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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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So, for those of you who've been with me since the beginning--remember when I set it up that Jeb was the goofy Air pilot but Val was the straight and stoic Space Commander? And when I put then-Looty Dilsby in charge of the Eve mission, and showed flashbacks of him and Val commanding a ridiculous-looking "playset" called the "Kerbahashi Maru Command Bridge Simulator"? I did all that because even back then I was dreaming of this moment--a real bridge crew, on a capital ship worthy of the name, leaving LKO for an truly improbable adventure. I can't believe it's finally happened! Thanks for sticking with me. I also can't believe I met my internal goal of finishing the ship before the general 1.1 release.  :D  Next stop, Minmus!


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It's great to see Intrepid finally set off on her epic voyage.

It's been even better to have accompanied you and the Kerbfleet personnel on the moar epic voyage that has been the development of Kerbfleet itself.

Thank you so much for this privilege!  I'm very pleased to see you reach this moment that you only imagined so long ago.

Happy Concerned landings!

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10 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

I'm skipping the transcript this time, I hope it's not a problem.


That's okay. From context it doesn't seem too much storyline information other than the escape burn.

Edited by Sanic
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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

I did all that because even back then I was dreaming of this moment--a real bridge crew, on a capital ship worthy of the name, leaving LKO for an truly improbable adventure. I can't believe it's finally happened! Thanks for sticking with me. I also can't believe I met my internal goal of finishing the ship before the general 1.1 release.  :D  Next stop, Minmus!

Well, congrats on achieving your bucketlist item there.  Hopefully you've by now copied this game over to a separate install so that it can continue after 1.1's release.  It would be a shame for it to get ruined when it's just getting going.  I've been eyeing 1.1's gestation with some nervousness, too.  I figure it's about 4 weeks:  2 of experimental and 2 of opt-in "open beta".  Unless those are concurrent.  Not sure on that.

My usual thing is to just immediately delete my on-going games, say everything got wiped out by a supernova, and start over without a backwards glance.  But this time I've backed up the OPTC to maybe continue it in 1.0.5 for at least a little while after 1.1

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1 hour ago, Geschosskopf said:

Well, congrats on achieving your bucketlist item there.  Hopefully you've by now copied this game over to a separate install so that it can continue after 1.1's release.  It would be a shame for it to get ruined when it's just getting going.  I've been eyeing 1.1's gestation with some nervousness, too.  I figure it's about 4 weeks:  2 of experimental and 2 of opt-in "open beta".  Unless those are concurrent.  Not sure on that.

My usual thing is to just immediately delete my on-going games, say everything got wiped out by a supernova, and start over without a backwards glance.  But this time I've backed up the OPTC to maybe continue it in 1.0.5 for at least a little while after 1.1

Really? My KSP saves stay for as long as the computer they're on (Not as long as you'd thing, my computers on average have seen 2 versions each. My current computer has only seen 1, and my first computer saw 3), and sometimes longer. The only problem I face now is that I have a dead mod, so no 1.1 support. I'm considering just updating it myself, since apparently Unity 5 is a lot better for backwards compatibility.

So, anyway, just how many Nervs are there? I forgot to count them earlier.

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2 hours ago, Starhawk said:

It's been even better to have accompanied you and the Kerbfleet personnel on the moar epic voyage that has been the development of Kerbfleet itself.

Well, I credit you and the others ( a few of whom are cited below :) ) who've been with me since then for that development--I don't think it would have turned out nearly the same if I'd been writing in a vacuum!

2 hours ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

I'm skipping the transcript this time, I hope it's not a problem.

I actually intentionally delayed till after mid-afternoon NY time thinking many North American peeps would be out of school by then or close to it, and Europe would still be awake :) 

2 hours ago, Sanic said:

That's okay. From context it doesn't seem too much storyline information other than the escape burn.

Hopefully you've seen it by now, and if not yeah, just an escape burn. Oh yeah, and Sarge hit his head.

1 hour ago, Geschosskopf said:

Well, congrats on achieving your bucketlist item there.  Hopefully you've by now copied this game over to a separate install so that it can continue after 1.1's release.

No worries, I'm not on Steam--it updates when I turn the sausage grinder that is my home internet connection and actually download the stupid thing. Which I won't do until mods are updated, things are stable etc.

1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

I remember the bridge scene, was cool. Congrats on reaching your bucket list item, and getting it done before 1.1! Clever use of Sarge's head as a braking device too. ;)

Thanks! Yeah, I'll have to undock it and let it squirt out of the bay before i have anyone mount up, I'd hate to lose somebody in a cloud of spores on the 'board' command.

21 minutes ago, RocketSquid said:

So, anyway, just how many Nervs are there? I forgot to count them earlier.

24x LV-N: 12 on H-pod, 3 in each of A,B,C and D. 

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One of the most interesting things from reading others' mission reports is how they handle "The Original Four."  Some focus on them, some ignore them completely, many are somewhere in between, etc.

Any approach can be fun, but your KerbFleet 'verse seems perfect, in that it sets up a large cast of characters yet still gives "The 4" some prominent moments-- e.g. the third panel, with all four bracketed in the corners.  For whatever reason, that one panel really got me.  Awesome.

