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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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  On 11/16/2016 at 2:41 AM, 0111narwhalz said:

What do you figure are the requirements for an organism which egg remains viable in a hard vacuum, severe temperature fluctuations, and rigorous irradiation? Would such an egg even care about atmosphere, heat, or proximity to kerbals?


And don't forget, has already been observed (by Lisa) to defy physical explanation.

I wonder how it ended up under Bill's seat?

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  On 11/16/2016 at 3:23 AM, Kuzzter said:

I wonder how it ended up under Bill's seat?


It likes it when people bash the fabric of spacetime into a form more suiting them. It makes it feel at home. But, being only a child (well, not even hatched yet), it can't beat the threads apart itself. It had to deal with changing its own properties to inspire creativity. When Bill did an F9, the kraken egg used the opening to tweak some things (because Bill didn't check that closely) and inserted itself below the seat.

As for Nimzo's...unfortunate incident. Clearly, the corpse retains some latent capability for spatiotemporal ripping and stretching. Without a directing intelligence, the "charge" builds up, and rends whoever comes near-like poor Nimzo. Now, normally this would do something interesting, but the dead kraken can't make such decisions, so it simply stretches, tears, and generally ruins days.

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  On 11/16/2016 at 3:23 AM, Kuzzter said:

I wonder how it ended up under Bill's seat?


I was wondering that. My theory is that, since the last we saw of it was when Lisa was showing it to Bill (and Bill said they'd analyse it back in the lab), that Bill put it in his pocket and it has since fallen out under his chair.

That or they left it on the table and it's been rolling around ever since, what with all the crazy flying that's been going on...

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I've been working on the physics of the Kerbfleet universe. Here's what I have for the four fundamental forces: 

Strong Force: A little different, called the TROPE force by Kerbal scientists. Carrier bosons: The eight TROPEons.

Weak Force: A little different, called the Quick force by Kerbal scientists. Carrier bosons: QuickSAVE (F5, or Q+) boson, QuickLOAD (F9, or Q-) boson 

Electromagnetic Force: Pretty much the same. Carrier boson: Photon 

Gravity: Pretty much the same, except that G (the gravitational constant) is different, which explains everything being 10 times smaller than it "should" be. Carrier bosons: Positive Gravioli Particle and Negative Gravioli Particle

Edited by KAL 9000
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  On 11/16/2016 at 3:31 PM, KAL 9000 said:

I've been working on the physics of the Kerbfleet universe. Here's what I have for the four fundamental forces: 


Fantastic! I wonder if there's any sort of unified theory that explains the relationship between those forces and the Kerbfleet Laws of Motion?

First Law: Plot elements that are in motion will tend to stay in motion unless acted on by characters or events, or a sufficiently satisfying denouement. ("Kuzzter doesn't make panels or write dialogue for no good reason.") 

Second Law: The change in momentum of a body is proportional to the impulse of critical plot events, such that a traveling object will always arrive at its destination at the exact moment of crisis. ("All ships move at the speed of plot.")

Third Law:  For every new plot development there is an equal, and usually opposite, consequence. ("Keep @Starhawk terrified.") 

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  On 11/16/2016 at 4:22 PM, Kuzzter said:

Fantastic! I wonder if there's any sort of unified theory that explains the relationship between those forces and the Kerbfleet Laws of Motion?

First Law: Plot elements that are in motion will tend to stay in motion unless acted on by characters or events, or a sufficiently satisfying denouement. ("Kuzzter doesn't make panels or write dialogue for no good reason.") 

Second Law: The change in momentum of a body is proportional to the impulse of critical plot events, such that a traveling object will always arrive at its destination at the exact moment of crisis. ("All ships move at the speed of plot.")

Third Law:  For every new plot development there is an equal, and usually opposite, consequence. ("Keep @Starhawk terrified.") 


Second law: "All ships move at the speed of plot" Unless this contradicts the First Law

Third law: "Keep Starhawk terrified" Unless such terrification conflicts with the First or Second Laws


Edited by FlyingPete
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  On 11/16/2016 at 4:35 PM, FlyingPete said:

Second law: "All ships move at the speed of plot" Unless this contradicts the First Law

Third law: "Keep Starhawk terrified" Unless such terrification conflicts with the First or Second Laws



I think you're confusing Newton and Asimov now, but whatevs :D 

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  On 11/16/2016 at 4:22 PM, Kuzzter said:

Fantastic! I wonder if there's any sort of unified theory that explains the relationship between those forces and the Kerbfleet Laws of Motion?

First Law: Plot elements that are in motion will tend to stay in motion unless acted on by characters or events, or a sufficiently satisfying denouement. ("Kuzzter doesn't make panels or write dialogue for no good reason.") 

Second Law: The change in momentum of a body is proportional to the impulse of critical plot events, such that a traveling object will always arrive at its destination at the exact moment of crisis. ("All ships move at the speed of plot.")

Third Law:  For every new plot development there is an equal, and usually opposite, consequence. ("Keep @Starhawk terrified.") 


That is absolutely hilarious!

I'm laughing much too hard to be terrified just now! :D

I'll try and find some time later to work on the unified theory.

Happy landings!

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  On 11/16/2016 at 4:36 PM, Starhawk said:

That is absolutely hilarious!

I'm laughing much too hard to be terrified just now! :D

I'll try and find some time later to work on the unified theory.

Happy landings!


Unity Theory! Unity Theory 5, to be exact. 

