.18.4 until now.

Backups are a good thing.

Point of order, if it's only on your external drive that's not backing it up, that's archiving it.
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Glad this was posted. I thought maybe it was just me.

0.23, 0.23.5, 0.24, 0.25, 0.90, 1.04 clean, 1.04 heavy mod.

I only play the 1.04 heavy mod version. Other than EVE I haven't used many mods in the past. OPM kind of caused an addiction problem. I don't need an intervention. I need the 1.1 64 version!

If you have one of the older versions go back and fire it up once. I was amazed how much less polished it felt and looked.

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I think I have 0.25, 0.9 and right now. I'll probably delete the older ones any day now as I've now reached the point in where I've reached as far into space I was there and there's little reason to go back. I know opinions are divided but I've only appreciated Kerbal more with each new release.

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I have a fairly large ksp backup folder. As for fresh versions I have .90 1.0 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4, as well as a folder for mods, a folder with a bunch of my saves and a text file with whatever mods I had, a folder with a bunch of saved ships that I didn't want to spend hours on building again. They are all separated by version.

I also have a couple of whole game installs that I have literally a few hundred hours of playtime in which I don't want to lose. The whole ksp back up folder is archived to an external hard drive every month or so

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