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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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Pathfinder Wiki

Source (Pathfinder), Source (WildBlueTools)


CKAN? Why not look and see?


After planting the flag, taking the group photo op and getting a good night's rest, Bill got to the real work of the Duna One Expedition's post-landing ops: building the Pathfinder base. Grabbing a powered screwdriver and a Saddle from the Buckboard 2000, Bill detached the Ponderosa from the cargo lander and bolted the Saddle into the surveyed ground. He then attached the Ponderosa module to the Saddle. "Get the Doc next," Bob encouraged Bill. As the engineer walked over to the Buckboard, Val and Jeb hooked up the Saddle to the cargo lander's equipment storage tank. Bill supervised the Ponderosa's assembly, while Bob outfitted the module as a Pathfinder geology lab. Once the engineer attached the Doc Science Lab to the back of the Ponderosa, Bob immediately got to work again.

"Uh oh," Val said. "The Sombrero didn't survive the drop. The solar panels are broken. Can you fix it, Bill?"

Bill looked at the solar array and shook his head. "No, but I can rig up a generator from one of the Buckboards, and use the Gold Diggers to dig up some ore."

"But, I need those drills to take core samples," Bob protested. "Without those core samples we can't tweak production efficiency!"

"Don't worry," Bill responded, "we can convert the spare Casa into a workshop and print some more using the material kits in the lander."

"Ok, let's get that done after we set up the Telegraph. We need more relays back to Kerbin."

An engineer's work is never done, Bill thought to himself...

See The Sights

You've done your flags and footprints, now comes the time to do some geology to find the best place to plunk down your more permanent base. Establish a basecamp, stay awhile, and survey the land to see if you can find a better concentration of resources (or perhaps a worse concentration, maybe those orbital scans weren't accurate). If you've found the right spot, then it's time to bring in the bigger stuff. If not, then it's time to pack up your Buffalo Modular Space Exploration Vehicle and look elsewhere.

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Space Camping

Pathfinders have KIS/KAS friendly, portable equipment to go “space camping" with. Just convert a few Buckboard or Conestoga multipurpose containers into storage units, pack your gear, and head out.

Temporary Bases

Want to build a sprawling temporary base? Pathfinder offers a number of different parts for temporary base building, with optional support for mods like OSE Workshop, Extraplanetary Launchpads, TAC Life Support, Snacks, USI-LS, kOS, and more.

Travel in Style

Pathfinders are always on the go, and you can travel in style with the Buffalo Modular Space Exploration Vehicle (MSEV), based on NASA's real-world MMSEV. Whether driving or making sub-orbital hops, the Buffalo has you covered. As if that's not enough, you also have a personal flying wing known as the JetWing, and the Outback EVA Support System, which can hold a small amount of a lot of different resources.

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Your Game, Your Choice

Don't like how the mod is configured? Simply press <mod key, which defaults to Alt on Windows> and P simultaneously to bring up the Pathfinder Settings window. It's not cheating if the default configuration for the mod simply doesn't match your play style.

Additionally, Pathfinder is easily customizable using ModuleManager patches. Want to create a new template? Here's a wiki page on how.

Requires Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) and Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) by KospY & Winn78.


Module Manager by Sarbian

Icons by icons8: https://icons8.com/license/

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Recommended Mods


Featured on Kottabos Space Program, here is an early look at Pathfinder. Thanks Kottabos!



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  Lord_Potato said:
First, and cool! Does it support Roverdude's Life support mod, though? Can't remember the name.

Not at present, no. There are three difficulty levels for life support: none, Snacks, and TAC-LS. If there's a lot of demand for it then I'll consider adding it in, but Snacks covers the mid-range difficulty, and TAC-LS provides the challenging difficulty.

Also, please remember that this is beta, there are bound to be bugs. I do plan on adding more stuff to the base, camping gear, and Buffalo, including IVAs for the base modules.

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  Randazzo said:
Excellent, glad to see it in the release section! Great stuff here.
  davidy12 said:
Honestly, I think I'm gonna delete the base segments for now. Until the IVAs are ready. Still this shows so much promise. The buffalo's IVA, there's a masterpiece.
  RoverDude said:
Grats on the release :)

Thanks all! :) I've only created two IVA views (the Buffalo Command Cab and Crew Cabin), so I'm still a newbie. The base IVAs are definitely placeholders. and now that I have a basic understanding of how to make an IVA, I have some research and planning to do...

