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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-END OF CHAPTER 21! (and hopefully not so many talking heads in 22!)

Mister Dilsby

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Hmmm, I was thinking-

Couldn't an outward burn work, too? All you need to do is to increase or decrease the orbital period of your craft by ~50%, so it shouldn't matter which way you burn.

P.S. INB4 @Starhawk!

[Sign-off returned to Starhawk]

Edited by Dman979
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The only thing scarier than powerful, violent Kerbulans is...

powerful, violent Kerbulans who are afraid!

15 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

P.S INB4 @Starhawk!

Happy Concerned Nervous Frightened Terrified Landings!

I don't mind arriving after you, but stealing my signoff...  that's just uncalled for.

Unable to sign off properly now...

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Wow... Those dudes are stupid. For these reasons:

  1. they thought the intrepid was a rock.
  2. they thought the scan sats were nuclear missiles.
  3. They thought the intrepid is a space battle ship. (Ok it is a carrier, but a peaceful one)
  4. they were afraid of kerbfleet.
  5. they were afraid of science.
  6. they think they are going to get nuked.
  7. they don't know that kerbfleet is not a story, but is real.

if they take out the qwammer there going to think its a missile cruiser.

if the take out the laythe plane they are going think it's a star fighter.

when they figure out there going to jool on a peaceful mission they are going to sooooooo mad.

when they attack the intrepid and Gene suddenly gets LoS, he is going to throw his cup of Koffie across mission control isn't he?

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1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

But seriously, folks, Kuzzter did an outstanding job on those pictures. That's some Parkaboy-level stuff right there.

Now that is a high compliment, thank you. And if @Parkaboy hadn't raised the bar so high, I wouldn't be trying so hard to reach it.

1 hour ago, smjjames said:

Lol the misunderstandings!

Zany, isn't it? So of course the way this all ends is that they all meet, the Kerbfleet guys explain what all that stuff on Intrepid is really for, they make friends, and everyone goes on their way in peace! Yaaaay! 

1 hour ago, Deddly said:

That is priceless. The death-dealing, fearless monsters are afraid of Kerbfleet :)


1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

So the Kerbulans think the Kerbins have a warship amed with nuke missiles??? 


1 hour ago, Starhawk said:

The only thing scarier than powerful, violent Kerbulans is...powerful, violent Kerbulans who are afraid!

I'm afraid @Deddly has it a bit wrong. It's not that the Kerbulans are fearless--it's that whatever danger they're facing, they're motivated by something they're even more afraid of. The lower orders fear their superiors' rage, and the agonizer. Those superiors are in constant fear of assassination. And that, of course, is how Leader Gene holds it all together: not just with everyone's fear of him, but by cultivating and using their fear of each other to keep control. And what's Leader Gene afraid of? Losing that control might well top the list.



47 minutes ago, Deddly said:

But how come nobody has assassinated her yet whilst she was throwing up?

Well, she's just a Legate now so maybe it hasn't come up yet. :) On this note, I found myself wondering how the whole bridge crew of the I.S.S. Enterprise managed to survive intact up to the point of the "Mirror Mirror" episode. You'd think someone would have at least whacked Mirror Chekov already... well, I'll just say that not every one of Our Heroes has a living Kerbulan counterpart: some of them are already dead.

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20 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Well, she's just a Legate now so maybe it hasn't come up yet. :) On this note, I found myself wondering how the whole bridge crew of the I.S.S. Enterprise managed to survive intact up to the point of the "Mirror Mirror" episode. You'd think someone would have at least whacked Mirror Chekov already... well, I'll just say that not every one of Our Heroes has a living Kerbulan counterpart: some of them are already dead.

The mirror universe appeared in several episodes, including DS:9 and Enterprise..... actually, In a Mirror, Darkly, was the only really good Enterprise episode in my opinion!  It even had an awesome unique killer opening theme!


And you are correct, some of the people in our universe had been killed (or maybe worse???) in the Mirror universe, so they don't have to match up perfectly.

Also, I don't think the question is why hadn't Chekov been whacked yet... the real question is who did Chekov whack to get to be a bridge officer?  And who gave Sulu that vicious scar???




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1 minute ago, Just Jim said:

Also, I don't think the question is why hadn't Chekov been whacked yet... the real question is who did Chekov whack to get to be a bridge officer?  And who gave Sulu that vicious scar???

I think the answer to your first question could be Lt. Bailey. The answer to your second could be Uhura... or Mirror Brad, if he's the jealous type. :) 

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10 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

I think the answer to your first question could be Lt. Bailey. The answer to your second could be Uhura... or Mirror Brad, if he's the jealous type. :) 

I forgot about Bailey.... yeah, he was a wimp under pressure.  Chekov could whack him with both hands tied behind his back.... lol.

But anyway.... back to the story...  :wink:

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I'm just imagining:

The Kerbulans mount what they think will be a desperate defense against a horrific bombing run. They have forged temporary alliances with their enemies against this "greater threat", amassing the largest fleet the Kerbulans have ever built. It lurks in Low Kerbulan Orbit, ready to repel the Intrepid... Which proceeds to fly past without ever entering Kerbulus's SOI.

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Bomb? What is that? And what it does? Wait...what? You stuff as much of the expensive and very useful fissionable material inside a casing...and then you blow it up scattering it everywhere? It does not make an ounce of sense. You are the weirdest creature i ever met.


Edited by Scotius
A typo.
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They're going to bomb us





This whole situation is dramatic and comedic. It's dramedic. I find it so funny that these Kerbulans think the Kerbals have bombs and missiles. I also find it ironic that the Kerbulans themselves don't have any atom bombs, though I suppose the only reason Kerbals have them is their focus on exploration, leading them not just to patrol local space, but to go out to the depths of Jool and the other planets.

Edited by GregroxMun
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4 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

I'm afraid @Deddly has it a bit wrong. It's not that the Kerbulans are fearless--it's that whatever danger they're facing, they're motivated by something they're even more afraid of. 

Yes of course. I honestly don't know what was going through my mind when I chose that particular word. I guess I'll just head off to the agony booth.

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