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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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GPP requires Kopernicus as a dependency and as such will not work on KSP 1.5+ at this time. Please retain your KSP 1.4.5 (or earlier) installs with the corresponding version of Kopernicus that matches your KSP version (1.4.x-*). Kopernicus will not function if you try to run a version that is not designed to work with KSP 1.5 at this time and will corrupt your saves if attempted.

Please be patient and continue with your current GPP games; an update will be released in due course when GPP's dependencies update to KSP 1.5.

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With the newest update of Kopernicus, the locked out of saving, loading, or exiting and orbital icons FPS fixes are both in the mainline releases of Kopernicus. Both of those bugs had large impact on GPP because:

a) GPP manipulates launch sites, activating the first bug

b) GPP has a lot of celestial bodies, exacerbating the second issue

c) GPP has a big subscriber base

Happy exploring!

Edited by whitespacekilla
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  On 10/16/2018 at 5:56 PM, whitespacekilla said:

With the newest update of Kopernicus, the locked out of saving, loading, or exiting and orbital icons FPS fixes are both in the mainline releases of Kopernicus. Both of those bugs had large impact on GPP because:

a) GPP manipulates launch sites, activating the first bug

b) GPP has a lot of celestial bodies, exacerbating the second issue

c) GPP has a big subscriber base

Happy exploring!


Are you experiencing noticeable performance improvements in the Tracking Center?

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  On 10/16/2018 at 6:27 PM, Poodmund said:

Are you experiencing noticeable performance improvements in the Tracking Center?


I'm still running my unofficial build against 1.4.5 but, yes, the performance improvement was substantial during my testing and the updated code is definitely incorporated into the new releases. Mostly made the above notice to GPP users because the new release has a lot of love for the GPP playerbase that other planet packers might not notice.

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  On 10/16/2018 at 8:45 PM, whitespacekilla said:

I'm still running my unofficial build against 1.4.5 but, yes, the performance improvement was substantial during my testing and the updated code is definitely incorporated into the new releases. Mostly made the above notice to GPP users because the new release has a lot of love for the GPP playerbase that other planet packers might not notice.


yup can attest to this, not using GPP but OPM atm but the map view went from unplayable slideshow to doable semi-smooth

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  On 10/16/2018 at 6:27 PM, Poodmund said:

Are you experiencing noticeable performance improvements in the Tracking Center?


Once in Tracking Center it's very smooth. It takes the game longer to open the Tracking Center though. There's a definite wait between the time you click on it and when it actually opens.

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  On 10/17/2018 at 6:25 PM, Lijazos said:

I'm noticing a considerable freeze when changing from vessel view to map view (3-4 seconds freeze).

I'm a newbie in GPP. It is a clean install with only GPP and Sigma Skybox. Nothing else.

It it "normal"?


Depends on the specs of your system. If you have a slower processor, you may experience longer load times. 

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  On 10/18/2018 at 2:05 AM, Galileo said:

Depends on the specs of your system. If you have a slower processor, you may experience longer load times. 


I've never had this kind of issue before, even while running heavily modded saves, just after updating to 1.5.

The freeze is simillar to the small extra time it takes to open the Traking Station now in 1.5 compared to previous versions. A lot of people noticed that one.

i5 6500 3.2ghz
1060 6GB

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You're damn lucky. For me, the game stops responding (as in, application itself) for 15-20 seconds. Granted, my specs are a bit worse than yours (3rd generation i7 @2800 MHz, 32GB DDR3 and a pathetic 2GB videocard) - but this is the first time I have an issue while changing scenes like this, in KSP or other games.

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  On 10/18/2018 at 3:11 PM, Eaten by Black Hole said:

there should be a optional mod makes the kerbol as secondary star system


That probably would be a nice option, but GPP is already complicated enough with all the options that it offers (GPP, GPP+GEP, GPP+OPM, GPP+GEP+OPM, GPP_Secondary, etc).  If we were to add another option I think my head would explode trying to get it all to work.  And besides, our motivation to do anything more on GPP beyond routine maintenance has pretty much bottomed out.

Edited by OhioBob
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  On 10/18/2018 at 3:11 PM, Eaten by Black Hole said:

there should be a optional mod makes the kerbol as secondary star system


I'm not going to bash but, why would players want the same old set of planets they've already played thousands of hours in, to become the end-game? GPP was made for players who are fed up of the stock system.

