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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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On 9/18/2016 at 5:19 AM, Nefrums said:

That solds like alot..   There should be transfer windows every 10 days or so to do it in for 1k dV.

Good point, I may indeed wait a bit if it means saving that much fuel, and thus a couple of grindy trips to the surface... 

21 hours ago, 0111narwhalz said:

"Why wait for a window when you can kick down the door?"

Lol yeah, and if I could land Intrepid on Vall I would certainly just blast over there straight away :D 

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K-mail recieved from Edlu.Kerman@kmail.res


Well, looks like Test Subject 00000000011(TS-11[Former Full-Body calcification victim, Recent genius coder][Danski Kerman]) successfully installed his Anti Spyware software on Joolsat-1. A standard interplanetary cargo pod has been sent to Vall with standard KSE PC gaming hardware(RoboticWare Desktop Computer, a standard council issue-monitor, ThinkTech Key Board and mouse, ThinkTech gaming controller), and standard KSE Audio entertainment hardware (surround sound speaker set up, maximum volume 120DB headphones, ABAD connected mobile monitor and computer with touch screen). If anymore hardware is requested, another cargo pod is prepared to leave for jool, which will be supplied with any gear requested.

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Now it's getting real!

The fun part of the trip for our heroes may be coming to a close.

Love how we see each side of the story through the writer on the other side.

Interesting chapter title.  I had to look up 'Vale', of course.

Happy Concerned Nervous Anxious Alarmed landings!

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2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Oh, that is brilliant!  :D

Thanks--it sounds like you've figured out Bob' Evil Plan, and if so then YOU are the brilliant one :) 

2 hours ago, Starhawk said:

Interesting chapter title.  I had to look up 'Vale', of course.

I figured that might 'alarm' some, but remember there are still a few moons left and Your Author is probably not about to bork what chance he had of a successful Jool-5 mission by throwing a bunch of krooton torpedoes around :) I would translate the title loosely as, "I came, I saw, I left" -- perhaps an appropriate motto for many a KSP mission :) 

Also a housekeeping note, I added links to the most recent Interlude and to Chapter 13 in the OP.  

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13 minutes ago, parameciumkid said:

Have we touched on why some Kerbulans are named So-and-so Kerbulan while others are named So-and-so Kermulan? Or did I miss something? And am I the only one who keeps getting tempted to read it as "Ker-Mulan?"


The Kerbulans are the counter part to the Kerbals.

All Kerbals are named Kerman and all Kerbulans are named Kermulan.

Kerbals come from Kerbin and Kerbulans come from Kerbulus.

Happy landings!

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1 hour ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

It would be a shame, if the intrepid was, shot at.

Depends what Intrepid. If you mean the Intrepid, then yes. If you mean the dipertnI II (huge warship with literally tons of missiles), then no. But yeah. Got to got! I need to do the final checks on all the missiles and cluster bombs! I'm going to war with the Kerbulans!

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People often ask just how big and laggy the Intrepid really is. Well, it's big enough that sometimes I sit down to play for an hour and all I manage to do is change the bridge crew shift. Like, today :)



The above image is totally not canon, of course, because in-story the bridge is "pressurized" and kerbals cannot actually survive in space without EVA suits. But since the ejection force when leaving a command chair is roughly equivalent to what would happen if you mistook a stack decoupler for a seat cushion, I often find my bridge Kerbals have been thrown through several bulkheads and this is the easiest way to get them back aboard. Posting the image because it's funny, and to give a better idea of where the bridge is and what it looks like in relation to the rest of the ship.

For crew not being thrown out of their seats into deep space, getting around on the Intrepid is rather easy thanks to the Transfer Crew function. While getting the away team set for a Val landing I put this together to explain it all:


Sarge is in the forward port-side hab with Kenlie, as you saw in the last panel of the comic. Here are all the spaces he can transfer to. There are the crew spaces of all the docked craft, the other habs, and the "lounges" which are PBS cupolas forward of the hab pods. We haven't really done much with those yet, they're just spaces for crew to hang out and get a good view forward. We've seen LSOs at work in the two stock cupolas during landing and recovery operations. Note that the hangar LSO station is upside-down relative to ships coming in, but that doesn't matter because space. Lastly, the two "turbolifts" are Mk1 lander cans clipped into the walls of main engineering and the bridge. Both of those spaces are built into "pressurized" cargo bays, and the turbolifts provide an easy way to transfer from there to other parts of the ship.

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That's interesting.  I understand the whole layout much better now.
It's nice how the transfer crew function gives such a useful graphic display of all the habitable spaces.

I hereby apologize for the following.

39 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

While getting the away team set for a Val landing I put this together to explain it all:

So Val is going to land the ship herself, is she?
I'm sure this confusion is just caused by using the same pronunciation for Val and Vall.
When I think of Vall I 'hear it in my head' as rhyming with ball, call, fall, hall, mall, small, stall, tall, etc.  Hence such confusion is unlikely to occur.
Well that's the price you pay for using the wrong pronunciation, I guess.  :)

It does, of course, make for a good joke as we all saw.

Happy landings!

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3 hours ago, Starhawk said:

When I think of Vall I 'hear it in my head' as rhyming with ball, call, fall, hall, mall, small, stall, tall, etc.  Hence such confusion is unlikely to occur.

This is getting out of hand. I might have to call the moon something else entirely, sort of the way Kaptin Tedus Kerman, KAS is properly addressed as "Majer" when aboard a ship of the Fleet. Maybe I should give Vall a 'courtesy promotion' as well? Would it be too confusing to call it 'Eeloo'?

Or yeah, I could just pronounce it "Vaul" like everyone else seems to.


Edited by Kuzzter
when *I* say KAS, I mean Kerbfleet Air Service
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2 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

This is getting out of hand. I might have to call the moon something else entirely, sort of the way Kaptin Tedus Kerman, KAS is properly addressed as "Majer" when aboard a ship of the Fleet. Maybe I should give Vall a 'courtesy promotion' as well? Would it be too confusing to call it 'Eeloo'?

Or yeah, I could just pronounce it "Vaul" like everyone else seems to.


I pronounce it "Val" but I've heard Laythe pronounced as "Layt" and "Laythee".

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1 minute ago, Kuzzter said:

I say "lay-thee" myself, but I'm already thinking the pronunciation of Jool's innermost moon may generate some sharp discussion among the multicultural crew of the Intrepid. :wink: 

And there are some people who pronounce it "layth."


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