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Fairly Reliable Rocket Technologies - Crafts by PointySideUp

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Welcome to Fairly Reliable Rocket Technologies!  All of my somewhat ridiculous craft in one place!  

Most craft usually do not explode, YMMV depending on wind speed, solar flares, and Kraken attacks.  All ships lightly tested to assure they are mostly functional, then turned loose on the unsuspecting public.


Orbital Science Command Cruiser

This monsterous cruiser is a mobile base of operations and mothership. It carries a full science lab, several landers and ion scooters for gathering science, and an ISRU for making fuel from ore shipments.

TWR ~.29 over 8000 dV in LKO



Orbital Science Frigate

This large science vessel is outfitted with an orbital lab and experiments bay, 2 Little Landers, plus a Kube mono tug.  Full onboard ISRU for refuling and plenty of cabins for long excursions

Download: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/Orbital-Science-Frigate

Science Smasher

Large science cruiser with an MPL, a science experiment bay, and plenty of room for Kerbals.  Equipped with 2 small probes rated for Duna or Eve landings.  Makes LKO with ~2000 dV, enough for landing and refueling at Minmus.  

Download: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/Science-Smasher

ScienceLab DeLuxe

A sleek little mobile science station with all of the deluxe features and bristling with science instruments! Two fully outfitted probes rated for Duna and Eve landings, and two "Little Landers" tested capable of up to a Duna landing and return.

Download: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/ScienceLab-DeLuxe

BZT XJ-6 AirSpeeder


Download: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/BZT-XJ-6-AirSpeeder


BZT RocketSpeeder


Download: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/BZT-RocketSpeeder


MicroSub of Flying


Download: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/MicroSub-of-Flying


BZT Speeder

DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/BZT-Speeder


BZT X-34 LandSpeeder

DOWNLOAD: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/BZT-X-34-LandSpeeder


Micro Enterprise

DOWNLOAD:  https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/MicroEnterprise


Hammer family of Starships


Download: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/Hammer


Download: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/SledgeHammer


Download: https://kerbalx.com/PointySideUp/JackHammer




Things not ready for general release, not worthy, or..  contain the dimension defying, possibly dangerous, mostly fantastic SKAT drive system from @Jolly_Roger!




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For the first part, I thinked : tiny contraptions, that's so cute ! Then BAM, huge ships, the hammerhead shuttle inside is very nice though

Very good work !


PS :you may like the cockpit/eternal seat part from the SXT mod

Edited by Andiron
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3 hours ago, Heckspress said:

You have some of the best aesthetics out there! Keep it up!

Thank you! I have been inspired by several great builders here @Jolly_Roger @Cupcake... @Rune @Majorjim @Raptor9 @Nefrums @selfish_memeand dozens and dozens more.  These forums are an awesome place to be inspired and share ideas, designs, dV calculations, workarounds, exploits, explosions, the completely absurd, and great triumph!  I'm so happy to be able to contribute here and inspire others!

2 hours ago, Andiron said:

For the first part, I thinked : tiny contraptions, that's so cute ! Then BAM, huge ships, the hammerhead shuttle inside is very nice though

Very good work !


PS :you may like the cockpit/eternal seat part from the SXT mod

Thanks, I started HUGE and worked my way to teeny!  I use several mods, but tend to stay away from parts mods so anything that I come up with can be enjoyed on a stock vanilla install. :)

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Hey there fellow space pirate, one of the few brave enough to test the notorious SKAT drive.

Good to see you came up with a thread for all your stuff, I always loved your crafts. Some very creative designs there.

Thanks for sharing and keep it up, I'll definitely keep an eye on this thread.



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7 hours ago, Azimech said:

SKAT drive album doesn't seem to show here. I remember a problem with using albums inside hidden segments.


And yes, compliments on what you've shown us :-)

I removed the spoiler from the experimental section, what's one more album at this point, right?  Also, @Azimech you weren't mentioned earlier, but you are an intimidating inspiration to us all :) 

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Sorry about your hand, dude, that is a bothersome injury to recover from, it'll keep coming back unless you are very careful. On the bright side, this is the perfect opportunity to train your brain into using your left hand properly... I know right-handed people that prefer to use the mouse on their left hand, on account of "getting used to it".


