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[Minimum KSP version - 1.12] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.29


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I honestly don't  know where to go to bug report but on EVA on any planet for one specific design whenever I released the small radial mounted container the game well, bugged out (and in a major way to, as in all kerbals on EVA blew up (I checked the console to see specifics but it just wouldn't open) then the all the planets would disappear so i would open the map and they wouldn't be there either) and as well all the models were no longer responding i would have to close the game and start it up again which would fix the problem but yeah it happened to me about two maybe three time's. Now i'm not sure if it's this mod specifically or if it's one of the other four (excluding module manager) but as it happened while i was working with a component from your mod I figured I should let you and other users know.

Oh an BTW excellent job

Edited by Sad+Lonely
Found out somthing
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/4/2019 at 10:17 AM, Nicky21 said:

Has the SC62 container been nerfed since the last time i played? I can barely fit anything in it now. I get that 1000L was unrealistic, but 280 is too little to be practical.


280L is what this container could hold if it was real. If you don't like physics, you can always adjust your universe via the part's config file.

  On 10/4/2019 at 9:23 PM, infinite_monkey said:

Seems so. I don't think 1000l are unrealistic - the thing is 1x1x1 m in size, which is 1000 l.


"The thing" is not a 1m cube, it's about 0.6m cube. FYI: a normal kerbal is only 0.75m tall, so figure the scale.

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  On 8/11/2019 at 7:19 PM, SimonTheSkink said:

Frankly I have no clue. I just use whatever it takes for the game to work, I don't know what's making it work in the background or how to even check otherwise. All I know is that the parts icons were cut off at the top in the VAB and it was something to do with DirectX apparently. So I installed the TexturesUnlimited- mod to repair it.



Was this ever figured out? I'm having the exact same problem. I already had textures unlimited installed, so I reinstalled it and it didn't seem to fix it.

Looking at the Textures Unlimited Github issues tracker, I think I found that the mod is behaving poorly with the DLC. What adverse effects will there be for removing Textures Unlimited completely?

  On 8/11/2019 at 6:26 PM, Tonka Crash said:

Are you running with opengl, directX11 or directX12?  I think these can create this problems, these are also unsupported.

FYI, when you request help, posting logs is more useful than a list of mods without any other supporting data (like which version of each mod)


What should I be running KSP with if not OpenGL, DirectX 11, or DirectX 12?



So removing the "000_TexturesUnlimited" folder seems to fix the quarter icon problem for inventory slots, but all the item icons in the VAB are now blueish. To explain this further, on the side where you pick the peice you want, those icons are all blueish. When you hover over it with your mouse, you can see the texture in the window that pops up. When you click on the model to place it in the building area, it also has the correct texture. I think I could almost live with this, but I feel that there is a better solution. 

I assume removing the folder removed the textures for that type of icon. I'll explore this more when I get some more time. I'm still open to any advice or solutions. 

Edited by JamesB84
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  On 8/30/2019 at 8:58 PM, Cavscout74 said:

I honestly can't remember what parts it happened on, although I'm fairly certain some were stock pods.  I don't think BG has any inflatable parts, and I have very few from any of my installed mods - and most were higher tech than what I had unlocked when I found the bug.  Once I figured out what was happening, I chocked it up to BG interfering with KIS and started making sure to unequip tools or put them in storage before boarding craft.  I can try to check specific pods this weekend to see for sure if it's stock or mod parts.


I have no logs to offer (yet), but I did experience this. Heavily modded install but almost entirely stock vessel. My engineer had a wrench and then later didn't have a wrench. If it happens again, I will post logs.

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  On 10/9/2019 at 4:36 AM, eightiesboi said:

I have no logs to offer (yet), but I did experience this. Heavily modded install but almost entirely stock vessel. My engineer had a wrench and then later didn't have a wrench. If it happens again, I will post logs.


just in case it happens again:

  Reveal hidden contents


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  On 10/9/2019 at 9:21 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

just in case it happens again:

  Reveal hidden contents



I actually used the debug option to save my kerbals, but I actually didn't know about the ability to prestock pods. I should have known that @IgorZ and others would have thought of this! Thank you! 

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BUG: (ksp 1.7.3 , latest kis version). I have several mods, one of them beeing Kerbal Reinforced Joints Continued.

I used autostrut to heaviest part to connect the OPT H Bicoupler (engine part) to the station. I did this to stop it from wobbling.
Later, i added the inflatable habitat using KIS.
Even later I come back to the station for some supplies to find this: the engine part has been misaligned badly.

This is not the first time i see this bug. KIS and autostrut do not go well together. They always fskp up the alignment of the parts.





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In case of you've upgraded to KSP 1.8.0 and figured KIS is now broken, then yes - it is broken. Given my busy schedule in the next 2 weeks, I cannot give any reasonable ETA for it to be fixed. As usual, I'll do my best.

P.S. In case of you're curious about the details. Skip it, if you're not.

Edited by IgorZ
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Is there a strategy to clip parts when attachign using kis? For instance I want to attach a solar panel, but I dont want it to stick out so much ?

I mean the B and N keys seem to do what i want, but once i press H to attach it, the dept is beeign reset.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 7:52 PM, Nicky21 said:

Is there a strategy to clip parts when attachign using kis? For instance I want to attach a solar panel, but I dont want it to stick out so much ?


It seems not. At least when I used this mod before version 1.7. It always turns out crooked :)
And one more big minus. The more parts you attach using the mod, the higher the chance of a spontaneous explosion of the device.

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Is there any way (in game or out of game) to know which items are useful for what purpose?


I see several eva items which I feel really strange about: when to use the automatic screw driver; when to use the wrench.. Or more exotic: I see a beer and a boombox as kis items.. What do those do?

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  On 10/18/2019 at 9:37 PM, paul23 said:

Is there any way (in game or out of game) to know which items are useful for what purpose?


I see several eva items which I feel really strange about: when to use the automatic screw driver; when to use the wrench.. Or more exotic: I see a beer and a boombox as kis items.. What do those do?


beer / boombox - just for visual fun. (can install the nomorefun patch to remove).

can also look at the KSPedia - I do believe KAS/KIS have entries.

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There's no search button on the kspedia: I seem to be unable to find any entry regarding said items :/.


I might then write a patch giving the beer/boombox a small boost to habitation multiplier for usi life support.

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  On 10/18/2019 at 10:13 PM, paul23 said:

There's no search button on the kspedia: I seem to be unable to find any entry regarding said items :/.


I might then write a patch giving the beer/boombox a small boost to habitation multiplier for usi life support.


You can look at the OP and see the link for KIS for dummies (https://github.com/ihsoft/KIS/blob/master/User Guide.pdf) or, in game, note that you can put the manual in your inventory. It explains all of the non-fun items. 

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I cant add some parts to containers in VAB. Others can be added. Nothing (no "part too heavy") is displayed.

Can add: Modular Gilder segment, basic ladder.

Can't add: Tools (screwdriver, wrench), engines, fuel tanks, most other parts.

Using KSP 1.8 (KIS is for 1.7... is it the root cause?)




EDIT: I can see there are problems with KIS and KSP 1.8. So it is probably root cause.

Edited by yarpenzirgin
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