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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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Ohmahgerd stop the presses--IT'S RELEASE DAAAAAAAY! 

So here's the plan for Kerbfleet: I'll keep plugging along in 1.0.5 until such time comes as I can safely run the game in 1.1, at which point Your Author will likely pass out from shock at being able to fly the Intrepid in real time. Just think, I might not even need that alternate reality "sound stage" I put in orbit around Minmus!

I can do without a lot of mods, but unfortunately Intrepid won't load if all the parts aren't there. So to that end I need to make sure the following all work before I can safely cross over:

  • USI: Life Support and Tools (fission reactors, kontainers)
  • Kerbal Engineer (several bridge greelbles)
  • Nebula (decals)
  • Planetary Base Systems (lab and habs)
  • Wild Blue Industries (awesome plasma screens)

Texture Replacer nearly makes the 'required' list, because otherwise everyone has to go back to stock IVA suits :)  As far as other things (Kopernicus, EVA, animator suite, etc.) I'll welcome them when they come but I can work around it if they're not available for a little while. And if push comes to shove I can maintain a 1.0.5 save for certain shots.

Of course I am not going to ping any of these mods' creators for an update, and neither should anyone else. Just giving this as a status report. Woo hoo!

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9 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Ohmahgerd stop the presses--IT'S RELEASE DAAAAAAAY! 

As one of those who's been plugging away in the pre-release bug-stomping, I'd expect a passel of hotfixes over the coming weeks.  Many things remained unfixed as of yesterday.


9 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

I can do without a lot of mods, but unfortunately Intrepid won't load if all the parts aren't there. So to that end I need to make sure the following all work before I can safely cross over:

  • USI: Life Support and Tools (fission reactors, kontainers)
  • Kerbal Engineer (several bridge greelbles)
  • Nebula (decals)
  • Planetary Base Systems (lab and habs)
  • Wild Blue Industries (awesome plasma screens)

All USI stuff, KER, and PBS have been 1.1 compatible since pre-release started.  Not to say 1.1 won't change in the near future, but they'll change with it.  I'm sure @Angel-125 will have WBI up and running shortly, at least the Buffalo.  That's been out in prototype form for a while and has behaved fairly well (better than stock in most cases).  Still needs some tweaks, though.  The rest, I have no idea.

But there are quite a few mods already 1.1 compatible.  See the 1.1 Pre-Release Branch Modding Discussion for a list.  It's long.

The one that will likely be the bottleneck for many folks is Kerbal Alarm Clock.  TriggerAU won't do that until he gets some breathing room from his Squad duties.


9 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Texture Replacer nearly makes the 'required' list, because otherwise everyone has to go back to stock IVA suits :)  As far as other things (Kopernicus, EVA, animator suite, etc.) I'll welcome them when they come but I can work around it if they're not available for a little while. And if push comes to shove I can maintain a 1.0.5 save for certain shots.

Texture replacer is good already, as are the Star Trek suits you use.  EVE and SVE are already going.  I'm still waiting on Kopernicus myself.


9 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Of course I am not going to ping any of these mods' creators for an update, and neither should anyone else. Just giving this as a status report. Woo hoo!

There are still quite a few issues with all things that contact the ground.  Also the Klaw is quite wonky and while they've finally fixed being able to grab asteroids, aligning on their CoMs after grabbiing has issues.  So like I said, expect some hotfixes.

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8 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

The one that will likely be the bottleneck for many folks is Kerbal Alarm Clock.  TriggerAU won't do that until he gets some breathing room from his Squad duties.

A user named @Fishbreath has forked KAC here.  Seems to work fine, so far.

8 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

There are still quite a few issues with all things that contact the ground.

Yeah, vertical landing is a bit more like sliding at the moment.  I'm afraid to try horizontal landing.

8 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

  So like I said, expect some hotfixes.

Don't we always?

Happy Concerned landings!

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1 minute ago, Kuzzter said:

I almost didn't recognize you!

It's a good thing I have my tagline to make me recognizable!

I figured it was time for a change.