Rune. ...and that SSTO has too much TWR, pretty sure you could drop an engine or two. :P

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Thanks, it has been a bit awkward, but not impossible to build and fly one handed.   I'm sure the SSTO could use further refinement, but it is one of my first successful cargo SSTO designs.  Most, probably all, of my ships have too much TWR and too many engines, but I grew up a bit of a motor-head, stuffing huge engines into small cars.  Never can have too much power and acceleration! :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

New craft posted!  BZTRocketSpeeder is able to deorbit at Duna, land, grab SCIENCE and reorbit!  The ship contains small wing segments and elevons to help with control in Duna atmosphere.  They should be removed if only visiting airless bodies.




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Just now, Iago said:

That's pretty neat! Does it have VTOL capabilities?

Your question is moot dear boy. Any craft with rear facing motors and sufficient TWR is capable of VTOL. And there are two types of VTOL, tail sitting and flat rising. And as there are pictures you can see that it would be a tail sitting VTOL. Given the low gravity of Duna I would say yes it can VTOL, tail- sitting. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Several new ships added, my first 1.1 crafts, enjoy!

The Science Smasher!  This large VTOL landing science cruiser makes orbit with ~2000 dV, enough to get to Minmus for refueling.  Plenty of room for your most sciency Kerbals.



ScienceLab DeLuxe

A sleek little mobile science station with all of the deluxe features and bristling with science instruments! Two fully outfitted probes rated for Duna and Eve landings, and two "Little Landers" tested capable of up to a Duna landing and return.



Nuke Tug Bus

Heavily inspired by recent efforts by @Rune and @Cupcake...  this is my version of a nuclear powered station/base tug



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Hi @PointySideUp!  Love the ships!  Can't wait to drop a Science Smasher on some unsuspecting moon... :wink:  Just launched the Nuke Tug Bus and love it, but I hope you don't mind a little feedback...

1 - The launch vehicle, IMO could and should be simplified.  As-is, it tumbled around 50km and was kinda tough to get back under control.  Made it to orbit ok, but was not really a launch worthy of such a beautiful craft.

2 - about 200 dV into the Minmus burn (with Rune's new Base In A Box in tow), the port engines flamed out.  Turns out the internal fuel hose was routed kinda weird and not supplying fuel to the port side (I replaced with a symmetrical pair of hoses from the side of the mk-3 tank to the front end of the bi-couplers, which I suspect is what you intended).

Other than that I love the ship! 

I took the liberty of creating a new launch vehicle for it - nothing fancy, but gets the job done Fairly Reliably :cool:  I also created an imgur album of my launches with the various iterations of my new launch vehicle for your entertainment... My first couple attempts had an intermediate stage that would have taken the thing all the way to Duna, but the current version gets it to orbit with about 575 dV left at LKO.



Again, thanks for all the ships and hope you like my little tweak!  Also stuck something special [which I stole from @Rune] in the cargo bay of the Nuke Tug Bus... :wink:

Danny.  Ad Astra Per Abverto!

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16 minutes ago, duk said:

Fantastic crafts I especially love the science smasher a neat design!

Thank you!  The front end came together nicely, but I was stuck for a while on the rest.  The first design had droppable tanks where the side nacelles are now, glad you like it!

48 minutes ago, CrashTestDanny said:


Hi @PointySideUp!  Love the ships!  Can't wait to drop a Science Smasher on some unsuspecting moon... :wink:  Just launched the Nuke Tug Bus and love it, but I hope you don't mind a little feedback...


Thank you for the feedback, I noticed something similar with the fuel routing today and have updated the file on KerbalX.  My normal launch for the Nuke Tug Bus is to rotate soon off the pad, then immediately tilt about ~15° slowly increasing the gravity turn until I am at 45° by ~20,000.  My usual target AP is ~90K where I have a station.  Fuel for the boosters should run out when you are finishing the circularization burn or just dump them when PE is ~68K for a debris free launch.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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