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Kerny Kerman's Journal (mission reports from a Kerbal's point of view) [Chapter 87: "Among the growing shadows."]


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46 minutes ago, Thedrelle said:

I believe he is talking about a detail i remember reading in the fantastic story "The Saga of Emiko Station" by @Just Jim where it was explained that kerbs often get their names from a compound of their parents names. For ex: Thompberry comes from Bruberry and Thompington.

therefore, @RocketMan-Explorer is suggesting names for thier kids. 


4 hours ago, RocketMan-Explorer said:

P.P.S. I ship Kerny and Maxbas. (Maxny?) (Kerbas?!) ;)

Aaand... now I get it! It took me a moment to remember that detail, but once you reminded me of it... I think that was one of our early side-conversations. And I never put much thought behind using that as the reasoning behind Kermen names. But this does pose some interesting, ahem, issues. @Just Jim and I are pretty good friends; and I have borrowed and played with some of his story lines. In fact, in a few of the earlier chapters, you discover The Saga of Emiko Station is actually a claymation television show in their Kerbiverse. And in certain screen captures, you'll see "episodes" of Emiko Station being watched. Oh, and Gene isn't a fan at all... :D

53 minutes ago, Thedrelle said:

fantastic, I LOVE this ship!


1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

Can’t wait to see how Kerny is going to react to the rebuilt ship..

Oh, don't worry about this... it will be in the next chapter. And I think one of the images will answer all related questions. But sorry, can't share it yet. But I am planning to sit down and write the next chapter tomorrow.

But there is a warning - the next few chapters will be a lot slower paced. You cannot hurry spaceflight. Oh, and I've got too many other things happening in orbit to speed up the game too much. But I think it will add to the realism.

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Moho 21, Y003
Dammit, Dr. Angelo is right -- "
Chapter 66

I have been awake now for almost two days! And to think, this time yesterday I was being briefed by Dr. Zarkov about what to expect on this mission. Once I was finally back in space, things seemed to slow down a little. The Dauntless wasn't in space long enough to achieve a standard orbit of 100 kilometers. Once the external tank was jettisoned, the shuttle's crew immediately began to prepare for our rendezvous with the Excursion.



Commander Bartbree changed course and gave a thirty-second burn on the shuttle's main engines. Once the burn was complete, the shuttle rolled over and banked hard to the port side. The shuttle's technology was more advanced than the craft I've flown in to both Minmus and the Mun. These burns were similar to orbital maneuvers used by craft preparing to rendezvous and dock with another space craft.

"Captain," Commander Bartbree said. "There she is. You can see your ship from here."

Looking out the front window of the shuttle, I noticed the small point of light, now growing larger by each passing moment. Whether it was the reflection of Kerbol's light off metal or the lights of the ship, there sat the Excursion. This is what it is all about. This is what it means to be the captain of a ship in space.



"Ok, Captain," Bartbree said. "I've got to do a few more controlled burns to get us in position."

And with that, the ship moved out of our view. A warning klaxon began to fill the command deck with sound.

"Don't worry, sir," Catlin began to explain. "It's our proximity alarm. It is set to go off anytime another vessel is within 150 meters of the shuttle. We're that close to the Excursion."



"Dauntless, this is Excursion Control," the familiar voice of Karloff called out. "You are cleared for docking..."

"Roger, Excursion," Catlin answered. "We are beginning docking procedures now."



I listened to the frequent chatter between the shuttle's crew and the Excursion - my ship. The only additional sounds on the command deck were the whirring of the monopropellant pumps which were feeding the various RCS thrusters along the shuttle's exterior. Catlin had turned off the proximity alarms and was now calling out the distance from the Excursion's docking port we had been assigned to. Then it happened...


*clunk -- tonk - tonk - tonk - tonk -tonk - tonk* The familiar sound of docking ports magnetically sealing the two ships together. 

"Excursion, this is Dauntless. We have hard dock," Catlin reported. "Please confirm."

"Roger," Karloff replied. "Hard dock is confirmed. Welcome aboard, Captain!"

A few seconds later - what seemed like minutes, the hatch of the shuttle opened. And on the other side of the crew tube was Commander Karloff, waiting with a big smile on his face.

