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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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@eddiew Do wait for the next update before you give in to the temptation. It's as much a feature addition as it is a bugfix unlike 1.0.1 and 1.0.2. :D

Dropping in on planet Hox for some screenshottery and to begin to show off the viability of karbonite. Of course, my pics don't look fabulous because I use medium SVE and half-res texture level. I made sure to catch Argo as it whizzes by with its epic inclination. My showroom base is burning 0.2 karbonite per second to keep the power curve positive. Karbonite equipment will bleed your batteries a bit but is worth it.


Fortunately I thought to put a second relay dish just in case, along with the science lab. With GPP's range patch and their combination feature they afford a 2-bar direct connection to Gael at Neidon's kinds of distance.



Edited by JadeOfMaar
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44 minutes ago, Epicminer411 said:

@Galileo@Sigma88 I did everything you told me to do, GPP still won't load. Here is an updated folder:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_8Ozf7KIkICTVlMYXNTOFY5STg

Delete kopernicus and download the latest version, and you have to have ModularFlightIntegrator, which comes with kopernicus 

Do not install the module manager that comes with kopernicus 

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Is there a "recommended" way to work with the new asteroid implementation? I'm looking for advice on how others are managing them all.

I love that there are so many asteroids because it "makes sense". After individually clicking and tracking 86 asteroids last night I only found one that actually intersected Gael's orbit. I honestly kind of miss the simplicity of Stock only showing me "asteroids of interest" but I'm trying to figure out how to best track and catalogue this whole belt with the limited tools in game.

Edited by Tyko
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The asteroids in stock are not spawned in the same orbit family, with many more Kerbin-crosser bodies spawned on encounter trajectories. In GPP, the asteroids are spawned in a family of orbits corresponding to a belt between Gael and Tellumo. AFAIK, they are not supposed to intersect Gael all that often. It roughly simulates the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter - there are many more bodies there than those which intersect either Mars or Jupiter's orbit. 

Galileo might be able to add in more asteroids spawning near Gael, but there are so many as it is that it may become cumbersome (not to mention unrealistic, as Gael would throw these bodies either into the sun or onto an impact trajectory under shorter than geologic timescales.)

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Want to say I am very happy to hear you guys are working on the overall "Brightness".  I have been screwing with this for a long while trying to figure out if its some kind of issue with, "my new monitor" "new GTX 1060"....  this has been a complete pain.  Yes I'm a Moron, but I'm still happy you guys are going to work on this.  It just isn't right, and its off enough, that I have a very hard time playing, thinking every other minute, "damn why is it so hard to see everything".

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I feel bad for not testing this when it was under development - I was lurk-following it for quite awhile. 

If you want to mess with CFG files, go to the Ciro CFG inside the filepath /GPP/Ciro/Ciro.cfg

Open the file in notepad (it is basically a txt file). Here is what I have in mine - the giant bolded lines are the ones I changed. Just rewrite the number there (likely 0.45) with 0.9, 1, or some number near that and things get brighter. 



        name = Sun
        cbNameLater = Ciro
        cacheFile = GPP/Cache/Ciro.bin
            name = Sun
            removeProgressTree = false
            description = Among trillions of other yellow stars Ciro is nothing special, but it's indeed smaller and dimmer, making Gael seem a little far and cold. Many of those other stars hold celestial bodies like and unlike the ones here... But how many of them have perfect planets like Gael and Tellumo, to play and snack outside without spacesuits? This is why we have space programs.
            radius = 70980000
            geeASL = 25.8
            rotates = true
            rotationPeriod = 540000
            tidallyLocked = false
            initialRotation = 0
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 1200000 1600000 1600000 16000000 12000000 24000000 36000000

                flyingLowDataValue = 16
                flyingHighDataValue = 16
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 16
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 2
                recoveryValue = 4
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 600000
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1E+09

                sunlightColor = 1, 0.92, 0.85, 1
                sunlightIntensity = 0.9
                sunlightShadowStrength = 0.75
                scaledSunlightColor = 1, 0.92, 0.85, 1
                scaledSunlightIntensity = 0.9
                IVASunColor = 1, 0.92, 0.85, 1
                IVASunIntensity = 0.68
                sunLensFlareColor = 0, 0, 0, 1
                ambientLightColor = 0.06,0.06,0.06,1
                sunAU = 13984359719
                luminosity = 1360
                rimColor = 1,1,1,1
                emitColor0 = 1,0.97,0.83,1
                emitColor1 = 1,0.887,0.72,1
                sunspotColor = 0.54,0.35,0.13,1



Edited by MaxL_1023
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Speaking of configs, a contract just came up to send a class-E asteroid onto a solar escape trajectory. I am not even sure if that is possible - getting a ship off Gael which could do it (even empty with refueling on Iota or something) would probably melt my computer. 

