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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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Presenting the Minerva B1 (again from Kolyma's Shaddow. The Minerva B1 consists of Jupiter derived tankage with a Centaur upper stage. The first stage share tooling and engines with the Minerva B2 liquid rocket boosters.

I admit I added LR-101s for roll control. Later versions probably get an Atlas II style system:


Go for space!


Go for orbit!

Swinging around for the burn to the Mun

Go for the Mun!

Fine tuning for intercept on ullage thrusters

Payload Separation

Burning for Munar orbit

High orbital adjustment

Edited by TimothyC
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13 hours ago, Zorg said:

Put together an Atlas SLV3-X

Tweakscaled the Atlas Balloon tanks to 2.5m and procedural tanks for custom tapered tanks. H1 engine as a sustainer. Beats the Atlas I and only falls short of the Atlas II





no.6 on this list of unbuilt Atlases for more details.



NICE!   If you have downloaded the BDB_Extras folder the Atlas H-2 is in there as well (just a Re-scaled H-1C or D whichever one has the gimbal ability with the appropriate thrust for the larger never made engine.)   I have flown a couple of Atlas F' (aka the ORIGINAL Atlas F) in game.  They are a bit freakish if you either have not unlocked the ability to auto strut or are not using KJR when carrying a big load.... But they DO fly :) and nice.    I really like the idea of Procedural tanks to fit those extra spaces....   I have been finding the closest part and tweak-scale them... Has lead to some minor junction/joint issues.  Overlap or overhang. 



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1 hour ago, Pappystein said:

NICE!   If you have downloaded the BDB_Extras folder the Atlas H-2 is in there as well (just a Re-scaled H-1C or D whichever one has the gimbal ability with the appropriate thrust for the larger never made engine.)   I have flown a couple of Atlas F' (aka the ORIGINAL Atlas F) in game.  They are a bit freakish if you either have not unlocked the ability to auto strut or are not using KJR when carrying a big load.... But they DO fly :) and nice.    I really like the idea of Procedural tanks to fit those extra spaces....   I have been finding the closest part and tweak-scale them... Has lead to some minor junction/joint issues.  Overlap or overhang. 



Thanks! I admit I have the extras in my download folder but never went through the configs in detail to see what they are. I'll grab the H-2 definitely as well as the patch that removes the F1 and LR89 part upgrades and replaces them with respective parts (I want to restore the full line up of Atlases with correct thrust).

I'm looking into a  SLV3X+ Fatlas with Centaur II (done some testing already) and an ultimate SLV3X++ Fatlas with Centaur III (2x RL10 I think) so the H-2 will come in handy.

Edit: if you do get procedural tanks I recommend getting the Basic Procedural Textures pack for it, thats where the nice silver tank texture is from.

Edited by Zorg
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Getting closer to finishing the first set of Titan parts. Going to be a long, grueling process getting this jumbled mess ready to get in game. But for now, a small preview of the current state of the parts.

So, first off, the current state of the Titan 2 autoshroud/decoupler. What do people think? I struggled with these parts a lot.


Here is the current state of the LR-91, there have been some additions to its texture but it might need a little more.
The interior of the second stage has modeled details now as well.


Here's a look at 3 of the 4 shrouds for the LR-87 - not shown is a 'compact' variant without a 1.875m mounting plate.


Close ups of the 'Titan 3/4' style shroud. Much more accurate than the old one! :) 


Close ups of the 'Titan 1' style shroud. These will hopefully have texture switching like the tanks, I'm not sure to what extent. This one is more WIP than the Titan 3, the 'Titan 2' style seen in the first pic is barely started.


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2 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:


Getting closer to finishing the first set of Titan parts. Going to be a long, grueling process getting this jumbled mess ready to get in game. But for now, a small preview of the current state of the parts.

So, first off, the current state of the Titan 2 autoshroud/decoupler. What do people think? I struggled with these parts a lot.


I think the Auto-shroud combined with the decoupler is about as close to a RW accurate part you are going to get without actual blueprints from Martin Marrietta.   The Spindles/spokes in the blowhole are colored after later titan parts (IIRC they were either painted white or left bare metal in most the photos I have.)  BUT I think the color change makes them.... Quoting 5th Element here.... "Pop POP POP!"   and as Ruby Rhod has always "It must pop my man!"   (Sorry obviously I have 5th Element playing in the background...).   I like that the stringer/ribs are visible in the inter-stage now.   It brings symmetry to the joint that was missing.     More to the point you have all the datalink hookups (and Fuel etc) modeled in both stages now.   the RO people are going to be clamoring to replace any and all OTHER Titan's with yours when they see it!  (They better be if they are actually looking for realism!)   It may not be perfectly realistic but there are no interstage/decouplers for Titan that I think are currently MORE accurate.....


2 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

Here is the current state of the LR-91, there have been some additions to its texture but it might need a little more.
The interior of the second stage has modeled details now as well.

