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As i like to play games like Anno or Vikings was a lill on the prowl for some indies and found one realy time consuming "beast" called "Project Alpha". And my gf "terrorized" me long for play FF14 again... And i'm realy terrified what will be on SummerSale this year...

I never have enough time to play all i want to play...

Like "Phoenix point" a new game by original XCom developer...

Funny Kabooms 


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Finally got round to playing through Tomb Raider (2013) which has probably been sitting in my Steam Library for a couple of years now.  Reasonably impressed with it, and it's the first Tomb Raider game that I've finished.  It's also the first one to feature QTE's that *didn't* make me want to throw the controller at a wall, which frankly is an achievement in itself.

Seeing as Platinum decided to port Bayonetta to PC I picked that up and have been having a bash at it here and there.  Good game and performs rather well to boot.  Only minor criticism would be the save system.

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I recently explored the Universe with Space Engine! Amazing!

I tried to play Minecraft on a server, yet it did not work out so well, since it was overseas.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've downloaded Project Reality last Saturday.

There's just no game like it. A perfect balance between realism and gameplay.

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I got Overwatch when they had their free weekend, and have been playing it since. It's the most fun I've had in a game in a while. The only frustrating part is that seemingly half the time you get paired up with toxic players who want to complain about a team mate picking a 'troll hero' or outright throwing. I mainly play Mercy/Lucio and other heroes that don't require great aim.

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Have been playing a bit with Pioneer. The game is already a few years old but still developed. It's completely open source and for that actually quite nice. Gets a little repetitive after some time but still much better than Freelancer for example. Although, because of the ridiculous dV and acceleration the ships have, the feeling is more 2 dimensional than in ksp/orbiter.

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Warhammer Aos and 40k.

Not video games but still. I am Lizardmen no, Seraphon and Eldar Carftworld no, erhm that's it! Aeldari.


And for video games I have plan flying a dolphin in HiCZ in elite dangerous. 

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13 hours ago, legoclone09 said:

I've still been playing STALKER (playing Call of Chernobyl mod now), and I also picked up Rising Storm 2, and I love it!

I picked up Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm when it was free for a bit recently, but then I bought Oxygen not Included and Planet Coaster. So now I'm playing those.

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Having burnt myself out on space sims, walking sims, factory sims, crafting adventures, open-world RPGs, and stealth games, I decided to pick up a controller for the first time in ... twenty years, I think, and put Dead Cells to the test.

I was not disappointed. I absolutely love the roguelike aspect of the game and the continuous progression is very well done. Combat is very fun as well, although now my thumbs are hella sore and I need to build up muscle memory for proper controller usage again.

On 6/7/2017 at 0:40 AM, DDE said:

Only had time for brief sorties in WoWS, have Withcer on the backburner... looking to get this bad boy:

The box set is amazing. I did the Kickstarter in 2015, it was worth the wait. That board is enormous.

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