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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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18 hours ago, Pappystein said:

Your next step is to follow the link in my signature, While the information is dated it is still accurate.  I only suggest you also include your modulemanager.txt log in addition to the log files requested.   And post it to the Near Future Electrical and TAC-LS Forums.   Use a site like googledrive / Dropbox / Onedrive where you have control of the content to post the logs.

 It's neither of those... Just installed a fresh install of KSP 1.8.1 + Making History 1.8.1

I added these mods in sequence. It appeared after 'Comfortable Landing was installed


Bluedog_DB (latest release) + CommunityResourcePack + DMagicScienceAnimate - No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules (MM4.1.0 installed)
Near Future Solar (version 1.1)- No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules
TACLifeSupport (version No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules
Restock (version 1.0.3) - No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules (MM upgraded to 4.1.3)
Restock+ (version 1.0.3) -  No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules
KAE SYSTEMS Welded Parts (version - No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules (Was paranoid that my own mod my be an issue since it depends on BDB and Restock+ models)
Animated Decouplers (version 1.4.1) - No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules
DecouplerShroud (version 0.7.2) - No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules
InterstellarFuelSwitch (version 3.14) + Patch Manager + Tweakscale + CommunityTechTree - No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules
HGR - No problem with lights on Kane (Apollo) capsules
Comfortable Landing (version 1.6.2) - Problem appears


When I uninstalled, 'Comfortable Landing' the problem disappeared...

Output Log


It's strange, because I thought the two were supposed to be compatible...

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3 hours ago, adm-frb said:

When I uninstalled, 'Comfortable Landing' the problem disappeared...

Comfortable Landing is modifying the cfg and introducing the problem in the Apollo and Gemini capsules.

In GameData/ComfortableLanding/Configs/BluedogPod.cfg all the instances of eventOffName = Lights On need to be changed to eventOffName = Lights Off

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24 minutes ago, Jso said:

Comfortable Landing is modifying the cfg and introducing the problem in the Apollo and Gemini capsules.

In GameData/ComfortableLanding/Configs/BluedogPod.cfg all the instances of eventOffName = Lights On need to be changed to eventOffName = Lights Off

Why is a mod that has nothing to do with lights, even mentioning them?

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Another fairing update. 

First up the Delta II fairing has been modified so that the stringer section can be extended seamlessly. The default configuration also matches the historical setup now which is nice.



And the new fairing of the day is the Titan 3 standard fairing. This worked just like a SAF in real life with a standard base and nose and an optional mid section which can be stacked. Pretty much exactly how SAF works now!



Apologies to Alpha, I forgot to pull from the Modular Launch Pads github before launching KSP so dont have the fancy new Titan 2 tower.


This fairing is available with the standard 1.875m flat base as well as the 1.875m version of the Delta miniskirt







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So a few months ago (back in the previous dev cycle)  I sort of kicked off a hornet-storm when I started talking about Agena-C.    Agena-C was the never built but proposed 3.05m diameter Agena upper stage.    In an improved form, the stage would be proposed as Growth Shuttle Agena for the Lockheed Martin Space Shuttle proposal in the mid 1970s.   Well.  Thanks to the new Agena (and MOL) parts and the handy use of my imagination:

First, Growth Agena UNDER fairing:



And Secondly,  The much more appropriate (as well as it allows me to carry two payloads thanks to the new SLA fairings!)  Growth Agena BELOW Fairing:



If you are thinking these Titan Rockets look "Big"  then you would be right.  They are Titan IVB-3 Rockets with an upper stage made of the following components (all available in the current Dev build)

Titan II Tank

MOL Guidance Probe core

Agena tank butt/engine mount

Agena D Structural Engine tail

Bell 8096C  250:1 Engine

Centaur Interstage (Long lenght!)


Things on this rocket NOT in the Dev build:

Hypergolic Fuel

-11A variants of LR87 and LR91 (I am working on an extras patch for them right now and was launching these to test said patch!)

Payloads (I used the Coatl Aerospace Voyager and Vorona probes and JX2 antennas)


Here is a Picture from the First launch (with just Voyager)   I Collided with an Asteroid shortly after this picture was taken :(  What are the chances of that!    On the Positive, the Asteroid was going the other way and slowed down enough that it is in very eccentric orbit around the planet now (meaning I can go grab that sucka!) 

