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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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38 minutes ago, Pudgemountain said:

It is the Phoneix from Trekworks just I decided to replace it's command pod with a Gemini pod. However the SRBs are Bluedog, I was gonna use the BDB Titan 2 booster but I had problems so instead I used the SRBs.

Oh, ok. I thought it was a pure kitbash.

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23 hours ago, Zorg said:

System Heat integration - TESTING NEEDED

So we are currently testing integrating System Heat into BDB as a soft dependency to manage boiloff. We are looking for feedback and testing right now. 

Some notes

1. System Heat in the future will likely become a BDB dependency but a soft one. Meaning you can remove it without adverse effects and things will work as before (this is an aspect that needs testing, ie is everything working fine even if you dont install it with todays updates to the dev branch?). For the time being System Heat is not bundled with the development branch files, you need to grab it separately

2. For testing integration please grab the DEVELOPMENT version of System Heat from github here :


3. Things like Centaur jettison etc should be working and have an effect and different types of tanks should have different levels of boiloff and cooling requirements too. Unlike the old BDB system boiloff rates are fixed in config so you cant tune to taste in the difficulty menu. However unlike before you have ways to mitigate boiloff. We may also get a feature to turn off boiloff in the SH menu in the future for people who want to use System Heat but not use it for boiloff. The way we have balanced things is outlined below.


4 How it works

In order to manage boiloff simply enable cooling on all tanks that require it in the VAB. You can then spam enough radiators until the loop temperature stablises in the part action window.


Better would be to open the System Heat ui. We can see for instance we need 5kW of cooling here


with 3 conformal MOL radiators we are good to go.


With a 4th we have a bit more margin. You can also assign parts to loops. Radiators in a given loop will only cool heat generating parts in that loop. In this case the loop is red because the radiators and tank have been reassigned to loop 1. Loops are helpful to keep ships cooling systems separate when docking, or within a single vessel if you have different requirements. For example a nuclear reactor and high powered rads on one loop, and the cryo tanks and small rads on another.

Parts cannot be reassigned from 1 loop to another in flight but the ID of each loop can be changed. You might want to do this for instance if you are docking 2 nuclear tugs and both have their tanks and rads set to loop 0. To avoid merging the loops upon docking, you can change the ID to another number on one vessel. Note that in such a case merging the loops is unlikely to cause issues since the two loops contain similar parts. You can check the system heat wiki for more information. The UI might look a little intimidating at first glance but I feel its actually informative and intuitive once you've used it just a little. And of course as I said you can remove system heat if you would rather not deal with it.

With this you are ready for zero boiloff cryo adventures. And of course huge thanks to Nertea for adding these features to System Heat for our needs.


Looks promising. Will grab it tonight.


Leo/Gemini:  I was listening to Scott Manley on the way into the office.  It was a slightly older episode (reviewing heat shields after Starliner return).  He mentioned that the offset center of mass. Was actually first used during thst program.  Could we get this applied at some point like the Apollo COM part switch?

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13 minutes ago, RocketBoy1641 said:

Leo/Gemini:  I was listening to Scott Manley on the way into the office.  It was a slightly older episode (reviewing heat shields after Starliner return).  He mentioned that the offset center of mass. Was actually first used during thst program.  Could we get this applied at some point like the Apollo COM part switch?

I'm fairly certain that a CoM switch for Gemini is already a thing


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Can we get a thin 4.25 decoupler? I'm trying to make a version of the LM truck where the service module is launched upside down and the entire SLA detaches from the S-IVb.




I,ve been using the BD-AFB-425 4.25m Fairing Base, problem is i half to carry the instrumentation unit with be to avoid clipping. A resize of the S-IC stack decoupler would be perfect.

Edited by zakkpaz
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We don't fly by in this house:



Before anyone gets too excited, I cheated this all into orbit to make sure it even works.  Did some undocking of the ORBs to make sure they can keep cool on their own, and now I can see about getting all the parts onto various Saturn rockets.  The ORBs will need Saturn V  for the diameter alone...


ah, Gnome Child.

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AAP-3: In Space, Nobody Can Hear PETA Scream:



April, 1977: Saturn IC stands on the pad for its first manned test flight. The command module atop SA-303, christened Lexington, will not be visiting Skylab, but rather delivering to orbit a scientific payload which has been the target of much controversy among animal rights activists since its public announcement. The Orbiting Primate Spacecraft dates back to before the launch of Skylab and was envisioned to help assess the long-term effects of spaceflight on mammalian biology without risking human life. The mission would have involved a Saturn IB launching two rhesus monkeys aboard a small pressurized capsule, which they would share for approximately one year before being recovered by an Apollo spacecraft. Saturn IC's improved payload capacity allowed an Apollo spacecraft to be added to the mission, providing a greater range of possible orbits and the ability for a crew to check out the biological payload  in orbit before departing.