"Sir, welcome aboard!" he began. "What do you..."

"What?!" I began. "What do you mean 'minor changes' to the ship?!"

"Sir, as I told you in the last dispatch," he began, a little embarrassed. "I thought you were -- "

"My gods," I said. "She's beautiful - but besides the exterior -- "

"Captain," Karloff interrupted. I really hate being interrupted. "Dr. Angelo is waiting for us in the briefing room -- "

"What briefing room?" When I left the ship it didn't have a briefing room. But I have a feeling this is just one of the changes I would encounter during this mission.

"This way, sir!" And with that, Karloff and I headed down the main passageway, mostly unchanged, to the newly improved area of the ship. I think he called it the 'primary hull' but am not sure if that's what it's actually called or just what he's been calling it. About two-thirds of the way down the passageway, he opened a hatch and motioned for me to follow him. There, in the dim light of the conference room was Dr. Angelo!



I took the open seat to the left of Dr. Angelo, Gilti and Karloff took the two seats to my left. After five minutes of hand shaking and catching up, it was Dr. Angelo who began to lead our impromptu meeting.

"Captain," he said. "There's been a lot of changes to your ship over the last ten days. Unfortunately, there were some things we were not able to finish -- "

"In spite of him stuffing ten of his top engineers into a cargo pod in space suits!" Karloff interrupted.

"Yes, in spite of that," Dr. Angelo continued. It was obvious the thought still amused him. "They were in pressurized space suits, they did fine!" And with that, he and Karloff began laughing nearly uncontrollably.


"Captain," Karloff interjected. "You should have seen it! That cargo pod docked with the Zebulan and as soon as the cargo pod doors began to open, there were Kerbalnauts all over the place! We spent the next half hour just trying to get everyone into the station. It was great! Until -- "

"Yeah," Dr. Angelo began. "You get to go out for a while and come back. But when I leave here, I get to face Gene!" And with that, a new round of laughter began. "I can just hear him asking me, 'Dr. Angelo, you do realize cargo pods are for cargo and not Kermen?"

"But you know," I added, "he'll be right. How are you going to explain it and not get on his bad side?"

"I'll just tell him I 'borrowed' ten of his pressurized suits. They were completely comfortable -- as they could be in a cargo pod!" And with Dr. Angelo's answer, we were all laughing again.


"Now on to more serious matters, Dr. Angelo," I began, still laughing. "What the hell did you do to my ship?!"

"Ah, yes..." Dr. Angelo was trying to talk through his laughter. "Ah, yeah! hahahaha! You did notice! Well -- "

I was no longer laughing. "Yes, I did notice. The command pod of the ship looks -- "

"Yes, Captain," Karloff began, still trying to suppress his laughter. "It's an all new command deck. It's more functional for missions -- "

"Yes, Commander," Dr. Angelo interrupted, no longer laughing. "As I was saying earlier, there are still some things which are not finished on this vessel. But because of the emergency rescue mission, Gene thought it important to get you underway as soon as we could. In fact, the shuttle I am leaving on will be leaving in a few minutes."

"Ok," I asked. "So what's so important that you wanted to meet here? Why not just give me an instruction manual?"

"Because I wanted to tell you things about this ship Dr. Edmund didn't want made known to everyone, especially the Prime Consul. There's an all new communications system and there's a new high frequency system designed to make certain communications more, well, secure. The engineering section is new; you have two types of engines. The standard vector engines remain as they are. The other three were changed out with a newer design that has two separate modes. The engines are -- "

"Untested, Captain," Karloff was no longer laughing either. "They are some sort of nuclear -- "

"Did you say 'nuclear'?" I began to ask.

"Yes, Captain," Dr. Angelo interrupted. But before he could answer, the communications panel in the conference room came alive.

"Captain," I immediately recognized Hildi's voice. "The Tsoolik is requesting permission to re-dock. It seems one of our new crew members forgot to get off the shuttle."

"Permission granted," I replied. "Ensign, until we are finished in this meeting, you're in command!"

