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How often do you use autostrut??


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I found them very useful, then assembling huge ships in orbit they are an lifesaver, 

Orion nuclear pulse engine craft on an minmus qualification run before going to Duna, because of the high g pulses its perfect to test stability.  
Payload now is 6 satellites and probes on top, an empty srb for testing around Duna and a scan probe. 
Not only did the two heavy payloads jerk forward and back but the entire ship did compress a bit, turning on autostrut on large parts and its rock solid. 

  On 10/21/2016 at 7:24 AM, JohnnyPanzer said:

All the time. I only use manual struts for astethic reasons these days. 


I overdid strutting on this, manual struts still has its place as auto strut is between centers of mass. if you want an strut to hold boosters in place on top standard struts is better. 
For my orion I could just have used autostrut between docking ports and heaviest part for the outriggers. 

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Not at all.

As with any singleplayer game, every player decides for themselves what's cheating or not; and for myself, I feel like autostruts belong into the debug menu category of features. They are a crutch that was implemented to work around edge cases with Unity's attachment nodes in very specific instances (wheels); it is not, and was never intended to be, standard for all parts (there are plenty dev quotes to that end). It is still available freely for them - but then again, so is the debug menu, and I don't feel comfortable using that outside of absolute edge cases either. :wink:  Hence my decision to abstain.

Perhaps one day I will build something that will absolutely not hold together properly unless I activate autostrutting on it... but that day has not yet come.

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Personally, I like how the aesthetics of my craft evolve as the design demands various parts to be added somehow. So if my craft requires struts, I rather they be manually added and visible, giving the craft a more "industrial" look and a more pragmatic feel. In sci-fi terms this equates to the ugly but practical "Red Dwarf" compared to the slick and shiny "Enterprise".

220px-The_Red_Dwarf_sapce_ship_as_seen_i  320x240.jpg

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I was using Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, but since I discovered autostruts, and how powerful they are, I use them to prevent big vessels from wobbling. Come one, few of them placed around docking ports keep my orbital station straight, and that's without adding more parts! (which would increase wobbling again). 

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  On 10/21/2016 at 7:24 AM, JohnnyPanzer said:

All the time. I only use manual struts for astethic reasons these days. 


These days? :-) they've only just been released! 

 Personally I don't trust them yet. I need to do more testing. The issue I see is that you cannot auto strut to another close part so they are quite limited. 

 Does anyone know if they cause any lag like a visible part does? They must have at least a small impact. 

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  On 10/21/2016 at 9:52 AM, 5thHorseman said:

Since 1.2 became a public beta, I've used them on every single ship that I would have otherwise put regular struts on. I've used regular struts only a couple times, and that was in testing to see if there was any reason to anymore. I don't think there is.


As I said above you cannot strut to a close part so they are limited. In a single build I have at least 10 points were auto strutting would not work and good ol building experience and struts are the only solution.

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  On 10/21/2016 at 12:04 PM, Majorjim! said:

As I said above you cannot strut to a close part so they are limited. In a single build I have at least 10 points were auto strutting would not work and good ol building experience and struts are the only solution.


I've found some great "grandparent" tricks, like translating SRBs down on the decouplers so the "root to root" autostruts make a triangle of stability instead of a line. Also, strutting everything (that is strutted, I'm not saying to strut everything :D) to the same thing, be it root or heaviest part, is a boon.

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  On 10/21/2016 at 12:19 PM, 5thHorseman said:

I've found some great "grandparent" tricks, like translating SRBs down on the decouplers so the "root to root" autostruts make a triangle of stability instead of a line. Also, strutting everything (that is strutted, I'm not saying to strut everything :D) to the same thing, be it root or heaviest part, is a boon.


I can see that in certain situations it is useful but I have already seen lots of times when they just won't work. Parts that need to stay strutted after separation, as one example. 

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  On 10/21/2016 at 12:19 PM, 5thHorseman said:

I've found some great "grandparent" tricks, like translating SRBs down on the decouplers so the "root to root" autostruts make a triangle of stability instead of a line. Also, strutting everything (that is strutted, I'm not saying to strut everything :D) to the same thing, be it root or heaviest part, is a boon.


I have seen some examples that indicate that a single strut will secure the entire part as if a lattice is in place, as opposed to a single point of reinforcement.  

May be worth testing to see if your triangle is needed.

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  On 10/21/2016 at 9:27 AM, Streetwind said:

I feel like autostruts belong into the debug menu category of features. They are a crutch that was implemented to work around edge cases with Unity's attachment nodes in very specific instances (wheels)


(emphasis mine)

I couldn't agree more. I feel they are a kludge to fix a worse kludge, and I don't ever ever touch them. They are not like anything else in the game, they don't add mass, and they can magically appear anywhere, anytime. Like, 'heaviest part'? So, as you drain your fuel tanks, they change to a different part? They're a ridiculous addition to the game, in my opinion (if you think of them as a game mechanic, as opposed to a... kluge of a fix for edge cases).

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  On 10/21/2016 at 3:25 PM, klesh said:

I dont use them because I dont know if they add drag, where they go, and what they'll interfere with.  I trust the struts I place myself, as I can see them.


i dont think they do add drag at all. if gou use the autlstruts in the vab, there will be a line going to the part your strutting it to.

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  On 10/21/2016 at 11:29 AM, Majorjim! said:

These days? :-) they've only just been released!


 Does anyone know if they cause any lag like a visible part does? They must have at least a small impact. 


They've been in the 1.2 prerelease since it started, and they were in 1.1.3 with all the landing gear and legs - I and others were throwing unnecessary legs all over big ships to shore them up.

Physics-wise, they're apparently exactly the same as visible struts (according to devs in DasValdez stream chat).  But no mass and no cost.  I expect some mass and price penalty to eventually be incurred with autostruts, at least in career mode

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  On 10/21/2016 at 8:25 PM, fourfa said:

They've been in the 1.2 prerelease since it started, and they were in 1.1.3 with all the landing gear and legs - I and others were throwing unnecessary legs all over big ships to shore them up.

Physics-wise, they're apparently exactly the same as visible struts (according to devs in DasValdez stream chat).  But no mass and no cost.  I expect some mass and price penalty to eventually be incurred with autostruts, at least in career mode


I had not realized they were massless, I may need to look for opportunities to replace my struts with auto-struts.

I have yet to have a career game where the cost of struts matters, but every ounce of mass matters to the rocket equation.  (I almost wish I used struts on non-launch stages so I could get even bigger benefits)

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