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Ok, so It looks like it is time for Back to Back Screen Tax Day!

First up,  A Launch of the Juno-IVB with my still in development Hypergolic fuel patch.  

Given all the comments a few weeks ago about not attaining orbit, the fact that I am using JNSQ, oh and the fact that the Hypergolic patch is still in development:   I added a Brace of Castor-IIs to the Rocket and de-tuned the First stage engine to 95.5% Nominal Thrust:


Given the lack of appropriate (still on Cobaltwolf's todo list) 1.5-1.25 Juno interstage/tank (whatever he chooses it to be... hoping for a tank tho!) I used the Thor tank of the same proportions (you can see the Thor Raceway on the transition from 1.5-1.25m)

Here are some pictures of the tank cfg for this launch:




These tank CFGs gave me the most d/v for the entire stack.  Given the payload's mass it was important to squeeze as much d/v as possible.

And upper stages in flight after PLF and 1st Stage Sep (both happened ~90km)



6K stage doing final circularization at 500km



Payload Seperation at 500Km near circular orbit:



And lastly, Being THAT GUY and being responsible...    6K deorbit burn!




Using a near vertical Launch profile for this Rocket, combined with the stretched First stage burn (my Turn to orbit did not start until 5Km & 250m/s vert speed)   I was able to loft this Low thrust low d/v rocket into a HQ orbit with minim of fuss.

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So, yesterday I had that disastrous launch that was caused by an "Asteroid impact" (ok so I screwed up and wanted something cool to blame!)

Today we are going to " move" that Asteroid out of our escape path for future launches (we hope)

First, our Rocket:  Another Titan IVB-3 (the -3 denoting a full 3 segment SRMU for those not in the know standard Titan IVB flew with a 2.5segment SRMU IRL)


and yes, that is a Growth Agena above the 2nd stage...   But a Titan IIIE fairing... What could be under that?

Here is a helpful tidbit for any Titan with SRMs:



use smart parts to auto engage the LR87 at 3-5% Solid fuel remaining!

Launch and Activation of Main engine via Smart Parts:





PLF Separation at 85Km (thanks to the new Simple PLFs!)


WAIT WHAT!   yes that is an Ascent Agena (upgraded Agena D) with SOT tanks ON TOP of a Growth Agena!   DOUBLE AGENA FTW!

Separation of the Growth Agena from the Titan IVB-3's 2nd stage:


Some Details on how I built the Growth Agena (as described in my post yesterday)




And yes....  That is a Thrust to weight ratio of 0.1!



Err, Houston, we have a problem:  


Something I did not plan for... the RLA-Reborn RTGs are overheating!  (and yes they explode!)

I ended up having to Cheat Electricity to complete this mission /sad panda.

Even with the HUGE amount of D/V in the Growth Agena stage, it's low thrust to weight ratio combined with the fact that the Double Agena payload is actually TOO heavy for a Titan IVB-3 launch to properly orbit (the Growth Agena upper stage was the primary Circularization stage in this launch)  We had to rely on the Final Asteroid Intercept Agena to finish our plane change and intercept of the Asteroid:


I quickly caught a second problem here.   Remember with the SOT tanks.  The Decouplers need to be set to CROSSFEED ENABLED!


Here is when I finally noticed the lack of RTGs on my Agena Asteroid Interceptor:


(Alt-F12 and cheat enabled please!)

Err:  Maybe I didn't think this through?



Lets try anyway!



Well I burnt 1/3rd of my remaining fuel and determined I wasn't altering the course by more than a couple d/v.....  End mission with Deorbit burn of Interceptor:



And confirm I turned cheat back off:





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21 minutes ago, biohazard15 said:


Question about fairings: do you plan to do Ascent Agena\Seasat fairing?

I assume you are actually talking about the Titan B33/B34 Fairing?

