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[1.3.X] In Flight Flag Switcher v 1.5 (06-07-2017)


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In Flight Flag Switcher - continued!

Change the flags on any vessel or planted flags after launch with just a quick right-click of a button!


For KSP-1.3.1-green.png License-GNU%20--3-green.png CKAN-Pending-ff69b4.png KSP%20AVC-Supported-green.png


NOTE:iPeer gave me permission to continue to maintain this and other mods he has written. The mod's original OP is available here. From this point forward, I will be maintaining this mod.

By itself, this mod will allow you to change your mission flag after you've left the SPH or VAB. While on a mission, you can have one flag for the craft and a completely different flag to plant on the surface!

This mod has a great number of uses both by itself and when paired with other flag mods, such as Flag Decals. It's now possible to create custom decals and launch vehicles that have multiple images on them. There are a few examples of what you can accomplish with this mod within the spoiler:

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From the original OP by iPeer:(click spoiler to view)

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Download locations:



Extract the folder called "InFlightFlagChanger" to KSP's GameData folder.


CKAN is pending... if I can ever figure out how to do it. For now, you are stuck doing a manual install. :rolleyes:

How to use this mod:

  • While in the VAB or SPH: Right click on the part containing a flag placeholder and scroll down to "CHANGE FLAG" option. A dialogue box will open containing all available flags you have installed. Select the flag and click "Accept".
  • While on a mission: Right click on the part containing a flag placeholder and scroll down to "CHANGE FLAG" option. A dialogue box will open containing all available flags you have installed. Select the flag and click "Accept". You also have the option to apply the new flag to the entire vessel.

NOTE: This mod will not work outside of the VAB or SPH if you selected the "flag" toggle to turn off flags while in editor mode. 

KNOWN ISSUES (I hope to address these as soon as I can figure it out):

  • Vessel will lose it's root flag (this is the flag you've selected in the editor) on save, exit, and return.
    • Reset the vessel's flag but do not select the option to set your selection as the vessel flag. This normally works.
  • Flag is discolored, or may have a light grey halo if it is transparency based.
    • Nothing I can do about this. This is an issue with the way the post 1.0.5 KSP handles imported images. It is most evident on images with a transparent background.
    • Another cause of this are mods, such as EVE, that add shadows, clouds, and other environmental effects. If you are using these mods, wait until the obscured light on Kerbin and the discoloration should disappear.
  • I am using the Decal Flag mod and the part that contains the deployable flag displays my flag backwards.
    • I did not write that mod and cannot control it, however, simply use an image editing software package and take your original image, flip it horizontally, and save as "your flag name 2.png" and select that image using this mod.

Support: I will be more than happy to provide support for this mod. I do ask that you follow a few simple rules when you ask for my help (click spoiler to view):

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You must manually uninstall previous editions of this mod. The previous version can be located in the GameData/iPeer folder.

We really have a great bunch of forum members that have encouraged me and others to take on greater challenges as members of the KSP community. I could not have updated this mod without the help of @CliftonM, @katateochi, and @Dman979. In a round-about way, I would also like to thank @Just Jim for getting me hooked on writing fan-fic based on KSP, thus creating the need for me to update this mod.


Edited by adsii1970
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  On 11/5/2016 at 8:55 AM, Ohm Machre said:

This is unrelated to this mod, but because you linked it, how do you get the Flag Decals mod to work? I know it's WAY beyond the last time it was updated, but I'm just wondering if you somehow have it working in 1.2.1.


I have been using the Flag Decals mod, the same one that's on Curse currently, since 1.0 without any problems - with the exception of slight discoloration of the images. Can you describe what problems you are having? I know a little about the mechanics about that mod, but cannot find the mod's author to ask permission to update it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Oddly this mod crashes my game on load.. I run a mod-heavy game with a lot of dev version mods, but this has been the first one to crash like this so far.

here's a crash log https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8YIbO4-oHFhQ3pieHJFbDZEck0

A true pity! How will I manage my multiple launches to outer space? :-(

Edited by PaganoCristo
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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick note: Your 1.5 version of the mod on GitHub is not a zip file, it's each mod file individually. Your install directions are no longer accurate to this way of packaging the mod and will likely confuse people when they cannot find the "InFlightFlagChanger" folder.

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  • 4 months later...
  On 8/19/2017 at 6:18 PM, Baythan said:

Just a quick note: Your 1.5 version of the mod on GitHub is not a zip file, it's each mod file individually. Your install directions are no longer accurate to this way of packaging the mod and will likely confuse people when they cannot find the "InFlightFlagChanger" folder.


It's been 4 months and this still hasn't been addressed :/

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...
  On 2/3/2023 at 5:48 AM, StormxWolf said:

To any wondering: this mod will break your save. Do not use it. in 1.12.5 in current state.


I assume, in making such a bold statement, that such a conclusion came from you having *only* this mod, and *no others* installed, on a stock install?
Just be be sure the results are *conclusive* that it is indeed this mod that breaks your saves?

And for future reference, when installing "new-to-you" mods, *especially such old ones*... you should *always* install them in a seperate install of the game, with no other mods... If it seems to work, then you should try again, after copying over your currently installed mod set, to again make sure there is no conflict.. If its all good, *then* install the mod in an existing install on which you have an important save game that you dont want to lose.