"Uh, sir?" she responded. "Are you sure you want -- "

But before she could finish her question, I turned the communications panel off. I needed answers from Dr. Angelo about the changes to this ship.

"Kerny," he began to answer, his voice full of defiance. "The engines have nuclear reactors built into them. Now they are more efficient than your traditional LOX rocket motors but there's a trade-off in specific impulse, known as Isp -- "

"What type of trade-ff, exactly?" I wanted to know. And as captain of this vessel, I have a responsibility to the crew to know.

'Well, the engine is extremely more efficient but it does not generate the thrust. It doesn't need fluid oxy to run. It uses the electricity from nuclear engines to -- "

"How much is the reduction?" I asked.

"About a 40% reduction, but you can get nearly three times the distance on the same amount of fuel. And should you choose not to use the experimental built-in reactors, there is another set of reactors mounted on the side of the ship. And in case of an emergency, those engines can be jettisoned without risk to the ship."

"But once they're ejected -- "

"The new engines will revert back to their standard mode and will require liquid oxy to generate thrust." Dr. Angelo finished. "In the future, the next generation of ships will be able to collect particulates from space and convert them to ore -- "

"And captain," Karloff excitedly interrupted, "will be when we can literally make fuel on the go! But Dr. Angelo says -- "

It was obvious Dr. Angelo didn't mind interrupting others but hated others interrupting him. "I explained to Commander Karloff as I am explaining to you - the Excursion will not be refitted with this technology. It will be a part of the next ship class design. This is one of the things Dr. Haywood, Dr. Zarkov, and Gene are taking to the Grand Council in a few days. They want to override the objections of the Prime Consul. And if we are to succeed, this mission must be a success -- "

"Not the only reason it needs to be a success," my anger was showing. And I did interrupt. "I have eight others on this vessel who are depending on this mission to be a success. And that doesn't include the three in the Discovery!"

"There are other changes, too." He continued. "As I mentioned, there are changes to the communications systems. There are major changes to the surveyor sensors - there are more of them and they are more sensitive.

Dr. Angelo had pulled up a series of images on our screens. It was time to brief us about what the changes in the ship's design meant for us while on this mission.


"As you can see, Captain," Dr. Angelo began, "this new navigation system is more complicated than your old one. From the very start, we've designed this ship to go beyond Kerbin's sphere of influence. But this rescue mission gives us the prime opportunity to test her capabilities since Prime Consul Katrine has said no manned Kerman exploration will happen beyond the Mun."

"Yes, Dr. Zarkov mentioned something about that," I answered. "He said that the he had enough pull and support in the Grand Committee that if the rescue mission should take us out -- "

"Ah," Dr. Angelo added. "I don't need to hear the rest. I'm satisfied in what he told you. And to be honest, I'd really like to avoid that fight. The further I can keep her away from my company and the construction areas, the less I have to explain anything she encounters that Dr. Edmund told me not to include in the 'officially submitted' craft files. You know how the Grand Library has plans for every type of vehicle ever produced. And to be honest, I don't trust the Prime Consul -- "

"Let's change the topic, Dr. Angelo." I offered. "We don't need that kind of stress among the rest of the crew right now -- "

"I say let's set her up," This time it was Gilti who was more than angry. "She hates the KDF and she wants to dismantle the space program. I was visiting some of my friends at South Prairie Station. Right now, it is a small science research station at the base of the Southern Mountain Ridge. They've been informed the science research station will now be under the authority of the Committee on Colonization and Settlement. It's just -- "

"As you were, Lieutenant!" I interrupted. "Right now, we need to get as much information about this ship as we can. This mission must not fail. Dr. Angelo, will you continue?"

As we continued the discussion about the new engines, the capabilities of the ship, and the added crew accomodations, the STS Tsoolik had begun docking procedures. As the two vessels grew closer together, we all knew what would happen next. And just like we expected, it happened. We could hear the slight bang as the docking ports came into contact with one another and the magnetic lock sequence began.





"Now Captain," Dr. Angelo said as he got up from his chair, "it's time I let you and your crew get underway. As you can see from what your own MechJeb Navigation System is showing as course recommendations for the mission, you'll be rendezvousing with the Discovery IV in about four days - give or take."

