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[1.10.0] Kerbal Krash System (0.5.1) 2020-08-05


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  On 1/6/2016 at 11:31 PM, Nansuchao said:

For everyone worried about performance impact of this mod, I just tried it in my heavy modded install (32 bit) and I didn't noticed any drops at all. The mod works just during collisions and it seems that for KSP is faster to calculate collisions in this way than with explosions...


Thanks for helping along! Appreciate it!

I'll try to quantify actual performance impact as soon as possible.


  On 1/6/2016 at 11:42 PM, Astrain said:

This is beautiful. Now plane crashes aren't just 'directed by Micheal Bay now horrah the plane's vanished in explosions'!

Just a one thing to suggest.

Can we have an option to disable damage on anything that has 'landing' or 'gear' in it's name? 


ModuleManager's config files allows you to do this yourself! 

If you want to do this:

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  On 1/7/2016 at 12:13 AM, MeCripp said:

I really don't see why every mod has to have ModuleManager.dll in the folder thats just something, I have to delete as if your running just about any mod you have it and don't need more then one


ModuleManager is an extremely useful mod-helper. Most developers add this to their GameData folder to make sure everyone has a compatible version of ModuleManager.

New versions are backwards compatible, so old versions can be removed from your GameData folder. 


  On 1/7/2016 at 12:13 AM, rbray89 said:

One thing you should try is grouping vertexes in close proximity to each-other so that the seams would dissapear. Vertexes are duplicated for each face in models (a cube would have 24 vertexes for example) to solve normal mapping issues.

  On 1/7/2016 at 6:08 AM, rbray89 said:

Submitted a pull request to improve crumpling. Won't have any odd voids and should be faster: 




Thank you, I'll check this out right now!


  On 1/7/2016 at 9:59 AM, Azimech said:

Love it! Earlier I thought of having damage textures but this is even better! Going to test it with my WW2 Warships mod.


In the mean time: drive safe.


I absolutely love your bus! Doesn't look too safe after driving it off a cliff, though.


  On 1/7/2016 at 10:08 AM, Tripod27 said:

are you sure you did this? the kerbalstuff one is still a bunch of loose files with no module manager dll for me, but the curse download has it in it's own gamedata older, kerbalkrashsystem folder and module manager file

awesome mod btw


I'm sure I updated it. My guess KerbalStuff didn't recognize it as a newer version. Trying to fix it right now.

Edited by EnzoMeertens
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  On 1/7/2016 at 1:58 AM, wasml said:

Fantastic! Downloaded.

One suggestion - If you put the version and date of last change in the thread title it's easy to see when an update is available.


I'll do that as soon as I update! :3


  On 1/7/2016 at 10:08 AM, Tripod27 said:

also, how does this mod base it's destruction on the original files? A few of the modded parts I have seem really resistant to damage, getting only small dents after smashing them into the ground at relatively high speeds while everything around them explodes. would going into their cfg files and bringing down their crash tolerance make them more squishy?


Right now I've added crash tolerance scaling to several part categories, e.g.

Engines scale to 10x their crash tolerance (this will bring most engines to around 70-80m/s crash tolerance),

Containers scale to 4x their crash tolerance,

Command pods scale to 2x their crash tolerance (because they already are highly resistant to damage).


I will try to make these variables public so users can experiment themselves. 

As I've mentioned before: destruction isn't balanced just yet. 


  On 1/7/2016 at 10:23 AM, Evanitis said:

I feel the displacement should scale with the parts it's applied to. It looks totally awesome on 'regular' sized things like most engines and fuel-tanks, but small parts (wheels, batteries, etc) become quite messy. Those seem to -gain- much volume when distorted.

Enjoying your mod greatly, just added my two cents.

Also: I love fule-leaks. A hairy takeoff for a plane and I find myself in a hurry to land ASAP while I still can. Lovely. ^_^


That's actually a really good idea. I'll definitely look into it! 


