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Alternative/hidden meanings to songs!


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I was reading something about how, "Total eclipse of the heart," was one of the greatest ballads every made or something and the song and video had alot of stuff to be analyzed... I came up with something that might explain the entire song and music video!


Constipation/gas relief medication!! Simultaneously the experiences of going to a lot of restaurants in the 80's! Or what can happen on a good date!(maybe general medication/goods for incontinence... Adult Pampers!! ;d)

The sword fighters represent the struggle. The gymnast represents the physical reality of holding it in(notice there is only one. Where there are two sword fighters fighting for victory(holdin/release!)). When the gymnast flips and the bang is heard that is when it was released! immediately afterwords the chaos ensues in the eating scene and wind potentially makes everything go everywhere or is the result of the shock/chaos of those in the vacinity! Earlier she walks past the young men and a wind blows their shirts open. Most interpret this as something potentially sexual. But I say no! >< The young man with the wings and makeup is a "little stinker!?"/ the inevitable coming!(Religious arcanology/iconology like the end is night. The little devil/angel or the two sides of the coin pain/holding or release/salvation.) The mask of the sword fighter comes off after the final large bangs emphasizing the end of the struggle and the match between the two sides! the multiple bangs around the gymnast flip could be the same bang being down over and over representing the magnitude or ramifications of one event or multiple events or a combo. The kids could represent the returning of the other person or other similar things representing the return to innocent aka the childlike/forgiving love of the other individual. Or the sentiment of finally having those gas pill!

Every now and then I get a little bit reckless and I dream of something wild! <- A boring teachers job and needing good food! Or the teacher is metaphorical for the musicians personal experience in general. the boring side of life and just needing food.

And if you consider the 80's and popularity of sushi restaurants or the ability of those of the rich or money to spend to go to a Japanese restaurant. The ninjas may finally be explained!


Anyone ever count the people in the different scenes and their order? There is a partial countdown at certain points almost. If not that is kind of interesting. 6/5/4/3/2/1 in different orders. 1/3/15/16.5or17...


I'll  also assume this song was long ago related to a food or gas pill commercial! (Note lyrics: "Living in a powder keg and giving off sparks" and "Once upon a time there was light in my life. Now there's only love in the dark!!" ><)


To be a little funnier still. The part about how many years have gone by could be about how long someone holds in their fart! 8d The ultimate redemption for gas releif!! From the ultimate 80's ballad! (That or it's how long someone has had serious gas issues!! ;d)


The beginning lyrics "I get little tired of you never comin round" in the gas interpretation would have to be being constipated initially...

Edited by Arugela
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There is a song by a band called Kap Bambino, they are french and one song is about rotting flesh or something and it goes "Flesh after flesh, burning like the sun!". Its not as weird as it sounds, just a bit "foreign" (at one point the word "fooding" is used...?...). If you like a sort of post-industrial electro-noise kind of thing, check them out, they are excellent.

On first hearing this song I heard "Flash after flash, burning like the sun!" and I assumed it was about a nuclear war.

So there you go :)

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Cygnus X-1, Book II: Hemispheres by Rush. It's about brain hemispheres and the conflict between emotions and logic, but it could also be about a space traveler who becomes the god of balance Cygnus, putting an end to the war between Apollo and Dionysius and their respective followers..

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  On 9/25/2016 at 8:43 PM, Arugela said:

I was reading something about how, "Total eclipse of the heart," was one of the greatest ballads every made or something and the song and video had alot of stuff to be analyzed...




... with Total Eclipse of the Heart, I was trying to come up with a love song and I remembered I actually wrote that to be a vampire love song. Its original title was Vampires in Love because I was working on a musical of Nosferatu, the other great vampire story. If anyone listens to the lyrics, they're really like vampire lines. It's all about the darkness, the power of darkness and love's place in dark...



  On 9/26/2016 at 6:22 AM, lajoswinkler said:



Ha! You've been Rickrolled! :P

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  On 9/26/2016 at 10:19 AM, Bill Phil said:

Cygnus X-1, Book II: Hemispheres by Rush. It's about brain hemispheres and the conflict between emotions and logic, but it could also be about a space traveler who becomes the god of balance Cygnus, putting an end to the war between Apollo and Dionysius and their respective followers..


been meaning to check that out, as its the inspiration for vektor's terminal redux album. also been meaning to go through rush's discog in for some time now.

but you want dual meaning in songs, just check out judas priest (not going into why because adult themes).

Edited by Nuke
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  On 9/27/2016 at 5:17 AM, Nuke said:

been meaning to check that out, as its the inspiration for vektor's terminal redux album. also been meaning to go through rush's discog in for some time now.

but you want dual meaning in songs, just check out judas priest (not going into why because adult themes).


Yeah... once Halford came out of the closet, I went back through my Priest albums...

It's amazing the number of double entendres there are in so many of their songs once there's a tiny new piece of information.

As for Rush (been a fan since 1977, Hemispheres is one of my top five favorite albums, not only of theirs, but also overall) - 

Apollo was astonished

Dionysius thought me mad

But they heard my story further

And they wondered and were sad

Looking down from Olympus on a world of doubt and fears

Its surface splintered into sorry hemispheres


But one of the best ambiguous lines in any song ever is from Lola, by The Kinks: 

I'm not the world's most masculine man

But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man

And so is Lola

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure how hidden this meaning is, but "Hotel California" by The Eagles is about alcoholism/addiction

A certain song by Gino Vanelli, but I don't think it's appropriate for this forum. An ex-girlfriend of mine hated it.

  On 9/26/2016 at 10:34 AM, kerbiloid said:

Jingle Bells.
It's an old Kerbal chantey about rocket nozzles.


It's not quite the season yet, but there are some of those in this thread: 


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  On 9/29/2016 at 12:13 AM, MaxxQ said:

But one of the best ambiguous lines in any song ever is from Lola, by The Kinks: 

I'm not the world's most masculine man

But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man

And so is Lola


Not quite sure what is ambiguous about it... Seems pretty clear to me.

Edited by Robotengineer
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Back in the day this was pretty innocent. In a modern context you would probably get locked up for it.

Hey little girl is your daddy home
Did he go away and leave you all alone
I got a bad desire
I'm on fire

Tell me now baby is he good to you
Can he do to you the things that I do
I can take you higher
I'm on fire

Sometimes it's like someone took a knife baby
Edgy and dull and cut a six-inch valley
Through the middle of my soul

At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet
And a freight train running through the
Middle of my head
Only you can cool my desire
I'm on fire

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