Edited by Angel-125
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For who is interested here are 2 patch

For Antennarange


@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
packetInterval = 0.6
packetSize = 2
packetResourceCost = 12.0
requiredResource = ElectricCharge
DeployFxModules = 0
nominalRange = 6364
simpleRange = 20500000
maxPowerFactor = 8
maxDataFactor = 4

// We add this ModuleScienceContainer so that when transmission fails the antennas can try to stash the data instead of dumping it to the void.
name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2



//This MM patch configures Pathfinder's life support systems to use USILifeSupport.

name = Fertilizer
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = false
name = Mulch
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = false

name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Composter
StartActionName = Start Composter
StopActionName = Stop Composter
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Mulch
Ratio = 0.0002

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 48

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 0.0001
DumpExcess = false
name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Agroponics
StartActionName = Start Agroponics
StopActionName = Stop Agroponics
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Mulch
Ratio = 0.0002

ResourceName = Fertilizer
Ratio = 0.00001

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 48

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 0.00021
DumpExcess = false


name = WBIGreenhouse
ConverterName = Greenhouse
StartActionName = Start Grenhouse
StopActionName = Stop Greenhouse
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
Specialty = Scientist
EfficiencyBonus = 1
hoursPerCycle = 540 //Number of hours to grow crops
minimumSuccess = 45
criticalSuccess = 90
criticalFail = 20
cropResource = Supplies
cropYield = 389 //You'll have about a year's worth of Snacks for one kerbal.
criticalSuccessBonus = 0.25
failureLoss = 0.5

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 0.0002

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 6

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 388.8


name = Organics
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = true

name = Water
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = true

name = Substrate
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = true
name = Supplies
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = true


name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Hidroponics
StartActionName = Start Hidroponics
StopActionName = Stop Hidroponics
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Substrate
Ratio = 0.002

ResourceName = Water
Ratio = 0.002

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 48

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 0.0002
DumpExcess = false


@resourcesToKeep = EVA Propellant;Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

Storage template


author = Angel-125
name = USILS
shortName = Life Support
needs = USILifeSupport
logoPanel = WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Decals/LifeSupport
glowPanel = WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Decals/LifeSupportGlow
description = This kit stores Oxygen, Food, and Water for your life support needs.

name = Supplies
amount = 2700
maxAmount = 2700

name = Mulch
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1000

name = Fertilizer
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000


Regards and thanks for this great Mod

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Is there any chance you might consider releasing just the rover parts in a separate stand-alone download? I don't know I want to try ou t the whole base-building stuff at the minute, but those are some really elegant rovers you've made! (also I'm basically a ..... for anything with decent IVAs)

EDIT: I'm also really interested to know how this compares with UKS!

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  rottielover said:
I can honestly say that this has become my favorite mod now
  _Augustus_ said:
Good job! I think that Mr. Weir would approve.

Thanks! I'm glad you like the mod. :)

  Badsector said:
For who is interested here are 2 patch

Regards and thanks for this great Mod

Thanks. :) USI-LS doesn't fit my vision for the mod. But Pathfinder gives you options to match your play style. So when people ask about USI-LS, they'll be able to locate your patch files. :)

  baldamundo said:
Is there any chance you might consider releasing just the rover parts in a separate stand-alone download? I don't know I want to try ou t the whole base-building stuff at the minute, but those are some really elegant rovers you've made! (also I'm basically a ..... for anything with decent IVAs)

EDIT: I'm also really interested to know how this compares with UKS!

Hm. Well, the Buffalo is integral to Pathfinder (and will work nicely with DSEV Phase 2), and fits the mod's theme of being on the go, prospecting for good resources, improving extraction rates on drills, that sort of thing. The downside for me is having to support a whole bunch of different mods, and that becomes a chore. But I anticipated that people might want to use the Buffalo separately, so if you look in the Assets folder, you'll find the Buffalo in its own separate directory. The only thing you'll need is the WildBlueTools directory, which contains the plugin used by the MSEV as well as its common storage templates. You'll also need Community Resource Pack for its community resource definitions. Next release I'll look into making it more separable for those who just want the MSEV.