  On 1/7/2016 at 10:28 AM, Evanitis said:

This looks very nice. How do I apply that? I'm a total noob in modding - I don't even see the two changed files in the KKS mod folder.


You don't. It's on GitHub and it's up to me to merge it with my current project, compile it and upload it so you can download it. 

I still have to look into it and review and test before uploading :3


Thanks for the support guys! 

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  On 1/7/2016 at 3:04 PM, Acea said:

Could you make recovered prices related to damages of parts plz?


This won't be something I'll be adding to this mod. This mod is primarily based on aesthetics, not gameplay.

I will however make a small tutorial on how the damage-variable can be accessed from other mods, so your gameplay related request could easily be done in another mod. 

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  On 1/7/2016 at 6:08 AM, rbray89 said:

Submitted a pull request to improve crumpling. Won't have any odd voids and should be faster: 


After testing both implementations using 'Whack a Kerbal', I've decided to stick to my original implementation for now.

Your implementation, while aesthetically more pleasing, doesn't seem to crumple the correct area in some cases, as can be seen in this video:

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I've encountered this same problem in one of my earlier versions, too. I will definitely look into your implementation more, to see if I can fix the problem.


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  On 1/7/2016 at 10:32 AM, EnzoMeertens said:
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Did that (copypasted actually), and the gears are still getting damage (at least the visuals are there). Could I totally exclude parts from the effect that suppose to touch the ground deliberately? I'm doing a lot of planes these days, and it irks me a bit. The distortion always starts at takeoff, and usually looks like that even after the most gentle landing:



Ahh, one more thing: all damage disappears upon quickloading. I wasn't sure if you are aware - thought I mention it in case it's a problem only on my end.

Edited by Evanitis
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  On 1/7/2016 at 5:04 PM, EnzoMeertens said:

After testing both implementations using 'Whack a Kerbal', I've decided to stick to my original implementation for now.

Your implementation, while aesthetically more pleasing, doesn't seem to crumple the correct area in some cases, as can be seen in this video:


I've encountered this same problem in one of my earlier versions, too. I will definitely look into your implementation more, to see if I can fix the problem.



Looks like I wasn't performing a transform on one of the members... I'll upload a fix.

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  On 1/7/2016 at 6:10 PM, skykooler said:

I wonder if it would be possible for impacts to move node positions - like, so if you crash then end of a three-part wing into the ground, the whole wing bends?


It's probably possible, but hard to do.

  On 1/7/2016 at 6:40 PM, Evanitis said:

Did that (copypasted actually), and the gears are still getting damage (at least the visuals are there). Could I totally exclude parts from the effect that suppose to touch the ground deliberately? I'm doing a lot of planes these days, and it irks me a bit. The distortion always starts at takeoff, and usually looks like that even after the most gentle landing:

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Ahh, one more thing: all damage disappears upon quickloading. I wasn't sure if you are aware - thought I mention it in case it's a problem only on my end.


This is definitely strange. The landing gears don't have any KerbalKrash module attached, so they shouldn't deform. Debugging also shows that it's not the landing gear colliding into the runway, but the cockpit it's attached to.

Okay, I've located the problem. Landing gears are physicsless parts (PhysicsSignifance = 1). Fixing right now.


There seems to be a problem with saving/loading. Trying to fix that too. Fix'd

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This looks amazing, can't wait to try it out!

Does the crumpling affect drag? Could it? It'd be great to see a craft start yawwing heavily because the port engine pod is crumpled up (not to mention the lack of thrust of course).

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  On 1/7/2016 at 7:39 PM, rbray89 said:

Updated pull request to fix problems. https://github.com/EnzoMeertens/KerbalKrashSystem/pull/2

This mod is fantastic, and the code is quite beautiful and clean by the way. I never put as much effort into documentation for hobby work as I should.


Thank you so much! I'll play with it tomorrow. :3


  On 1/7/2016 at 8:05 PM, Kerbart said:

This looks amazing, can't wait to try it out!

