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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-END OF CHAPTER 21! (and hopefully not so many talking heads in 22!)

Mister Dilsby

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1 minute ago, Deddly said:

There you go, @Kuzzter. You missed your chance to actually delete that planet dwarf planet's orbit completely from the picture ;)

Hey! Dres is a planet! (If you are counting Dres as a dwarf than Kerbin is too!)

*attempts to redirect to awareness thread

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3 hours ago, FlyingPete said:

Kerbulus awareness confirmed... Kenlie<->Kenlie telepathy confirmed.

Well yes, sort of, and no. Kenlie Kerman certainly "sees" things that happen on Kerbulus and to Kerbulans, and vice versa with K. Kermulan seeing Kerbal things. But are they truly seeing through each others' POVs? Are they aware that the other world they're seeing is a mirror of theirs? That their friends and associates have analogues on the other world? Goodness, that's a lot of stuff I might need to figure out for myself before I go too much farther. ;) 

3 hours ago, Deddly said:

One of the best lines in all of Kerbfleet up to this point: "who'd want to do that?"

I couldn't resist :) Honestly, the more people talk about Dres the less I want to go there. Probably because the ~5% of posts on this thread that have no content except Dres! Dres! Whooooo! would increase to 312% of all posts on any Dres mission thread. 312%? Yeah, that's probably about right.

3 hours ago, Chemp said:

And for a second, I thought he had even gone further and that "nothing to see here"-square was actually censoring Dres.

Yeah, sorry, I thought some of you might think that due to the context but I went ahead with it anyway. The reason I had to do that is of course that I've now finally installed Kopernicus and @GregroxMun's fantastic custom Kerbulus that he was nice enough to create for me. And I couldn't be bothered to quit the game, remove the folder and reload to take a screenshot from Lisa's POV excluding Kerbulus. Though on the other hand, leaving it in with the censor box let everyone know exactly where Kerbulus should be, thus tying in with the last frame where Kerbulus is visible to Kenlie. :) 

2 hours ago, Deddly said:

There you go, @Kuzzter. You missed your chance to actually delete that planet dwarf planet's orbit completely from the picture ;)

The thought had crossed my mind. See above.

2 hours ago, SpaceplaneAddict said:

I'm kinda stunned, and speechless. It as happened, Kerbulus is not a secret! [snip]

Well, not to Kenlie anyway, but of course he already suspected there was something in exactly that spot before he went to visit Lisa. The question now is, what will he do with this information? Especially since up to this point he's had no direct evidence that the disturbing images he sees and is compelled to write about have any basis at all in the real world. I suppose, to find out, you must... stay subscribed.

Edited by Kuzzter
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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

I couldn't resist :) Honestly, the more people talk about Dres the less I want to go there. Probably because the ~5% of posts on this thread that have no content except Dres! Dres! Whooooo! would increase to 312% of all posts on any Dres mission thread. 312%? Yeah, that's probably about right.

You never should have said that.

Dres! Dres! Whooooo!

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1 hour ago, max_creative said:

Could you pleeeeeeeeease send something to dres???

Please stop demanding that Kuzzter goes to Dres, it is purely his decision on whether or not he goes there, sure, maybe one or two requests occasionally might help push his decision in favour of going to Dres, but constantly demanding it will dramatically decrease the likelyhood that he goes there, as seen below:

1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

I couldn't resist :) Honestly, the more people talk about Dres the less I want to go there. Probably because the ~5% of posts on this thread that have no content except Dres! Dres! Whooooo! would increase to 312% of all posts on any Dres mission thread. 312%? Yeah, that's probably about right.

Also, Max, try to act a bit more mature in your posts, your current behavior has been a bit annoying for me and other forum members, and making an effort to act more maturely and follow the rules would undoubtedly benefit the KSP community. No offense intended :), just trying to make the forums a better place.


Anyway, back on topic.


I am extremely curious about what Kenlie will do with this information? Will he inform the crew of the danger's that lie ahead? Or will he keep it to himself, until it's too late...


And what will happen to the Intrepid? Some of Kuzzter's posts have hinted that the Intrepid will be destroyed, but it's obvious he's also planning to sucesfully complete the Jool-5 with it, which would be impossible if the Kerbulans intercepted it in the Inner Kerbol System. I predict the Kerbulans will pursue the Intrepid to Jool, where the Intrepid will be orbiting, having already sucesfully landed on each of Jool's moons to complete the Jool-5. There will be a space battle in which the Kerbals will somehow emerge victorious but the Intrepid will be destroyed, and the Kerbals will return to Kerbin individually onboard each of the vessels docked onboard the Intrepid, possibly with a few clashes with the Kerbulans along the way, Although I wonder what will happen to Val, as the captain goes down with the ship. Once at Kerbin I predict that there will be more clashes with the Kerbulans but at the end of the story the Kerbals will emerge victorious.


But that's just my guess, based on what we've seen of the story so far, hopefully luck will be on the Kerbal's side, and they will... No, no, not saying it, that shall remain SpaceplaneAddict's line. :D









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I like your theory. Or maybe it gets destroyed on the way to jool so they have to get to jool and then get back together again. OOO or they hide out at Dres and the Kerbulans don't know about the existence of Dres, so they go right past and everyone is fine.

Edited by max_creative
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31 minutes ago, DolphinDude3 said:

and they will... No, no, not saying it, that shall remain SpaceplaneAddict's line.

It's fine, Determination is universal! After all, in THIS world, it's KILL or BE KILLED .At least, according to Flowey and the Kerbulans. Just remember,


Stay Determined . . .

