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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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  On 12/2/2016 at 9:52 AM, MinimumSky5 said:

I'm not sure if i post this here, but I'm using KScale64, and there is a lot of terrain poking through the space centre, including some on the launch pad that ruins all of my rockets as the spawn point is rendered underground. Can you help?


We know users of Kscale and RSS will want such options for GPP. So please uninstall that and be patient. Scale options will arrive in the next update. :)

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  On 12/2/2016 at 9:25 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

That's very interesting. I'm hoping your problem is fixed by the lighting increase in the next update. If it means anything, Distant Object Enhancement may be contributing to the darkness problem (when in orbit and the star is in view). Literally everything gets darkened when it compensates like an IRL camera would for the presence of an intense light source.




Yeah, couldn't agree more.  I wish you could reduce the differential of the auto adjust in DOE, because the adjustment selection it does give you, doesn't really affect the lighting in the way I would like.  But its all worth it considering the payoff is so great with the planet pack/visual effects and textures.

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  On 12/2/2016 at 4:53 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

Sunlight setting screenshots for reference. We hope the new default is satisfactory as we never intended for the actual sunlight to lack so much.

  • 0.4 (the old, extremely low setting);
  • 0.75 (the new default setting at next release);
  • 1.0 (stock)

MMhblJ8.jpgDIYJrOk.jpg u5Bjkx5.jpg


LOL... love it!  When I first saw the post that mentioned how to change the settings earlier this week, I actually changed it to .75.  If that were to be the only change in the new update, then I'd already be good to go.:D

  On 12/2/2016 at 10:09 AM, Palaceviking said:

Thanks for the quick reply,  I guess I'll have to bring my guys home first.

I'm not starting again on the interstellar tech tree, I've already got a life!


You can always do a separate install of the game and put GPP on that.  That way, you can go back and forth as your whim takes you.

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  On 12/2/2016 at 10:14 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

We know users of Kscale and RSS will want such options for GPP. So please uninstall that and be patient. Scale options will arrive in the next update. :)


I'm using Sigma Dimensions at 3.2x scale and most everything seems to be working fine. I did have to remove the extra KSC++ / KK stuff as it was spawning in the wrong place and interfering with things. Although in all honesty, I haven't used the runway yet.

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  On 12/1/2016 at 1:01 AM, Galileo said:

post your Output log and ksp log

also post a screenshot of your gamedata folder


So, when starting it up to get the information you wanted, it loaded all the planets. Problem is, I seem to have a new issue. All planets have a yellow line pattern, but terrain seems fine. 

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0l9l6wyho04bo01/AAC_KyUhOtZB0EQuWhUntXnZa?dl=0

Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/yQB3m

Edited by Rainbowd4sh
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  On 12/2/2016 at 5:27 PM, Rainbowd4sh said:

So, when starting it up to get the information you wanted, it loaded all the planets. Problem is, I seem to have a new issue. All planets have a yellow line pattern, but terrain seems fine. 

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0l9l6wyho04bo01/AAC_KyUhOtZB0EQuWhUntXnZa?dl=0

Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/yQB3m


those logs you sent are not the right logs.

But I can assume what you are doing...

You are either on a Mac or Linux machine and not using the Mac and Linux version or you are forcing OpenGL or directX11 which is a no no for this mod

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@JoseEduardo Ciro is actually the name of the star. It is G0 spectral class, yes, but Gael's SMA is slightly larger than Kerbin's own and Ciro has 1/3 the radius of Kerbol (which, taken realistically is grossly oversized). That's a lot of megameters. Also, due to certain limitations in stock we have to set Ciro's temperature in game identical to stock... And I need to fix that information on the wiki. I got the huge radius difference confused with mass.

I haven't actually played Elite, or seen enough stars in a star chart yet to know the proper color setting for a G0 star, so thanks for pointing things out. :)

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It would be pretty interesting though if the sun and planet were respectively named Gael and Gael Prime. :P But "Low Gael Prime Orbit" and "gael prime synchronous orbit" would be that much harder for people to digest. Fixed the wiki too.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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OK, so to get everything straight:

Ciro is supposed to be slightly more massive than the sun and slightly brighter, giving Gael a slightly larger AU when scaled to RSS with a 365 day year, 24 hour days. The issue is the temperature has to be lower than a star of that mass should have, requiring a larger radius to equalize the luminosity. 

Or, is Ciro supposed to be slightly dimmer and less massive than the sun?

Edited by MaxL_1023
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@MaxL_1023 @JoseEduardo Pardon me, guys. I've been confused. I may have referenced the stock Sun too much. Ciro is not G0 but a G6 star, slightly less massive (96% of), slightly wider (1.02 radii) and slightly dimmer (0.87 luminosities) than the real Sun.

*amends wiki again, queue's dossier image for it too*

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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How does the configuration:

sunlightColor = 1, 0.92, 0.85, 1

correspond to color temperature? If I knew how it corresponded to the CIE-1931 color space I might be able to come up with alternate configs for various spectra. Changing the color without bothering with luminosity wouldn't be that big of an issue since it is purely a visual change. (Unless something strange is going on/I am dumb).

