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[1.8.x+] Strategia [v1.8.0] [2019-10-22]


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I think i have foudn a combatibility problem with KCT.

Media Circus adds Funds insted of removing them, when i hit the launch ("build") Button. 

Is there any chance to get this working the right way?


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Great mod - I've completed Mun and Minmus programs, sent probes to both Eve and Duna and then planted flag on the red planet. However, I've found that the limitation of having only one program (probe or manned) does not really suit my play style. I prefer to handle multiple missions simultaneously (complete other contracts while working on the programs for example).

I've seen your rationale for not increasing the overall number of available programs for balance reasons and I see your point. I would, however, love to have it possible to have more than one (un)manned strategy available so that I can work on them simultaneously. Is that somehow possible to have a limit of two strategies active and a separate limit of (let's say) three programs?


Anyway - great mod, makes strategies an interesting part of the game. It's a good example of how it should've been done by Squad in the first place (or in the expansion maybe). Thanks a lot for this and your other mods!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @nightingale, thank you for this beautiful mod! I would like to make a suggestion: Would you like to implement stock messages whenever money is refunded from the Massive Scale Launches strategy. Currently, this strategy displays a floating text for the refund, but it can be easy to miss. Thanks again!

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@Filigan - Please raise that on GitHub, and I'll see if I can get that fixed when I'm doing the next Strategia bugfix pass.

@Raphaello - They would need a serious redesign to make them work, given that most of those strategies work by increasing rewards for one body and decreasing for others.  Having one unmanned + one manned could be feasible, but otherwise it's probably not a change that I'd be looking at doing soon.

@canisin - I assume you mean the stock on screen messages?  I can probably do that, please raise that in GitHub as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@nightingale , I would like to suggest removing the "must not have performed a flyby of" requirement in Strategia strategies. The argument: often, some players would like to do a fly-by missions far before they actually landed on the planet. For example, my first interplanetary manned mission is Kerbin - Eve - Duna - Kerbin slingshot. However, doing this mission would forever close an option to ever use the Duna and Eve programs of Strategia, which doesn't really make sense, because I might be landing on these planets much later on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28/07/2017 at 2:49 PM, aluc24 said:

@nightingale , I would like to suggest removing the "must not have performed a flyby of" requirement in Strategia strategies. The argument: often, some players would like to do a fly-by missions far before they actually landed on the planet. For example, my first interplanetary manned mission is Kerbin - Eve - Duna - Kerbin slingshot. However, doing this mission would forever close an option to ever use the Duna and Eve programs of Strategia, which doesn't really make sense, because I might be landing on these planets much later on.

Would also like to see this implemented. Fine work though and thanks for your continued support @nightingale

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Hello Nightingale,

I had noticed one of my kerbals portraits was disappearing and had assumed it was related to Portrait Stats, however Dmagic has suggested that this mod might be causing it directly as his doesn't touch Kerbal levels. 

I (somehow, despite only having level 0/1 kerbals) got a contract to rescue a level 5 scientist from LKO, and when I activated the science strategy granting him +2 effective levels, his portrait no longer shows up.

I'm not really concerned about it, but just thought I'd point it out in case it is a problem of Strategia.

Edited by TK421
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  • 3 weeks later...

Does the Science bonus for Local Science affect Science that has been researched in the Mobile Processing Lab?

EDIT: If so, does it add the bonus based on the original Science value or the new value from being processed in the lab?

Edited by Spartan125
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Semi-Random but have you considered adding in an option like in stock where it takes science and turns it into funds/rep? I realize that this mod aims to totally revamp stock strategies with ones that make good sense and are more powerful, but I think that from a career mode standpoint there is a good use for the Science -> Funds/Rep strategy as eventually you just run out of things to research which makes science pointless. Even in my highly modded playthrough with CTT I'm reaching that point, and by the time I get out to another body (likely Duna) I know I'll be finishing it up with many bodies left to explore. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys.

I have come across what seems to be a bug. I have upgraded my administration building to get two strategies at once, but inside the building I am still only able to have one active strategy at a time. Anyone seen this before / know how to deal with it?

