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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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8 hours ago, SiriusRocketry said:

Almost got hit with a train today, the driver's face made me feel awful. Poor guy nearly liquided himself.

Luckily the natural human instinct of 'HOLY excrements GET OUT THE loveING WAY" overpowered my "just loveing die already" instinct. Plus, some poor excrements would've needed to scrape my brains off the train grill and I would've hated to be an inconvenience.

Welcome to my wonderful excrementsty life.

@Barzon Kerman Orright, mam. Oi did sleep.

Forum filter doing its job I see....

Anyways, what were you doing that got you to almost being hit by a train? Usually its.... not super easy right?


On stuff from me - came back yesterday from a backpacking trip. Showering was nice. Felt kinda dead inside and tired afterwards. Now I can work on finishing my flying wing.

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13 hours ago, Mikenike said:

in english please.

The game engine computes physics inside a small spherical area from the current player position aka "physics bubble" aka "on rails" (default size ~ 2 km).
If you make something bigger, it gets unstable and should crash someway.

If you make a planet smaller than the physical radius, it will also cause physics calculation problems.

You can extend the radius by settings or mods, but the larger is the range, the more objects gets inside and should be calculated, as a result it's also not recommended.

And that's the only reason of the space elevators absence in KSP.

Edited by kerbiloid
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1 hour ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Aaaand now you’ll never sleep again. :confused:

Heh, wouldn't that be a weird superpower. "I ate these magic fruits and now I am energized forever!"

Really the little fruits only have about 2 seeds each, and that's not a lot compared to what's in a cup.


I saw today's solar eclipse too!

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9 hours ago, cubinator said:
10 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Aaaand now you’ll never sleep again. :confused:

Heh, wouldn't that be a weird superpower. "I ate these magic fruits and now I am energized forever!"

Granted. Instead of waiting 2/3 of your life for the future 1/3, you can spend that 1/3 right now, in the night time.

(Oh, a wrong game thread,)

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I just tried installing Need for Speed Carbon (from 2006). Why? No idea, I just wanted to play it again. Last time I played it was on a PS2 and I completed the game!
...by cheating.

Anyway, after the EA logo the game instantly crashes. I don't know why, out of the thousand of reasons it could. Win7 is not listed as a recommended OS as it didn't exist back then, 1.7GHz are required vs. 12GHz I have, perhaps even the screen resolution of 1680x1050, my second monitor did "flicker" a bit.

But I guess my computer is just a tad too fast for the game :(

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6 minutes ago, Delay said:

I just tried installing Need for Speed Carbon (from 2006). Why? No idea, I just wanted to play it again. Last time I played it was on a PS2 and I completed the game!
...by cheating.

Anyway, after the EA logo the game instantly crashes. I don't know why, out of the thousand of reasons it could. Win7 is not listed as a recommended OS as it didn't exist back then, 1.7GHz are required vs. 12GHz I have, perhaps even the screen resolution of 1680x1050, my second monitor did "flicker" a bit.

But I guess my computer is just a tad too fast for the game :(

Did you try compatibility mode for Vista or XP?  It works like 0.2% of the time.

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12 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

Did you try compatibility mode for Vista or XP?

Carbon requires the DVD in the drive to run, like most games I have from that era. Haven't seen that lately, but purely digital copies of games have essentially taken over the market completely at this point, so it's hard to check for a disc anyways. With compatibility mode set to XP it doesn't even detect the disc at all and tells me to insert it.

(Short bit of information I found interesting: Previous installments, Underground 2 and Most Wanted at least, actually allowed you to boot the game directly from the disc without needing to install it. They did however advise you not to do that, saying that it's slower than running it from a hard disk.)

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13 minutes ago, Delay said:

boot the game directly from the disc without needing to install it.

Oh god, I remember those days.  I was super excited when I brought Sim Copter, probably from a garage sale, and it asked me if I wanted to install it or not, since it would take like 100 freaking megabytes.  And when your shared family computer has a 4 GB HDD in it, that's actually a concern.


I miss that game.  I wonder if I still have it...I got Halo CE PC to run in Wine... Sim Copter would probably work...

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My bad.  Not 100mb.  38 for "best performance."



Wine is perfectly ok with it, unfortunately it's either this or fullscreen.  This is preferable.  It also runs much faster than it should, so practically unplayable.  Remember the good ole times when games were written with the idea that the computer's crappy hardware would keep it at the right speed?  I mean, that is how we got the concept of increasing difficulty after all..


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19 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

Remember the good ole times when games were written with the idea that the computer's crappy hardware would keep it at the right speed

IIRC that's why Space Invaders speeds up with less stuff on the screen. The hardware can make more calculations per second for every entity -> the game runs faster.

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Just now, Delay said:

IIRC that's why Space Invaders speeds up with less stuff on the screen. The hardware can run faster -> the game runs faster.

Yup, hence the comment immediately after the one you quoted.

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Despite the specially developed hardware, Nishikado was unable to program the game as he wanted—the Control Program board was not powerful enough to display the graphics in color or move the enemies faster—and he ended up considering the development of the game's hardware the most difficult part of the whole process.[11][15] While programming the game, Nishikado discovered that the processor was able to render the alien graphics faster when there were fewer on the screen. Rather than design in compensation for the speed increase, he decided to keep it as a challenging gameplay mechanism

Source: Wikipedia.

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58 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

It also runs much faster than it should, so practically unplayable.

Well, SimCopter runs way too fast to be playable, and Carbon outright crashes.

It's not a big stretch to think that CPU speed has something to do with it.

Especially since this is a thing:
"don't run the game as admin. instead use the widescreen .asi or extra options (both have the savegame fix)
its due to windows 10 being much faster than an xbox 360 (it also happens on faster win7 systems due to console optimised code not working at high speeds) the save game fix removes some code so that it never fails "

Now granted, they're talking about a savegame glitch and a fix for that. But at least it demonstrates that processor speed can affect the games behavior.


Is it somehow possible to "slow down" the CPU to a rate the game can work with? I know Most Wanted from just one year prior worked on my old computer with 2.14GHz (wait... 231-1 Hz? It was a 32-bit XP computer...) and it runs on the same engine and with some of the same code.


(Hopefully they reworked the pursuit code, for some reason I and many others got a R6025 runtime error during lengthier pursuits)

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Okay, technically this happened yesterday.

I work in an institute specializing in material science research. Since I am a CFD guy, I mostly deal with software and I barely have to move away from my computer. I overheard this exciting piece of news: A new batch of hydrogen peroxide had just arrived. I remembered that you could use kerosene and hydrogen peroxide as rocket propellant. But the peroxide was only 35% concentration. For use as propellant, a high concentration of 85-98% is required. 

I suggested my immediate senior(she's only an year older) that we should refine the peroxide even further, take it to 85%. That was a mistake, she smacked me.Smacked me so hard, my glasses flew off my ears. :D

And then she got emotional (?) and made me promise that I will never mess with any chemicals. Otherwise she will lock me up in the computer lab. I was then told the horrors of High Test Peroxide, and a bazillion ways I could die from it. :0.0:

But all is not lost! I have permission to simulate Kerosene - HTP combustion in Ansys FLUENT. She will give me the machine time I need for that.

Edited by Selective Genius
English not my native language...
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Next time suggest her to try a pentaborane + oxygen fluoride test. Maybe she'll just give you all other passwords.

Also don't forget that any dealing with hydrogen peroxide requires special precautions:


ÐаÑÑинки по запÑоÑÑ german peroxide plane


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