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@JoseEduardo That's not meant to be availed to anyone as currently we would be obligated to alter planet orbits to match those alternate sun specs and currently we are bound by the inability to specify custom lengths to a day and year. If that binding was not so, Gael would have a very different number of hours in a day and number of days in a year. We'd gladly have made Ciro ...even an O-class star without breaking everyone's sense of in-game time. :P

@MaxL_1023 That number is RGBA format with 0 ~ 1 (valid values) representing 0 ~ 255. Change the RGB portion only.

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an O class star would spark a lot of "bug" reports from people asking "TOO BLUEY AND TOO BIG, LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE, FIX" :P

would be cool though :P

as for the other configs, forgot that you guys went for a realistic system rather than another kerbol system :P

EDIT: speaking of such bright star made me remember of when I went to Maia in Elite: http://imgur.com/a/GTwPI

I found other two systems with blue stars before getting to Maia, but I don't remember what class they were

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Alright, here are some configs to get different Ciro colors:

A0: (Teff = 11500K): sunlightColor = 0.7567, 0.8353, 1, 1 (This is Vega)

F0: (Teff = 7020K): sunlightColor = 0.9490, 0.9490, 1, 1

G0: (Teff = 5980K): sunlightColor = 1, 0.9647, 0.9255, 1 (Alpha Centauri A with a little fever)

G2: (Teff = 5800K): sunlightColor = 1, 0.9529, 0.9059, 1 (Real-Life Sun Approximation)

G6: (Teff = 5350K): sunlightColor = 1, 0.92, 0.85, 1 (Default - based on matching color temp)

K0: (Teff = 5240K): sunlightColor = 1, 0.9137, 0.8392, 1 (This is close to Alpha Centauri B)

M0: (Teff = 3800K): sunlightColor = 1, 0.7882, 0.6157, 1 (The red dwarf boundary)

M5: (Teff = 3020K): sunlightColor = 1, 0.7020, 0.4431, 1 (Proxima Centauri)

If you want to find anything specific, look up the color temperature you want and follow this link to get the RGB equivalents:


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  On 12/2/2016 at 9:07 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

Sorry, no. GPP removes every stock body. Anything in orbit or landed at them will become invalid and any crew will be K.I.A. The only things you can carry over are the craft files in your save folder.


This was not the case for me, I loaded this mod into a copy of my game, and everything was fine... all my satellites were in different places, same with anything in orbit... stuff landed didn't fare well, but nothing was manned. Oh and all the Kerbals lost all their experience.

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  On 12/3/2016 at 3:33 AM, MaxL_1023 said:

How does the configuration:

sunlightColor = 1, 0.92, 0.85, 1

correspond to color temperature? If I knew how it corresponded to the CIE-1931 color space I might be able to come up with alternate configs for various spectra. Changing the color without bothering with luminosity wouldn't be that big of an issue since it is purely a visual change. (Unless something strange is going on/I am dumb).


From what I've been able to figure out, the following is what the various sun configuration settings do.

The color of the sun's disc, such as when viewed up close in the Tracking Station, is given by:

    emitColor0 = 
    emitColor1 = 
    sunspotColor = 
    rimColor = 

The color of the halo of light around the sun when viewed from a distance is given by:

    sunLensFlareColor = 

In GPP the above is set to 0,0,0,0 because Ciro's color is controlled by Scatterer.  That's why we have an alternate Ciro.cfg for users who don't want to use Scatterer.

The color of the sun's light, i.e. the light that illuminates objects, is given by:

    sunlightColor = 
    scaledSunlightColor = 
    IVASunColor = 
    ambientLightColor = 

  On 12/3/2016 at 2:56 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@MaxL_1023 @JoseEduardo Pardon me, guys. I've been confused. I may have referenced the stock Sun too much. Ciro is not G0 but a G6 star, slightly less massive (96% of), slightly wider (1.02 radii) and slightly dimmer (0.87 luminosities) than the real Sun.

*amends wiki again, queue's dossier image for it too*


I'm glad you corrected yourself because I was about to.  Going by this page - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-type_main-sequence_star - Ciro lies between G5 and G6 based on mass, and between G6 and G7 based on temperature.  So that's why I listed it as a type G6 main sequence star.

Edited by OhioBob
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  On 12/3/2016 at 3:43 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@JoseEduardo That's not meant to be availed to anyone as currently we would be obligated to alter planet orbits to match those alternate sun specs and currently we are bound by the inability to specify custom lengths to a day and year. If that binding was not so, Gael would have a very different number of hours in a day and number of days in a year. We'd gladly have made Ciro ...even an O-class star without breaking everyone's sense of in-game time. :P


There was a time very early in GPP's development when we wanted to place Gael farther away from Ciro, being that Gael is the fourth planet in the system.  This would have made Ciro a bigger and brighter star.  It also would have given Gael a longer orbital period.  But unfortunately we were handcuffed by the fact that the built-in calendar is hardcoded to 426 days of 6-hours duration (2556 hours total).  This meant that, in order to preserve realism, we had to place Gael in its current orbit and make Ciro its current size and brightness.  We ended up squeezing the inner four planets a little closer together to make it work.

Since then, Kopernicus has added a custom calendar that links the lengths of the day and year to the rotational and orbital periods of the homeworld (possibly as a result of my urging).  Had that feature been around three months ago, the GPP solar system would probably be a little different today.

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