I see you have shrunk the AJ-5/7 bell down a bit.  It looks more.... Balanced.   So Looks wise big win!   Beyond that, comparing the AJ-5/7 bell to the previous post I do not see MAJOR changes but it looks like some shading was tightened up a bit, you redded out the brown areas and added some detail to the Pogo-reducing check valve on the Turbopump exhaust?    The AJ-3 engine has seen some major texture work I see.  The Pogo elimination devices on this are much more detailed than last week.  Again you redded out some of the brown on the engine and on Both engines the Turbopump exhaust got suitably blackend!   NICE!

For the previous set of picture:

Before moving on, the inside of the Tank structure.  I know I have said this to you in a personal message but again WOW!

2 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

Close ups of the 'Titan 3/4' style shroud. Much more accurate than the old one! :)

Ok So I have to be honest here.  I have never liked the brown color that represents the Titan IV in game but that is Martin's, the metallurgist,  the colors, and my personal preferences fault not your skill or work put into it.   That was until I saw this.  The Titan 3/4 shroud you have made look very VERY good.   The Details you have added to it since the last stream I was on have made it go from "Oh my god why would I use THAT!?"   to  "Dayum this is really NICE looking!"   I still don't like the brown color, but over all, I will use this shroud and LIKE using it....  Again the details are amazing.   I am making an assumption here. 

Related/unrelated, there will not be a separate Turbopump exhaust visible due to how "clear" Hypergolic fuels burn?   


Lastly the Titan I style Elevator lift cradle/engine shroud.  If anything this looks BETTER than a Late production Titan I engine skirt.   The Titan I had lots of sharp joints in it and was full of very sloppy looking welds.  You have rounded  the sharp corners slightly and cleaned up several ugly welds visible in most of the suriving LR87-AJ-3 skirts.   It looks like a long produced part instead of a limited run slapped together part that was almost an afterthought engineering wise.       I decidedly like the look of the open blow holes over the idea of the sugar-scoops like some of the early launches had.   For those not in the know, many early Titan I test launches had the big air scoops (called Sugar-scoops in the Aerospace world for some reason) covering the area that Cobalt has the blowout holes on this skirt.   The sugar-scoops on Titan I and Titan II were to reduce the pressure differential next to the tank vs below the tank in the area of the engine.   There was no need for them,  and in-fact their drag out weighed the benefit.   That is why you do not see the Sugar scoops on any Titan III photo that you can clearly see the engine on.     To sum it up, I don't think that part needs any more texture work it looks GREAT!


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So I have been messing around with Impact science probes.   These are probes designed to only work on the surface and not need a lot of infrastructure in the rocket to survive.   No parachutes here!   I am leveraging the Mk-IV RV for the Titan I currently (there is a patch in BDB_Extras with my base probe.)   I though I would share some in-flight/landing photos.    The parts used to Launch this probe are an Inline GEM-40, 8x Castor Fins (from the Scout Rocket)   4 of them are Pitch control enabled only and are 125% real size (bottom of the GEM-40) and 4 standard size at the top of the GEM-40 with Roll only (no yaw control at all.)   A 0.625m decoupler and a rescaled 1.25m service bay with a battery (I think I am using one from Tantares in the pictures.),   The Titan MkIV RV and 4x re-scaled Air-brakes (my personal custom MM file generates 4 or 5 different Air-brakes)

To be clear.... No matter what I set the settings to, If I use time compression at all after the last stage separation, the probe is lost.    IDK why this is but it is likely a stock bug with time compression as any part I apply these settings to (stolen from the NRAP test weight) has the same issue.  BUT  with the 4 airbrakes deployed in a "Retarded-Bomb" style deployment gives me a 30-40m/s impact speed....  Vs 480m/s


This was a perfect landing...   Note the probe has no SAS ability on it's own so it was LUCK that left it perfectly vertical.   Often times the final impact will shed all non impact harded (everything but the probe core itself) parts.   This time it didn't.   Since there is no way to broadcast the science from these probes, they are only useful on your home planet where you can recover them.... But it is an in-expensive way to do science at distances away from your launch sites.     Oh the inflight picture is at 57,000m over Gael in the Galileo Planet Pack.  

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2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

I think the Auto-shroud combined with the decoupler is about as close to a RW accurate part you are going to get without actual blueprints from Martin Marrietta.   The Spindles/spokes in the blowhole are colored after later titan parts (IIRC they were either painted white or left bare metal in most the photos I have.)  BUT I think the color change makes them.... Quoting 5th Element here.... "Pop POP POP!"   and as Ruby Rhod has always "It must pop my man!"   (Sorry obviously I have 5th Element playing in the background...).   I like that the stringer/ribs are visible in the inter-stage now.   It brings symmetry to the joint that was missing.     More to the point you have all the datalink hookups (and Fuel etc) modeled in both stages now.   the RO people are going to be clamoring to replace any and all OTHER Titan's with yours when they see it!  (They better be if they are actually looking for realism!)   It may not be perfectly realistic but there are no interstage/decouplers for Titan that I think are currently MORE accurate.....

They were brown on all the GLV pictures I have.

I don't think RO bothers converting the tanks, they're all about PP over there.


