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1.3 - What will it have?

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13 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

I agree that a BYOP (Build Your Own Aircraft) air/near-space combat simulator could be quite a bit of fun! Although I suppose care would need to be taken to avoid having a weapon or loadout that dominates. Build your own weapons too? Oops, I'm off-topic here....

I think 1.3 has been pretty much decided. I guess it's time for a "What do you want in 1.4 or 2.0" discussion thread....

We can always bump this one:


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11 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

I figured it out!

Kerbal+localization=more money for SQUAD=more updates!


I feel like the number of people knowing English is enough to not make much of a difference in their income. However, localization is a pretty basic thing every game should have so there's a chance they are finally trying to integrate essential features into the game (dV, TWR, Transfer window planner, etc.)

1 hour ago, MiffedStarfish said:

I think squad should attempt to salvage some hype for 1.3 by adding a delta-V counter. They wouldn't even have to program it, BECAUSE KERBAL EDU HAS ONE. and we don't.design_data_select.PNG

They can't. We had a thread about it a while back and someone who knows how all this legal stuff works said they can't simply integrate it into KSP. I'm not exactly sure why but I think it has to do with the code that is being used (it's KER in the picture) and the fact that Kerbal Edu is some other dev team (SQUAD but not SQUAD?). They pretty much have to reinvent the wheel in order to deliver it.

Edited by Veeltch
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Reinventing the wheel should not be an issue when it shouldn't take anything to make to start. They already made the games interface, which KER? uses. so KER used their code or the code from the engine. There is only a little math to use and it's neutral and out of necessity. there is nothing in this that involves copywrite. It' s a cheap interface from their game and basic things that have existed in all operating systems and in things since before computers. They didn't invent any of it. Everything they would make it out of necessity and for their own game which they designed. Tehy have a right to make things and possibly use it. It's not significant enough to warrant much. What the heck kind of law are they running into?! The only thing they should have to fear is writing their own agreements badly! 8)


Copyright does not protect everything you do. It's not designed for that. It protects original works. Things in a math field like programming aren't actually covered. We are even using code that is from a language regurgitating pre used words. That means it fundamentally can't be copyrighted because the code writer(user of said language) didn't make it. And it's not enough to be a work and it represent mathmatics in shorthand! And anything in it besides are comments. Unless they are doing poetry in the comment lines there is no copyright of programming. PERIOD! That is law. At least in the US. Any judge or other government official who says otherwise is in violation of the law.

And more than likely Mexican law is mimicking US law. And even English law originally was this way until it got out of hand.

Besides this copyright in the US cannot stop the flow of culture. It is illegal for it to do so. There is a reason you had to go out of your way to copyright and all things were on the heads of the person who might want to copyright. This automatic copyright is in itself illegal under US law. AKA unconstitutional.

Ok copyright is probably not the issue.... A little too tired to think.

What was the thread that mentioned they couldn't use it?!

Edited by Arugela
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@Arugela well apparently it does have something to do with the law. If it didn't we would have had KER integrated into stock long time ago. I think it's just like distributing mods. You can't just download someone's mod, post it on forums and say you did it unless you have contacted the creator and he gave you the permission or the persmission to redistribute was in the OP from the start. If you think about it it's pretty much the same thing we are discussing: SQUAD takes someone's mod, integrates (AKA redistributes) it without any permission and now that person is less likely to have money donated to his/hers Patreon because the mod thread became obsolete (since it became stock) and nobody is visitng it anymore, thus not sending any money to the original creator.

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1 hour ago, Veeltch said:

If it didn't we would have had KER integrated into stock long time ago.

I was under the impression that this was "explicit design decision" not to include more information because the devs like blindfiring rockets. Pretty sure there's been multiple posts to that effect over the years.

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26 minutes ago, Jarin said:

I was under the impression that this was "explicit design decision" not to include more information because the devs like blindfiring rockets. Pretty sure there's been multiple posts to that effect over the years.

It was, but then a decision was made to include 'something that rhymes with "Shmelta-Vee"' (<- quote from one of the official SQUAD sources) and then the idea was suddenly dropped for no reason and the guy who said it (one of the community managers, IIRC) was fired shortly after.

So my guess would still be that it's some law stuff. I mean, it makes sense. Creator of KER "sold" the code to the Kerbal Edu guys because he knew Kerbal Edu wouldn't sell well and he could get still more money from people who donated. Either that or Kerbal Edu team doesn't want to share it.

Whatever it is, the way the development of some things is working in this company is mind boggling. No roadmap, features are being dropped, we get even less info because of the potential community rage over promised but not delivered features. At this point I just wish KSP wasn't SQUAD's.