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This is excellent. Might I submit my own humble request for support of USI Life Support (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116790-1-0-USI-Life-Support-ALPHA-0-1-0-2015-04-27). Mainly because my career save is intricately tied into that system, however, I don't have alot of ground bases yet and soon hope to expand.

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  forsaken1111 said:
Great mod! I'm building a proving ground at kerbin north pole to test out some base designs.

Awesome! If you take a screenshot and are willing to allow me to put it in the showcase album, I'll be happy to credit your work. :)

  Joshwoo69 said:
oh please change the name! it bleeds mah eyes!!!

Oh that's right, Sarbian is now maintaining MM. Good catch, thanks for pointing that out. :)

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May have a bug, was present pre .8, and not sure if it's the intended behavior.

In the science lab, if you transmit for Reputation or Funds it seems to require a ton of time and power. If you transmit for science it works as expected.

Also it seems if you transmit for Funds or Reputation your stored Data goes to 0. If you transmit for Science your data stays intact.

If you switch away from the craft while trying to transmit it sets stored Data to 0.

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It seems that the author, Angel-125, isn't interested in making the base mod compatible with USI-LS

He was quite courteous when he replied to me about this.

That being the case, I'd be interested and willing to package up these as supplemental mods, so that by installing it, both USI-LS and Pathfinder would be installed.

(comment deleted)

What I'm proposing to do is to create two new modlets, one with the Antennarange cfg and the other with the two files for USI-LS

I've already done this for KW-Rocketry, and would accepts patches/changes on Github as requested.

So, @ Badsector, would this be ok with you?



  Badsector said:
For who is interested here are 2 patch

For Antennarange


@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
packetInterval = 0.6
packetSize = 2
packetResourceCost = 12.0
requiredResource = ElectricCharge
DeployFxModules = 0
nominalRange = 6364
simpleRange = 20500000
maxPowerFactor = 8
maxDataFactor = 4

// We add this ModuleScienceContainer so that when transmission fails the antennas can try to stash the data instead of dumping it to the void.
name = ModuleScienceContainer

dataIsCollectable = true
dataIsStorable = false

storageRange = 2



//This MM patch configures Pathfinder's life support systems to use USILifeSupport.

name = Fertilizer
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = false
name = Mulch
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = false

name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Composter
StartActionName = Start Composter
StopActionName = Stop Composter
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Mulch
Ratio = 0.0002

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 48

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 0.0001
DumpExcess = false
name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Agroponics
StartActionName = Start Agroponics
StopActionName = Stop Agroponics
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Mulch
Ratio = 0.0002

ResourceName = Fertilizer
Ratio = 0.00001

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 48

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 0.00021
DumpExcess = false


name = WBIGreenhouse
ConverterName = Greenhouse
StartActionName = Start Grenhouse
StopActionName = Stop Greenhouse
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
Specialty = Scientist
EfficiencyBonus = 1
hoursPerCycle = 540 //Number of hours to grow crops
minimumSuccess = 45
criticalSuccess = 90
criticalFail = 20
cropResource = Supplies
cropYield = 389 //You'll have about a year's worth of Snacks for one kerbal.
criticalSuccessBonus = 0.25
failureLoss = 0.5

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 0.0002

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 6

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 388.8


name = Organics
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = true

name = Water
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = true

name = Substrate
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = true
name = Supplies
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000
isTweakable = true


name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = Hidroponics
StartActionName = Start Hidroponics
StopActionName = Stop Hidroponics
AutoShutdown = false
GeneratesHeat = false
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1

ResourceName = Substrate
Ratio = 0.002

ResourceName = Water
Ratio = 0.002

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 48

ResourceName = Organics
Ratio = 0.0002
DumpExcess = false


@resourcesToKeep = EVA Propellant;Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

resourcesToKeep = Supplies

Storage template


author = Angel-125
name = USILS
shortName = Life Support
needs = USILifeSupport
logoPanel = WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Decals/LifeSupport
glowPanel = WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Decals/LifeSupportGlow
description = This kit stores Oxygen, Food, and Water for your life support needs.

name = Supplies
amount = 2700
maxAmount = 2700

name = Mulch
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1000

name = Fertilizer
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000


Regards and thanks for this great Mod

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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