"Yes, Dr. Angelo," I said. "Gene told me a little about the new navigation systems. But also told us not to get too comfortable in letting it do all the work."

"I agree," he added. "Just remember it's there if you need it, but there still may be some bugs in it" And with those words, Dr. Angelo dismissed the meeting and I escorted him to the airlock of the waiting STS Dauntless. As we were approaching the central core, we ran into the nearly absent and newest crew member, Petty Officer Hudfurt. For this mission, he'd be the ninth crew member of the Excursion.

"Welcome aboard, Petty Officer -- " And it happened again. Before I could even finish my sentence.

"Sir!" Hudfurt replied. "I don't know what I was thinking! I can't believe I fell asleep -- "

"Go make sure you report to Commander Karloff," It was my turn to interrupt. "He'll get you settled in." Now I turned my attention back to Dr. Angelo. "Doctor, I know I will have more questions about the refit -- " And yes, it happened again. Cut off in mid-sentence.

"Kerny," he began, "There's a lot we've changed about your ship. I'd love to go with you on this mission to see how she functions. But Gene and Dr. Haywood were very clear - they're planning to defy the Prime Consul and take their appeal directly to the Grand Committee. May the gods preserve you and your crew. We'll talk again."

And with that, I watched as he climbed through the docking ports and into the Dauntless. The docking port doors sealed with a loud metallic popping sound.

"Captain," Karloff's voice called out over the intercom. "Dauntless and Tsoolik are both requesting clearance to undock."

Reaching over to the small communications panel on the wall of the corridor, I pressed the transmission indicator button. "Commander, go ahead and clear them. Begin preparing the Excursion to get underway. We need to go."

"Aye, sir!"





The muffled sounds of the magnetic clamps detaching could barely be heard over the ventilation system I continued down the central corridor, essentially the ship's spine, beginning from the engineering section and running the length of the ship to the bridge. By the time I got there, my regular command crew had taken their new places. Since their shuttle had arrived about two hours before mine had, Dr. Angelo and Karloff had shown them each the basics on operating the new systems. 

"Captain on the bridge," Commander Karloff called out. He was the first to see me. His engineering station was to the rear of the command deck and across from the science and communications station.

"Carry on," I said as I looked around the new and spacious bridge. It was at least three times the size of the old command pod which once served the same function. Dr. Angelo was correct, the new bridge actually would allow the ship's crew to function as a single team. It was a bit overwhelming and exhilarating to see that no longer would I be sitting behind a computer console as ship's captain. I now had a station of my own.

To my left, Lieutenant Obion was manning the helm of the ship. Although Gilti was listed on the ship's manifest as the primary pilot of the Excursion, she's shown interest in getting a cross-disciplinary rating in science. She's currently sitting at the sciences and communications station, monitoring the messages from the space center and tracking the departure of the two shuttles from our immediate area. Lieutenant Obion doesn't seem to mind; it gives him more time at the Excursion's helm.

"Captain," as if she could read that I was thinking about her, "our sensors and the KSC confirm both shuttles are now at least 100 meters away from the vessel. We are clear and free to navigate."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." In one of the data pack messages from Bobak while on assignment, I read that Gilti has been selected for a fast track promotion. Once she has another two months as a lieutenant and she's finished her cross-disciplinary training, she will be promoted to lieutenant commander. But she's not the only one who is trying to achieve a cross disciplinary rating.



Ensign Hildi, our ship's scientist and chief medical officer, is seeking command deck certification. So while Obion is sitting at the helm, she's at the navigation station. According to the way Dr. Angelo explained it, the navigation console is where the MechJeb Navigational System is programmed. There's a variety of ways this station works. Using the ship's sensors, the Kerbnet satellite network, and the gravitrons from Kerbol, the navigational system plots the best course once an object is selected. In theory, the course will be the most efficient possible. Even now, she had managed to begin plotting intercept courses for the Discovery IV. What is even more impressive is this new system has even plotted the course of the runaway capsule.


"Captain, all stations report ready." Karloff said. "We are ready for your orders."

"Ensign Hildi, plot an intercept course," I ordered.

"Aye, sir." she replied in a near giddy tone. "Course has been plotted and transferred to helm."