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3 hours ago, Arugela said:

Reinventing the wheel should not be an issue when it shouldn't take anything to make to start. They already made the games interface, which KER? uses. so KER used their code or the code from the engine. There is only a little math to use and it's neutral and out of necessity. there is nothing in this that involves copywrite. It' s a cheap interface from their game and basic things that have existed in all operating systems and in things since before computers. They didn't invent any of it. Everything they would make it out of necessity and for their own game which they designed. Tehy have a right to make things and possibly use it. It's not significant enough to warrant much. What the heck kind of law are they running into?! The only thing they should have to fear is writing their own agreements badly! 8)

The creator of KER does not own a copyright on the concept or equations of delta V, just the code of KER itself. If KerbalEDU uses KER code, then there must have been a licensing agreement to allow that, and it sounds like it does not give SQUAD the right to put KER's code into the base game (i.e., the version that is not "KerbalEDU"). Does that clear up your confusion? Yes, SQUAD is perfectly free to create their own version of a delta V calculator, but they are not free to sell KER without its author's permission.

3 hours ago, Arugela said:

Things in a math field like programming aren't actually covered. We are even using code that is from a language regurgitating pre used words. That means it fundamentally can't be copyrighted because the code writer(user of said language) didn't make it. And it's not enough to be a work and it represent mathmatics in shorthand! And anything in it besides are comments. Unless they are doing poetry in the comment lines there is no copyright of programming. PERIOD! That is law. At least in the US. Any judge or other government official who says otherwise is in violation of the law.

Copyright most definitely does apply to programming. I'd be interested to see any citations you can make to the contrary.

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Physics optimizing and multi core support! (Yes I know ksp uses more than one core, but that is in no way that matters) I'm so bummed out about that I cant make large stations and such. I have played so much, just landing on a body is not that appealing anymore, I want to build bases and stations. With the current physics calculations that are going on that is simply not possible. with my cpu running at 5Ghz I still lag so bad its unplayable with a decent size station. PLEASE optimize the game. Also that graphics upgrade would be really nice. just the atmosphere and the surface textures of planets and moons would go a long way. It really bothers me every time I have to install several mods to get the game looking good, and I have had so many problems with them.

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1 hour ago, Starslinger999 said:

I would like Ksp to have a proper Story. Like the Original story planned with the Easter-eggs and a hidden planet. And no they are not adding multiplayer in 1.3. That may never happen guys. 

I'd absolutely love volunteer to write it!   :)

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4 hours ago, Starslinger999 said:

I think you would be great for the Job :P

Awww, thanks you! :D

But seriously, if @SQUAD ever did decide they wanted a story, and by some miracle did ask me, the first thing I would do is reach out to the other authors like @Kuzzter and @CatastrophicFailure and @KSK (and others) and ask if they would want to join in. Then try to make it a really epic story, not as crazy as Emiko Station, but one that really fits the game.

But to bring this back on topic... @SQUAD has made no indication they want one, and even if they did, there is no way it would be ready for 1.3  :(

Edited by Just Jim
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On 06/03/2017 at 4:04 PM, Merandix said:

built in tutorial features combined with a more logical career progression. Perhaps even with a tool that will make it possible to create challenges ingame, but that's pushing it.

That is one of the best bets I've ever seen.

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The localization effort and especially the refactoring of many thousands of lines of code is quite the achievement in such a short time ... This has also provided an opportunity for the newer members of the Squad team to get their hands dirty working with the KSP code ... I have great confidence that Squad will continue to bring us many new goodies in the future

This is what 1.3 has brought in addition to my prediction below 

I'll just leave this here .....


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/10/2016 at 6:39 PM, panzer1b said:

Things like RO/RSS are great for those that enjoy it, but making that stock would make at least 50% of the community unhappy, LS same situation (albeit that can just be toggled off), just no reason to spend the time and effort implenting something that at least half the community isnt crazy about.

Also, while i would love to see MP, the amount of effort and time it would take to make that would require too much time dedicated away from core features.  Wish DMP wasnt abandoned (its technically being updated to new versions but actual development and bugfixing is completely dead), it was a good mod back in the day before it just fell apart.  That said, not exactly a priority imo right now...

a couple things. 1. a RSS in stock wouldnt be an issue, they could keep the current system, and make it a choose able option when you create the save which you use, then both sides of the community are happy. 2. with multiplayer, work on that started with 0.24, they have been working on that for a long time, and frankly, as much as i use dmp ALOT, it does leave a little to be desired, since it is quite glitchy, which is to be expected, ive only ever heard of one other incident of the community creating a fully fledged multiplayer for a game, and that was gta san andreas, but i feel that squad could, if they take the necessary time with it, produce as multiplayer that honestly blows DMP (and its predecessor KMP) out of the water. although id love to see multiplayer ASAP, id much rather wait a while and get a fully completed version of it, not a half broken, glitchy mess thats barely playable (and DMP, while glitchy, is still very much playable and enjoyable).

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