(Note, I am in 10x atm)

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I might give it a try with something ion-powered when I finish the tech tree - it would be hilarious to see what I end up with. Without ions would be whackjobian to say the least. 

Edit: Challenge Accepted!

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9 minutes ago, Garibaldi2257 said:

you could also try mining the asteroid for fuel as you go... make it lighter and get the fuel you need...

I found that you don't get that much fuel out of asteroids - even sticking just an ISRU, Drill, tank and engine to one will not give you enough delta-V to move it far. 

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Sunlight setting screenshots for reference. We hope the new default is satisfactory as we never intended for the actual sunlight to lack so much.

  • 0.4 (the old, extremely low setting);
  • 0.75 (the new default setting at next release);
  • 1.0 (stock)

MMhblJ8.jpgDIYJrOk.jpg u5Bjkx5.jpg

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1 minute ago, MaxL_1023 said:

I found that you don't get that much fuel out of asteroids - even sticking just an ISRU, Drill, tank and engine to one will not give you enough delta-V to move it far. 


hrmmm, I've gotten a bunch out of a class E before.  I wonder how random it is? It would be nice to see different types of asteroids floating around.

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Just now, Garibaldi2257 said:


hrmmm, I've gotten a bunch out of a class E before.  I wonder how random it is? It would be nice to see different types of asteroids floating around.

I got 69 units of ore out of a 10 ton class B - if a class E is 3000 tons I might expect to get near 2000 units. The issue is the amount of force it takes to move something weighing 3000 tons (or 500 tons + the fuel you mined from it). I would need to get the setup off the ground, which takes more than 8000 m/s of delta-V in my 10x game (for LGO). 

Also rover physics is ridiculous now. I tested one with 4 of those new wheels and it does donuts whenever I try to steer and hits jumps even on Gael. 

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No sense in anyone feeling bad about this lighting issue, I mean think about these triple A titles releasing stuff with more bugs than they "ever" should.  But something I have noticed, even my "engine light" mod seems to be a bit dimmer.  I have changed my Intensity in both categories but still feels off, I did that from the very start, while searching down the possible causes.  I cant put my finger on it.  When I'm in the dark side of a body, I cant see ANYTHING, unless I place the camera with a backlit position.  Even the additional lights I have placed seem dimmer than usual, and if that's the case, then its not the Math for the Sun, it might be something else.  Although I would have no clue what that could be. This is merely an observation, which is probably not worth much.

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11 minutes ago, Palaceviking said:

Would I be able to carry my career game on into this mod? maybe if i land all the craft i care about on the nearest low grav body then install? 


Nope this deletes every single body in the stock game so you will need to start a new save.

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@mechanicH I just started seeing that as well while confirming that RemoteTech will work with Gael's ground stations...but only with a certain RT panel open in map view. Merely having this panel open causes nasty lag for me. We will investigate.



27 minutes ago, Palaceviking said:

Would I be able to carry my career game on into this mod? maybe if i land all the craft i care about on the nearest low grav body then install? 

Sorry, no. GPP removes every stock body. Anything in orbit or landed at them will become invalid and any crew will be K.I.A. The only things you can carry over are the craft files in your save folder.

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37 minutes ago, ArkaelDren said:

No sense in anyone feeling bad about this lighting issue, I mean think about these triple A titles releasing stuff with more bugs than they "ever" should.  But something I have noticed, even my "engine light" mod seems to be a bit dimmer.  I have changed my Intensity in both categories but still feels off, I did that from the very start, while searching down the possible causes.  I cant put my finger on it.  When I'm in the dark side of a body, I cant see ANYTHING, unless I place the camera with a backlit position.  Even the additional lights I have placed seem dimmer than usual, and if that's the case, then its not the Math for the Sun, it might be something else.  Although I would have no clue what that could be. This is merely an observation, which is probably not worth much.

That's very interesting. I'm hoping your problem is fixed by the lighting increase in the next update. If it means anything, Distant Object Enhancement may be contributing to the darkness problem (when in orbit and the star is in view). Literally everything gets darkened when it compensates like an IRL camera would for the presence of an intense light source.



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