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[1.8.1] Kerbal Konstructs - - 15.Dec.2019


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  On 1/22/2018 at 2:22 AM, Voodoo8648 said:

Hi, I'm trying to go to the Mun and I'm trying to launch from the Great EZ Kapes launchpad to simulate a launch from Florida, but the latitude makes my orbital inclination so different than the Mun.

What is the best way to launch to the Mun (Apollo style) from a higher latitude without having to do a "match target inclination maneuver"?


Make sure that when you set up the manouver node to go from Low Kerbin Orbit, you are burning around the Ascending Node or Descending Node and that the AP remains around where the opposite AN or DN will be. 



PS. Or use Kopernicus to change the inclination of the Mün to match your obrital insertions 

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  On 1/23/2018 at 9:52 PM, TheBeardyPenguin said:

Which file or folder in Kerbal Konstructs stores the bases you make? I’m making a multiplayer series with someone in which we both construct new bases quite often and it’s a hassle to send the entire KK folder to one another each time one of us makes a base.


by default it is the NewInstances folder in the KK directory

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@TheBeardyPenguin  hi, regarding making statics easy to transfer between games, I've found that it's much better in the long run to transfer the instances from the new instances folder to the actual static cfgs themselves. Pretty much failsafe and without the hassle of having to remove any files from new instances before sending on.

Like so

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Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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  On 1/25/2018 at 11:30 AM, Youre_avarage_Kerbal said:

when i try to make a new launch pad that is pretty far out from the ksc, at a certain distance from the ksc my screen turns black, can somebody help me?


That doesn't sound like anything I've ever come across. If anyone is to have any chance of figuring this out, you'll need to follow the steps here:


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You’re exceeding the editors maximum distance from the active vessel. Whatever vessel you’re controlling is also the origin for the KK editor. You’re limited to about a 5km radius from that vessel for placing KK statics. If you want to build away from KSC, you’ll need to fly or drive a vehicle to the site you want to build on and go from there. 

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A minor nitpick on a great mod:

The CKAN one-liner description only says "Kerbal Konstructs for KSP 1.2 and onwards", which says nothing about what this mod actually does or why anyone would want it.  I know, this descriptive thread is merely a click away, but...

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  On 1/28/2018 at 12:30 PM, FutureMartian97 said:

Do you need another mod for Kerbal Konstructs to work? I put the Kerbal Konstructs folder into my GameData folder like any other mod but it just keeps crashing when I try to load the game up. I even did a fresh install with only this mod and it still crashed. 


KK is standalone, it requires no other mod  in order to function.  The correct file path for installation is  KSP/GameData/KerbalKonstructs,  the mod will not work if installed any other way. 

Please retry installing  kerbal konstructs and should it again fail to load,   zip up and  link here a copy of your KSP.Log that can be found in the main KSP folder, no other logs are required or very helpful at this point.

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  On 1/28/2018 at 4:36 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

KK is standalone, it requires no other mod  in order to function.  The correct file path for installation is  KSP/GameData/KerbalKonstructs,  the mod will not work if installed any other way. 

Please retry installing  kerbal konstructs and should it again fail to load,   zip up and  link here a copy of your KSP.Log that can be found in the main KSP folder, no other logs are required or very helpful at this point.


Ok, thanks. Is this the right log? https://www.dropbox.com/h

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Hi guys. Here's my problem. I have Galileo Planet Pack installed, and I have Kerbal Konstruct and KSC++ too. Now the problem is that every other launchsite except for GSC (KSC) is placed on water. Inside GPP folder I found a file named "GPP Water Launch.cfg", in the file it say that it is generated by Kerbal Konstruct and every launchsite is placed on water... May you help me? I used to play with GPP and KK some time ago and it was working fine...

Thanks in advance!

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Hi Konstructors

I'm writing a StaticModule that toggle lights (or any animation) when the sun rises/falls. It works good except when the instance editor is open : the "StaticObjectUpdate" method gets fired continuously, that is normal I guess. Problem is I'll need to restart some of my code after StaticObjectUpdate and when it fired non-stop it visibly slow down the game. So my question is : is there a way I can check if the instance editor window is open ? So I can stop my code during this time.

I've found the " KerbalKonstructs.UI.WindowManager.IsOpen " static method but I don't get what parameter it takes ?

If @Ger_space and @AlphaAsh, or anyone with experience writing StaticModule, could give me a hand here I'll gladly appreciate it :)


On a side note : I write this module for @Omega482 and his impressive Stock-a-like and SpaceX Buildings.       Are there other static modder interested in lights (or other animation) getting toggled when the sun rises/falls ? If so leave me a PM I'll send you a link to a buggybeta version.


@Ger_space and @AlphaAsh : once the module is done do you like to add it to KerbalKonstruct (as the AnimateOnClick and other) or do you prefer I release it as an expansion of KerbalKonstruct ?

