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[1.3] Planetary Domes


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Love the mod, only issue is the lack of being able to breath inside the domes an the airlocks. Can you make it compatible with kerbalism and other life support mods? Also the airlocks, well they are not letting me exit when I enter, it's saying eva disabled, select hatch, I got no idea how to fix that, please assist. 


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1 hour ago, The-Doctor said:

Love the mod, only issue is the lack of being able to breath inside the domes an the airlocks. Can you make it compatible with kerbalism and other life support mods? Also the airlocks, well they are not letting me exit when I enter, it's saying eva disabled, select hatch, I got no idea how to fix that, please assist. 


If the airlocks are on Kerbin you can breathe... or if you are wearing your helmet on another planet inside the domes :P or edit TR to be breathable in vacuum :/

It simply won't work as texture replacer and KIS/KAS look at the body and atmosphere definitions and decide from that.

I've suggested before that it someone could look at flagging a breathable atmosphere when contained within an enclosed cargo bay, perhaps the code for occulding items within cargo bays when in atmospheric flight could be used.  Planetary Domes could then specify that the dome was basically an enclosed atmosphere.


EDIT - I wonder if this could be done now that TR is being completely reworked?  Pinging @HaArLiNsH for thoughts on this...

Edited by theJesuit
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I wonder if it would be possible to "move in" oxygen / water / food to the suit from the TAC-LS deposit inside the dome / tunnel like an "invisible fuel line" when inside the structures.
Same for "move out" carbon dioxide / waste water / waste ...


Just an idea, "normally" a Kerbal on EVA does not stay so long that this is necessary - but technically I would like to know.
That would be an alternative to a "real" breathable atmosphere inside the dome / tunnel.

Edited by Gordon Dry
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13 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

Love the mod, only issue is the lack of being able to breath inside the domes an the airlocks. Can you make it compatible with kerbalism and other life support mods? Also the airlocks, well they are not letting me exit when I enter, it's saying eva disabled, select hatch, I got no idea how to fix that, please assist. 


@The-Doctor, as @theJesuit said, for now you have to edit TR config files if you want to be able to remove helmets/suits outside of Kerbin. I can't write plugins and I have no idea if such feature can be implemented. It seems to me that it might be possible, but I lack the skill to do it for now.

Regarding the airlocks, just left-click on the side you want to exit. It has automated EVA disabled so you have to pick the hatch manually, just like you would normally do for any other pod.

Regarding the compatibility, I'm working on a patch for USI-LS and I see @Gordon Dry here is working on TAC, so I guess patches are inbound :)

4 hours ago, Gordon Dry said:

I wonder if it would be possible to "move in" oxygen / water / food to the suit from the TAC-LS deposit inside the dome / tunnel like an "invisible fuel line" when inside the structures.
Same for "move out" carbon dioxide / waste water / waste ...


Just an idea, "normally" a Kerbal on EVA does not stay so long that this is necessary - but technically I would like to know.
That would be an alternative to a "real" breathable atmosphere inside the dome / tunnel.

I think the logistics system @RoverDude made for MKS could work like this, but then having multiple Kerbals on EVA, each counting as a separate vessel, is not going to be healthy for your fps. I'd rather go for suspending LS for Kerbals on EVA that are inside the dome altogether, but as I said, I can't make a plugin that would do any of this :)

Edited by Thrimm
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1 hour ago, The-Doctor said:

The domes don't protect occupants against heat

I'd hope not.  As I have a built in gas fire with a pane of glass at the front, I expect the pane of glass to get hot and pass the heat into the room.



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5 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

@Thrimm the same way the airlocks are mk1 cabins with atmospheres, if you label the domes as hitch hikers in their configs, I'm sure it would enable atmospheres in them

Sorry for the double post... but the domes are just structural parts.  The kerbals EVA around them, not 'in' them.  Unless you can EVA in a hitchhiker, in which case I've been missing something...


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4 hours ago, The-Doctor said:


LOL. Kerbal science in its purest form! Take reputation, dude. :rep: 


For the meantime @Gordon Dry you may want to include something in your patch to remove the provided Machinery resource, as it is useless outside of MKS. Also, I believe EVA kerbals can share resource with a vessel via the command seat and be sustained by the larger vessel as long as they're seated. I've seen configs hinting at it for TAC in the Omicron flying car mod. For USI, their EVA grace period (before dying of starvation) is reset by taking a seat.

And @Thrimm may I suggest a few instances of the appropriate NEEDS tag(s) in your patch config to ensure that this resource is only provided when USI is present? :) 

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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I'm irritated. My last edit of the patches produce the following for example:

"Glass dome for base construction. Perfect for growing your space potatos!"