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I'm also having considerable (-+ 4 seconds) lag when switching to map view (by pressing M), where before there was none. The mods i'm running are: Kerbal engineer redux, Kopernicus, and of course Galileo's Planet Pack. Naturally I'm running KSP in 64 bit mode. It happens even on low part count rockets, after starting a new game, after a full reinstall. I have no further performance issues.

Hardware: Intel 6500K, 16 GB ram,  AMD Radeon 390, Windows 10 running latest patches. KSP is installed on an SSD.

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  On 10/19/2018 at 7:06 AM, Joop Bananenbuiger said:

I'm also having considerable (-+ 4 seconds) lag when switching to map view (by pressing M), where before there was none. The mods i'm running are: Kerbal engineer redux, Kopernicus, and of course Galileo's Planet Pack. Naturally I'm running KSP in 64 bit mode. It happens even on low part count rockets, after starting a new game, after a full reinstall. I have no further performance issues.


I don't believe it's a GPP issue.  It appears the problem occurs with all planet packs in KSP 1.5.

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  On 10/18/2018 at 4:39 PM, OhioBob said:

That probably would be a nice option, but GPP is already complicated enough with all the options that it offers (GPP, GPP+GEP, GPP+OPM, GPP+GEP+OPM, GPP_Secondary, etc).  If we were to add another option I think my head would explode trying to get it all to work.  And besides, our motivation to do anything more on GPP beyond routine maintenance has pretty much bottomed out.


I did figure out how to make Kerbin and Gael a binary system finally - got my answer reading sciency stuff actually, and it basically merges everything else into one nice system...oh well :)

  On 10/18/2018 at 6:54 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

I'm not going to bash but, why would players want the same old set of planets they've already played thousands of hours in, to become the end-game? GPP was made for players who are fed up of the stock system.


I tried GPP as secondary, but the contract system got stuck wanting my 3rd step in the space program to mine ore on Iota and explore Ciro...at my current tech level it was a 1000 year trip.  So I got the idea to move things a little closer, and then realized without some heavy re-arrangement it would get too crowded.

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  On 10/19/2018 at 4:09 PM, OhioBob said:
  On 10/19/2018 at 7:06 AM, Joop Bananenbuiger said:

I'm also having considerable (-+ 4 seconds) lag when switching to map view (by pressing M), where before there was none. The mods i'm running are: Kerbal engineer redux, Kopernicus, and of course Galileo's Planet Pack. Naturally I'm running KSP in 64 bit mode. It happens even on low part count rockets, after starting a new game, after a full reinstall. I have no further performance issues.


I don't believe it's a GPP issue.  It appears the problem occurs with all planet packs in KSP 1.5.


If it's affecting all planet packs could it be a Kopernicus issue? @Thomas P., have you heard about this yet?

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  On 10/19/2018 at 4:34 PM, PolecatEZ said:

I tried GPP as secondary, but the contract system got stuck wanting my 3rd step in the space program to mine ore on Iota and explore Ciro...at my current tech level it was a 1000 year trip.  So I got the idea to move things a little closer, and then realized without some heavy re-arrangement it would get too crowded.


The stock contract system is not a particularly well-made or, I assume, mod-friendly machine. It only considers the stock planets, their narrow variety and their specific order in whatever under-the-hood logic there is. This is why Contract Configurator and Strategia exist, both mods made by a former Squad staff. ;)

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  On 10/19/2018 at 5:09 PM, Tyko said:

If it's affecting all planet packs could it be a Kopernicus issue? @Thomas P., have you heard about this yet?


The cause was discovered and documented in the Kopernicus/Kittopia forum:

  On 10/21/2018 at 12:03 AM, nismobg said:

There seems to be a problem with :

    useOnDemand =True
    useManualMemoryManagement = True

It lags loading from Tracking Center or switching in flight to Map View with any planet pack, small or big.

If you set to False, problem disappears and it transitions scenes instantaneously, if you can suck up the big Mem hog for loading the planets permanently.


Tradeoff is listed there. Seems like this improvement to memory will probably get reverted in favor of fast switching but who knows when. I investigated mainly to see if this was related to one of my contributions. Instead, related to some optimizations and improvements Sigma's worked on. Poodmund already entered a github issue for it: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/issues/323

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Hey, so I've started a new career save (1.4.5) and just realized after my first Tellumo orbiter that Lili's orbit line was removed. I think this is an older change. This means I can no longer target it and effectively reach it- what was the reason for this change? It's kind of annoying especially as how I have a Lili mission in the works and want to be able to get there.

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