The use of live animals to test the effects of such a long stay in orbit was naturally met with intense backlash, but apart from a protest outside the entrances to KSC on the days leading up to launch nothing major impeded the mission (Because I wanted to fly the new OPS goo lab and need a deus ex machina). For its part, NASA shifted the emphasis of the mission to the first manned flight of Saturn IC and the tests that were to be performed on the entire SA-300 infrastructure. If all went well on this flight, said officials, Skylab 6 would return to orbit in July for a six-week mission aboard the space station, during which they would renovate, repair, and reactivate the station for its next cycle of visitors. Meanwhile, AAP-3's OPS pod would remain in orbit and transmit telemetry of its payload to controllers on Earth until 1978, when it would be recovered by a second Apollo crew aboard AAP-4.




The booster carrying Lexington lifted off on schedule at 09:30 one balmy April morning, completing the first manned launch from LC-34 in nearly a decade. Note the newly constructed VIF in the background, evidence of the ongoing project to reactivate LC-37B to allow for a faster Saturn launch cadence.



A pedantic note for people building Saturn ICs: You do realize that had this booster existed its S-IV aft skirt would probably have been painted white like the Skylab Saturns, right? 



Also the goo lab solar panels don't appear to extend or retract properly. Didn't have any effect on the mission since I don't think the SLA truss has any adapters, but still looks kinda weird...




Following an eight-hour period in a circular parking orbit, Lexington raised its altitude to a slightly higher operational orbit, where the OPS would remain throughout its stay. This early phase of the mission involved checkout of the spacecraft systems and payload by a mission specialist, a former professor of mammalian biology who incidentally became the first trained biologist in space.



With the OPS successfully deployed, Lexington returned to its lower orbit and spent the rest of the flight performing smaller biological experiments on animals such as mice and insects.


Splashdown occurred in the western Pacific at MET 1 day, 6 hours, 10 minutes, 31 seconds. AAP would be the shortest manned flight of any Apollo spacecraft, yet it completed its entire list of objectives and certified the Saturn IC for operational service.


Bonus: Satcom 2 to GEO on Delta 3914:






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On 4/29/2022 at 8:21 AM, AdrianDogmeat said:

Saturn I Screenshot Tax 










Folks that do the pretty photos: is this using real ksc mod in 1.12.x?  My understanding was that support died mny moons ago.

Also, I don''t mind doing leg work; but 30 pages into skimming for the specific filers references, can someone throw me a lifeline?  If orc, tu was part of it, and I use it....but what were the 'extra' that allow aged looks, etc.

Greatly appreciated.

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49 minutes ago, RocketBoy1641 said:

Folks that do the pretty photos: is this using real ksc mod in 1.12.x?  My understanding was that support died mny moons ago.

Also, I don''t mind doing leg work; but 30 pages into skimming for the specific filers references, can someone throw me a lifeline?  If orc, tu was part of it, and I use it....but what were the 'extra' that allow aged looks, etc.

Greatly appreciated.

Like the guy above said, it’s Katniss’s Cape Canaveral. For people like me who use KSRSS there’s a patch somewhere out there that rescales it to work in the 2.5x system, or you can do it manually. Aside from LC-39 I don’t think it places any structures, so all the Missile Row pads I put down manually.

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1 hour ago, ballisticfox0 said:

Gemini TTV & Gemini Experimental Lander


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And one extra one because it was just too pretty to not share


Tomorrow/Tonight Apollo Blk III, IV and V!

First of all, your screenshots are absolutely mouth watering.  I am seriously gonna need a TUFX profile or something. *

Second, from the screenies in lunar orbit, it looks like you use RSS. That's a whole other layer of impressive. 

Third, those footprints actually match the kerbal's spaceboot. I use Kopernicus Expansion's EVAFootprints and the print looks like it was made by a sneaker. Could you share your addon for footprints, or provide a mask image?**

Lastly, that last image has to be the best one!

*if you tweak the photos manually, that's a third layer of impressive!

**You probably get asked about your mods alot. Sorry for pestering about it. Just jealous, that's all!

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3 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

AAP-3: In Space, Nobody Can Hear PETA Scream:



April, 1977: Saturn IC stands on the pad for its first manned test flight. The command module atop SA-303, christened Lexington, will not be visiting Skylab, but rather delivering to orbit a scientific payload which has been the target of much controversy among animal rights activists since its public announcement. The Orbiting Primate Spacecraft dates back to before the launch of Skylab and was envisioned to help assess the long-term effects of spaceflight on mammalian biology without risking human life. The mission would have involved a Saturn IB launching two rhesus monkeys aboard a small pressurized capsule, which they would share for approximately one year before being recovered by an Apollo spacecraft. Saturn IC's improved payload capacity allowed an Apollo spacecraft to be added to the mission, providing a greater range of possible orbits and the ability for a crew to check out the biological payload  in orbit before departing.