First the main file

	name = dome_small
	module = Part
	author = MarkThrimm
	mesh = dome_small.mu
	scale = 0.1
	rescaleFactor = 1.25
	node_stack_pod01 = 25,0,0,  1,0,0,2
	node_stack_pod02 = -25,0,0, -1,0,0,2
	node_stack_pod03 = 0,0,25,  0,0,1,2
	node_stack_pod04 = 0,0,-25, 0,0,-1,2
	node_stack_top = 0, 26, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
	node_stack_bottom = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0
, 3
	TechRequired = metaMaterials
	entryCost = 7800
	cost = 400
	category = Structural
	subcategory = 0
	title = Glass Dome 6.25m size
	manufacturer = Thrimm Aerospace
	description = Glass dome for base construction. Perfect for growing your space potatos!
	attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
	stackSymmetry = 1
	mass = 2
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.2
	minimum_drag = 0.2
	angularDrag = 2
	crashTolerance = 20
	maxTemp = 2000 // = 3400
	fuelCrossFeed = True
	NoCrossFeedNodeKey = bottom
	bulkheadProfiles = size2, size1
	tags = ?2 dome Thrimm 

followed by the excerpt inside my

//Small Glass Dome of Planetary Domes
		name = LifeSupportModule
	// Use replace (%) rather than edit (@), to ensure that the following values are loaded regardless of the presence/absence of MFT/RealFuels 
		%amount = 3.290634
		%maxAmount = 3.290634
		%amount = 2.174958
		%maxAmount = 2.174958
		%amount = 333.111726
		%maxAmount = 333.111726
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 287.737056
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 2.76975
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 0.29925

and the excerpt inside my edited

        name = Machinery
        amount = 100
        maxAmount = 100

		name = ModuleHabitation
		BaseKerbalMonths = 200
		CrewCapacity = 0
		BaseHabMultiplier = 0
		ConverterName = Habitat
		StartActionName = Start Habitat
		StopActionName = Stop Habitat		
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 0.525
		name = USI_ModuleFieldRepair

I don't have USI Life Support installed, so the excerpt of the
got this:

	name = dome_small
	type = PART
	parentUrl = PlanetaryDomes/Parts/DomeSmall/dome_small
	url = PlanetaryDomes/Parts/DomeSmall/dome_small/dome_small
		name = dome_small
		module = Part
		author = MarkThrimm
		mesh = dome_small.mu
		scale = 0.1
		rescaleFactor = 1.25
		node_stack_pod01 = 25,0,0,  1,0,0,2
		node_stack_pod02 = -25,0,0, -1,0,0,2
		node_stack_pod03 = 0,0,25,  0,0,1,2
		node_stack_pod04 = 0,0,-25, 0,0,-1,2
		node_stack_top = 0, 26, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1
		node_stack_bottom = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0
		TechRequired = metaMaterials
		entryCost = 7800
		cost = 400
		category = Structural
		subcategory = 0
		title = Glass Dome 6.25m size
		manufacturer = Thrimm Aerospace
		description = Glass dome for base construction. Perfect for growing your space potatos!
		attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
		stackSymmetry = 1
		mass = 2
		dragModelType = default
		maximum_drag = 0.2
		minimum_drag = 0.2
		angularDrag = 2
		crashTolerance = 20
		maxTemp = 2000
		fuelCrossFeed = True
		NoCrossFeedNodeKey = bottom
		bulkheadProfiles = size2, size1
		tags = ?2 dome Thrimm
			name = CollisionFX
			scrapeSparks = true
			collisionSound = CollisionFX/Sounds/Bang1
			scrapeSound = CollisionFX/Sounds/GroundSkid
			sparkSound = CollisionFX/Sounds/SparkSqueal
			name = GPOSpeedPump
			_pumpLevel = 8
			name = LifeSupportModule
			name = Food
			amount = 3.290634
			maxAmount = 3.290634
			name = Water
			amount = 2.174958
			maxAmount = 2.174958
			name = Oxygen
			amount = 333.111726
			maxAmount = 333.111726
			name = CarbonDioxide
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 287.737056
			name = Waste
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 2.76975
			name = WasteWater
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 0.29925
			name = AYPart
			name = ModuleTankActionLock
			name = USI_ModuleRecycleablePart
			Menu = Disassemble Part
			ResourceName = MaterialKits
			Efficiency = .5
			name = GeometryPartModule
			name = FARAeroPartModule
			name = FARPartModule
			name = SectionInfo
			name = SmartRename


I don't have "Machinery Resource" as you mentioned but this:

			name = USI_ModuleRecycleablePart
			Menu = Disassemble Part
			ResourceName = MaterialKits
			Efficiency = .5

Did you mean that or did you use old versions of my configs?

