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[1.1.3] KSO (Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter) Legacy Packs & Development Updates


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  On 11/14/2016 at 5:05 AM, Deimos Rast said:

Oh, regarding the wing flaps: they were dummy animations that did nothing. I corrected that and made them airbrakes (although I'm wondering if they should be additional control surfaces instead). I also restored the other two airbrakes (engine mount and tail plane).


I have found that using the 2 tailplane rudders as airbrakes tends to lead to dead Kerbals.  I think the inner flaps you mentioned should be used as actual flaps (to increase lift and therefore stability/control at low speeds), if there is a way to make them work in that manner however, I don't know....  I could barely get the exploding bananas to have the explosive radius I wanted back in QBasic days.

  On 11/14/2016 at 5:05 AM, Deimos Rast said:

.....  and I usually have to switch to manual, which means I usually get to play another round of "how not to get to space today."



lol..  I play that regularly too, I've been strapping the ejection modules from the mod @linuxgurugamer et al. have been working on to assist with Kerbal survival rates.

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  On 11/14/2016 at 6:53 AM, smotheredrun said:

I have found that using the 2 tailplane rudders as airbrakes tends to lead to dead Kerbals.  I think the inner flaps you mentioned should be used as actual flaps (to increase lift and therefore stability/control at low speeds), if there is a way to make them work in that manner however, I don't know....  I could barely get the exploding bananas to have the explosive radius I wanted back in QBasic days.

lol..  I play that regularly too, I've been strapping the ejection modules from the mod @linuxgurugamer et al. have been working on to assist with Kerbal survival rates.


well when I converted them to ModuleAeroSurface (the module that the airbrakes use), I had to figure out their control surface transforms, so in theory it should be an easy matter to simply convert them to ModuleControlSurface (the elevon module).

The kicker was that the airbrakes deployed in opposite directions (one up, one down) and since I figured people wouldn't want to be doing corkscrews, I (luckily) found a way to invert one of them. Also made a patch to flip them if people so choose (which you'll see in the download as BrakeFlip).

I'll look into seeing about making a patch that turns them into Control Surfaces, as having 4 airbrakes seems a bit overkill when you only have 2 elevons.


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@smotheredrun and @Capt. Hunt have been helping me flight test the Dauntless, and so far it seems like things are going pretty well (casualties and explosions are well within acceptable parameters!). We've entered round two of testing (I forgot to include all the fixes last time:blush:), then hopefully I'll have something for ya'll to play with.

I've also started work on some Super25 patches.:)

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  On 11/4/2016 at 10:33 AM, Grunf911 said:

I have a 1.1.3 question:

In this re-entry

... around 26:20 minute mark, the shuttle blows due to overheating, but how is that possible.

My angle was very shallow (apoapsis 74k, periapsis 41k), and i was trying to bleed of as much energy as possible early on, and if you observe, you will notice that the cabin just before it blew was not even hot, and then it got hot in 1 second. Did any of you have such issue ?


If not, can anyone show me the correct re-entry with KSO orbiter I would really be grateful


Might be too heavy - looks like you're using the Fuel Wings mod (not sure I have the name correct), and there's quite a bit of fuel left in those parts, which means the shuttle masses a lot more than normal.  Right at the end, it looks like you had really lousy control authority for whatever reason, and the KSOS yawed sharply left, which gave a lot more surface area on that part to heat up.  It's likely you exceeded maximum skin temp, so even though the part could have soaked up more heat, you hit the other of the two failure points.

With less mass, speed is reduced quicker.  The key is getting airspeed down below 1,250mps before overheating - once you're below that speed, heat is shed quicker than it's generated.


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@RA3236, not sure I follow, but I'll try to answer without speaking out of turn:

As indicated above by @Deimos Rasta few of us are testing the orbiters and their respective stacks against 1.2.1. The current available 1.1.3 versions are pretty much non flyable in 1.2.1.  ComNet/CommNet is not an issue at the moment. I will not speak to any progress or timetable for updates; that is not my place, as Deimos has taken the initiative and asked for some assistance, which is being happily provided.  As he mentioned above, testing continues and casualties are within acceptable limits.

We are testing specific parts/scenarios/etc regarding these orbiters.

The station parts "might" work. I have not individually tested them. They do work as dead weight payloads, I can confirm that much from using them for that purpose.

As mentioned earlier by Avalon, Nazari and Helldriver, work continues on the EX shuttle.  I will also not comment or speculate on progress or timetables regarding that version as it is not a project in which I am involved.

Edited by smotheredrun
Clean up and make it sound less rude... because no one likes rude people :)
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Ok, so I noticed that when using the Station Service Tug from the KSO Station parts download, when you select in the RClick menu "Extend RCS Boom" in both the VAB/SPH and in game, it animates on a continual loop (extends, switches back to start point, extends, switches back to start point).  The RCS still functions, but there is very little control available as the boom keeps extending during use.

