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The Truth Can Now Be Told - GTA Lunar


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  On 1/27/2022 at 9:18 PM, TheKrakenHerder said:

Moar please!!!! This is beautiful.


Had a lull in work at end of last year, but that got filled with other real life stuff, then it was back to work in the new year on a new project, so time's been pretty tight lately.

Once things calm down a bit, more dodgy photos of kerbals encountering stange tall aliens should be on the cards.

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  On 1/8/2017 at 1:13 PM, purpleivan said:



On an early Apollo missions one of the alien craft attempt a docking with one of the American spacecraft.

"The LEM had just detached from the CM and was in a roll so that we could inspect it when I noticed an unidentified object approaching at high speed from forward of the spacecraft.

It was traveling at a heck of rate straight at us, but when it was about 100 feet out, it fired what looked something like our retros and slowed down to a foot or two per second. After that, the vehicle maneuvered in towards our docking port and seemed to make an attempt to connect with us.

I didn't expect the vehicle would be able to dock with us, couldn't imagine that their equipment was compatible with our, but that didn't seem to stop them trying. They must have bumped into the docking ring 3, 4 times before they gave up and each time they hit, their vehicle would wobble around like crazy before they backed off and tried again.

Just glad the LEM could still dock with us again after the hammering the docking gear had taken."




Now wait a minute, this text implies that the LM was yet to land, but the picture clearly has only the ascent stage after they had already left the Moon's surface!

Edited by Maria Sirona
Accidentally quoted the entire post, removed irrelevant material
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  On 1/29/2022 at 1:54 PM, Maria Sirona said:

Now wait a minute, this text implies that the LM was yet to land, but the picture clearly has only the ascent stage after they had already left the Moon's surface!


Weeeeell... that might be true :D

Actually it's the ascent stage only in the image, but not after an ascent from the lunar surface. The reason for that is that it's an Apollo 10 image.

For most of the earlier images I just dove in and wrote something around the image, without much checking (if any) of the context of them. Later image writeups are based around documentation like the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal.

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  On 1/29/2022 at 3:42 PM, purpleivan said:

Weeeeell... that might be true :D

Actually it's the ascent stage only in the image, but not after an ascent from the lunar surface. The reason for that is that it's an Apollo 10 image.

For most of the earlier images I just dove in and wrote something around the image, without much checking (if any) of the context of them. Later image writeups are based around documentation like the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal.


Oh OK thanks

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  • 6 months later...

At precisely 3:47pm (EDT) this reporter was in receipt of the latest in a long line of unusual packages, of unknown origin. These packages, all of which contained a single photograph and a transcript of an astronaut debriefing, have mystified this reporter since the very beginning.

Here I relate the events of the arrival of this latest package.


It was a warm summer afternoon. Weather perfect to take a walk in the park, to take a dog to the beach, or to pluck truth from the sea of mysteries and lies that is life in the big city.

This reporter was hard at work on the later of those seasonal pursuits, when a package was dropped at his desk by one of the secretaries from the pool. On inspection of this unexpected arrival, it was discovered that mysteriously there was no return address on the delivery note that accompanied it. Stranger still it was wrapped in what appeared to be birthday wrapping paper, featuring a cartoon animal.

The wrapping paper was bound in a neatly tied, large blue satin bow.

Suspecting that the contents might be something out of the ordinary and noticing the lack of appropriate identification of the sender, this reporter hot-footed it to the stairs down to the lobby. On reaching the once grand, but now sadly dilapidated entrance to this newspaper's building, there was no sign of the courier. Only the usual lobby staff were there, plus a small group of college kids, one a male, sporting a rather fetching cravat, the other two being of the female gender.

I approached the male of the group and enquired if they had seen a courier pass through the lobby, but unfortunately they had not. In reply they asked if I too had seen someone, another member of their group. A male, late teens, of rather unkempt appearance, and prone to getting lost, who had gone in search of a lunch cart, or other food provision that the building might offer.

The student made mention of another missing member of their group, but as my focus was finding the vanished courier, I didn't catch their name.

I then headed for the back stairs, to see if the deliverer of the package had exited the building in that direction. It would be no surprise if a person so negligent as to to fail to ensure delivery with the correct documentation, would exit the building via a dingy back alley.

Having made it through the maze like corridors to the rear stairs without sighting the courier, this reporter heaved open the heavy door that secures the entrance to the alley. The alley, quiet at first, suddenly burst into life when a large dog, trailing a string of sausages from its mouth, sped out of a door on the other side of the alley and ran straight across, entering a door at the base of this building. Following rapidly behind was what appeared to be a person dressed in a poor halloween outfit. No more than a sheet with a pair of holes cut in it, presumably to allow vision for the wearer.

Strange behaviour indeed for mid July.


With my search for the courier now at an end, I turned my back on the alley and it's unseasonable occupants and made my way back to my office.

At my desk once more I was again presented with the sight of the strange parcel and pondered its origin.

Was the cartoon gift wrap a fiendish clue from the sender of the package? The same could be asked of blue ribbon?

What did they mean?

With no other avenue of investigation available to this reporter, the only remaining course of action was to tear off the gaudy covering of the package, a disguise if you will, to reveal the truth beneath.

The truth inside being another of the by now familiar large manilla envelopes, that have brought with them truths from beyond this world.