"Lieutenant Gilti," Karloff called out. "Send a message to the Zebulan. We are preparing from Kerbin-orbit departure."

"Aye, sir." Before I could give my next order, she already had another update. "Both KSC Tracking and the Zebulan acknowledge."

"Very good. Lieutenant Obion," I said, pretty sure the rest of the bridge crew felt the same excitement I did. "Let's go. Take us out."




"Aye, captain. Engaging main drive and NERTAs in 3... 2... 1..." Obion called out. And within a split second, we were officially underway.


"Captain, our speed is now 748 meters per second," Obion called out, "and increasing."

"Engine status is nominal, captain." Karloff responded. "Ship's systems are reporting engines functioning within normal parameters. Dammit, Dr. Angelo is right -- "

"Our speed is now 1872 meters per second, Captain." Obion added as an afterthought, "and still increasing."

This is an all-new experience for all of us. Where the Excursion had once felt like a repurposed Mun Explorer system, the refit made her feel more like a space ship. There were more changes we will discover as this mission unfolds.

"Karloff," I asked, "what's our fuel status?"

"Captain," he said. There was an apparent smile in his voice. "According to the engineering station's readouts, at our current speed of 2,749 meters per second, we have eighty-seven percent of our fuel remaining. Do you want us to try the other engine mode?"

"Not yet," I said - with reservation. "Hildi, what's the speed of our target?"

"Captain, I'm showing they are at a constant of 427.4 meters per second. At this speed, we will be within 10 kilometers of the Discovery IV within four days." Hildi explained. "The MechJeb system is recommending cutting the NERV engines and using the older engines for another five minutes, but on half-throttle."

"Make it so, Lieutenant Obion!" I said, out of some sort of reflex.

"Aye, Captain." he replied. Immediately we could feel the vibrations within the ship decrease as the NERVs were shut down. One thing is for certain. Space flight is nothing like what's portrayed in The Saga of Emiko Station. Those ships always point in the direction of their target. But as we learned from the previous missions of the Excursion, it's always better to allow the ship's SAS and RCS to aim you towards the direction of the next maneuver node.




"Captian, we're now at the speed needed to break orbit." Hildi began. "At our current speed, we will break free of Kerbin's sphere of influence within six days. the MechJeb Navigational System is recommending surpassing our target and approaching it from that trajectory. As we get closer to the projected rendezvous time, I will be able to tell you more. Our next maneuver node is in one day, two hours and twenty-nine minutes."

"I concur, Captain." Karloff had always been one to double check any navigational data used on our missions.

And with that, we now had our plan to rendezvous with the Discovery.



I know this mission is of extreme importance to the space program and the crew of the Discovery IV. But there are some things I must do while on this mission. Now since we are underway and the next maneuver node is in a day, I have gone to my old quarters. The new Captain's quarters are nice and spacious and easily accessible from the bridge. But right now, accessibility is not what's needed. A while back, Dr. Edmund gave me a data stick and told me to only view it when I was back in space. It's time to find out what's on that data stick. And once that's done, I need sleep.

Edited by adsii1970
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37 minutes ago, obney kerman said:

Yay, I'm leaving Kerbin's SOI in an untested refit of the Excursion which includes completely new and untested engines, a reactor, and more dangerous things! Wait, why does that sound so bad?

Yet it sounds so... Kerbal! :D

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13 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

“Captain," I immediately recognized Hildi's voice. "The Tsoolik is requesting permission to re-dock. It seems one of our new crew members forgot to get off the shuttle."

Umm... lol

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On 8/25/2018 at 10:52 AM, TeslaPenguin1 said:

Umm... lol

In reality, it did happen. I thought I had transferred everyone to the Excursion and discovered I had left the newest member of the crew behind. I even discussed it with @Just Jim about how I had taken a few screenshots which were beautiful but couldn't use... and well, he urged me to leave them in. And at that moment I realized it could be fun...

12 hours ago, RocketMan-Explorer said:

Only two things are certain when posting on the KSP forums: 

Life, and software updates.

  Reveal hidden contents

And maybe taxes too. 