Ascent Agena actually didn't have it's own fairing (Even the latter half of the Titan 24B Gambit launches were Ascent Agena)

Agena-D was last ordered in 1973 (I think)   If you look at official USAF budget paperwork all Agenas order after that time are listed as Agena.  Where prior to that they are listed as Agena-A/Agena-B/Agena-D (depending on WHAT agena was ordered.)   That is when Ascent Agena started flying. (Not the exact year mind you due to manufacturing time etc.)


BUT personally that is a good question because we are still supposed to use the 1.875-0.9375 Titan Agena Interstage and a fairing would have to go UNDER that (meaning it would need a new ring collider for the engine bell to stick through etc.)  Also the Fairing would need to be slightly bigger than 1.875 to fit said interstage etc.



Forgot to mention, that technically all the Shuttle Agenas are ALSO Ascent Agena.   And IRL Ascent Agena would have two tank lengths (8" IRL difference... almost negligible in KSP) because of different Fuel (switching to MMH/MON3 or MMH/IRFNA-IV(AKA HDA in US Parlance))


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5 hours ago, biohazard15 said:


Question about fairings: do you plan to do Ascent Agena\Seasat fairing?

Not familiar with the Seasat fairing, search found this on NSF, is this what you mean?


If so probably not. Although perhaps it could share texture space with something else? If you can find me better pictures it could go on the maybe pile.

We do have something cooler planned :) The SLV-3B shroud used for OAO-1. 

Image result for SLV 3B OAO

The top section seems identical to the Atlas Centaur shroud which is nice because we can reuse the assets when it comes time for the Centaur revamp.


4 hours ago, Pappystein said:

because we are still supposed to use the 1.875-0.9375 Titan Agena Interstage and a fairing would have to go UNDER that

Cobalt is working on the OAO internal adapter which will allow a 1.875m fairing to be used without interfering. But even now we have the ETS inspired Agena-Carrack adapter which has an outer diameter of 1.5m which you can easily use with a flat 1.875m fairing base. Just set it to the longer length.


Add the straight adapter and you can even use the advanced engines.


I admit these parts didnt show up under an Agena search. Will fix the search tags.

4 hours ago, Pappystein said:

Titan B33/B34 Fairing?

This on the other hand will probably happen. Not sure if its the same but it does look reasonably similar to each other that I can reuse textures from the Hexagon fairing which is planned. The hexagon fairing will be built into the aft section of the spacecraft but it would be trivial to just add it as an extra part using the 1.875m flat base for Titan 33/34B


This is a Hexagon on 3D.



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7 hours ago, Pappystein said:

I assume you are actually talking about the Titan B33/B34 Fairing?

Yea, that's what I meant :)

3 hours ago, Zorg said:

Not familiar with the Seasat fairing, search found this on NSF, is this what you mean?

Seasat used the same fairing as Titan 33B\34B - according to Ed Kyle, it was a leftover test article from Titan 33B, mated with customized Atlas-F ex-ICBM via customized (shortened?) Centaur interstage:


Some sources (namely Ed Kyle) call it "Atlas 23F", but that appears to be Atlas serial number. Not sure about fairing color - pre-launch photo suggest it might've been painted white, like Atlas-Centaur fairings.

4 hours ago, Zorg said:

Not sure if its the same but it does look reasonably similar to each other that I can reuse textures from the Hexagon fairing which is planned.

Both were developed by Lockheed - it is quite likely that one project borrowed from another.

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2 minutes ago, biohazard15 said:

Yea, that's what I meant :)

Seasat used the same fairing as Titan 33B\34B - according to Ed Kyle, it was a leftover test article from Titan 33B, mated with customized Atlas-F ex-ICBM via customized (shortened?) Centaur interstage:


Some sources (namely Ed Kyle) call it "Atlas 23F", but that appears to be Atlas serial number. Not sure about fairing color - pre-launch photo suggest it might've been painted white, like Atlas-Centaur fairings.

Both were developed by Lockheed - it is quite likely that one project borrowed from another.

Hmm I'll look into it more. At any rate there will be a biconic 1.875m fairing. What the texture will look like is undecided. The Seasat version looks nice certainly but most images of Titan 33B/34B show something more similar to Hexagon colour scheme wise. That does make sharing the textures more straightforward. Theres the other consideration a white fairing is more general use though.