Edited by SpaceplaneAddict
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7 hours ago, DolphinDude3 said:

Please stop demanding that Kuzzter goes to Dres, it is purely his decision on whether or not he goes there, sure, maybe one or two requests occasionally might help push his decision in favour of going to Dres, but constantly demanding it will dramatically decrease the likelyhood that he goes there, as seen below:

Also, Max, try to act a bit more mature in your posts, your current behavior has been a bit annoying for me and other forum members, and making an effort to act more maturely and follow the rules would undoubtedly benefit the KSP community. No offense intended :), just trying to make the forums a better place.

I predict the Kerbulans will pursue the Intrepid to Jool, where the Intrepid will be orbiting, having already sucesfully landed on each of Jool's moons to complete the Jool-5

I'm pretty sure that the Intrepid will not land on Tylo.  :D  (or Vall or Laythe for that matter).

Happy Concerned Nervous landings!

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Just now, John JACK said:

I wonder how does KSS [Redacted] look without hangar bays attached. Vital parts are tightly packed at aft end, and most fore half is just empty space, right?

It's no longer [REDACTED].  The name was revealed and the ship is called Intrepid.

Happy Concerned landings!

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1 hour ago, Starhawk said:

I'm pretty sure that the Intrepid will not land on Tylo.  :D  (or Vall or Laythe for that matter).

Happy Concerned Nervous landings!

I should've made it more clear that by that line I meant the Intrepid's landers landing on each of Jool's moons... Oops. :blush:

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Good morning! Once again, lots of posts to respond to... and to not respond to. Let's go!

9 hours ago, DolphinDude3 said:

[snip] just trying to make the forums a better place.

I do appreciate everyone who tries to do so, because these forums really are a good place--one of the few truly good ones on the Internet. Let's face it, we all want some attention or we wouldn't be here. I must want lots of attention or I wouldn't work so hard on this comic :) And so I get that some people who want lots of attention are going to post on the most popular threads in the forum. After all, why bother to actually fly a mission to Dres, take screenshots, spend a few hours organizing them into an Imgur album and writing commentary--all for a couple hundred views and a few comments--when you can spend five minutes yelling about Dres on this thread and be noticed by thousands?

So, I don't let it bother me. But if it really bothers you, the Forum software allows you to 'bloak' the posts of any individual user. I'd rather people who feel really annoyed by fellow commentators do that rather than fight it out in full view. 

And @DolphinDude3 also said,


And what will happen to the Intrepid? Some of Kuzzter's posts have hinted that the Intrepid will be destroyed, but it's obvious he's also planning to sucesfully complete the Jool-5 with it, which would be impossible if the Kerbulans intercepted it in the Inner Kerbol System. 

This is really good insight--after all, I'm posting this in "Mission Reports" rather than general "Fan Works" which means I must be planning to at least try to complete the mission. It's one thing to add handicaps like life support and other restrictions--it's something else entirely to actively attempt to destroy your own ships.

Well, this isn't Game of Thrones--I've established in previous works Our Heroes have much more of a traditional character shield than that--it's one of the reasons F5/F9 works, and Bill can edit persistence! (though as I've said before, if Tedus had not survived his epic crash, he would've stayed dead)

So since you know that I'm angling to complete Jool 5 and for it somehow to work out for Our Heroes in the end, the big dramatic questions that remain are exactly what--or who--Val and her crew will have to sacrifice before it's all over.

8 hours ago, Scotius said:

Pale blue dot spotted! Uh...the other pale blue dot. Evil one.

It brings Monty Python to mind, doesn't it? "Kerbulus!" "Kerbulus!" "Kerbulus!" "It's only Powerpoint." "ShhhH!"

1 hour ago, John JACK said:

I wonder how does KSS [Redacted] look without hangar bays attached. Vital parts are tightly packed at aft end, and most fore half is just empty space, right?

That's a really interesting question! Looking inside the hangar deck:


...we notice that Q-bay (under Skimmeroo) is all cargo bay, but D and E pod (attached to either side of Q) are full of rocket fuel. B-pod, above Skimmeroo, contains the engineering section (ISRU visible in the foreground) and the LSO station. A and C pod, which are attached to B-pod, are also full of fuel as you can see below (to re-orient the viewer, B-pod is the one with the science lab and shielded docking port attached to it.):


So, the internal hangar deck is bounded by the solid surfaces of A,C, D and E pod's Mk3 LF tanks, the upside-down underside of Q-bay, and the open space within the cargo bays of B, L and R pods. (L and R being the left and right-hand sections, which contain the Gumdrops and the greenhouses) Thus in answer to your question, the Intrepid with its hangars all [redacted] away (see what I did there? :) ) would have the same length but would look a bit like a cricket wicket with L, R, Q and most of B gone.

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This ship is so amazing :) In every new screenshot i find more fascinating details. Fingers crossed, Intrepid will survive transfer to version 1.1. and you'll let us know how it behaves in flight with decent framerate :)

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11 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

This is really good insight--after all, I'm posting this in "Mission Reports" rather than general "Fan Works" which means I must be planning to at least try to complete the mission. It's one thing to add handicaps like life support and other restrictions--it's something else entirely to actively attempt to destroy your own ships.

It is indeed something else.  You'll noticed that I refrained from that in my recent trip to Sarnus although there were many ways that could have happened with all the rampant Space Madness going on.  But after spending so much blood and treasure designing those ships and getting them out there, I just couldn't bring myself to wreck them, or even skip many sections of the original mission plan.  And you've put way more work into this mission, so unless you just snap from frustration with low FPS, I figure Intrepid is reasonably safe :)

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Can confirm: it's something else entirely, and incredibly difficult (both logistically and mentally) to destroy one of your own ships as a plot point, especially if you spent 8-10 launches building it. The Kraken can lead us to do terrible things....


And it took several attempts to get it "right". Had anyone died in that particular collision... let's just say there aren't any red priests in the Ad Lunam kerbal universe. (Except there kind of were....)

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