And with me for a while, moderator warnings! In my early days on this forum I managed to rack up a few warnings about 2.2 violations. And each one of them were earned!

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Pretorian28715 said:

Herasy, report him to the Mods.

Let their anger fall upon him, in a Deletious rage..

[Or maybe not, but why would you admit to this]

[Unless you want @adsii1970 to bring Wrath upon you, lol].....

I have not paid attention to this for a WEEK.

I am condemned to burn forever in the Kraken's lair.

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14 hours ago, RocketMan-Explorer said:

Forgive me, O great @adsii1970 for I have committed a sin. I have not looked at this mission report for (gasp!)

34 minutes!




37 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

I have not paid attention to this for a WEEK.

I am condemned to burn forever in the Kraken's lair.

Wait!  When have I become a forum ogre?

2 hours ago, Pretorian28715 said:

Herasy, report him to the Mods.

Let their anger fall upon him, in a Deletious rage..

[Or maybe not, but why would you admit to this]

[Unless you want @adsii1970 to bring Wrath upon you, lol].....

Huh? Did I miss something? Sounds like @Pretorian28715 belongs to some sort of brute squad defending me... wait?! When did I get my own brute squad?

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I started a game and I had a randomly generated Kerbal named Adsi Kerman. So I went into the config and modified it so his name was Adsii Kerman.

@adsii1970 consider this my tribute to you. :wink:


Adsii became the first Kerbal on Mun, Minmus, Duna, Laythe, and my as-of-yet-unknown-named orbital space station. Like the real @adsii1970 he's really going places.


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11 hours ago, RocketMan-Explorer said:

I started a game and I had a randomly generated Kerbal named Adsi Kerman. So I went into the config and modified it so his name was Adsii Kerman.

@adsii1970 consider this my tribute to you. :wink:

  Hide contents

Adsii became the first Kerbal on Mun, Minmus, Duna, Laythe, and my as-of-yet-unknown-named orbital space station. Like the real @adsii1970 he's really going places.


Thank you! I am truly honored!

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On 9/9/2018 at 3:15 PM, adsii1970 said:


Wait!  When have I become a forum ogre?

Huh? Did I miss something? Sounds like @Pretorian28715 belongs to some sort of brute squad defending me... wait?! When did I get my own brute squad?

Er....not really sure what that is [think I need to interweb more]

But just some hopefully harmless fun.....

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*read in deep announcer voice* :cool:

Previously on @adsii1970's Kerny Kerman's Journal...


"Oh gods, what are they, sea bugs?"
"Maxbas... was a member of Section 31."

"Ah Cancun is down! Repeat, Ah Cancun is down!"

"What the hell did you do to my ship!?"

"Engaging main drives and NERTAs."

"The pink slime... it's just getting worse!"

"And to be honest, I don't trust the Prime Consul"

"Excursion, this is Dauntless. We have hard dock, please confirm...."

Stay tuned for season [insert season here], coming to you on [insert date here].

Or whenever @adsii1970 feels like it.


Edited by RocketMan-Explorer
typos are the worst
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Just wanted to let you know the next chapter is coming soon. I was hoping on getting it posted last week but between university comittments, family stuff, and some "odds and ends" things which needed to be done, I ran out of time before I ran out of items on my to-do list. I have a few more shots I need and then I will be able to write another chapter...

By the way, @RocketMan-Explorer, great summary...  :D It is nice to know you guys are ready for more!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Moho 23, Y003
"A ghost from the past

Chapter 67

We have been in space now for a full day and officially beginning the second day of our mission. There's been some discussion between myself and Gene as to how I should record both the mission days and the actual date within the same log entry. It was finally Senior Consul Maxbas who advised me, "why not just call each day by a mission number? Use half day increments. If you record an entry before mid-day, simply call it .5 of whatever the last full day was..." And at that moment, I am sure Gene realized the brilliance of the idea she proposed.