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4 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

I don't have "Machinery Resource" as you mentioned but this:

I made my call based on your first screenshot in which I saw all the TAC LS resources + Machinery. (Since you already inserted the "NEEDS USI" tags for yourself it's alright.) I'm sorry if I caused any needless bother.

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On 25/06/2017 at 4:44 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

And @Thrimm may I suggest a few instances of the appropriate NEEDS tag(s) in your patch config to ensure that this resource is only provided when USI is present? :) 

@JadeOfMaar That's a good suggestion, I just didn't expect anyone to install USI-LS patch without having the mod installed in the first place, but I guess one can never been too sure. I'll add it.

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10 minutes ago, Thrimm said:

@JadeOfMaar That's a good suggestion, I just didn't expect anyone to install USI-LS patch without having the mod installed in the first place, but I guess one can never been too sure. I'll add it.

Hi Thrimm, was there a beta release that I missed or are you still tweaking?


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@theJesuit The 1.3 update is just to satisfy some dependencies. It's merely a version bump. :) 

2 hours ago, NNYGamer said:

A life support mod that looked like plants/ trees would go great in these.

I think that could be a welcome addition, even better if it worked differently too: the trees could be passive like RTGs but in need of the occasional top-up to continue functioning. That plus some constant EC.

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3 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@theJesuit The 1.3 update is just to satisfy some dependencies. It's merely a version bump. :) 

I think that could be a welcome addition, even better if it worked differently too: the trees could be passive like RTGs but in need of the occasional top-up to continue functioning. That plus some constant EC.

I'm just looking forward to the new domes with EVA-though airlocks :)

I wonder if the KK static creators could put nodes on their trees and such to turn them into 'plant parts'... LS mods could just add their own greenhouse module to each tree.cfg  It could add a boost to happiness traits in the more complex LS systems too.

Actually, there are parts that surface attach only.   I may give this a go.  Nice suggestion @NNYGamer!

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4 hours ago, theJesuit said:

Hi Thrimm, was there a beta release that I missed or are you still tweaking?


@theJesuit I have new dome type ready but I wanted to add a bit more before actually releasing the beta. The domes are moving from being merely structural parts to parts with active nodes that will react whether an airlock is attached to a node or not, built in lights and also I want to add some functionality in USI-LS, turning them into efficiency parts. That requires more tweaking than I expected and I also had to completely rework colliders, which was painful.

7 hours ago, NNYGamer said:

A life support mod that looked like plants/ trees would go great in these.

@NNYGamer Once the new functionality is in place the next thing I want to add are plant pods that go with those and even more dome types with specific functions provided LS mods are installed. So plant pods, trees, science labs and workshops are coming soonTM:)

Edited by Thrimm
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6 hours ago, Thrimm said:

@theJesuit I have new dome type ready but I wanted to add a bit more before actually releasing the beta. The domes are moving from being merely structural parts to parts with active nodes that will react whether an airlock is attached to a node or not, built in lights and also I want to add some functionality in USI-LS, turning them into efficiency parts. That requires more tweaking than I expected and I also had to completely rework colliders, which was painful.

@NNYGamer Once the new functionality is in place the next thing I want to add are plant pods that go with those and even more dome types with specific functions provided LS mods are installed. So plant pods, trees, science labs and workshops are coming soonTM:)

Take your time.  I think this is going to be one of the best additional new parts since Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, as it isn't just another command pod, tank or engine but something unique amd well thought out!


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On 9/1/2017 at 10:46 AM, hypervelocity said:

yo @Thrimm, many many thanks for this mod, it is awesome!!! I haven't deployed any surface bases yet but the folks at my Earth & Moon space stations are getting a much needed overhaul to their observatories! Will post pics later on :)

Small suggestions: if these domes are pressurized & full of oxygen, I would suggest they consume a bit of EC to sustain pressure and also act as an oxygen tank meaning the gas must be loaded into them as a resource and can be depleted.

Keep up the great work! Cheers!

Today, I am living up to my promise!

I humbly give you Reds Station, a Lunar orbital science outpost and observatory constructed under Real Solar System & Realism Overhaul.

Album https://imgur.com/a/zCbix will appear when post is submitted

The station is a fully equipped orbital science laboratory with a crew capacity of 5.

The middle section contains 2 Observatories, and it rotates freely to generate 0.55g of artificial gravity (specs in the imgur album description).

It was assembled in low lunar orbit in 4 flights (Command & Rotation Modules, Arm & Observatory 1, Arm & Observatory 2, Propulsion Module)

Hope you like it! :)

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