Another particle is the long sought-after (but found a few years ago) Plot Boson, which generates the Plot Field, which gives everything mass, inertia, and energy, and makes them follow the Kerbfleet Laws of Motion.

The LAG particle is very dangerous, and can rip holes in the fabric of spacetime itself! 

Kerbfleet General Order 66: Any and all LAG particles encountered by any Kerbfleet ship, probe, station, base or personnel must be destroyed as quickly and completely as possible.

Edited by KAL 9000
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  On 11/16/2016 at 3:31 PM, KAL 9000 said:

Gravity: Pretty much the same, except that G (the gravitational constant) is different, which explains everything being 10 times smaller than it "should" be. Carrier boson: Graviton 


I think you messed up here. The carrier bosons should be Positive and Negative Graviolis. We can deduce this from the empirical data from the Negative Gravioli scanner.

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  On 11/16/2016 at 6:22 PM, Dman979 said:

I think you messed up here. The carrier bosons should be Positive and Negative Graviolis. We can deduce this from the empirical data from the Negative Gravioli scanner.


I disagree.  There is only 1 particle involved, the Gravioli itself.  The "Positive" and "Negative" adjectives applies to the AI of the detector itself, not the particle.  I recall a particularly "negative" Gravioli detector in Duna Ore Bust.

I further believe that a Gravioli has nothing to do with gravity, but is instead the boson for a fundamental force unique to the KSP universe, the Snacks Force.  Kerbals don't have noses so can't smell food, yet they still find snacks no matter how carefully other Kerbals try to hide them.  This is because all food emits Graviolis (although ravioli emits the most, hence the name), which Kerbals have sensory organs to detect at short distances.  Thus, the science instrument Gravioli detector is essentially a survival tool, able to locate edibles on any planet, over reasonably long distances.

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  On 11/16/2016 at 8:08 PM, Geschosskopf said:

I disagree.  There is only 1 particle involved, the Gravioli itself.  The "Positive" and "Negative" adjectives applies to the AI of the detector itself, not the particle.  I recall a particularly "negative" Gravioli detector in Duna Ore Bust.


I disagree with your disagreement.

The description of the Negative Gravioli Detector specifically says that it detects Negative Gravioli particles. While all this constant negativity may have influenced that detector's AI, standard factory-new AIs are neither positive nor negative, much like science itself.

  On 11/16/2016 at 8:08 PM, Geschosskopf said:

I further believe that a Gravioli has nothing to do with gravity, but is instead the boson for a fundamental force unique to the KSP universe, the Snacks Force.  Kerbals don't have noses so can't smell food, yet they still find snacks no matter how carefully other Kerbals try to hide them.  This is because all food emits Graviolis (although ravioli emits the most, hence the name), which Kerbals have sensory organs to detect at short distances.  Thus, the science instrument Gravioli detector is essentially a survival tool, able to locate edibles on any planet, over reasonably long distances.


This makes a little more sense, but I think that you made a few mistakes. For one, ravioli is the root of gravioli. We can deduce that all snack are made from various forms of ravioli. Additionally, the "G" must therefore refer to "good." Does this mean that Kerbulus has no Graviolies?

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  On 11/16/2016 at 8:16 PM, Dman979 said:

 Additionally, the "G" must therefore refer to "good." Does this mean that Kerbulus has no Graviolies?


Obviously. They have ravioli (from which their snacks are made) but none of it is any good. It's like the nasty canned stuff where the pasta is like rubber and the filling is mediocre.

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  On 11/16/2016 at 8:16 PM, Dman979 said:

The description of the Negative Gravioli Detector specifically says that it detects Negative Gravioli particles. While all this constant negativity may have influenced that detector's AI, standard factory-new AIs are neither positive nor negative, much like science itself.


But that would mean that the absence of food emits negative Graviolis.  That doesn't make much sense......  until you think about hypothetical Dark Energy which, in a nutshell, means the absence of mass pushes the universe apart so must have some sort of boson.  So I guess if actual negative Graviolis exist, they must be the KSP equivalent of Dark Energy.

I've often thought that Kerbals can eat just about anything, so really don't need food-detectors.  They just need something to keep them from wasting their time on barren areas.  So perhaps a detector for Negative Graviolis would make sense to them.


  2 hours ago, Dman979 said:

This makes a little more sense, but I think that you made a few mistakes. For one, ravioli is the root of gravioli. We can deduce that all snack are made from various forms of ravioli. Additionally, the "G" must therefore refer to "good." Does this mean that Kerbulus has no Graviolies?


Well, in the Kerbfleet universe, only 1 Kermulian and only 3 Kerbals have any conception at all of good vs. evil.  The Kermulian is Werhner, the Kerbals are Kenlie, Lisa, and Gene.  So if the "G" in "Gravioli" stands for "Good", it must mean "tasty".

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I am alive and appreciate your patience! Here's what's going on:

 --Qwammer flights to Bop: I am getting to be an expert at landing next to the GOOD ORE HERE flag, filling up and meeting Intrepid in orbit. So far have made the run 8 times and I want to do two more. This will put enough in the tank (~3km/s) to get to Laythe, run a couple of Skimmeroo missions to the surface, then eject out to Pol and land Intrepid for a full refuel.

--Interlude: I know what I'm going to do for it, but need to do some custom PowerPoint to make it work.

--The Thrilling Conclusion: This is where most of the work is going. I have some craft to build and test, and I am definitely going to have to hack some shenanigans to make it work the way I envision. You won't be disappointed! 

--Holidays: Thursday is the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, so I'll be traveling. Expect at least a few pages before then, but likely another pause at that point.

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