Does the crumpling affect drag? Could it? It'd be great to see a craft start yawwing heavily because the port engine pod is crumpled up (not to mention the lack of thrust of course).


Hopefully one day! 

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  On 1/7/2016 at 7:39 PM, rbray89 said:

Updated pull request to fix problems. https://github.com/EnzoMeertens/KerbalKrashSystem/pull/2

This mod is fantastic, and the code is quite beautiful and clean by the way. I never put as much effort into documentation for hobby work as I should.



I followed that link, but I can't figure out how to download your improved version.  Could you please help me?  Thanks!

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  On 1/7/2016 at 7:22 PM, EnzoMeertens said:



Yay, cool!

By the way... you mentioned that it isn't the main focus, but I totally love the non-visual part of the mod too. I couldn't bear Dang It, as failures just kept happening all the time. KKS leaves me alone until I make the slightest mistake. A separating booster touching the main fuselage causes a leak? Nice, I was always surprized when I could orbit following such a manuver in stock. Also had a hearthwarming overheated engine explosion after a hairy takeoff. The impact sensitivity and the failure severity feels unforgiving, but spot on. For me the lovely crumple effect is just icing on the cake.


Edited by Evanitis
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  On 1/7/2016 at 8:50 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:


I followed that link, but I can't figure out how to download your improved version.  Could you please help me?  Thanks!


The changes are intended for EnzoMeertens. You'd have to clone the github project and add the pull request yourself, and compile the project. Once EnzoMeertens decides if the change is worthy, it may be included in the next release.

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  On 1/7/2016 at 8:57 PM, rbray89 said:

The changes are intended for EnzoMeertens. You'd have to clone the github project and add the pull request yourself, and compile the project. Once EnzoMeertens decides if the change is worthy, it may be included in the next release.


I understand!  Thanks!

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  On 1/7/2016 at 8:53 PM, Evanitis said:

Yay, cool!

By the way... you mentioned that it isn't the main focus, but I totally love the non-visual part of the mod too. I couldn't bear Dang It, as failures just kept happening all the time. KKS leaves me alone until I make the slightest mistake. A separating booster touching the main fuselage causes a leak? Nice, I was always surprized when I could orbit following such a manuver in stock. Also had a hearthwarming overheated engine explosion after a hairy takeoff. The impact sensitivity and the failure severity feels unforgiving, but spot on. For me the lovely crumple effect is just icing on the cake.



Thank you. Kind words like these motivate me! :3


  On 1/7/2016 at 8:57 PM, rbray89 said:

The changes are intended for EnzoMeertens. You'd have to clone the github project and add the pull request yourself, and compile the project. Once EnzoMeertens decides if the change is worthy, it may be included in the next release.

  On 1/7/2016 at 8:59 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

I understand!  Thanks!


First thing in the morning! Promise! 

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  On 1/7/2016 at 8:09 PM, Beetlecat said:

Such a terrific mod!

In the back of my mind I'm joining the clamor for compatibility with things like Dang It, but this is its own, beautiful thing. I'm really keen on seeing where this goes. Thank you for sharing!


I'm with this guy and the other fella that mentioned KIS...especially KIS.  Maybe that's more of their required effort so that their parts can 'fix' these disfigured sections, but it would be fantastic.

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Your mod has really been noticed:



I was wondering if you might implement a solar panel damage system with this? 


Right now they only snap off... 


It would be cool if they would be damaged the same way that Progress M-34 collided with MIR:


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Tried it, really love it except the landing wheels look very wonky when struck and tend to get damaged very easily. Other parts can stretch out to ridiculous proportions at times as well, I can provide some screenies if it would help you.

I've also seen parts go over 100% damaged, all the way up to 245% or something in one case. Is this intended or a bug?

Can't wait to see this mod grow and get ironed out more, I'm amazed something like this can be added to the game by a modder, keep up the fantastic work man! :D

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