Thanks and congrats on getting this monster beauty outbound!


EDIT: And yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's been anticipating this moment since the Kerbahashi Maru set!  "Nice payoff" seems an understatement,,,

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30 minutes ago, boccelounge said:

Any approach can be fun, but your KerbFleet 'verse seems perfect, in that it sets up a large cast of characters yet still gives "The 4" the some prominent moments-- e.g. the third panel, with all four bracketed in the corners.  For whatever reason, that one panel really got me.  Awesome.

Thanks! That comment means a lot to me because this is something I've worked very hard to get right :)  Writing for a mix of 'stock' and custom characters, balancing familiar and new, keeping them all straight and making them all interesting is a challenge I'm sure every writer on the Forums can relate to :) 

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19 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

this is something I've worked very hard to get right... a mix of 'stock' and custom characters, balancing familiar and new, keeping them all straight and making them all interesting...

Well, your hard work pays off for us (your readers).

And I realize my previous comment of "for some reason" was needlessly vague-- the reason that panel was so effective isn't a mystery, it's great writing and great graphical composition.

(Take out the speech balloons and that would make an excellent chapter title/splash page, in my humble... )

Anyway, looking forward to the next stage of the journey...  and I've got a TMI burn coming up in 3:43, so...  later!

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3 hours ago, RocketSquid said:

Really? My KSP saves stay for as long as the computer they're on (Not as long as you'd thing, my computers on average have seen 2 versions each. My current computer has only seen 1, and my first computer saw 3), and sometimes longer. The only problem I face now is that I have a dead mod, so no 1.1 support. I'm considering just updating it myself, since apparently Unity 5 is a lot better for backwards compatibility.

Yup, really.  Early on I learned not to become emotionally committed to my saves.  If updates don't kill them, the Kraken will, so easy come, easy go.  And that works both ways.  There were several times when I made all the preparations to continue playing older versions after an update comes out, but then never touched them because the updates' new stuff grabbed my attention, and then I didn't want to go back to the old version.  So for a long time now, I've just played until the update, then started over.  My universe is filled with the ghosts of hundreds of deleted Kerbals :)

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5 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

I learned not to become emotionally committed to my saves... My universe is filled with the ghosts of hundreds of deleted Kerbals

I realize that this is shamelessly off-topic, but just want to note I'm glad you've at least preserved so many of your "ghosts" here on the forums.  I've been reading (and thoroughly enjoying) your "OTC 1.0.4" on and off since last night...

(Now I really MUST get back to my Mun mission on the other computer... )

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42 minutes ago, Nich said:

Wow just got caught up after taking a break from KSP for a while.  They really need a way to give some one 100 rep :/ simply amazing what your doing

well, just give it 4 days and you'll be fine.

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3 hours ago, Scotius said:

Congratulations Kuzzter - that had to be an epic moment, when Intrepid fired all her engines. Godspeed and farewell :cool:

Scotius writes exactly what i think. Weldinggoogles are go! :cool: I love the bright radiating plumes yeah!!! :cool:

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15 hours ago, Nich said:

They really need a way to give some one 100 rep :/ simply amazing what your doing

Well you gave me quite a bit in that 'rep bomb' this morning! No need to take @Dman979 quite so literally, but I do appreciate it thank you :) 

7 hours ago, Scotius said:

Congratulations Kuzzter - that had to be an epic moment, when Intrepid fired all her engines. Godspeed and farewell :cool:

Oh my, yes--of course she fired them all before, plus the Kerbodynes, to get to orbit, but that was before the landing craft and probes docked. Seeing her as a whole ship--and confidentially, I was laying 1:2 odds something would happen making the whole thing unworkable and I'd have to throw myself on the mercy of the readers and start again--but anyway :) 

3 hours ago, Mikki said:

Scotius writes exactly what i think. Weldinggoogles are go! :cool: I love the bright radiating plumes yeah!!! :cool:

That healthy glow will do them good when they're so far away from Kerbol later! Speaking of which, let's see how those engines are doing after a seven minute burn...




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Haha, poor whatshisname.

BTW, I think you mean 2:1 odds. 1:2 odds is OK, but we normally put the chances of something happening before the chances of it not happening.

What's that I hear? NO! I'm not a professional gambler!  I'm insulted! I'd lay 1:1 odds that your [OH MY!] is a [WHOA!]!

Edited by Dman979
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42 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

BTW, I think you mean 2:1 odds. 1:2 odds is OK, but we normally put the chances of something happening before the chances of it not happening

Being in Upstate New York, my most frequent exposure to gambling is betting on horses at Saratoga. Favorites have odds listed of 2:3 or even 1:4 for visiting Triple Crown hopefuls. So yeah, I meant one chance of horrible krakkened dismemberment versus two of 'it's all good, just laggy'. 

For @Scotius: Blue Team? Blue for B-? Hmm... I dunno. Isn't it far more likely that I'm spending time on Samantha and Gregmore for no reason at all other than to fill panels? I'm sure @Starhawk would be among the first to tell you that's an unfortunate habit of mine :) 

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