Any of you have an idea as to where in the part file to resolve this?  The part's config file is called "sstugmodulekso".




Edit:  I found these lines in the config file.  Any guesses to where this may be having an issue?

        name = FSanimateGeneric
    animationLayer = 3
        animationName = Take001
        startEventGUIName = Extend RCS Boom
        endEventGUIName = Retract RCS Boom
        actionGUIName = Toggle RCS Extension

        name = FSanimateGeneric
    moduleID = 1
    animationLayer = 4
        animationName = sstlights
        startEventGUIName = Turn on SST Spotlight
        endEventGUIName = Turn off SST Spotlight
        toggleActionName = Toggle SST Spotlight
        availableInEVA = True
        availableInVessel = True
        EVArange = 2


Edited by smotheredrun
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  On 11/29/2016 at 6:54 AM, smotheredrun said:

Ok, so I noticed that when using the Station Service Tug from the KSO Station parts download, when you select in the RClick menu "Extend RCS Boom" in both the VAB/SPH and in game, it animates on a continual loop (extends, switches back to start point, extends, switches back to start point).  The RCS still functions, but there is very little control available as the boom keeps extending during use.

Any of you have an idea as to where in the part file to resolve this?  The part's config file is called "sstugmodulekso".




Edit:  I found these lines in the config file.  Any guesses to where this may be having an issue?

        name = FSanimateGeneric
    animationLayer = 3
        animationName = Take001
        startEventGUIName = Extend RCS Boom
        endEventGUIName = Retract RCS Boom
        actionGUIName = Toggle RCS Extension

        name = FSanimateGeneric
    moduleID = 1
    animationLayer = 4
        animationName = sstlights
        startEventGUIName = Turn on SST Spotlight
        endEventGUIName = Turn off SST Spotlight
        toggleActionName = Toggle SST Spotlight
        availableInEVA = True
        availableInVessel = True
        EVArange = 2



Create a CFG and put this in, and make sure you have Modulemanager

  Reveal hidden contents

Credit goes to @Deimos Rast

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I've read a few pages, and don't really see if people are having as difficult of a time as I am with controlling these little beasts.  Would really love to have this shuttle in my GameData build this time around, but for me, its a no go.  Just not good enough to figure this stuff out.  But like I have been saying for 4 years, thx guys, its what you do that keeps almost 90% of us coming back for more.  

Squad = Bones/Foundation

Community = Replay and ultimately where the fun starts

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  On 12/2/2016 at 1:37 PM, ArkaelDren said:

I've read a few pages, and don't really see if people are having as difficult of a time as I am with controlling these little beasts.  Would really love to have this shuttle in my GameData build this time around, but for me, its a no go.  Just not good enough to figure this stuff out.  But like I have been saying for 4 years, thx guys, its what you do that keeps almost 90% of us coming back for more.  

Squad = Bones/Foundation

Community = Replay and ultimately where the fun starts


If you are using KSP 1.1.3 or earlier, the downloads will work out of the box.  Practice some flights with both the Dauntless and the Super 25 (use the craft files provided in the OP under the downloads).  I have always had more success than failures by following what has been put into the .PDF file that comes with the download.  @Avalon304 posted a great demonstration video a few pages back.  It will give you some great pointers on ascent and landing.

Reentry and landing (or crashing) is always an adventure, but with practice, you'll do well.

If you are using 1.2, you may have success using the current available downloads.  A few of us are testing some newer versions under the direction of @Deimos Rast.  It seems at least one person is having success using the current downloads, with no alterations. 

Try it out and if you have any suggestions or questions, please post them here.  I for one would love to hear them! 

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  On 12/2/2016 at 6:37 AM, smotheredrun said:

@UncleCorgi that is correct.  This is the current thread.  The current available downloads are in the first post of this thread, right below the dependencies.


Edit:  I looked at your previous post regarding .90.  Sorry, but I don't have a version from .90 myself.


thank you for checking, I'll just wait until the next update

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Testing of existing parts continues (my post right above yours has details).  Download the files in the OP, and go ahead and have Lego-styled fun with them.  KSP doesn't seem to have issues recognizing parts with the KSO mod.

Please see previous posts regarding the existing orbiters.  I will not comment on anything regarding the EX version; as I have mentioned, I am not involved and know as much as you.

I have not been able to test anything lately, because real world is real world (new job, busy with family, building a partnership with a company I have worked with for 10 years), so yeah, life.  

Speaking for myself and myself only, if I say "I'll test 'x' part this 'time period' , please take the time period stated with a grain of salt.  I'll get to 'x' part when I can.

Please note, I am not testing the Space Centre (or Center for the Americans) Vehicles part of the mod.  I won't have any info regarding them.

Please remember, I am not speaking for any one of this project's dev team/creators/leads.  I responded to the open invite to test the current orbiters, and am providing feedback.  



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