You should *NEVER* install new mods directly into an important save-game install that you have a lot of time invested in...
Also.... you should *always*, frequently make periodic bacups of your save file.

Also, I just saw that this mod packages/includes a copy of the MiniAVC mod...
Since this mod was released, MiniAVC got broke, and it is no longer suggested to install it, and it should be removed/left out of any install where you a mod that contains it, is installed...
Due to MiniAVC causing HUGE problems in the game.

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 2/3/2023 at 1:08 PM, Stone Blue said:

I assume, in making such a bold statement, that such a conclusion came from you having *only* this mod, and *no others* installed, on a stock install?
Just be be sure the results are *conclusive* that it is indeed this mod that breaks your saves?

And for future reference, when installing "new-to-you" mods, *especially such old ones*... you should *always* install them in a seperate install of the game, with no other mods... If it seems to work, then you should try again, after copying over your currently installed mod set, to again make sure there is no conflict.. If its all good, *then* install the mod in an existing install on which you have an important save game that you dont want to lose.

You should *NEVER* install new mods directly into an important save-game install that you have a lot of time invested in...
Also.... you should *always*, frequently make periodic bacups of your save file.

Also, I just saw that this mod packages/includes a copy of the MiniAVC mod...
Since this mod was released, MiniAVC got broke, and it is no longer suggested to install it, and it should be removed/left out of any install where you a mod that contains it, is installed...
Due to MiniAVC causing HUGE problems in the game.


Whoa there chief. No, you are right, I did not use this on a wholly stock save. To do so would probably be extremely tedious as the bug, in detail, literally (somehow) caused all my parts to disappear and delete all my vehicles. How would you test that on a stock save without having an already populated save with exclusively stock vehicles? Open to suggestions or template saves. I installed from CKAN, bypassing the warning so installation shouldn't be an issue however I will try removing mini avc next, I was unaware there were issues and thank you for the advice.

Also, I do keep backups. I just test on my live save and restore the backup. In this instance it was a simple, and very typical, A/B test. I installed the mod. Everything broke. I restored a backup, removed the mod, and loaded the save. Everything was fine.

Edited by StormxWolf
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I did a very simple test with a clean game with a clean save to validate my report. I used CKAN to install the mod on 1.12.5, bypassed the warning, no miniavc etc etc. It doesn't launch even. Spams NRE's on the load screen before the main menu. Here is the log:

The mod list, as said, was just in flight flag switcher and Module Manager. No save to test as it failed to load.

I've no idea how my game managed to load but it is clear that the mod will break things. Use at your own risk.

Edited by StormxWolf
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@StormxWolf sorry if i came off strong in initial post :)

Ok.. based on your log, it looks lie MiniAVC *is* still getting installed... Also, it *appears*, you might be installing the old, *original* verion of the mod: ver. 1.0.2...

The mod was then adopted & updated (recompiled) by adsii1970, which could mae a HUGE difference since you're running 1.12.5... quite a few old plugin mods compiled for 1.3.1 still work, but thats pretty much the cut-off point... anything compiled from before 1.3.1, woudl be a rare bird, to still be working 
adsii's vers. should now be vers. 1.5.0

Looks like the original includes MiniAVC in the release, while adsii removed it in their release.

I dont use CKAN, so idk if *only* the old original version is listed there, and adsii's is not... vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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@StormWolf and @Stone Blue, hey, I still have the file and could update it if it's needed. I just wasn't sure anyone was still using it. I'll just have to go dust off the notes, recompile it, and post it. But it might not be until tomorrow until I get to it. :)  I've got some occupational-related work to do before I can get to it.

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  On 2/5/2023 at 9:28 PM, Stone Blue said:

@StormxWolf sorry if i came off strong in initial post :)

Ok.. based on your log, it looks lie MiniAVC *is* still getting installed... Also, it *appears*, you might be installing the old, *original* verion of the mod: ver. 1.0.2...

The mod was then adopted & updated (recompiled) by adsii1970, which could mae a HUGE difference since you're running 1.12.5... quite a few old plugin mods compiled for 1.3.1 still work, but thats pretty much the cut-off point... anything compiled from before 1.3.1, woudl be a rare bird, to still be working 
adsii's vers. should now be vers. 1.5.0

Looks like the original includes MiniAVC in the release, while adsii removed it in their release.

I dont use CKAN, so idk if *only* the old original version is listed there, and adsii's is not... vOv


You caught me :P I actually ran the test twice. First time I made the mistake of including miniavc (I then uploaded the logs). I realized my mistake, re ran the test without, still had the issue. But forgot to upload the logs.


  On 2/5/2023 at 11:19 PM, adsii1970 said:

@StormWolf and @Stone Blue, hey, I still have the file and could update it if it's needed. I just wasn't sure anyone was still using it. I'll just have to go dust off the notes, recompile it, and post it. But it might not be until tomorrow until I get to it. :)  I've got some occupational-related work to do before I can get to it.


No rush! If you get around to it I would be grateful but nothing a little kerbal workarounds wont fix (for those curious: make another of the same ship and teleport it to the ship you want the flag replaced for. If its a kerbal with a bad flag then teleport the kerbal(s) home then teleport them back with the f12 menu).

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