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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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Cross post from the Screenshot thread, I am requesting interesting screenshots of the following bodies if anybody has any or wants to go and snap some:

  • Ciro
  • Gauss
  • Loki
  • Narisse
  • Minona
  • Leto

If you do, please post them in the linked topic and you will have my gratitude. :D 

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1 hour ago, Poodmund said:

Cross post from the Screenshot thread, I am requesting interesting screenshots of the following bodies if anybody has any or wants to go and snap some:

  • Ciro
  • Gauss
  • Loki
  • Narisse
  • Minona
  • Leto

If you do, please post them in the linked topic and you will have my gratitude. :D 

Hello Poodmund,

This is excellent. Since I am currently carrying out a comprehensive mission to Gauss. I will also make a mission report, here is the link:

A Journey to Gauss

Currently, I have made all the preparations and plan to be there by the weekend. Is this still timely? The story is still a bit behind but I will add a new post every day. The best pictures I can post here or in the relevant topic. Where is it you prefer?

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1 minute ago, Poodmund said:

I am looking for screenshots ideally by the end of Saturday, posting the best of them in the screenshot thread would be great. 

I hope your Tour of Gauss goes well. :D 


I will hurry. I also exchange my Sky Box and take a more neutral.
No need to worry about the mission. Jeb has already tested everything - it is foolproof if he does not get it broken.:D


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Ever since starting to use GPP, I'm still loving it!
Taking my time as I slowly build things up and not rushing to "just get it done" to have some fun :)

Specially designed to be able to land on Iota and Ceti as main workhorse for SOI work and with a refuel be able to do interplanetary trips (this ship is my best ship ever, for now :D )

Some Iota work, nothing fanc yet

and reason for this post while taking my first flight to Tellumo!
Guys, this is just awsome when going there for the first time :D


@RocketPCGaming those 10x screenshots look awesome :D

Edited by Kamuchi
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There are really a few very nice pictures. Especially the Tellumo pictures I find very nice.

Your vehicles are also very interesting. Did you manage to land on Lilli? If not, I have a tip in the spoiler for you. (Maybe you want to find it out by yourself, therefore the spoiler)


Here is the corresponding post from my mission report

A Journey to Tellumo

In short:

At the equator the surface speed is so high that you reach the escape speed of the planet and will be thrown out of the system.
But where is that not the case? ...... At the poles



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@astroheiko thanks :) andnot yet, I actually have the ship in a polar orbit after figuring that one out, but that also made me aware that I had no drill on the refinery, lol  

The thing is, after scanning Lili, I got this and wanted to land on it to see what it is and if it would give better resources




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@astroheiko just of the south pole, a nice tiny flat piece of land with like 80% of sunlight, works like a charm :)



Still need to check out what the heck that resource spot is, but easier to do with fuel in the tanks :D

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4 minutes ago, Kamuchi said:

@Galileo 8K textures, I'll buy another set of 16gb ram just to run GPP! as ksp is already pushing over 10gb on ultra :D

This view... :kiss:

I have been experimenting with making 8k textures out of the existing 4k textures. Its coming along ok. but the file size is absolutely huge. the size goes from 10.6 mb for Gael textures to 42.6mb.. 

for now i only intend to make the gael system 8k but you never know.  The reason i went 4k was really just for Mac users as some macs cannot use textures larger than 4k.  

here is a sneak peak at Gael in 8k though sans clouds


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3 minutes ago, Galileo said:

I have been experimenting with making 8k textures out of the existing 4k textures. Its coming along ok. but the file size is absolutely huge. the size goes from 10.6 mb for Gael textures to 42.6mb.. 

for now i only intend to make the gael system 8k but you never know.  The reason i went 4k was really just for Mac users as some macs cannot use textures larger than 4k.  

here is a sneak peak at Gael in 8k though sans clouds

That looks stunning :o

If you in the future decide to do everything in 8K as a seperate download for pc's not to overburden the download size for normal users, I will not hesitate to throw this into my pc just for your mod https://www.alternate.nl/html/product/information/page.html?articleId=1278978&channel_code=544&ad_id=41451789236&s2m_product_id=IFIG7U23&utm_source=adwords-shopping&s2m_campaign=DEACTIVATED&gclid=CIHPkZ7AzNICFe0W0wodeNoNtA:D

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1 hour ago, Galileo said:

And that's in a 10x system

Now you're making me want to go from stock fun size to hardcore 10x LOL

Alright, I'm prepared!
2 kits orderd :D

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My computer melts into a puddle of goo just trying to load KSC - maybe I need an upgrade. 

Trying to find a balance between RO (tedious after awhile, also interplanetary missions are insane in terms of launch requirements) and stock (the first liquid engine I unlocked could put a probe into orbit using one stage). 

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On 3/10/2017 at 10:50 AM, Galileo said:

I have been experimenting with making 8k textures out of the existing 4k textures. Its coming along ok. but the file size is absolutely huge. the size goes from 10.6 mb for Gael textures to 42.6mb.. 

for now i only intend to make the gael system 8k but you never know.  The reason i went 4k was really just for Mac users as some macs cannot use textures larger than 4k.  

here is a sneak peak at Gael in 8k though sans clouds


What about adding an optional download like rss does? 

I'd prefer to use 8k

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