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[1.6.1] RealPlume - Stock [v1.3.1 - 1/14/19] - Better Late than Never Update


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11 hours ago, Kilo60 said:

Does this mod effect the RSC plumes in 1.5.1?

Check the part description in the editor - if the part was touched by RealPlume it will say "Plume configured by RealPlume" at the end

But you may also be seeing a proper RCS effect you think is too large. The reaction control ports on the SpaceX Falcon 9, for instance, can be seen working from the ground

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Hi all, please excuse if this is a dumb/un-informed question...

Since I've been using RealPlume forever and just now noticed many engines didn't seem to have proper plumes (very slow-going Career game right now), I thought I should download/install the GitHub version of this rather than continue using the CKAN version (which still says 1.4.5 max KSP version in CKAN).

With the GitHub download, am I missing anything as far as files? The OP mentions the GitHub download includes RealPlume & Smokescreen, so I'm just making sure that I've got everything I need?

Thanks in advance for any confirmations or other suggestions!

EDIT: I'm just checking version numbers, and thinking... maybe I have/had the most-updated versions via CKAN anyway?

RealPlume is version 11.1.0 (max KSP 1.4.5) and RealPlume Stock Configs is v1.3.1 (max KSP 1.6.9). That's everything, right?





Edited by scottadges
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  • 2 weeks later...

For some strange reason all my RCS Plumes are reversed...


For instance when I hit RCS to move forward the plume shoots out in front of me which should push me back?


Has anyone else experienced this and is there a fix when using this mod?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for the semi-necro...

Anyhow, this mod is fantastic, but I always seem to get a noticeable FPS drop whenever I look at the plumes. It's not particularly bad, but is there a setting somewhere in a CFG where I can decrease the resolution?

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14 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Apologies for the semi-necro...

Anyhow, this mod is fantastic, but I always seem to get a noticeable FPS drop whenever I look at the plumes. It's not particularly bad, but is there a setting somewhere in a CFG where I can decrease the resolution?

no, your only option is to decrease the max particle count in the settings window (only accessible via blizzy's toolbar)

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On 3/9/2019 at 6:49 PM, Natokerbal said:

Has anyone made a restock plume config yet?

There is already, in GitHub, a pull request by Vladimir-csp  to resolve that issue.
But in the mean while if you want, I made the config files from that pull request:
Just download and overwrite everything, until the official release comes out.

Edited by PmThay
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7 hours ago, PmThay said:

There is already, in GitHub, a pull request by Vladimir-csp  to resolve that issue.
But in the mean while if you want, I made the config files from that pull request:
Just download and overwrite everything, until the official release comes out.

You sir, Are a kodsend

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I'm not sure if this is a real plume problem or not but sometimes after a craft has been in orbit for multiple game restarts, when you switch to the vessel from the map or tracking station there's a problem. The engine works fine, but the plume and sfx are not there for some reason. I've tried quicksaving and loading to fix to no avail. Has anyone else run into this?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi every one,


There is an issue in the RealPLume config for SXT because SXT's Munar module was renamed when Squad released their own, see this GitHub issue


Since I understand that this mod is no longer updated and the fix is as easy as can be, I encourage SXT users to edit their RealPLume config accordingly




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Hey all. New to this mod. 

I wasn't able to get it working until I discovered some configs folder needed to be added. You should list that in the instructions. 


But wanted to know if there are cool configs for the stock engines (I only use stock and dlc parts), because I've seen crazier stuff than the pack I found, that changes a lot as you go through the atmosphere levels.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The RV-1 'Cub' Vernier Engine has a way to big flame/plume.

This config seems to fit better:

@PART[LiquidEngineRV-1]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] // RV-1 'Cub' Vernier Engine
        name = Kerolox-Lower
        transformName = thrustTransform
        localRotation = 0,0,0
        flarePosition = 0,0,0
        plumePosition = 0,0,0
        plumeScale = 0.1
        flareScale = 0.1
        energy = 0.4
        speed = 0.8
        %powerEffectName = Kerolox-Lower


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  • 4 weeks later...

@Nhawks17, @Nertea, there appears to be a graphical bug on the KerbalAtomics Eel 0.625m NTR when using RealPlumeStock.  The plume gets placed nearly all the way up the extensible nozzle and appears to be exhausting near the fixed end of the nozzle, by the chamber (or bottom of the part, if the nozzle extension was retracted).  I don't know if the "leaky" extension joint was intended, but it's not consistent with the other extensible nozzle engines, such as those that come with Cryogenic Engines.