1 minute ago, Kuzzter said:

I'm afraid what some other avatars around here might look like as a rebus! :) 

Now that's an interesting mental exercise!  :)

Happy Concerned landings!

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On 4/19/2016 at 4:07 PM, Kuzzter said:

Ohmahgerd stop the presses--IT'S RELEASE DAAAAAAAY! 

So here's the plan for Kerbfleet: I'll keep plugging along in 1.0.5 until such time comes as I can safely run the game in 1.1, at which point Your Author will likely pass out from shock at being able to fly the Intrepid in real time. Just think, I might not even need that alternate reality "sound stage" I put in orbit around Minmus!

I can do without a lot of mods, but unfortunately Intrepid won't load if all the parts aren't there. So to that end I need to make sure the following all work before I can safely cross over:

  • USI: Life Support and Tools (fission reactors, kontainers)
  • Kerbal Engineer (several bridge greelbles)
  • Nebula (decals)
  • Planetary Base Systems (lab and habs)
  • Wild Blue Industries (awesome plasma screens)

Texture Replacer nearly makes the 'required' list, because otherwise everyone has to go back to stock IVA suits :)  As far as other things (Kopernicus, EVA, animator suite, etc.) I'll welcome them when they come but I can work around it if they're not available for a little while. And if push comes to shove I can maintain a 1.0.5 save for certain shots.

Of course I am not going to ping any of these mods' creators for an update, and neither should anyone else. Just giving this as a status report. Woo hoo!

Kerbulus should work with the new 1.1 version of Kopernicus. :)

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On 19.4.2016 at 10:07 PM, Kuzzter said:

Ohmahgerd stop the presses--IT'S RELEASE DAAAAAAAY! 

So here's the plan for Kerbfleet: I'll keep plugging along in 1.0.5 until such time comes as I can safely run the game in 1.1, at which point Your Author will likely pass out from shock at being able to fly the Intrepid in real time. Just think, I might not even need that alternate reality "sound stage" I put in orbit around Minmus!

I can do without a lot of mods, but unfortunately Intrepid won't load if all the parts aren't there. So to that end I need to make sure the following all work before I can safely cross over:

  • USI: Life Support and Tools (fission reactors, kontainers)
  • Kerbal Engineer (several bridge greelbles)
  • Nebula (decals)
  • Planetary Base Systems (lab and habs)
  • Wild Blue Industries (awesome plasma screens)

For the DLL-based mods, you really have to wait. But if you only want your save files to load, then you can simply extract only the parts from the mod archives and dump them in your GameData folder.

I had success with creating a "999_LegacyParts" folder, copying the old mod folders and removing the DLL's inside.

I also do this if I want to move away from a mod, but still have parts of that mod on my crafts.

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On 19.04.2016 at 4:56 AM, max_creative said:

a ton of LV-N's and 2 nuclear fission reactors even near your Soi

Actually it's safe (mostly). Even aerial nuclear explosions does not pollute atmosphere too much — most hot waste is not from reaction itself, but consists of irradiated ground. No ground near the epicentre means no fallout. In space nuclear explosion just bright flash (do not look at it without sunglasses), and everything radioactive will just be scattered as fine dust through millions of kilometres of nothing.

Also kerbals are immune to radiation. They treat LV-Ns like they are not spewing plumes of hot radioactive death that best are placed at other and of a very long beam (pointing away of course), but like normal engines, and place them inside ships without any concerns. So kerbulans should think of nuclear bombs not as "slow ugly agonizing beard-falling-out mulching-yourself death", but as "very-very-very big pretty murderdeath explosions". If it didn't kill you right away, you will be fine.

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3 hours ago, John JACK said:

Also kerbals are immune to radiation. They treat LV-Ns like they are not spewing plumes of hot radioactive death that best are placed at other and of a very long beam (pointing away of course), but like normal engines, and place them inside ships without any concerns. So kerbulans should think of nuclear bombs not as "slow ugly agonizing beard-falling-out mulching-yourself death", but as "very-very-very big pretty murderdeath explosions". If it didn't kill you right away, you will be fine.