2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

I see you have shrunk the AJ-5/7 bell down a bit.  It looks more.... Balanced.   So Looks wise big win!   Beyond that, comparing the AJ-5/7 bell to the previous post I do not see MAJOR changes but it looks like some shading was tightened up a bit, you redded out the brown areas and added some detail to the Pogo-reducing check valve on the Turbopump exhaust?    The AJ-3 engine has seen some major texture work I see.  The Pogo elimination devices on this are much more detailed than last week.  Again you redded out some of the brown on the engine and on Both engines the Turbopump exhaust got suitably blackend!   NICE!

Before moving on, the inside of the Tank structure.  I know I have said this to you in a personal message but again WOW!

Yes, I definitely shrank it a bit. I couldn't confirm it was that shape in any photos I found.

I'm still playing with the color scheme for the engines. But yeah, generally took a pass on it, still some stuff to do here and there.

I don't think I did anything to the AJ3 that wasn't done to the AJ7.

Yeah I'm happy with how it the interior looks.


2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

Ok So I have to be honest here.  I have never liked the brown color that represents the Titan IV in game but that is Martin's, the metallurgist,  the colors, and my personal preferences fault not your skill or work put into it.   That was until I saw this.  The Titan 3/4 shroud you have made look very VERY good.   The Details you have added to it since the last stream I was on have made it go from "Oh my god why would I use THAT!?"   to  "Dayum this is really NICE looking!"   I still don't like the brown color, but over all, I will use this shroud and LIKE using it....  Again the details are amazing.   I am making an assumption here.

The color is growing on me a lot. I'm not ruling out texture variants for these shrouds...


2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

Related/unrelated, there will not be a separate Turbopump exhaust visible due to how "clear" Hypergolic fuels burn?  

We need to talk with @JadeOfMaar and see whether we're doing turbopump exhaust. It might be a question of if fxPoints can be changed...


2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

Lastly the Titan I style Elevator lift cradle/engine shroud.  If anything this looks BETTER than a Late production Titan I engine skirt.   The Titan I had lots of sharp joints in it and was full of very sloppy looking welds.  You have rounded  the sharp corners slightly and cleaned up several ugly welds visible in most of the suriving LR87-AJ-3 skirts.   It looks like a long produced part instead of a limited run slapped together part that was almost an afterthought engineering wise.       I decidedly like the look of the open blow holes over the idea of the sugar-scoops like some of the early launches had.   For those not in the know, many early Titan I test launches had the big air scoops (called Sugar-scoops in the Aerospace world for some reason) covering the area that Cobalt has the blowout holes on this skirt.   The sugar-scoops on Titan I and Titan II were to reduce the pressure differential next to the tank vs below the tank in the area of the engine.   There was no need for them,  and in-fact their drag out weighed the benefit.   That is why you do not see the Sugar scoops on any Titan III photo that you can clearly see the engine on.     To sum it up, I don't think that part needs any more texture work it looks GREAT!

I think it still needs a liiiiiiittle somethin-somethin :)


Edited by CobaltWolf
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7 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

I think it still needs a liiiiiiittle somethin-somethin :)

You sir, are a perfectionist with this artwork.  That is likely why many of us are here in fact.   I think it is amazing and fine...  But you are the one who's name is on it so YOU have to be the one happy with it not me or anyone else here...   Do as you must but I think it is good to launch...  .... like NOW :)


13 minutes ago, TimothyC said:

@Jso I love the new flame-out blooms on the GEM solids. They look great.

Lets not forget the mass adjustments to prevent them from colliding with each other and the main rocket on almost every seperation!   JSO has done yeoman work in this regard and very little has been said about it.   GOOD JOB SIR!

Edited by Pappystein
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Small updates...

Titan 2 engine mount (far right) has a texture finally


Started the process of splitting up the parts, a lot of them will need to be evaluated a bit more as I go.
Here are the two first stage tanks for Titan 2.


The upper tank will have a toggle to raise the tank dome so it's visible in the blast holes on the decoupler.


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So I had to do a fresh install of KSP via Steam the other day.   I noticed a 1.7 PRE-CAP was in the news section on Steam.   So, Am I to understand that Squad is AGAIN messing with shaders for 1.7? or is PQR Normal maps something else?   They refer to it as "fixing a bug"      How does this affect the workflow you go through?  

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29 minutes ago, Pappystein said:

So I had to do a fresh install of KSP via Steam the other day.   I noticed a 1.7 PRE-CAP was in the news section on Steam.   So, Am I to understand that Squad is AGAIN messing with shaders for 1.7? or is PQR Normal maps something else?   They refer to it as "fixing a bug"      How does this affect the workflow you go through?  

PQS normals are related to terrain generation and do not affect BDB. :)

Also, I suddenly wanted to have a new small solar panel so I made one. They're 0.3m square and would have flip-out and static versions. They're smaller than the Lunar Orbiter panels.


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1 hour ago, CobaltWolf said:

Also, I suddenly wanted to have a new small solar panel so I made one. They're 0.3m square and would have flip-out and static versions. They're smaller than the Lunar Orbiter panels.

Cute!   I had a use for those a weeks ago!   der-gar-er-rika-frika-sum-dum.  *Quotes Mutley from an old cartoon*  :)


Out of curiosity have you ever thought about doing a flipout one that starts with the panel inward this size?


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