This effect does not appear when using RealPlume 11.2.0 by itself, but then there's no vacuum expansion at all without the RPStock patches for KA.  On a related note, I think RPStock 1.3.1 is bundled with an out-of-date version of RealPlume, as the latest Cryogenic Engines (v1.0.0) threw 41 errors (non-detrimental) at me on loading.  I resolved the errors by installing RP 11.2.0 from the linked GitHub page, in place of what RPStock 1.3.1 was bundled with.

The fix for the Eel plume in the RPStock patch for KA seems easy enough.  In the KarbalAtomics.cfg file, I edited the position value from -1.6 to -1.0...

        localPosition = 0.0, 0.0, -1.0

EDIT: I've added an Issue on the RPStock GitHub site.

Edited by KSPrynk
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As it stands, CKAN (recommended installer) won't install Real Plume because, and I quote, "Error! RealPlume 2:v11.2.0 depends on RealPlumeConfigs, which is not compatible with the currently installed version of KSP" with the only option being to "Dismiss".

Can somebody walk me through the process of getting around this or manual installation please? I know how to install a mod manually but it looks like there might be a fair few edits required?

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3 hours ago, MR L A said:

As it stands, CKAN (recommended installer) won't install Real Plume because, and I quote, "Error! RealPlume 2:v11.2.0 depends on RealPlumeConfigs, which is not compatible with the currently installed version of KSP" with the only option being to "Dismiss".

Can somebody walk me through the process of getting around this or manual installation please? I know how to install a mod manually but it looks like there might be a fair few edits required?

Go to settings>compatible_KSP_versions and choose both 1.7 and 1.6. You can now install realplume together with realplume stock.

If you want to install realplume manually just download from the big download link in the first post of this thread. You will find both realplume and smokescreen bundled inside. Both have been updated since so you can grab the new versions if you wish separately.

There's no editing required but if you're using reStock it may be better to install manually from this github repository as the fixes to make realplume stock compatible with reStock havent been merged yet.



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As mentioned earlier, the Real Plume Stock Configs gives a weird plume for the 36-5D "Caravel" Annular Aerospike Engine (RLA_small_spike):


I'm not using Real Fuels, I'd be happy if you could look into this, thanks in advance :) 

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1 hour ago, coyotesfrontier said:

Since there doesn't appear to be a RealPlume thread, I'll ask this here: Is there any way to change the offset of a shock cone in a part config, like there is for the flares and plumes? I've tried "shock" and "shockcone", but neither did anything.


Go to Gamedata/RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes and find the .cfg with the same name as the plume you are trying to edit.

Inside you will find the different effects, each will be under a MODEL_MULTI_SHURIKEN_PERSIST node. You can find the parameters that are applicable inside this. See the spoiler


                //Get the inputs from the other config.
                transformName = #$/PLUME[Hydrolox-Lower]:HAS[~processed[*]]/transformName$
                localRotation = #$/PLUME[Hydrolox-Lower]:HAS[~processed[*]]/localRotation$
                localPosition = #$/PLUME[Hydrolox-Lower]:HAS[~processed[*]]/flarePosition$
                fixedScale    = #$/PLUME[Hydrolox-Lower]:HAS[~processed[*]]/flareScale$
                name = #$/PLUME[Hydrolox-Lower]:HAS[~processed[*]]/plumeIdentifier$-shockcone
                modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/ssmeflame2big
                emission = 0.0 0

In the case of the hydrolox lower plume , the shock cone positioning and scaling are all controlled by the flare position and flare scaling. there is also a separate flare effect so the two are meant to move together.

If you have a need for a custom plume where you need to edit the shock cone seperately, you could create a duplicate cfg , change the plume name (eg everywhere where is says hydrolox-lower to something else) and give the shock cone its own parameters. I suggest making your own custom one because if you edit this file it would mess up  other engines using the same plume.

If you dont want to do all that you need to work within the limitations of having shock cone and flare linked. I think thats how it is for all the realplume prefabs but I didnt check them all.

EDIT: Actually come to think of it, it could be done by Module Manager patch that runs after the engine has been configured, I have to go right now but will drop by in a bit with a suggestion.

Edited by Zorg
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@coyotesfrontier you could try this


                %offset =  1

Making sure to put the relevant values for the bits in bold.

I think in this case you want to edit the offset value but you could do it using %localPosition too. I've not tested it and not 100% it works like this given some changes I dont quite follow in the realPlume configs but I think it should work. Worth a try.

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