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Hey @Li0n, such module would be very nice to have in KK, don't let that stop you.
All editor windows in KK inherit from KKWindow class and that class has method IsOpen(). So if you're interested only in the Instance Editor, you can check StaticsEditorGUI.instance.IsOpen().
Looking deeper into it, it seems that you should know what editor window you are interested in. There's a List<Action> openWindows in WindowManager class, but it's private.


Edited by whale_2
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Hmm, more like internal, but still of little help.

As far as I remember, it was my PR where StaticObjectUpdate() was added. It might make sense to add StaticObjectSave() method that would be sent to statics when user has finished editing. I think if you make a PR for this, @Ger_space can add it to the KK core.

Meanwhile maybe set up a coroutine for delayed update? Sort of overkill, but should work.
Is the code you need to restart really that heavy?

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  On 2/1/2018 at 7:35 PM, whale_2 said:

As far as I remember, it was my PR where StaticObjectUpdate() was added. It might make sense to add StaticObjectSave() method that would be sent to statics when user has finished editing. I think if you make a PR for this, @Ger_space can add it to the KK core.


I've add two method to the StaticModule : StaticObjectEditorOpen and StaticObjectEdiorClose. They are called in StaticEditorGUI.Open and .Close. Looks like that :

// Notify the modules the editor is open
            foreach (StaticInstance staticInstance in StaticDatabase.allStaticInstances) {
                if (staticInstance.isActive) {
                    foreach (StaticModule module in staticInstance.gameObject.GetComponents<StaticModule> ()) {
                        module.StaticObjectEditorOpen ();

The pull request for it is here.

@whale_2  I know StaticObjectUpdate fire when the instance is loaded and when the editor is open but does it at other times ?

  On 2/1/2018 at 7:35 PM, whale_2 said:

Is the code you need to restart really that heavy?


I don't think so but being stop/start at each Update (or OnGUI ?) was a bit heavy. I run KSP on a good cpu (i7 6700 @4.5ghz) so if I see a slowdown I guess it's not pretty when running KSP on a laptop :wink:

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  On 2/2/2018 at 11:59 AM, Li0n said:

I've add two method to the StaticModule : StaticObjectEditorOpen and StaticObjectEdiorClose. They are called in StaticEditorGUI.Open and .Close. Looks like that :

// Notify the modules the editor is open
            foreach (StaticInstance staticInstance in StaticDatabase.allStaticInstances) {
                if (staticInstance.isActive) {
                    foreach (StaticModule module in staticInstance.gameObject.GetComponents<StaticModule> ()) {
                        module.StaticObjectEditorOpen ();

The pull request for it is here.

@whale_2  I know StaticObjectUpdate fire when the instance is loaded and when the editor is open but does it at other times ?

I don't think so but being stop/start at each Update (or OnGUI ?) was a bit heavy. I run KSP on a good cpu (i7 6700 @4.5ghz) so if I see a slowdown I guess it's not pretty when running KSP on a laptop :wink:


StaticObjectUpdate is called every time an object is moved or placed. It's should not be called as long the editor is just open. 

I was long time away from modding and currently there are 10000km between me and my laptop. 

I could add some more callback functions. I'm going to be home in 7 days, then I will have a look at it. 


  On 1/22/2018 at 2:22 AM, Voodoo8648 said:

Hi, I'm trying to go to the Mun and I'm trying to launch from the Great EZ Kapes launchpad to simulate a launch from Florida, but the latitude makes my orbital inclination so different than the Mun.

What is the best way to launch to the Mun (Apollo style) from a higher latitude without having to do a "match target inclination maneuver"?


The nun has zero inclination. You cannot launch that or not from a higher latitude 

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  On 2/2/2018 at 2:25 PM, Ger_space said:

StaticObjectUpdate is called every time an object is moved or placed. It's should not be called as long the editor is just open.


In KK with KSP 1.3.1 StaticObjectUpdate is called twice as often as the Update method. (same with KK and KSP 1.3.0)

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  On 2/2/2018 at 2:25 PM, Ger_space said:

I was long time away from modding and currently there are 10000km between me and my laptop. 

I could add some more callback functions. I'm going to be home in 7 days, then I will have a look at it.


There is no rush, if need be don't hesitate to ping me here or on GitHub (Li0n-0).

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  On 2/2/2018 at 4:19 PM, Drew Kerman said:

that's quite ironic given it's a laptop :wink:


It wouldn't be vacation if I had it with me. :wink:

  On 2/2/2018 at 3:32 PM, Li0n said:

In KK with KSP 1.3.1 StaticObjectUpdate is called twice as often as the Update method. (same with KK and KSP 1.3.0)

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There is no rush, if need be don't hesitate to ping me here or on GitHub (Li0n-0).


Intresting find.

I cannot imagine why this is happening. This looks like a waste of cpu time.

Can you please open a issue on github, so I dont forget this? 

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