Already the Excursion's performance has exceeded what I expected. I was surprised to learn Dr. Angelo added a conference room to my ship. But it was just the first surprise of the many which awaited us. We are essentially drifting on course as planned but at a speed of 750 meters per second! Although our speed has steadily dropped the further we've moved from Kerbin, we will still be able to pass by the Discovery IV and rendezvous with the vessel within the three days remaining. We've already passed beyond the orbit of the Mün much faster than any Kerman has ever done in the past. Commander Karloff expects that as Dr. Angelo becomes more proficient in his engine designs, soon trips to Minmus might be as short and easy as trips to the Mün were before the last anomaly.


Speaking of Dr. Angelo, we received a data packet relayed to us by Chief Petty Officer Natalin, the senior enlisted engineering team of the Kerbal Space Center. She was a pilot by training but volunteered to be a part of the engineering team. For the past two years, she has worked alongside Dr. Wernher and Dr. Angelo often testing various upgrades to existing aircraft designed. It's rumored she's applied to the academy for the next year to pursue her interest in becoming a Kerbalnaut. Karloff told me he has sent in an official verification of qualifications to the Triune Committee recommending her. I do remember meeting her briefly on this ship. She was overseeing the transfer of Dr. Angelo's computer interface equipment to the waiting shuttle, even commenting me that some day she hoped to serve on the Excursion.

Most of the data packet was information relayed from the KSC, but she included some additional information. The video file which she sent us included a funny story about Dr. Angelo's return to the Zebulan Kerman.

Captain Kerny and the crew of the Excursion, Natalin began. Things have been far from normal since your departure from Kerbin's orbit. Dr. Angelo is planning to return to the KSC within the next day and will not be on the Zebulan when you return. But he wanted me to include in this data packet the revised engine specifications Commander Karloff requested. But I also wanted to tell you this...


Once we detached from the Excursion and watched the Excursion leave orbit, it was time for us to rendezvous with the Zebulan Kerman. The shuttle's commander, Lieutenant Commander Bartbree, offered to let me copilot the shuttle while Dr. Angelo rode in the mission specialist hot seat. The shuttle's normal copilot, Lieutenant Catlin, had already left aboard the Tsloolik. Anyhow, we set the Mechjeb Computer System to offer a rendezvous solution and we waited for the mission clock and recommended maneuver node. After about twenty minutes, we were within intercept of the station.



Finally, it was time to flip around and increase our burn rate. It was probably one of the more fun times I've had on the command deck of a shuttle. In fact, We all were laughing as Dr. Angelo was telling us about you guys laughing about the engineers he put in a cargo pod. Of course, we all laughed because it's just... 


We all watched as she tried to suppress her laughter at the thought of ten engineers shoved into a command pod, each wearing an EVA suit. Yes, it is still that funny...

And she continued. But as our shuttle flipped around to begin the rendezvous burn we all noticed it at the same time - his personal shuttle was GONE! And with that, my entire crew burst out in laughter. All he kept saying was 'Dammit, I can't believe they left me here..."



Sir, it was funny - I mean, here he was, laughing about stuffing ten of his engineers in a cargo pod to discover those same engineers commandeered his shuttle! And what made it even more funny was when Commander Bartbree said, 'Maybe they left you an EVA suit to get back home!"

'I don't see how they expect me to get home in just an EVA suit,' Dr. Angelo said. And then, out of nowhere, we get a text communication on the FLASH message system. 'Thanks for the ride, Dr. Angelo. The in-flight movie was great, your snacks were better than the rations you gave us. We took your shuttle and it's much more comfortable than a cargo pod. Oh thanks for the great time, see you in a few days!"

And with that, my entire crew erupted in fits of uncontrolled laughter - again. This story was getting better all the time.





The rest of the docking maneuvers were fairly routine considering the laughter on the command deck. Dr. Angelo handled the entire thing in his 'matter-of-fact' attitude he often gets when he's the focus of a good joke. But we had no idea what awaited us once we docked with the Zebulan Kerman. It turned out that his engineering team did leave him an EVA suit!


And with that, a fresh round of laughter rang out in every compartment of the Excursion. It would be a long time before Dr. Angelo would be able to live this down. 

"Oh, Captain!" Gilti began. "That was the funniest story I've heard in a while. Can you imagine -- "

"What makes it so bad is..." Karloff took a long pause, trying to keep from laughing. "His head engineer told me of their plan a few days in advance. Dr Angelo had no idea it was coming!"