Love this analysis, and agree--if they weren't a lot more resistant to radiation than we are, then the'd have no business lollygagging around the solar system at all, let alone happily strapping themselves into an LV-N powered command chair for a joyride. But let's look in and see if Evil Bob shares your opinion...




So just for those who aren't up on their Galactica canon (from the Battlestar Wiki)

Condition One: Attack is present, or imminent. This alert places the ship at its highest state of readiness. All crews go to their combat posts. Bulkhead doors are closed in case of decompression. Additional Viper pilots are scrambled to supplement the Combat Air Patrol and the Alert Fighters, and flight support crews man their stations. The CIC is locked down and the ship's commander is on station.
Condition Two: Threat probable, but not present. Crew readiness is somewhat more relaxed than full readiness. This is usually ordered directly after the end of a Condition One alert.
Condition Three: This is the "all clear" alert, returning crews to their normal, day-to-day non-combat duties after Conditions One or Two. This is normal cruising during wartime. Weapons are partially manned, but the ship is at less than full readiness.

Kerbfleet mirrors this with the obvious distinction that there aren't any weapons and combat is not foreseen. (not that the Kerbulans are aware of this) Note that not all craft are necessarily crewed at Condition One--Val would have to order at least one pilot (DIlsby or Kenlie, or herself) to leave the bridge for that to happen. I imagine the usual 'non-combat air patrol' pattern to be Jeb and Tedus taking out the two Gumdrops, though apparently in this particular drill Jeb went to the Skimmeroo.

Edited by Kuzzter
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That was another excellent update.

'Keep writing, fool!'  :)

Lisa picking up Kenlie's k-pad in the last panel was excellent.  I love the way that resolves one dilemma while creating a new source of anticipation.

Thanks Kuzzter!

7 minutes ago, Deddly said:

Well well well, it appears that Kevil Enlie's abilities are less powerful than Kerbfleet Kenlie's.

Hmmm. What makes you say that?  What am I missing?

Happy Concerned Nervous Anxious landings!

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Yes, he thought the jool buster, which is a PROBE was a death weapon. I think that they will use one jool buster on jool, and do science from Kerbulus using the other, which they will do on they way back. If the Intrepid gets destroyed during this story, it will probably happen then.

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4 minutes ago, Parkaboy said:

I guess there's a difference not of abilities, but of experience. Evil Kenlie, being from a warlike world, just makes wrong assumptions...

You know, I hadn't really thought of it that way, but you (and @Deddly) are right. What both Kenlies 'see' is very similar, but K. Kerman is able to recognize that it's a worldview very different from his own, and process it accordingly, while K. Kermulan cannot. Nor, for that matter, can Centurion Bob. I hadn't done this consciously, but it does evoke Spock's line at the end of "Mirror, Mirror":  "It was far easier for you as civilized men to behave like barbarians, than it was for them to behave like civilized men."

2 minutes ago, max_creative said:

Yes, he thought the jool buster, which is a PROBE was a death weapon. I think that they will use one jool buster on jool, and do science from Kerbulus using the other, which they will do on they way back. 

Goodness, Max with the insight! I'm pleasantly shocked :) And yes, that's exactly correct--had we been on the bridge in normal Kerbfleet POV for that bit, that's pretty much how the discussion would have gone: "Hey, we've got two Jooldivers--let's save one, and we can use it to study that new planet after we refuel!" But as others have noted, the Kerbulans can really only 'see' these things through his own warlike filter. 

You have all restored my faith in humanity, kerbalkind and the forums. Please don't blow it, or at the very least wait until I get through the next few updates :wink: 

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2 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

K. Kerman is able to recognize that it's a worldview very different from his own, and process it accordingly, while K. Kermulan cannot. Nor, for that matter, can Centurion Bob.

That's very interesting!  Earlier I had been going to make the point that I thought it seemed as though Kenlie Kermulan was beginning to see a bit of a different perspective.  Admittedly, he was cut off by Bad Bob, but that seemed to me to be where he was going when he said "But as a writer, I think you may be jumping to-".

Happy Concerned landings!

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