I havent really started research yet tbh. Theres also the fact a lot of those military Titan launches had the photos airbrushed.

The next two items that will use the Titan texture sheet will be Titan IV and the prototype conical Titan III-A, III-C shroud. Will have to see how much space is left over after that.

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1 hour ago, biohazard15 said:

Yea, that's what I meant :)

Seasat used the same fairing as Titan 33B\34B - according to Ed Kyle, it was a leftover test article from Titan 33B, mated with customized Atlas-F ex-ICBM via customized (shortened?) Centaur interstage:


I am guessing that was Customized Centaur INTERFACE and not interstage.   The Drawing Zorg posted showed a standard Agena on Titan 33B/34B interstage.   A Atlas-F Ballistic missile converted to run an upper stage would automatically have either an Agena (0.9375m game scale) or Centaur (1.875m game scale) interface added on top of the tanks.  

But it is nice to see that the Big Titan Fairing split at the MID and not the bottom like most PLFs.   IDK how that would be modeled.   Well off to work!

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1 hour ago, Pappystein said:

But it is nice to see that the Big Titan Fairing split at the MID and not the bottom like most PLFs.   IDK how that would be modeled.   Well off to work!

I'll just make the lower cylindrical section the base for the fairing, intended to fit over and around the Agena interface.

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39 minutes ago, MajorLeaugeRocketScience said:

Where can I get these great fairings I keep seeing?

They are currently in the development branch of the BDB github. It also requires the simple adjustable fairings mod (up to date ksp 1.8+ version). SAF is included in the BDB bundle on github as well.


Of course it contains work in progress stuff so no warrranties if you use it in a career save :P 

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The amount of awesome in this thread is immeasurable. Even more boosters couldn't make it better.  Have the Devs said yet whether there will be seamless importing of KSP mods to KSP 2?

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6 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

Forum user @PickledTripod weathering out the quarantine with me. Thought we'd stream some speed modeling of something special...



Ohh the RED Decoupler?!   I like red!   :P   Shiny!

So logged in and saw this post.  Raced over to Twitch... Spent 10 minutes signing in (new computer...)  No stream... I missed it.... AGAIN!   ARGH!


4 hours ago, MashAndBangers said:

They've said there won't be compatibility.

We don't know how accurate that statement may be.   It all depends on the final product.   For example it might mean that Textures just need to be redone.   Or there might need to be simple changes to CFG files.     Or the whole mod needs to be started over... We won't really know until near or at launch day


5 hours ago, j-tk said:

The amount of awesome in this thread is immeasurable. Even more boosters couldn't make it better.  Have the Devs said yet whether there will be seamless importing of KSP mods to KSP 2?

Um, you want MOAR BOOSTERS!   I can give you that and be Thread Germain!


I give you the most Moar Booster I can without break NASA rules for Booster placement (EG no Booster on Boosters and all Boosters must have a clean separation path!)

My 2nd asteroid Redirect mission included Five Titan IV Upper stage derived CLAWCRAFT....  Launch on this mighty Slab Sided Saturn MLV-S-25 derivative.   Cryo-tanks tweakscaled to 5.625m to give me that all important NO BOIL OFF for the S-IV stage (and moar propellant to boot.  Might as well be a Cryotank version of the S-II stage (4 HG-3s under it))  And yes those are ALL UP S-IVB Tanks on top of the AJ260-2s to add even MOAR fuel to the MS-1C-25 Flat Bulkhead First Stage Tank!


Saturn V MLV Derived with the following engines:

Stage 0 4x AJ260-2 Full Lenght booster SRMs

Stage 1 5x F-1A MS-1C-25FB Hypothetical tank

Stage 2 7x HG-3 (MS-II-4 Tank with the 7 HG-3s)

Stage 3 4x HG-3 (MS-II-1 Tank analog for Zero/Low Boil off orbital stage)

Stage 4  Five individual probes each with a Titan IV Upper stage tank, a 1.875m monopropellant tank (from Restock) and a 1.875m-1.25m structural cone with the KLAW on it (again from REstock)   Titan I engine shroud is used to hold a Vacuum optimized LR87-AJ-11 single bell engine.  


Edited by Pappystein
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