And with that, a new round of laughter broke out. But it wasn't the end of Natalin's data video. Captain, J. Jim has relayed to us the first three episodes of the newest season of The Saga of Emiko Station. He's asked me to attach them to this data packet so your crew can also enjoy them. Dr. Angelo thinks that the new modifications on the long distance communications array will allow you to monitor the Kerbal News Network video broadcasts and other planetary communications. Data packet 17 has the information your engineering team will need to refer to complete the upgrades to the communications system.

Captain Kerny, may the Gods be with you on your travels. This is Chief Petty Officer Natalin, Out. And with that, her video file ended.

Still recovering from the latest misadventures of Dr. Angelo, it was Lieutenant Gilti who spoke up first. "Captain, there are three data files marked for your attention only."

"That's fine, Lieutenant, go ahead and transfer them to my quarters," I replied. "Commander Karloff, you have the command deck -- "

"Aye, sir!" he replied. "Heading to your quarters, sir?"

"Yes," where else would I be going? "Unless you're going to tell me my quarters were left out of the ref -- "

"Oh, no, Captain!" Karloff interrupted. "Your quarters are still on the port side where they were. We weren't able to -- "

"It's fine, Karloff," I couldn't believe he was taking me so seriously. "It's fine..." And with that, I left the command chair and headed towards my quarters.

Even though the layout of my quarters was the same it was obvious the computer interface had been upgraded. The first data packet was one from Kersplat Aerospace Industries test facilities. Referred to as the KAI Chikinkuh -130 - the C-130, Cargo Plane Project, it was designed to be a multi-role medium cargo plane. The first flight of the new plane happened soon after our launch in the shuttle.




The early reports of the first test flight are fairly impressive. The craft is fitted with a rocket-assist launch system and drogue chutes to facilitate short runway landing. Right now, the next three scheduled test flights will include using the rocket-assist launch system and drogue chutes on the main space center runway with the last of the three test flights scheduled for a landing and take-off from the Island Air Field. Once those three test flights are finished, the craft will go into Phase II testing. Phase II testing includes longer duration flights and simulated cargo delivery.



Late last night I took out the data disc given to me by Dr. Edmund. Now that I was in space, as per his instructions, it was time to find out what was on it. After all, he made it clear to me that I was to review the information on it once I was back into space. I pulled the data stick out of my suit pocket and slid it into the slot on the computer console. Immediately, my cabin door slid shut and locked. The lights in the cabin automatically switched from pale white to a very visible bluish tint. The console flashed a simple message: Enter your access code now.

A small keypad extended from the console and out of habit, I entered my access code. But instead of the data stick revealing its secrets, a voice came over the console's speaker, "Identify for an ocular scan". This was not a normal security measure. Immediately I thought to myself, now how am I supposed to open this?  This was beyond anything I have ever seen before or even heard about. When I first entered into the Kerbalnaut training program, they did ocular scans to determine the health and structure of every applicant's eyes. But surely...

A small area of the communications panel slid open and a small pod on an appendage slid out. As I studied it, the pod opened and flashed a bright green light into my left eye. Oh, great, I thought to myself. Now I'll see green spots for the next hour. But then it happened.

As I was rapidly blinking and rubbing my eye, a familiar voice filled my cabin, Hello, Captain Kerny. I take it your return to space is going well... It was the voice of a ghost from the past...


There, on my communications panel monitor, was the face of a Kerman I had admired, respected, and now dearly missed. It was Dr. Edmund Kerman. In the background, I immediately recognized the dishes of the tracking center of the space center.

Captain, I wish there were a better way to educate you on what being a member of Section 31 means. But more importantly, I must discuss your role as a member of the Ohoroxtotil...

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3 minutes ago, Pretorian28715 said:


There's more Kerny....


Need more......

Nnneeedddd MOAR.......

Thank you - I wanted to get another chapter up to you all before the weekend hit. I'm just sorry it took so long to get this one done. Hard to believe I started out with 60 images and a handful is all I ended up using...

I'm honored you enjoy reading it. There will be more. Work on the next chapter has already started. :D

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