I am running GPP if that makes a difference.

Edited by Remi
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/8/2017 at 6:59 PM, Remi said:

Hi guys.

I have come across what seems to be a bug. I have upgraded my administration building to get two strategies at once, but inside the building I am still only able to have one active strategy at a time. Anyone seen this before / know how to deal with it?

I am running GPP if that makes a difference.

Same here, not using GPP though.

Something else that cropped up in my sessions is that the Pilot III focus seems to be flaky on whether or not it actually works. I keep having to EVA and re-board my vessel to get my pilot to have access to the +2 levels again after time-warping/staging.

On 9/27/2017 at 11:55 PM, Ravien said:

Looks like Strategia very poorly reacts to UI scaling. I play on 110% scale and windows stretches over screen border. To adopt new strategies I have to rescale it again to default.

This too :(


When activating the Mun strategy (I tried the manned one) Mission Control will go crazy and have the SCANsat missions for scanning them blinking in and out at a fast pace.

MemGraph also shows that when the missions at mission control go crazy, around 10-15 megabytes of garbage is created every frame (60fps).

Edited by Jognt
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    I have over 1200 hours logged in KSP  and really like the concept behind Strategia.  However, I've run into a bug early on.  Please keep in mind that I am using the Portrait Stats mod to verify this, so it is possible that the bug is in that mod.  However, since the issue is actually affecting my ability to use SAS, I suspect that Portrait Stats is simply showing me that Strategia is not able to effectively modify the Pilot's level.

    In this career game, I have landed probes on the Mun and am funding myself by doing orbital tourist flights around Kerbin.  I have selected the Stratagia stategies; "The Mun Program", "Pilot Focus 2", and "Local Science 3".  The bonuses from Pilot Focus 2 say that my pilots will perform at +1 level.

   When my rocket is first put onto the launch pad, my Level 1 pilot only becomes Level 2 (thanks to "Pilot Focus 2") when I activate SAS.  This is verified by the fact that he is able to perform "Radial In" and "Radial Out" maneuvers.
   When I launch, he reverts back to a Level 1 pilot (I can no longer select "Radial In" or "Radial Out", and the Portrait Stats level changes back to Level 1 Pilot). 

   When I reach orbit, if the pilot performs an EVA and returns to the ship, his level returns to Level 2 when I turn on SAS.
   If I time warp to a fast speed while in map view, the pilot's level reverts back to Level 1.  If I EVA him again, his level returns to Level 2 when I activate SAS.
   I also noticed the same thing with "Scientist Focus 3".  As soon as I compress time on the map, my Level 1 Scientist reverts back to Level 1 (losing the extra 2 levels from "Scientist Focus 3").  When I EVA him, he becomes Level 3.

   Can anyone verify this in their career playthrough?  If not, I will continue to test it and see if perhaps it is a different mod conflict.

Edited by SCESW
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  • 2 weeks later...
43 minutes ago, SpacedInvader said:

I'm a little confused about the wording of "Massive Scale Launches", does the bonus apply to the launch mass of the vehicle or the mass of the vehicle upon reaching orbit?


Mass of the vehicle when Pe > atmosphere height.

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On 11/5/2017 at 1:16 AM, SpacedInvader said:

Thank you for the clarification

Massive Scale Launches is a strategy I always have running. When combined with Stage Recovery and thrifty rocket design, it's possible to loft some significant payloads at very low cost. Basically, you get the economics of spaceplanes without the tedium of having to make precision landings after achieving orbit.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ping: @nightingale

Hey there, I am using Sigma binary with OPM, which seems to work fine in 1.3.1, however it makes the planetary systems which are configured for it no longer have strategies, that being duna/ike and plock/karen. My guess is it has to do with the re-parenting of those systems to new hidden bodies used for the barycenter, meaning the planets themselves act more like moons. Anyone think they know how to MM-fu a patch for this? 

EDIT: Did some digging in the thread and notice that this issue was already addressed a year ago. It seems to be back...

EDIT2: Removing sigma binary fixes the problem...

Edited by Errol
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