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Development Update for Consoles!


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Its definitely a ridiculous length of time going on here.  Perhaps Squad is paying Blitworks "per release", such that getting a functional re-port out the door in a reasonable time frame followed by several hotfix patches as QA continues to find bugs would cost them far more than holding off, letting the community turn on itself, and only have to pay for one console update. 


There has got to be a reason Squad and now Take Two Interactive are sitting on this update for so long, and I just dont buy "we want to make it as good as possible" as the prime motivator.  

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On 2017-07-21 at 8:20 PM, OrganizedChaos said:

Isn't Q A usually towards the end? 

In any form of modern software development, no.

Back (way back) when I was actually coding for a living we had long stretches of joy coding and then handed our master pieces over to QA.

Who then spent loads of time picking our work apart forcing us honest coders to spend weeks or months fixing their nags.

And then it started over ...

In the modern world it's a continuous process.

And while being a dedicated "Grumpy Ol' Git"(tm) I have to admit that the modern ways, like "Agile", makes sense ...

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1 hour ago, DunaManiac said:

I recently had a dream about consoles. I opened ksp one day, and I looked at the version, and it said 1.2! I was so happy, and played it. And when I woke up, I was like Dang! I wish that was real!;.;

That is hands down the most absurd, outlandish dream I've ever heard. 

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In the weekly...


On console news, our QA team is attempting to overload the console build’s save files. They have been failing at achieving this so far, which is a good thing. It just seems to keep on trucking. Both console versions are now fully playable, but as we’ve reiterated, we are currently on a very scrupulous testing phase to ensure a true KSP game experience for console players.



4 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

I recently had a dream about consoles. I opened ksp one day, and I looked at the version, and it said 1.2! I was so happy, and played it. And when I woke up, I was like Dang! I wish that was real!;.;

...I've had dreams like that before, not about ksp specifically, but it's usually about something I want but cant have.  For example, waay back when the 360 came out, I wanted one so I could play oblivion but couldn't afford it.  I remember having a really vivid dream that I was finally playing it, the disappointment when you wake up is crushing ;.;

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3 hours ago, snemand12233 said:

when will ksp then come to Europe on ps4 i would like to now :P

I believe it was confirmed that the version for PS4 Europe would get released at around the same time as the other console versions in other markets.

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6 hours ago, Deddly said:

I believe it was confirmed that the version for PS4 Europe would get released at around the same time as the other console versions in other markets.

I sure hope they issue a sincere apology along with the new port

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19 hours ago, snemand12233 said:

when will ksp then come to Europe on ps4 i would like to now :P

18 hours ago, technicalfool said:

When it's ready!

15 hours ago, Deddly said:

I believe it was confirmed that the version for PS4 Europe would get released at around the same time as the other console versions in other markets.


I'd just like to point out that one of these responses was from SQUAD staff and the other from an unpaid, volunteer Moderator.

The moderator's response was as informative as it possibly could be given the circumstances.  The SQUAD staff's response was flippant and patronizing.  It boggles my mind that anyone at SQUAD could possibly continue to be so incredibly dismissive of any of their console user base.

As a console user looking to enjoy a game made my PC developers, I never expected to have a flawless gaming experience with KSP on the PS4.  It came as no surprise when I started playing it and I found that the controls were simply terrible.  But, after enough practice, they were functional enough to get the job done.  And when my save file was corrupted once after a couple days of playing, I was upset but chalked it up to an unfortunate experience.  Then it happened again, and again, and again.  So often, that I would find myself losing all of my save games after only a couple hours of starting anew.  It took long enough for SQUAD to even acknowledge that there was a problem, despite the fact that was obvious from the start.  Since that point, I personally have never felt that SQUAD was even the least bit concerned with all of the people, like myself, who had paid good money for their broken and unplayable game.

The only people who actually seemed to care have been the moderators.  From my perspective, they have been empathetic and compassionate, even when they themselves were under attack for not being able to share more information than they possessed.  They have kept this forum a relatively civil place to air frustrations and complaints, which is not an easy thing to do.  All this while the actual SQUAD employees were seeming doing their best to incite anger and frustration amongst their console user base.  At this point, I honestly can't believe that any SQUAD employees have any understanding of the concept of shame.  Any interaction with any of their console users, either present or potential, should show at least some contrition.  Instead, we get condescending remarks.


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1 hour ago, Jumba83 said:

The SQUAD staff's response was flippant and patronizing.

Go read back through the history.

"SoonTM" and "When it's ready" have been Squad's stock answers to ANY question about release dates since the beginning.  So whatever other valid complaints you may have, in this case you're being treated to equality with PC players.

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3 hours ago, razark said:

Go read back through the history.

"SoonTM" and "When it's ready" have been Squad's stock answers to ANY question about release dates since the beginning.  So whatever other valid complaints you may have, in this case you're being treated to equality with PC players.

Totally different set of circumstances in my opinion. For instance can you please tell me during which twelve month period the PC had absolutely no support? 

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We are doing our best and working very hard to deliver console ports that are free from the issues that the past ones had, as well as including impovements to the performance and the control scheme, based on feedback received from the playerbase. We don't want to disappoint anyone by rushing a release regardless of the quality of the product itself. @technicalfool wasn't trying to be disrespectful to anyone and he was just pointing out that we'll release the console ports once we are sure that we have high quality ports that work as they are supposed to. The development is already in the last stages and soon we'll give you a solid release date. We hope you understand and we thank you for your patience.

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1 hour ago, UomoCapra said:

We are doing our best and working very hard to deliver console ports that are free from the issues that the past ones had, as well as including impovements to the performance and the control scheme, based on feedback received from the playerbase. We don't want to disapoint anyone by rushing a release regardless of the quality of the product itself. @technicalfool wasn't trying to be disrespectful to anyone and he just pointing out that we'll release the console ports once we are sure that we have high quality ports that work as they are supposed to. The development is already in the last stages and soon we'll give you a solid release date. We hope you understand and we thank you for your patience.

That's much better! Thank You! :D:D

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4 hours ago, UomoCapra said:

The development is already in the last stages and soon we'll give you a solid release date.

Another empty message "about anything" ... Give us at least a little specifics, since you do not want to take responsibility for the release date :

The European release will be simultaneously with the American release? Will the additional PS4 pro's power be used to increase the number of parts, resolution or something else? Will the restriction of 300 parts on an ordinary PS4 be canceled? Will the touchpad be used in new control scheme? At least say something SPECIFICLY, without "common empty words"!

Edited by Kerbuvim
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16 minutes ago, Kerbuvim said:

Another empty message "about anything" ... Give us at least a little specifics, since you do not want to take responsibility for the release date :

When you respond like this to communication from the developers, do you think it encourages or discourages further communication?

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19 minutes ago, Kerbuvim said:

The European release will be simultaneously with the American release?

Yes. The release will be simultaneous. We've also given several details about the new control scheme (radial controls and manouver nodes adjustments), the improvements of shadows and the fix of the save file curruption issue in previous KSP Weeklies. We also stated that the new version will include update 1.2.2 and considering that the previous ones were equivalent to 1.1, there will be a sustantial amount of content new to consoles. I invite you to read the changelogs from 1.1 to 1.2.2 and everything in between.


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