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Hermes Interplanetary Spacecraft (from The Martian) [DISCONTINUED]


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Hyee there looking great really looking forward to this mod , i read that you where having problems with counterbalance with the integration of IR 
Well maybe you already know about it but there already is a mod that uses IR and counterbalance for rotating modular hubs.
Hope you can find a solution to any strugles with it there.
heres the link its the deep space exploration mod : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/122162-105-deep-space-exploration-vessels-105-build-nasa-inspired-ships-in-ksp/

Keep up the good work !!!

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@RaendyLeBeau Thanks! I think the all the modules use IVAs from the stock game as a placeholder for now. I'm currently working on the MDV IVA.

@kerbjor The counterbalance issue was fixed before the 0.2 release lol. We used DSEV's method of a single node in the middle of a base part and a bunch of SAS surrounding it.

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Making a RFStockalike Config for the mod, and will merge it into RFStockalike in a few days. Currently MDV is using Hydrazine+NTO config with Hydrazine RCSs. Modified thrust to 120 in order to deal with more situations. Any ideas?

p.s.Is it possible for you to add a part ONLY consisting of the MDV engines?

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