The use of live animals to test the effects of such a long stay in orbit was naturally met with intense backlash, but apart from a protest outside the entrances to KSC on the days leading up to launch nothing major impeded the mission (Because I wanted to fly the new OPS goo lab and need a deus ex machina). For its part, NASA shifted the emphasis of the mission to the first manned flight of Saturn IC and the tests that were to be performed on the entire SA-300 infrastructure. If all went well on this flight, said officials, Skylab 6 would return to orbit in July for a six-week mission aboard the space station, during which they would renovate, repair, and reactivate the station for its next cycle of visitors. Meanwhile, AAP-3's OPS pod would remain in orbit and transmit telemetry of its payload to controllers on Earth until 1978, when it would be recovered by a second Apollo crew aboard AAP-4.



Bonus: Satcom 2 to GEO on Delta 3914:


You have to worry more about KETMG aka Kerbals for the Ethical Treatment of Mystery Goo 

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12 minutes ago, Socowez said:

First of all, your screenshots are absolutely mouth watering.  I am seriously gonna need a TUFX profile or something. *

Second, from the screenies in lunar orbit, it looks like you use RSS. That's a whole other layer of impressive. 

Third, those footprints actually match the kerbal's spaceboot. I use Kopernicus Expansion's EVAFootprints and the print looks like it was made by a sneaker. Could you share your addon for footprints, or provide a mask image?**

Lastly, that last image has to be the best one!

*if you tweak the photos manually, that's a third layer of impressive!

**You probably get asked about your mods alot. Sorry for pestering about it. Just jealous, that's all!

Thanks! If you want my TUFX here's the repo link https://github.com/ballisticfox/FoxProfiles-TUFX.

I do indeed use RSS, and annoyingly, even with SMURFF the parts are a bit under-powered so I use infinite fuel quite a bit :(.

I honestly have not touched the EVA Footprints, I just use PRVE and the latest version of KopEx.

Thanks again!  It's probably the most realistic screenshot I've taken so far!

I actually try not to, the only thing I really do is crop the image and add a bit of film grain, on screenshots I really like I'll do a little bit of color and exposure touch-ups but that's about it. (The software I use is DarkTable, as it's free and gimp isn't really the best for image touch-ups)

If you still feel like your install is missing something mine has feel free to shoot me a dm and we can try to work it out.

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On 7/14/2022 at 5:31 PM, Pudgemountain said:

After deciding on whether to build a Titan Lander or Warp capable ship I decided to try both.

Only got one picture for the lander since I am gonna test it in the Jovian System and it takes 2-3 years to get there.


Now for the Warp ship which is derived of a Gemini Titan.






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For the test of the Warp system I decided to send it to Vesta which is not close to Earth but farther than Mars.



Yes the time is accurate.


A nice evening boating trip after a well earned test.


As fun as testing that thing out, I am not sure if I can fully implement it into my program mainly 1: If I run it too long I gotta wait for the engines to cool down which I had to do it about 3 times going to Vesta and 2: GU is currently incompatible with KSRSS I have not real use for it.

you joke but the phonex was actually launched by a titan 2

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On 7/14/2022 at 5:31 PM, Pudgemountain said:

After deciding on whether to build a Titan Lander or Warp capable ship I decided to try both.

Only got one picture for the lander since I am gonna test it in the Jovian System and it takes 2-3 years to get there.


Now for the Warp ship which is derived of a Gemini Titan.






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For the test of the Warp system I decided to send it to Vesta which is not close to Earth but farther than Mars.



Yes the time is accurate.


A nice evening boating trip after a well earned test.


As fun as testing that thing out, I am not sure if I can fully implement it into my program mainly 1: If I run it too long I gotta wait for the engines to cool down which I had to do it about 3 times going to Vesta and 2: GU is currently incompatible with KSRSS I have not real use for it.

Awesome mission and screenshots!  Never really thought I'd see my TrekDrive parts in the BDB thread.

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On 7/8/2022 at 3:03 PM, Zorg said:

Thats a nice document, thanks! Theres some information I didn't have and definitely some diagrams at better resolution than I did before.

I haven't seen that one before but I think David SF Portree mentioned some of that information in his blog about Skylab reuse/refurbishing.

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1 hour ago, Galileo chiu said:

Reinstall BDB, it should fix that

Just did it(v1.10.3) from the github repository and its still the same.

@CobaltWolf any advice?

EDIT:  I don't know what I'm doing wrong, installed everything correctly, but still KSP is acting up. I can't launch any craft, if I press the 'launch icon' it'll just revert back to the KSC view. 

Edited by DA299
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