Speaking of the truth, some have accused this newpaper, even this reporter, of fabricating both the photographs and the accompanying transcripts. The same documents that I have toiled long and hard to get to the bottom of their mystery.

But to what end dear reader, to what possible end would I, or this venerable newspaper, engage in such chicanery.

Yes, circulation has increased 270% since publication of these photographs began. Yes I have been made many lucrative offers by competing publications? Yes I have moved from my tiny desk by the copy machine to a nice office next to the editor. However these trinkets would never be enough to sway the honesty of a seasoned newspaper man.

It is this reporter's opinon that there can be no doubt. This documentation of otherworldly encounters is real. These are genuine encounters with alien beings in possession of technology; which although crude, possibly poorly constructed and diminutive in size, is at least a match for the best that this nation can build.

But behind the mystery of these strange alien creatures lies an even greater one. Not a question that reaches towards beings across the cosmos, but to those much closer to hand.

Who has been sending this documentation and to what end, why had they not sent them all at once, and why did all the photographs smell of liquor and fried chicken.

This reporter is still in the dark as to the aims (possibly sinister) of those providing these packages and their unusual contents, but all I provide to you my readers, are the facts, such as they are.

The rest remains a mystery.



"On EVA-2 we were making preparations for the drive from Station 2 to Station 3 and I was to taking some photos of the rover at the end of the roll before swapping to a new magazine, while Jack was seated in the rover.

I was lining up a good shot of the fender repair we made before leaving the landing site. It didn't look pretty, but that tape, clips and cronopaque maps did the job.

Anyway, I was about to take the shot when one of those creatures ran into view from my right. I almost jumped out of my suit, it was a hell of surprise, but at least we'd seem them before during EVA-1 and they seemed friendly enough.

It leaned in towards the wheel as if it was taking a look at my handywork on the fender. Then it reached out and grabbed the end of the map and started tugging away at it. That thing was only held on with clips and tape, so I reached out to stop that creature yanking it off. But as I did that it stopped tugging and turned round looking at me with this big grin on its face.

I pushed in on the shutter button to take the photo, I was hoping to get a closeup of the creature as well as the repair and as I took the shot it gave me what looked like a thumbs up sign. I guess it liked what it saw.

It then turned round to my right and lit up one of those rocket packs they have.

I got sprayed with dust from that thing but could see it heading away up sun. I tracked it for about a half minute before it set down on the surface, maybe a quarter mile or so away, behind a large boulder.

I moved around a little to see if I could get a view at where that thing landed, but after 10 to 15 seconds some kind of vehicle took off from behind the boulder. The thing headed straight up and then pitched over in our direction, it must have passed over us at about 70 to 100 feet up, then continued on down sun until it went out of sight about a minute later. It was an open vehicle and had that creature was sitting on top of it in some kind of seat.

That thing looked like it was made from all sorts of weird parts, strung together with what looked like thin metal struts. Looked like somebody slapped together parts of a ride-on lawn mower and some welding tanks and called it a day. Made my work on the fender repair look like precision engineering.

No idea how that thing of theirs was capable of flying."

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  On 8/1/2022 at 6:41 PM, purpleivan said:

At precisely 3:47pm (EDT) this reporter was in receipt of the latest in a long line of unusual packages, of unknown origin. These packages, all of which contained a single photograph and a transcript of an astronaut debriefing, have mystified this reporter since the very beginning


Yay, another chapter in the saga

Thank you for continuing

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  On 9/20/2022 at 4:17 AM, Ariel Kerman said:

This thread started when I first played this game six years ago, it's great to see it continue to this day!
We will someday know the true about the informant? Due the kerbal tech goes faster than ours, we will see more advanced "alien vehicles" during the Shuttle era? 


Shuttle era you say...


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  • 10 months later...
  On 8/14/2023 at 6:35 PM, TwoCalories said:

Impressive stuff, @purpleivan. I actually managed to prank someone with these photos and I had them believing that the Apollo astronauts saw aliens on the Moon (at least until I showed them the ones with the Kerbals' faces to reveal it was a prank).

By the way, is LOST on Laythe dead?


It's not dead, in fact I have the rest of the story laid out, but just need the time to work on it.

Edited by purpleivan
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  • 7 months later...
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  On 3/10/2025 at 4:43 PM, Eclipse 32 said:

this alive?


Errr... sort of.

I've come close to doing the work for a new "photo" a couple of times over the last few months, but then something got in the way each time and I forgot about it.

All I can really say about the future of posts to this thread is "maybe"... if I get the urge and then follow through on it and there's no distractions that pull me away.

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Our brave reporter has passed news to me, that he has found another photo and now just needs to "get his story straight" about how he came to possess it. 

Knowing this person as I do, their process will likely involve an unhealthy quantity of their favourite tipple, a large pastrami and pickle sandwich (extra sauerkraut) on rye, followed by a long and loudly snoring, nap.

Watch this space.

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  On 3/13/2025 at 10:39 AM, purpleivan said:

Our brave reporter has passed news to me, that he has found another photo and now just needs to "get his story straight" about how he came to possess it. 

Knowing this person as I do, their process will likely involve an unhealthy quantity of their favourite tipple, a large pastrami and pickle sandwich (extra sauerkraut) on rye, followed by a long and loudly snoring, nap.

Watch this space.




also, it appears you misspelled  favorite.

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